
Naruto : Sasori Gaiden (What if Sasori survived ?) Akatsuki Gaiden

Deidara is chased while abducting gaara. Sasori fends off Sakura & Chiyo in a very close fight. But what if Sasori didn't hesitate, and survived ? What would happen to the ninja world afterwards ? Consequences : things take a sudden turn for the worse, and the story diverges dramatically. Akatsuki makes different moves. New Jashin worshippers ? New Itachi/Jiraiya/Orochimaru/Danzo developments. Naruto becomes a new person and starts using new jutsus. Official sponsor of this story : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7yYB5DC580&ab_channel=Riizki

Khataii · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


Numerous days pass by. In Mount Myoboku, a young man and his master simultaneously open their eyes after taking in nature energy. Toad-like pupils, yellow irides, orange around the eyes for Naruto; Dark red pigmentation around the eye stretching into a few round lines to the edges of the forehead, ears and cheeks for Jiraiya. It is clear : both of them have successfully mastered Sage mode. All that is left now is to make it last longer by training and staying still, which is easy to do at any free time. With this information, Jiraiya decides to get back to his affairs.

"Well then, time to get going." Jiraiya stands up, and readies his departure from Mount Myoboku.

"You learned far faster this time, Jiraiya-boy." Fukasaku says with a teasing and happy smile.

"Of course. I couldn't just sit and watch my stupid disciple become better than I am at sage mode. What kind of Toad sage would I be ?"

"The pervy kind. I can't believe you never told me about training with Shadow clones." Naruto grumbles and complains.

"You just... weren't ready." Jiraiya tries to hide his shame.

"Aah! You're lying!" but Naruto saw through it.

"Moron~. It's usually a very taxing technique. One wouldn't think outright about training with it. Kakashi said it, too. Only you can do it with your ridiculous amounts of chakra."

"But you knew."

"Arh! Enough complaining. I gotta hit the road. The shinobi world is in a disastrous state right now."

"Is it about the Hidden Sand ?"

"That's another issue by itself, but there's something else I've got to do... I need more writing material."


"Moroooo~n. You're too young to understand. That's it, I'm leaving." Jiraiya covers up the fact that he's embarking on a dangerous mission. He can't let Naruto know about it, worrisome as he is. He felt that at least he got to train him one last time, even though it was more as a partner than a teacher. Naruto watches Jiraiya get up and prepare to leave with a frown, that gradually turns into sad puppy eyes that clearly say they haven't got enough of him.

"Akatsuki is after you, but you're strong now, with your new jutsus and Sage mode. Take care of Konoha alright?"


[Reverse Summoning Jutsu]

Jiraiya leaves. Naruto continues his training in Mount Myoboku until further notice.

On the other side of the world, in the Hidden Cloud village. Precisely in the Raikage's office, Mabui brings some ominous news.

"Lord Raikage. I have a report. There have been sightings of a strange creature flying along the coast of the Land of Lightning, towards the middle. The description of its rider matches that of Akatsuki members : Black cloak with red cloud pattern."

"So they're after Bee, huh... Where is he now ?"

"Still in the storm cloud ravine, after he's been reprimanded for using the Eight-tails' chakra."

"If we send a cell to him, it might give out his location. We have to take out those accursed Akatsuki right now while they're lurking. We won't allow such behavior to go unpunished."

"Most of the sensories dispatched went missing or died. J sent a few message lizards that helped us get an estimate of their current position."

"Send Samui's cell to their last spotted location! C, you'll join them to speed up the search!"

"Yes, milord." C complies.

"I'll share with you the intel J gave us." Mabui adds facing C concerning his new mission.

[Summoning Jutsu]

Boom. A sudden chain of explosions is felt and heard all across the village. Panic ensues.

"Huh? What is now?" A the Raikage gets riled up and gets up from his seat to look at the village from the giant office window facing his back. But just before turning, a giant black and orange centipede with embedded rods bursts through the glass and stares down everyone in the office with its purple eyes. Then coils back, climbs down, crashes down one of the numerous houses built on top of the many fragile structures of the Hidden Cloud village, then proceeds to constrict and crush the vulnerable area of the upwards rock formations those houses were built on, easily making them crash down. Chikushōdō starts the violence, ravaging the frail foundations, wreaking havoc in multiple places at once with each summon. Followed by Shuradō, sending countless explosive missiles to the sturdier and better built places.

"The village is being attacked! Mabui call for Samui's cell and send orders to medical teams to tend to the villagers immediately."

"Yes milord!"

"C! What's the situation ?"

"7...8 strange creatures have been summoned, including the centipede we just saw! There has also been explosions in random locations."

"Damn this. Is it the Akatsuki already ?"

Moroi bursts through the door.

"Lord Raikage! There has been an intrusion, but only one person was detected going through the barrier. But people are reporting sightings of multiple black cloaks."

"These damned Akatsuki. I'll head there. C, come with me and tell me where they are."

"Do we call for Master B, milord ?"

"The Akatsuki is after him. They got Yugito, and now they're going for B. I won't let them have it. Assist the villagers too. I'll take care of these bastards."

A instructs C before jumping down from the raided office into the centipede's head, smashing it violently, damaging and leaving cracks all over its body, all while vigorously sceaming. Upon his descent with the creature, the latter lies on the ground and the Raikage lands on its head, standing and shouting loudly for everyone to hear :



The scattered crowd of people all feel a slight relief and let out their war cry in unison.

"And who might you be ?" Clad in black, a figure suddenly appears behind A saying this. The latter turns to find the culprit behind the attack. Short orange hair, purple eyes, and 3 rods piercing its nose. He then follows up by asking :

"Where is the Eight-tails ?"

"Damn Akatsuki BastaaaaaaaaaaAAARD!" but a loudly screamed threat was all he got from the Raikage, as the latter winds up a swift and obviously violent punch. But the ominous figure calmly watches it head his way before saying.

"It's time for you to know pain."

[Almighty Push (Shinra Tensei)]


Hidden Cloud village : assaulted by Pain.

Casualties : 100 dead, 800+ injured.

----------- Chapter 14 : End----------------------