
15-step two of learning Rasengan

Time skip 1 month.

"I'll be deployed to the battlefield the day after tomorrow, so today I will just train as usual but tomorrow I'll rest so I can be at my best when I am going to battle." said aizen to himself as he descended the stairs down to the cellar

He had just finished his morning workout and Taijutsu training in the forest although this time he was alone as Yuji and Yanen had been deployed 15 days ago.

Another thing to note was that he had gotten used to the current weights he is wearing, right now he felt totally normal like he wasn't wearing any at all but he decided not to increase them until he got back from the battlefield.

Going to his usual training spot beside the river he sat down cross-legged, but this time he sat at the river bank to be closer to the river.

And the reason for that is that just last week he completely mastered the first step of the Rasengan, the rotation phase.

He could now keep the chakra blades rotating indefinitely and as fast as he wants without getting exhausted

All of that is thanks to him being able to contain them all at the top of his palm and keep them from flying away like they used to, saving him the hassle of creating more blades which in turn conserves his chakra.

After completely mastering the first step he was overwhelmed by happiness and joy, that is until he remembered the second step, power.

The user must increase the volume and density of chakra they produce, to help in this regard the user is given a rubber ball, although this time there is no water inside to help them burst the ball, and the rubber shell is thicker than a balloon's so it's way harder.

And this is where his dilemma comes, he didn't know how to go about it, for the rotation phase he came up with the idea to restrict all activity to the top of his palm and that's how he managed to get through it, but now he has to be creative and come up with another method.

And that's where the river comes into play, removing all his clothes except his underwear and weights he slowly entered the river.

As he entered at first he felt a chill from the cold river water but as it passed and he got used to it he could feel cold water messaging his sore muscles from this morning's training and he couldn't help but stop and relax for a bit to enjoy it.

After a while noticing himself getting lost in pleasure he stopped and resumed walking until most of his body was underwater except his neck and head.

Looking down at his palm that was underwater facing his face he focused as the water around it started moving violently all around.

This is the idea he came up with for the second stage called power for mastering the Rasengan.

The goal here was to increase the volume and density of the chakra he produces so much that it pops or breaks the water surface and makes a splash which in turn would signify the step completion.

Of course, there was a problem and that was to keep the chakra flow only going upwards and not dispersing to the sides which made it harder for him and required more chakra control on his part.

'But, the harder it is, the more benefits there'll be at the end of the road.' thinking that he increased his chakra supply making the water start to rage harder, but it was all contained to the area around his palm and not dispersing anywhere else.

After 10 minutes of doing this, he was breathing heavily with sweat running down his face like a waterfall, but he managed to stir the water up to 10 centimetres (3.9in)above his palm using his chakra alone which was an improvement from the last time of only 8 centimetres (3.1in).

He was still far from mastering this step which would require him to stir the water 50 centimetres (19.5in) above his palm which was at which point it'll break the water's surface but he was steadily getting there.

Going back to the bank of the river he rested there for a while before going back inside and going through the process all over again, he did this for about four hours before finally moving on to other stuff.

After he was done with his usual training routine he took a quick cold shower, had his fill to eat and called it a day, of course not before he studied his fuinjutsu book and took notes.


2 days later

Aizen wearing his battle gear along with a squad of other shinobi was again speeding through the forest, after more than 1 month of rest and training he was finally going back to the battlefield.

Unfortunately, Yanen and yuji have been deployed 15 days ago to another battlefield and he didn't have any news about them, 'I guess we won't be ganging up on anybody this time hehehe.' he thought to himself laughing in his head lifting his mode up.

Although he's cheering himself up he wasn't really all that concerned, he spent the major part of his life on the battlefield and he learned how to deal with it, in fact, he will feel uncomfortable if he was away from it for very long.

Also as much as he is ready to end people's lives he is prepared to be killed himself one day, That's just the way it is, he doesn't want it to happen of course and wants to live as anybody else would but he is prepared nonetheless.

'Plus I already died once and have seen the afterlife, what's the worst that could happen? If I died again I might even be lucky and break from that place another time, pulling a Kratos card on death but what are the chances of death happening.' he thought hopefully.

Thinking about the afterlife he couldn't help but remember those two places, although he has been preoccupied with training and getting stronger these days as that's the only way he can survive, he has never forgotten about them, nor about the change they brought to his soul.

That complete darkness and absolute brightness, those two places that almost dissolved his soul to nothingness and consumed it.

'Aside from heightened perception and that massive boost to the body flicker technique there doesn't seem to be any other changes brought about by the weird change to my soul.' he thought to himself, 'But, I have a feeling there is more to it than meets the eyes.'

"HEY YOU, keep up, you're falling behind." he heard a voice yelling.

Snapping back he noticed that he had indeed fallen back from his position in the formation, the person who had yelled at him was the person leading them.

Old man Yamamoto and the other two old timers had departed on the first day the war started and so they weren't the ones leading this squad.

'This is not the time to be thinking about this, I have more pressing issues at hand right now.' Thinking about this he focused and pulled himself back from his contemplation speeding and catching back with the group.



AN: if you like my story you can support me on pa-tre-on, it'll give me the motivation to keep delivering more content and you'll also get early access of up to 20 chapters.

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Also, don't be shy to drop me some of your power stones.

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