
Chapter 34 - Surprise Gathering

Upon arriving there, Mikumo lifted the cloth curtain hiding the stall and ordered happily.

"Boss! Give me an extra large Shio-Ramen!"

"Already on it, have a seat!"

Teuchi answered spryly and quickly got to work. However, just before Mikumo could register his response, she saw a small group of very familiar people sitting in the shop already.

"Sakumo-sensei! Shinku-sensei! Kushi-nee and Minato too!"

"Father, you're back."

"Dad, you too?"

Mikumo, Kakashi, and Kurenai all recognized the group of people instantly.

The group of people turned with no surprise on their faces, as they already sensed Mikumo's gang coming here.

"Hey kids, ramen's on us today. Order whatever you want!"

Hearing Sakumo's offer, Obito cheered at the prospect of free food, while Rin tried to calm him down feeling a bit embarrassed. Asuma and Shizune bowed respectfully and thanked everyone, while Kurenai, Kakashi, and Mikumo were quite surprised to see so many familiar faces in town at once.

"Surprise, Kurenai. I just got back as well!"

Shinku got up and moved to an empty seat in the middle of the store, leaving the open spot between Sakumo and Minato for Kakashi to sit down next to his dad. Mikumo sat next to Kushina, and Kurenai next to her, putting herself between Mikumo and her dad Shinku. Everyone else quickly sorted in and now the seating arrangement from left to right was Sakumo, Kakashi, Minato, Kushina, Mikumo, Kurenai, Shinku, Asuma, Shizune, Rin, and Obito.

Everyone quickly got off into their own conversations.

"Hehe, surprised aren't cha? We knew you guys were coming here so, Minato and I came to buy you guys food. Sakumo-san and Shinku-san were a surprise for me though. By the way, I already ordered your favorite Shio-Ramen for you."

Kushina started chatting up a storm with Mikumo as the two self-proclaimed sisters told each other about their recent happenings.

Soon, Mikumo saw an opportunity to ask a question that was on her mind.

"Psst, hey Minato."


Minato paused his eating and looked over to Mikumo who beckoned him.

"Minato, you know who's getting sorted into what teams right? Spill the beans."

"Wha-? *Cough* *Cough*"

Minato almost choked upon hearing the question, as indeed, he did know.

Everyone else in the shop looked over upon hearing what Mikumo said. Even though Mikumo 'whispered' it was quite pointless as they were in a small ramen stand sitting shoulder to shoulder.

Minato recovered and then tried to keep his cool.

"Sorry, that's classified information, Mikumo. Besides, you'll find out tomorrow."

Mikumo pouted and shook her head.

"Hmph, if we're gonna find out tomorrow anyway why not now? Kushi-nee, you know, don't you?"

"H-huh, what? Uhhhh, no?"

Mikumo narrowed her eyes at the overly suspicious reaction.

"Are all of us aside from Shizune on the same team?"

"Uhh, I don't know."

Kushina tried to play dumb but Mikumo can't be fooled that easily.

'Okay, no negative reaction, so that's a yes.'

"Okay, since teams are usually two boys and one girl, who's the lucky girl that gets me on their team? Is it Rin?"

"No no, I really don't know."

Mikumo noticed that Kushina seemed to relax, so that means she guessed wrong.

"So I'm with Kurenai? Perfect. Who's the lucky guy then, I know Obito is going to be with Rin for sure since he would probably destroy the village if we separated him from her, and so, is it...Asuma?"

Kushina gulped but didn't say anything. Obito also gulped nervously. Everyone else listened intently to Mikumo's deduction, Kurenai held her hands together, and Asuma pretended to not be listening, as with Kakashi. However, in Kakashi's case, the rhythmic nervous tapping of his foot betrayed his demeanor.


Kushina started sweating slightly and then Mikumo smiled.

"So it's me, Kakashi, and Kurenai. With the other team being Asuma, Obito, and Rin. Not bad."

Kurenai and Rin smiled brightly, as Obito cheered. Asuma was indifferent, as one team had Mikumo and the other had Obito and frankly, he wasn't sure which one was more of a hassle. Kakashi didn't comment and went back to eating, but his previously nervous foot taps have stopped.

Kushina sulked, seeing that Mikumo had perfectly guessed the teams. Minato laughed and then soothed Kushina by rubbing her back.

"Ahaha, it's okay. It's fine, like Mikumo said, they were going to find out tomorrow anyway. We can't be blamed since we didn't say it ourselves."

"Haa...I know..."

Mikumo giggled and then started soothing Kushina as well.

"It's okay, Kushi-nee. This is why I love you."

"Cheeky sister..."

Kushina held her anger and then started devouring her ramen, swallowing her anger with her food.

Sakumo laughed, haven't seen the whole thing and expecting this. He then got up and walked over to Mikumo.

"Hm? Sensei?"

Sakumo took out a scroll from his pouch and then handed it to Mikumo.

"Here you go, your graduation present."

Mikumo lit up in anticipation and took the scroll. She slowly unfurrowed it to reveal a storage seal. As she poured her chakra into the seal, a 'poof' of smoke appear, and then she felt an item appear in her hand.

"!! This is!"

After the smoke dispersed, the item was revealed to be a sheathed Katana.

Mikumo's smile grew immensely and then immediately unsheathed the blade, revealing a white edge blade with a beautiful blue hamon wave.

Mikumo sheathed the blade and then hugged Sakumo tightly.

"Thank you so much, sensei!"

Sakumo smiled warmly as he patted Mikumo's head.

"You've earned it."

"I'll definitely make you proud!"

Everyone else looked warmly at the student-teacher pair and after the hug, Mikumo stored the blade on her belt sash and then sat down to continue her meal.

Sakumo returned to his seat and then took off his Tanto blade strapped to his back and placed it next to Kakashi.

Kakashi's eyebrow raised in surprise, he then looked up to his father. Sakumo smiled and patted Kakashi on the shoulder.

"Take it, it's yours now."

Kakashi gulped and then nervously picked up the White Light Chakra Blade, Sakumo's namesake Tanto blade. Unsheathing it revealed its pure white sheen.

"Father...thank you."

Sakumo nodded happily and then sat down to continue eating, Mikumo saw what happened at the end of the table with a warm smile on her face.

'Ayane will be back from the mission I gave her soon. Once she is, I'll be one step closer to solving Kyoka Suigetsu's chakra consumption problem. You don't need to worry about chakra consumption if you just have a ton of chakra! Come back soon from Roran, Ayane!'


A/N: I'm going on a trip for 2 days.

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