
Chapter 2: Roulette

"What the fu....???" Ren said in a state of confusion.

"Before we begin, we must give our thanks to the almighty and all powerful Truck-sama for bringing us this contestant today." The host said then went to pray to the one being above all.

"Bruh..." Ren couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Welcome Contestant #69,420 to this special occasion you were so lucky to die for!" The host joked and earned a good laugh from the audience.

"Who are you? Where the hell am I!? And why am I here and not in the afterlife!?" Ren screamed wanting some answers.

"Easy there buddy. For your 1st question, I am Author-kun the host of the wonderful show called Isekai!" The host screamed the last part getting cheers from the beings in this place.

"For the 2nd, you are in a place only those allowed by our benevolent Truck-sama. This is Paradise!" The host screamed along with others in the audience.

"And for your final question, you were chosen by Truck-sama to play a game he very much enjoys because well... he made it. So be happy you get to experience something only a few people have experienced!" The host cheered excitedly.

"Is this like those fanfics that I read?" Ren said in excitement as always wanted to be in these types of situations.

"Well yes, but actually no." The host said gaining a confused look from Ren.

"Unlike those fanfics of yours, this is 100% real and there are no 3 wishes because c'mon where is the fun and thrill if you get to choose what you want?" The host stated facts gaining nods from the people.

"What!? What am I going to do in the world I go to then?" Ren said in anger as he thought this your generic isekai fanfiction.

"This is real life so the only way to get what you want is through what many people lack and what some have in bulk, like a certain yellow haired whiskered boy, is LUCK! And the best way to do that is...." The host paused for dramatic event and turned to the wall behind Ren and Ren turned as well to see a giant red curtain covering whatever was behind it.

"ROULETTE!!!" The host shouted and just then the curtains opened revealing a giant wheel with a bunch of anime written on it with an arrow in the middle and cheers from the audience erupted.

"Fuck.... me" Ren cursed as he was very unlucky. The evidence was that he got cucked by an ugly bastard who turned his ex into his slut.

"Now for the rules. Rule #1 no second chances, so whatever you get on the wheel is what you get. . Rule #2 Have fun, because everyone that got isekaid is in a separate universe far from the reaches of other such as people yourself, so no PvP situation as fun as that might sound. And that's it. All clear?" The host questioned Ren getting a nod in return.

"Now. Contestant #69,420 it is your time be in the spotlight. Go to the wheel and spin it. Don't worry it's as light as a feather." The host said to Ren.

Ren approached the wheel and it was huge. It's taller than Mt. Everest. He grabbed the wheel and spun it as hard he can.

It spun very quickly for 5 minutes then slowed down and he saw some anime like tokyo ghoul, danmachi, DBZ, Death note, etc.

It spun for 3 more minutes before the arrow stopped at Naruto.

"Yes!" Ren shouted as this was his very 1st anime that he watched and his favorite, so naturally he was very excited.

"Congratulations! Now you get to spin 2 more times. the 1st spin will determine which village you go to and the 2nd will determine what clan you get in that world. Now spin!" The host shouted and the audience cheered again.

He spun the wheel again this time is was all just names of the villages. Tt passed all 4 major villages in that world and stopped at Konohagakure.

"Yes!" Ren cheered again as he can now finally meet all of his favorite characters in the show.

He spun one final time and got Full Blood Uzumaki.

"Fuck yeah! I can use adamantine chains and be a sealing master!" Ren screamed in joy as the adamantine chains were very powerful because of its ability to subdue a tailed beast.

"Now that you have finished spinning the wheel. Your new life awaits you. So remember rule #3. And be sure to pray to our lord and savior Truck-sama for granting you this oppurtunity." The host said and the crowd erupted in cheers and applause for Ren.

"Also your name and appearance will change to suit in that world so hopefully you will continue to be well endowed down their." That was the final thing he heard when he closed his eyes and lost consciousness.



It was a peaceful day in the territory of Konoha. The 3rd great ninja war finally ended and the people were going about their day, the ninjas were seen going in and out of the village to go due some missions, genin were cleaning some backyard or painting a fence, and an old man was reading a porn book in an office in a big red building at the center of the village and beneath a monument carved with 3 heads.

But the opposite could be said in a hospital room.

"Argh!" cried a beautiful woman with red hair while holding/crushing the hand of the handsome man with red hair as well.

"You're almost there Mrs. Uzumaki! Just one more push!" Said the doctor.

"Argh! I'm gonna kill you after this! This is your fault" shouted the woman in anger and tightening her grip the now squirming man waiting for all of this to be over.

"Argh!" the woman screamed one final time and a crying sound could be heard in the room.

"Waaahhh!" Cried the baby.

"You did a good job Mrs. Uzumaki! It's a healthy baby boy!" said the doctor and giving the child to the now exhausted mother.

"My baby....." said the mother softly holding her son gently.

"Good job Maya. Our baby is now born." said the husband in pure bliss to his wife.

"What do you 'our''? I carried him in me for 9 months Koda! All you did was last 10 minutes in bed!" shouted Maya in an angry tone at her husband but her face was showing the biggest smile the husband has ever seen.

"What do you mean 10 minutes!? It was 10 minutes and 39 seconds! Get it right!" retorted the husband in embarassment.

The doctor was watching with an akward smile until he cleared his throat gaining the attention of the new parents of the child.

"I am sorry to interrupt but the boy still needs a name." stated the doctor.

"I'll name him, you need some rest so don't worry about it sweetie." said the father to the mother who was looking at him as if he kicked her puppy.

"No you take a rest! His name will be Kaen and that's final!" shouted the woman using up all her remaining energy. And the husband likes the name so no need to get his ass whooped again so he agreed.

He took the now named Kaen of his mothers hands so she can sleep and looked at his adorable little face making him chuckle.

"Kaen Uzumaki, you will get our clan back to it's former glory." Koda said softly before giving the baby to the nurse to go to the baby's room.

Koda held Maya's hand and looked at her sleeping face before kissing her forehead gaining small smile form the woman before falling asleep as well.


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