
Naruto: Rebirth in the Ninja World

This is the story about a person who used to live in modern world rebirthed in the ninja world. Having watched a lot of anime in his previous life on earth, he knew a lot about the ninja world but, what if everything he knew wasn't correct? What if there were entirely different outcomes for a small change he made? ------------------------ This is a rewrite of my previous work, "Swordsman System in Naruto". I have this time tried to correct all my previous wrongs and make the story a lot better. Try reading it once before you make a review or something. Also, just ask me if there is something you don't understand, just ask me. Hit me up on Discord for anything related to the story or me : overlord#0103

Mathematical_Pi · Anime & Comics
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95 Chs


Now, only 9 jonin and 24 chunin were remaining.

"You go into the genin zone, handle them good. Kill them all. The genin won't have any important intel. I will keep one jonin alive to get some information." Sakumo said. He then bent down and kept a hand on the bark of the tree they were standing on.

"All the best," Sakumo said as he smiled and let himself fall down towards the ground. Before Sakumo could be noticed while falling, he disappeared.

As Sakumo reappeared and fought with the Kiri Jonin, a few of those jonin tried to mess with Sakumo.

""Ha! The White Fang of Konoha. What are you here for? You may be strong, but you cannot kill all of-" The jonin from Kiri started to speak but was interrupted by Sakumo cutting his neck.

"That, right there, is some serious underestimation, bit*h," Sakumo said as he continued to cut down the enemies.

While this was happening, Yukan also jumped down and stood in the middle of the crowd of genins.

All the genins looked at Yukan. Some even directly jumped on him.

Yukan killed them with as minimal movement and less energy expenditure as possible.

"I feel as if they are a group of hungry hyenas glaring at me with hungry looks. Woo! Daddy is scared." Yukan made a funny expression and mocked all the Kiri shinobi.

As Yukan started to fight the whole crowd, he felt it was pretty easy.

His body had grown up a lot from before, and his [Steel Strength] skill had grown too, so now, he could use it sometimes without feeling any fatigue.

The [Steel Strength] skill with his [Kijin Physique] and [Swordsmanship] helped him make an arc of air travelling at high speed when Yukan made a powerful swing from his sword.

This was an AOE attack Yukan created and was very useful in a situation like the one he was in now.

Yukan continuously swung and played around with his katana for roughly 10 minutes until only 2 genin of the hundred were left.

Yukan did not use any skill anymore since he had now started to feel a bit of fatigue.

"Ten minutes is not bad," Yukan said as he moved forward and stabbed a genin lying on the ground in his heart.

Yukan then looked at the other one.

The genin was on the ground, kneeling and begging for mercy.

Yukan grabbed his hair and pulled him up.

"No way in hell am I letting you go. I am not an idiot," Yukan said as he cut the genin's arm.

Yukan then grabbed him by his collar and dragged him to where Sakumo was fighting.

Sakumo was still not finished with the killing.

"You are still alive?" Yukan asked as he looked at Sakumo kill a jonin.

"Why have you brought that thing here?" Sakumo ignored Yukan's question and asked as he looked at the genin.

"To extract information?" Yukan answered.

"Hmm, he won't be a big help, but if you say so... This one will help us more," Sakumo said as he also dragged an injured jonin to where Yukan was standing.

"You know anything?" Sakumo asked as he looked at the genin Yukan brought.

"N-no, I don't know-"


Sakumo cut the genin's neck.

"See, he knew nothing. This one will tell us." Sakumo said as he pulled the jonin with his collar.

"So, what do you know?" Sakumo asked.

"I-I don't know-"


"Just give me some time, he'll speak," Sakumo said as he looked at Yukan this time.

"Do whatever you want. I am going to sleep." Yukan said as he walked to a nearby tree, lay in its shade and slept.

-An hour later-

"Oi wake up! He's speaking." Sakumo yelled from a distance.

Yukan woke up from the shout and walked to Sakumo frustrated about his ruined sleep.

"What did he say?"

"Nothing yet, but he will now... Hey, how did you know that the two of us will be here?" Sakumo asked as he pulled the cheek of the jonin.

The Kiri jonin was full of blood and his face was already beyond recognizable. Even his one eye was missing.

"W-We didn't know about you t-two m-monsters will b-be coming h-here, w-we would have brought m-more men w-with us." The jonin said as he stuttered in more words that he spoke clearly.

"Yeah, to be butchered too," Yukan said in a low voice.

"Shut up Yukan. I'll ask you again, who is the mole?" Sakumo asked jonin again, but this time he put his blade on the top of jonin's hand.

"I really don't know what mole you are talking about." The jonin said. As soon as he said that, Sakumo's blade pierced jonin's hand.

"Let me change my question then. Who were the two you guys were talking about?" Sakumo asked as he put his blade on jonin's other hand.

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you. We were given the information that a young girl and her grandfather live here. They are the survivors of the Uzumaki clan. We need to kill them before they start becoming a problem." The jonin answered.

After he answered, Sakumo got up and slit jonin's throat.

"This means we killed over a hundred shinobi after getting into a misunderstanding? We had to kill them anyways but still…" Yukan said.

"Funny, right?" Sakumo asked.

"Kind of."

"Let's search for the girl and her grandfather. If we take them back to Konoha secretly, Konoha will gain some benefits." Sakumo said as he started to move.

'And Tomato will have a friend other than Mikoto.' Yukan thought as he now believed that taking the Uzumaki clan girl back to Konoha was important now.

Sakumo and Yukan went in different directions to search for the two people.

After searching for the whole day, they still found nothing.

"Sensei, do we go back now?" Yukan asked. He was disappointed that he was not able to find the girl.

"No, we will go to the exact place where Uzushiogakure used to be. Where we are standing right now is only close to it, not where it was." Sakumo said as he pointed in the west direction.

Yukan nodded understandingly.

The next day the two of them went to Uzushiogakure.

There was nothing but ruins of buildings and war everywhere.

Not even one structure in sight was still standing fine.

Yukan and Sakumo looked at the outermost areas and noticed some smoke.

"Sensei, there is some smoke there. Maybe that is where the duo lives." Yukan pointed in the direction the smoke was coming from.

"Let's go there then," Sakumo said as he patted Yukan's back and walked forward.

Yukan and Sakumo soon reached there and saw an old man sitting on the bed and a red-haired girl sitting beside him and talking to him.

When they both appeared, the girl suddenly got vigilant and stood in front of the old man laying in bed.

Yukan looked at the girl and then at the old man behind her.

"You, Aren't you the same old man?" Yukan asked.

The old man hurriedly got off the bed and said, "Yes, lord. I am the one you gave food to a few days ago. My name is Uzumaki Han and this is my granddaughter Uzumaki…