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POV Atsuchi

After three years of intense study and research, I finally find myself in my room, my private sanctuary where I can be free from any disturbances. I observe my clones dissipating beside me, satisfied with the work I have accomplished so far.

During this time, many things have happened, but my greatest achievement, without a doubt, was acquiring enough theoretical knowledge to manipulate my own biological structure. Now, everything is within my reach. I can develop my own Kekkei Genkai according to my will.

Initially, I thought about stealing existing Kekkei Genkai, like the Sharingan and the Byakugan, limiting myself to established bloodlines. However, I realized that I didn't need to restrict myself to those bloodlines when I have the power to create my own bloodline. With my abilities, there are no limits; everything depends on my own imagination.

So, I decided to seek out Obito Uchiha, who is currently weak compared to other Uchihas like Shisui, who already attends the ninja academy. However, Obito possesses tremendous potential, and his Mangekyou Sharingan is so powerful that he was able to cause as much chaos in the shinobi world as Madara Uchiha, dare I say.

But before anything else, I need to test something. I can't risk touching him while using my Biological Study ability, as he would surely become suspicious of my actions or even think I'm gay. Knocking out Obito and using my ability would be an option, but I can't guarantee that no one would discover it. After all, I'm being closely watched.

Amidst these circumstances, an alternative idea arises in my mind. It seems like a viable solution to my problems. "Yes, this might work," I reflect as I pick up a kunai and cut my finger, letting my blood slowly drip onto a desk near the window.

Observing my fresh blood on the table, a smile appears on my face. Bringing my hands closer, I lightly touch the red liquid, eager to use my Biological Study ability. I feel my chakra gradually being consumed, but I don't mind because my mind is instantly flooded with relevant information about my genetic structure.

When I stop using my ability, a sigh of tranquility escapes my lips. "With this, acquiring other bloodlines will be much easier," I conclude, pleased with my discovery.

It has been some time since I reached the pinnacle of biological knowledge, but I haven't found a suitable opportunity to put it into practice yet. So, to not waste any time, I decided to focus on enhancing my natural biological functions.

Among these enhanced functions, the most enviable and desired one is undoubtedly immortality, something even the legendary Sannin Orochimaru sought. You might be wondering how this became possible. In truth, it's a simple feat for someone with the ability of Biological Manipulation.

We can cite a famous example from the anime Naruto: Tsunade Senju. She possesses a powerful technique called Byakugou, which stores an enormous amount of chakra in a space behind the user's forehead, forming a diamond-shaped mark. When released, this mark allows the user to perform jutsus with ease.

Tsunade used this technique extensively to accelerate the process of cellular regeneration, thus reducing the time needed for healing. Thanks to my biological knowledge, it was easy to identify the problem with this technique.

Simply put, by accelerating cell division to regenerate tissues and organs, Tsunade ended up shortening her telomeres over time.

Telomeres, those small segments of DNA located at the ends of chromosomes, play a crucial role in our bodies. They have the function of protecting the genetic material during cell division, preventing damage to the chromosome. However, as cells divide repeatedly, telomeres gradually shorten. When they become too short, they enter a state known as "senescence," causing cells to stop reproducing. That's the reason why we age.

However, thanks to my ability of biological manipulation, I realized that at the peak of its potential, I could control telomeres in a way that prevents their shortening, thus maintaining my youth indefinitely. It would be like achieving physical immortality, remaining in a perpetual state of vigor and vitality.

But even being virtually immortal, I would still be vulnerable to a fatal attack. Therefore, the next natural step would be to develop a self-regeneration capability, something that could also be easily achieved using my biological manipulation to accelerate cell division, just like Tsunade and her Byakugou technique.

However, there was a limitation to consider: my ability still relied on my chakra reserves. I would only be truly immortal as long as I had enough chakra to sustain my biological manipulation. This was an issue I planned to address in the near future by exploring ways to increase and replenish my chakra reserves.

Refocusing on my initial mission, I recall the need to obtain Obito's genetic material to study his bloodline. This would be crucial in shaping my own lineage to benefit myself without causing too much trouble with the Uchiha Clan. With this goal in mind, I decide to leave home and begin my search for him.

I walk through the shadows of a melancholic Konoha, determined to find Obito. Upon reaching the ninja academy, I feel a wave of nostalgia as I observe the building that was my home during many years of study and training. I fondly remember the moments shared with my classmates, knowing that soon everything would change with the impending war.

"What war?" you may ask. Just like in the original work, the Third Great Shinobi War showed its first signs of eruption throughout these three years. However, I suspected that the war would start much earlier, but the presence of Sakumo still kept the nations in a state of cold war, avoiding a total conflict.

The nations still engaged in small skirmishes along the borders, in a dynamic of undermining the enemy's resources and increasing their own. These constant actions generated a growing demand for missions and an increase in tensions. The skirmishes began to spread and connect, creating a cycle of interconnected missions.

The war was inevitable at this point, and even Sakumo was called back to his duties as a shinobi by direct orders from the Hokage, using shallow rhetoric about the "will of fire."

Surprisingly, the fact that the war had not yet erupted postponed many of my plans at that time. However, it gave me a valuable opportunity to dedicate myself to training. During this period, I developed my own style of Kenjutsu, combining sword-fighting techniques from my past life with Sakumo's teachings. I created fluid and versatile movements that catered to all needs in sword combat.

Furthermore, the art of sealing also significantly evolved. After gaining the trust and respect of Kushina, I became her disciple in this complex art. The Uzumaki were notorious for their talent in this area, and Kushina was an exceptional master, brilliantly sharing her knowledge.

Of course, there was still much to learn from Kushina, but for now, my main focus was on developing my own style of Kenjutsu, mastering the seals that I had neglected for so long, and creating ninjutsu based on my morning reflections.

With these skills and ambitions in mind, I continue my journey in search of Obito, knowing that my quest for supreme power is intrinsically linked to this task.


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