
Chapter 7: Final Time in District 12

The white uniformed men, withy black out visors and guns a their belts dragged a young 14 year old girl into a wide open, white room. It was bare except for a sofa, a coffee table and a chair opposite them. The men devoid of any features which would allow them to stand out from one another dropped the girl on the sofa. The manhandling and dragging of the girl by the faceless devils left her earlier clean, white dress now stained with dirt and dust. Watching as her captors walk out of the door and stood by the frame, she got up and sat herself in a fetal position with both her legs tucked into her body. Sobbing could be heard down the hallway as the girl rocked back and forth. Her face now tear stained as another woman walked in.

"Mother!" Katniss screamed out.

"Katniss, my poor, poor girl. I know it is a little late but I want you to know I am sorry for my neglect and am very, very thankful for your help for me and Prim."

"I know mother, I know. It is not your fault, you loved Father so much that it broke you to see him die."

The mother and daughter duo sat there crying for the next 10 minutes until another faceless devil came in and snatched away her mother.

Next in came Peeta's family members. As soon as they entered the mother went straight to the girl and slapped her.

"My son is now destined for death because he cares too much about you to kill you. So do not ever think that if you return back home champion everyone will accept you, no one will because they respect me enough. Without us the bakers, who own the only source of wheat other than the Tesserae, no one could survive as there would be no other source of food."

The cold, hard facts stated by the middle-aged woman in front of her struck Katniss hard. Her relationship may not have seemed a nuisance to his family when he said it, but when stated like that it could truly be seen that she seemed to want to make her way up the ladder of wealth by marrying the family publicly known as second but in the background first most important. Although she despised seeing it this way somewhat of what someone might guess was true, she was marrying him for his wealth but only so she and her family could survive. But then in essence is not moving up the ladder of wealth the same?

"I will maybe forgive you, if you avoid him later in the Games, but we will see."

With that warning the furious woman stormed out.

"Sorry for my loving wife's actions. She only said such harsh words because she is worried about our third son."

"Yeah, sorry about mom she is like that sometimes to even u. It is really scary", both brothers responded simultaneously, even scaring themselves.

"Here take these as an apology.". The man said kindly, handing over a large box of precisely decorated assortment of cakes and biscuits. The family then turned around beginning to leave, when the father of 3 turned around 1 final time and said:

"Please make sure my son stays alive until the very end. Please."

"I will", she responded wilfully.


(Peeta Mellark POV)

After being dragged away to a white room, I spread my mana sense out searching for the room Katniss is in. coincidentally she is in the room right next store. This allows me to listen in on both conversations she had, the one with her mother and the ones with my family. After both her conversations are over I sense a disturbance in the next room as the Peacekeepers once again drag her away from me. After they drag her out of my sensory range I hear voices at the door. Damn, I wish had the byakugan right at this moment. The voices are asking who will be the first to enter. I hear my mother demanding to be let in and Katniss's sopping mess of a mother pleading to be first. In the end the first to enter was my mother and family.

"Son!!! Please promise me to not fall for that woman and keep yourself safe to bring back here!"

"MOM! You know I love her yet you keep saying I should stop, I am not taking it anymore."

"But mother is only thinking of you at heart. Please, please think it over." the usually proud woman got down on her knees and began to beg me.

"Mom, you know there is no changing my mind but I will try to get back home."

Crying she left the room.

"Look after that girl of yours well." my father said running out after my mother.

"Bro, all I want of you is to beat the crap out of all those sh*** in the Games from the low districts and keep that girl of yours. If you do that I am happy.", my eldest brother Neil strictly told me.

"Same here." my other older brother Rye added in before getting up and leaving.

'*sigh*, I guess the reason I am not so good at being part of a family due to the memories of a past life. Well I could not tell the I rigged the draw so Prim and me would be chosen but it would be nice to give them a hint. Well, whatever, what is done is done.'

The next person who came in was Katniss's mum who I do not really want to see. The main reason being that I feel uncomfortable being around the person whose daughter I just sentenced to the equivalent of death in their eyes. She then got down on her knees and prostrated herself to me, kowtowing. This gave me quite the surprise.

"Please save my daughter,please,'' she cried out slamming her head into the ground," I will do anything to save her. I know you love her and have been looking after my family because of it,"she once again hit her head against the ground causing a bruise and a slightly bleeding graze, "please save her once again this time, I know you can do it!". She hit her head a final time passing out from the concussion. Feeling sorry for her I went up to her ear and whispered:

"I was planning to anyway."

Then picking her up I walk towards the door, where a Peacekeeper steps out takes her from my arms and walks off. I am then blindfolded and dragged away to a new place.

Sorry this chapter is a bit short but I am in serious pain and cannot be bothered to start the train scene which would take up at least 800 words doubling the size of this chapter. I hope you enjoyed and continue to read. Please comment and review as I need feedback.

Thank you for reading.


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