
Chapter 1: Rebirth and First Day of School

'Weak! you are so weak!'

'Why refrain from using the power given by 'it' ? you could have saved us all ! '

The voices drilled his head with guilt, all he wanted was a second chance a re-do at life. He would forsake all his powers to escape from the burden of power laid upon him by destiny. He wished to be reborn again anew with no worries in a world completely different, where the cycle of hate was yet to start. He wished to follow the path of samsara and re-join the wheel of life accompanied by all his friends and relatives.

Years of wandering after the death of all his comrades taught him that even in the best places darkness laid in the shadows because the stronger the light, the stronger the shadows that gathered behind it. They were 2 sides of the same coin, one side may be covered revealing the other but in the end it was still there but hidden.

The old man,wearing an orange robe which conveniently tied off his long, blonde hair at the waist, lay against the tree,his breath rattling. He was gripping the staff in his hands tightly as if wanting to choke the life out of it. His breath became deeper as he began visibly aging. His purple eyes covered in streaks closed for the last time and his 7 orifices began leaking fluorescent gas that floated towards the blue sky covered in falling autumn leaves. The dying old man saw his memories run before him like a film, most parts smudged due to time but faces stood out. His wife, his kids, his friends and even his cyclops teacher whose face he had never seen without being half-covered by a mask. All came and went until he was left with only his name: NARUTO UZUMAKI.


Awakening, only to find his eyes glued shut and his body being molested by a pair of rough, worn from age age hands, what was the consciousness of the previous seventh hokage screamed out as loud as he possibly can in pain. Loud voices could be heard echoing against the wall and into his ears:

"Well at least he's not mute, that's for sure."

"He's definitely a healthy son of mine if he has lungs as strong as those"

"What should we name him?"

"He shall be named… Peeta, Peeta Mellark. Our third son"

From then onwards there no longer existed a seventh hokage Naruto Uzumaki there was only Peeta Mellark.


The first day of school started like any other for Peeta Mellark, he woke up at 3 am so that he could train his knife throwing, body forging and taijutsu skills.

The body forging art originated from just after his reincarnation when he was trying to access his chakra. chakra did not exist in his current world and was replaced by an energy resource which had similar properties. it was able to be used outside the body for non-elemental jutsu and existed all around like natural chakra, however it was not able to form elemental justus and could not be found inside the human body as a mix of physical and mental energy. Instead it needed to be drawn into the body which as a side effect would temper it.

Peeta Mellark then at 5 am went back inside and climbed into bed so he could continue meditating. Meditation sharpened his control of the energy he dubbed 'mana'.

At 7 am the voice of a man could be heard calling his 3 sons Rye, Neil and Peeta. The first of the 3 down was Rye he was 4 years older than Peeta and was already in his 4th year of school. He had considerably darker hair which coincided with his name but he still had the same characteristically blue eyes of all the family. Next down was Neil who many swear was the twin of his father and Peeta as they looked the same only with a difference of height. He was 12 years old this year and it was going to be his first time in the reaping in a couple of months. It was another 10 minutes of time and a considerable amount of yelling on the father's part until Peeta came down. Today was going to be his first day of school and he was already messing up getting to breakfast late. His father, Mathew, and mother, Willow, both sat at the other end of the table looking disapprovingly at him.

"You could have at least tried to get up early for your first day."

"But dad we have hours till it starts why get up so early!"

"No buts,young man you need to be ready for today."

"Okay, fine! I'll have breakfast and get ready."

The boy then began inhaling his food at a monstrous rate until there was nothing left. He then stood up and rushed to his shared room.

"Little bro why are you in such a rush .", Neil said jokingly to his smaller brother while slapping him on the back.

"Dad said i had to rush for some reason."

"okay i get you go on hurry up", he responded unsurprised.

After changing out of his grey pajamas into a greying shirt and black trousers he headed back downstairs again where he met with his 2 brothers and his father nagging him to hurry up. Once out the door they began walking along the coal stained roads towards the school. On the way a market could be seen inside a warehouse.

"Sons don't ever go in there unless you want to get beat so hard you can't sit down for a week"

"Why?", the youngest of the group asked.

"You can't go in there because all of the illegal stuff in there. Got it!!!"

"Ok Father", the 3 children responded synchronised.

They then took a shortcut through an ally where on the ground at the sides you could see elderly, injured workmen, women and children who all were not able to work to earn food.

"Father, why are all these people starving if we could feed them?", the youngest prodded quizzically.

"Don't ask me ask your teachers in class, they will know.", the father responded in

a grumpy tone. He then began to walk off at a quicker pace which left the 3 boys running. The oldest boy then whispered to the youngest boy

"Stop asking questions that annoy farther"

"Okay i will stop."

When the group finally arrived, the 2 older boys headed off to their classrooms while the father and son duo stayed behind. As the 2 were about to enter the father pointed out one girl. She had straight black hair, olive skin and grey eyes. Her outline and her grey eyes were so similar to hinata's that he was reminded of all the lost memories of her. The cheeks of the seventh hokage were damp as he swore to protect that girl with his life unlike last time.

"That girl's mother was the first woman i ever loved, too bad it was never too be. She ended up marrying a coal miner instead."

"Why dad? We come from the second richest family in town and you are always nice to everyone you meet."

"She said he was so good at singing that even the birds would silence themselves out of respect, run along now follow the other kids your age into the building"

"Bye dad"

The boy began to hurry in leaving his father dwelling on his memories of childhood.

In class they were asked to sing, the girl his father pointed out - Katniss Everdeen, raised her hand. The teacher asked her to sing. Then began what he would call paradise. everything , everywhere was still and silent listening only to her heavenly voice. What was only 2 minutes lasted decades to him. When it ended he felt liking screaming and shouting for more, he wanted to get up and just take that goddess away from this nightmare of a town called the seam and to the forest where nature would respect her with awe. That was the day he fell in love for the second time.


I hope you enjoyed my first chapter and continue to read more if I upload any

Thank You!


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