
Naruto: reborn as an Uzumaki

During his effort to save his cousin whom he was in love with from committing suicide, Tom died when the railing he was holding on to broke. But when he woke up, he was reborn as the son of an Uzumaki and an Uchiha. But he was not born in the hidden leaf, but rather in the hidden rain village. And because of clan issues, had to grow up away from his father and elder sister who presumably died in the Uchiha massacre. But fate had other plans. The story from chapter 4 onwards takes place between the timeskip between the OG series and Shippuden, to be specific, six months before the beginning of Shippuden. Also while I did add the harem tag MC won't go around catching waifus like pokemon. There will be a very small harem in the future and I will take my sweet time developing it. So don't expect much until the pain arc. I don't own any of the characters except for the OC's I created. The cover image is ai generated. ---------------------------- Warning!!!!! There will be incest so keep that in mind while reading this. Also this book is a work in progress so there will be changes in the future, but I'm lazy so I might not make any extensive changes. And join my discord to get updates for future chapters and discuss ideas about the story https://discord.com/invite/p2jzn8V3HP

Disturbing_Reality · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 19:- Love

"Hey." Kenshin waved as they approached him. "You guys look like you've gotten along."

Shizune smiled warmly and put her arm over his shoulder. "Your sister told me everything. To be honest, I don't see anything wrong with your relationship except for the fact that you're siblings. You grew up apart and didn't meet each other until you were all grown up. So it's natural she sees you as a boy and not her brother. But you have to be careful. I don't think the village will accept something like this." Shizune whispered.

"I understand. I'll be careful." Kenshin nodded, understanding what this could mean for their family. Society is never supportive with stuff like this and they even made the proud Hyuga clan refrain from it. So if they want to be socially accepted, it's tough.

"And also, one more thing." Shizune said, pulling Akane close as well. "No kissing in places where people can find out. Not everyone will be as chill as me." Shizune warned. Akane's face flushed bright red and they both nodded. "All right, it's getting late. We should probably visit your mother once more before leaving." Shizune began walking towards the hospital, and Kenshin and Akane followed her, feeling slightly self-conscious about their relationship now.

[In Kana's hospital room]

The three of them couldn't believe their eyes as they saw Kana sitting on the bed, looking completely different from earlier that day. She looked frail and weak earlier but right now, she didn't look frail. She looked healthy and beaming.

"Mo... Mom! How?! You look so.... so much better!" Kenshin stammered, unable to process how she recovered so much so quickly.

"I don't really know but after eating the stew Ken-chan made, I suddenly began feeling much better. It was like my body was rejuvenated after eating some proper food." Kana replied nonchalantly.

Kenshin and Akane both stared at Shizune skeptically. "And you call yourself a medical expert?" They muttered, their voice barely audible enough to reach Shizune who looked away sheepishly.

'The Uzumaki clan's vitality is greater than I expected. I probably didn't need to feed her that medicine infused food after lunch yesterday. I mean..... this is my first time dealing with an Uzumaki! How was I supposed to know?!' Shizune thought as she tried to draw the attention away from her. "Well..... on the bright side, you can now feed your mother what you cook, Kenshin-kun. It's all well." Shizune said, smiling nervously.

But both Kenshin and Akane kept staring at her. "You just want to draw the attention away from you, right?" Although they didn't say it out loud, Shizune could sense that that was what they were thinking.

"Oh, is that right, Shizune-san?! I can eat Ken-chan's cooking now? Then I'll get better very soon." Kana said excitedly, smiling like a child.

"All right all right I'll make you food, mommy dearest. But..." Kenshin thought about telling Kana about Tsunade's offer but decided against it. She doesn't need to know right now.

"But what?" Kana asked confusedly. Akane, who was standing beside Kenshin was confused as well at his sudden change in tone but Shizune seemed to realize what it was.

"No, it's nothing important. I'm glad you're feeling better, mom." Kenshin shrugged. Kana asked him to come closer and when he did, she gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. Kenshin blushed softly at her sudden affection and chuckled awkwardly. "Mom, what.... what was that for?"

"A small prize for my boy. You've been working very hard for mommy for the past 7 years, right? You gave up your childhood for me. And even now, you're always with me. It's okay, you can take some rest now. You don't have to cook for me, you should spend more time with you sister. I can tell you've grown closer. I can eat what the hospital serves, as long as it's not what they fed me till now. Just visit me once a day, okay?" Kana said, smiling softly. Despite her usual childish attitude, she seemed like a proper mother in that moment.

"Mom..." Kenshin was taken aback by Kana's request but was somewhat relieved. "Okay. But I promise I'll visit you everyday. Good night, Mom." Kenshin waved at her before exiting the room, followed by Shizune. But just as Akane was about to leave as well, Kana called her quietly.

"Akane-chan, come here."

"Yes, mom?" Akane turned around towards Kana, curious about what she suddenly wanted to say.

"Take good care of your brother, okay? In whatever way you think is necessary. He's been through a lot and we're all he has. And besides, he is your brother. That fact won't change, no matter what happens." Kana winked conspiratorially, making Akane wonder if Kana had somehow figured out about their relationship.

'No no it's impossible! Mom hasn't seen us kiss or anything! She shouldn't know. But... what she said implies that she knows something. Not to mention that wink! Anyways, calm down Akane.' Akane took a deep breath and smiled. "Okay, mom. I'll be a good sister and take very good care of him. In every way he wants."

Kana nodded before waving as Akane went out. Kenshin was waiting for her outside. "What happened? Why'd mom stop you all of a sudden?"

"No, it's nothing. Anyways, what are you thinking of cooking tonight?" Akane asked, walking closer to him.

"I guess we can eat out? I don't really feel like cooking." Kenshin replied honestly. Although he didn't mind taking care of his family, he too wanted to relax a bit, every once in awhile.

"It's fine. Besides," Akane leaned forward. "Nee-chan has something special she wants to do tonight. So be prepared, little bro." She whispered, her breath hot on his ear. After that, she grinned seductively and walked away towards a nearby restaurant.

A shiver went through his body at her seductive whisper, and he could already figure out what she had in mind. She wanted to cross the last line, and she wanted to do it tonight.


R18 chapters coming up!!!!!!


Everyone, thanks for your support with the previous chapter. As always, please give me your power stones if you want to support me and let me know if you have any helpful suggestions/criticisms. And my exams have started so I won't be able to upload twice a day anymore. But I will try to upload every day even if the chapter is short. So please bear with me for the next 1.5 months okay?

I've noticed that some of my readers that used to interact regularly aren't doing so anymore

If you don't like this just let me know what the problem is If it's reasonable and will make this better I'll be sure to adjust I'm always open to suggestions if it's helpful

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