

Hey guys not a chapter but just wanted to update you all on some changes coming to the book.

First I have been reading through your comments and noticed many people mentioning the timeline which has been messed up a bit so I will be going back to old chapters to change some things in order to fix it. So expect the MC to be a bit younger then Minato but still apart of his generation. Originally I planned on him being itachi's age then switched it to Kakahis but after checking everything it turns out he's couple years younger then Minato.

Next I plan on revising the first 6 chapters which are the invasion chapters. My start was pretty rough not gonna lie and I got better as time passed so I will be going back to fix what I can. Don't expect huge changes as that would require a whole rewrite of the story but I will do what I can 😁👌

Lastly except all this to be done by next Sunday or the Sunday after so weighing a 2 week period. Also if you haven't read my other book Naruto: The ƌtsutsuki System go give it a try it currently has 5 chapters but that will pick up quickly with me releasing at least 5 chapters a week with the occasional double chapter.

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