
First Goal Fulfilled

Rayzen had gained important information apart from the three techniques.

The knowledge on body and energy, specifically the cultivation aspects of it, like all the information on meridians, dantian and true essence movement through them, was imprinted into his mind and became a part of his memories as he went through them. He can perfectly recall them easily, so there was no issue of forgetting.

After going through the memories he gained, he was able to infer that, the true essence was the natural energy of this world, the soul force being an advanced tier of spiritual energy, and the astral essence being an advanced tier of physical energy.

It should be noted that the soul force is related to a person's memory and comprehension. It is the foundation for controlling true essence. Without the increase of soul force or enhancement of soul, a cultivator will have limited potential. Soul force was on a class of its own, among any known type of powers and it was fundamental to a higher level being's existence.

' So, a shinobi is a dual cultivator of body and soul, which constitutes chakra. From what I knew about it in the novel, the combination of body, soul and essence was that universe's ideal and central energy form, the Power of Divinity, and it is somewhat similar to the sage mode here, but the sage mode seems to be a beyond-the-limit-watered down version of Power of Divinity.'

Rayzen then looked into the three methods he got, unlike the novel, the Chaotic Virtual Combat Meridians Technique he got was not missing any parts. It was a body cultivation technique that could boost the physique and body strength of a cultivator.

The Overbearing Soul Tactic was a soul law formula that could increase the soul force of a cultivator. And the Basic Impurity Cleansing Technique was a method of using energy of any form to clear the body of impurities, the higher the grade of the energy, the better the cleansing effect.

'I don't know if any problem comes about with utilizing true essence energy, which is the natural energy here, like how in the anime, it was shown that people with Toad summon will turn into toad statues when they lose control of natural energy. Well, I'll cross that bridge, when I get there. '


Two years later...

Two shuriken came flying at a black- haired man, his eye lids opened to show the reflection of the two shurikens on the Sharingan with three tomoes spinning.

The first shuriken came at him as he blocked with a throw of one of his own. The second one came a bit late and was evaded the same way. But instead of the shurikens stopping their motion, the four shurikens changed their trajectory from the collision and following one more collision of the two pairs, they once again came at the man from four different angles, with an improved speed.

Like a flash, a kunai appeared in the man's hand as he striked the shurikens on the ground, to stop it from striking him again at seemingly unpredictable angles. He successfully striked the four, even though two of the shurikens came from blind sides, it was like he could see the trajectory perfectly. And just as he striked the last one down, a kunai came at him from his back, which he dodged effortlessly, as he moved forward and spinned and threw the kunai in his hands, which clashed against the one coming at him. The kunai that was coming at him, didn't stop as the small hand holding it effortlessly blocked it with a minimum momentum loss and the blocked kunai, was gently striked again just after, and it came into the other hand of the attacker like magic.

The attacker, didn't stop, but due to his loss of momentum from the quick clash, his moving figure became slow enough to see that it was a child with blue - black hair. The kid threw the kunai that he was moving forward with, at the man, and pushed his feet on the ground as he jumped forward following behind the kunai he threw, as he pushed the kunai, that he caught earlier, forward to pierce his target, by extending the hand holding it with force.

The man utilized the short loss of momentum he gained by throwing the kunai, as he jumped forward and spun to face the approaching attacker, as he took another kunai, from a hidden pocket in his sleeves using the free hand to block the kunai that was thrown at him.

The two then fought in close combat of body and kunai, as fists, legs and kunai clashed at speeds difficult to be tracked by normal people. They seperated once again and without a second of rest, both of them threw the remaining kunai at each other, which collided and fell on the ground.

The man didn't even wait to see the result of the throw, as he made hand-signs at a fast pace as he said:

"Fire style: Fireball Jutsu"

He exhaled a stream of fire which formed into a large fireball aimed at the position of the attacker.

The child also didn't wait a moment as he too made hand-signs, although slower than the man, but he didn't say the name of the technique out loud as he send out a fireball of his own.

' Fire style: Fireball Jutsu '

The two fireballs clashed into each other and got dispersed but the atmosphere got quickly heated up. The child had to dodge back a bit, since his jutsu came out a bit slower. And he fell back exhausted, as he had to disperse the man's fireball, by exhausting more of his chakra.

The man stopped the fight as he came to the boy and lifted him up from the ground. He happily said:

" Good job, Rayzen! You can be now considered an adult given that you grow up a bit more. Your fireball jutsu was excellent, but you need to improve the speed of your hand-signs. Your close combat skills are better than an average Genin and shuriken and kunai skills are better than even me without Sharingan. Your combat power is much better than the average Genin and your physique is surprisingly better than a Genin too. And this result was you without using your Sharingan! Otherwise I am sure it will be far better than now. You have proven yourself capable to tackle Genins, so I'll agree to your request. Asami can be an active nin. "

Rayzen was ecstatic, he fulfilled one of the first few goals he had ever since he was born in this world.

"Thank you Uncle!"

Takeshi replied proudly with excitement :

"No need to thank me. It's all your own effort. It's paramount that you don't attract the attention of others, so its better that you join the academy a few years later. What all organisations in this world, love to have is a young ninja with a very high potential, that can be moulded to carry their ideals."

Rayzen nodded as knew that without overwhelming power, he could only stay low-key.

After ending the training and playing along with his 'siblings' for the day, Rayzen later went home to share the news with Asami.

Next chapter