
Naruto: Overlord of Gamers: Book 2 (Dark Alliance Arc) By: YinShadow

Book 2 of the Overlord of Gamers Saga PS->Copy from By: YinShadow on Fanficti*n.net fanficti*n.net/s/12711289/1/Naruto-Overlord-of-Gamers-Book-2-Dark-Alliance-Arc If you like, follow his work on the site above

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15 Chs

Chapter 8: Trials and tales in the Nethertower

49-62 minutos

Overlord of Konoha: Naruto's evil game

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Overlord or the following tales that are shown in this tale.

A/N: Rest assured this is NOT a rewrite of the Maelstrom Overlord, this crossover has a totally different plot.

Second A/N: Co-written by Chaossonic1

Chapter 8

On the G-String

Naruto left the Gates of Hell and on his way to the Nethertower on the SUV Limousine Which Scanty and Kneesocks call the G-string. But he is going alone this time, he is paired up with the Demon sisters and the Moonlight Butterfly. The SUV limo drives pass the harsh environment of the Fallen Leaves Abyss, it was built by hell's alloys and durable to put tanks to shame.

Naruto is still feeling uncomfortable from the wounds he gained from his battle against the Angels and Demons, but out of from those bastards, the Angelic based wounds were the worst in comparison, as if someone poured molten gold into his open wound it remained molten. But fortunately, the Moonlight Butterfly healed those injuries for him before departing for the Nethertower, but the pain is still there.

Hinata noticed Naruto's discomfort and seeing him rubbing his healed shoulder that the angelic centauroids plunge their lances on.

"Still hurting?" asked Hinata

"Yeah" said Naruto rubbing his shoulder. "I can still feel the wound."

"The Pain inflicted from an Angel tends to last long than any other wound, nothing to worry about." Said Hinata

"I hope it doesn't hinder my fighting" said Naruto

"I won't, the pain only effects the skin, the remaining parts of your body are fine." Said Hinata

"I appreciate it" said Naruto before slightly changing the subject. "I'm surprised that a gamer of your age knows so much."

"Depends on the type of Gamer I am" said Hinata "I'm a Hack N Slash type, but I come from a clan of witches who's magic harnessed from the moon's silver glow…and among other things."

"Is that why you're called Moonlight Butterfly?" said Naruto

"No, but it's a good guess though" said Hinata "The origins from that name begins literally from the start of my new life as a Gamer. Before I was a Gamer, I come from a proud ancient clan that lived longer than the Senju and the Uchiha combined. But I was more of an out cast because I was…compassionate, innocent, and my father saw that as a weakness."

"You must have hated him, huh?" said Naruto

"Well, that was until I learned that he was never my real father to begin with, my true father…in a way, a traitor to his own kind but a hero to those who were willing to lose hope." Said Hinata "After learning of my true heritage and powers as a Gamer, I was forming a pact with a demon named Madame Butterfly, but to do that I must perform a ritual sacrifice within the night of a full moon, a sacrifice of a creature where I got my namesake: The Moonlight Butterfly."

Flashback: Forest of Death

Hinata Hyūga, a newly woken gamer sets forth into the deepest part of the secluded forest. Just starting as, a Gamer, reluctantly accepting her new gift by Yami of a second chance in life, she is not confident in her quest. She mostly run away from her battles but in time she found that the enemies will not leave her unless they kill her. So, with a heavy heart, she uses her weapons to kill them out of self-defence.

After 20 minutes of constant battles, the burden made her heart heavier from the deaths she caused, regardless of the enemies' intent of murder. She is starting to question her future, is she meant to be a killer all her life as the life a ninja only brings death to all or not herself?

But as she reached her destination, she finally encounters the creature she is quested to slay.

The Moonlight Butterfly, a giant species of butterfly 1000 times larger than any other butterfly on this earth. But despite it's size, it not just some oversized insect.

The creature only shows that it has no legs and strangely no head but has a pair or long antenna coiled together in a helix, it's abdomen shrouded in long pale fur which resembles tail feathers from some exotic bird. It's 4 pairs of pale cyan wings flap softly and silently in the sky, seeing such a creature is rather beautiful, would be a shame to kill such an animal that only made this dangerous forest so beautiful, especially under the moonlight. Hence its name.

Hinata is hesitant, her passive nature is hindering her to do the deed, and she is unaware of the danger she is now in once the Moonlight Butterfly senses her in the area. The giant beautiful creature starts to take advantage of Hinata's hesitation and passiveness, it slowly charges its helix-like antenna in a glow of cyan light and starts firing out bolts of light at her.

Hinata crouches for cover and reacts frightfully, the poor Hyūga girl is too scare and lack the confidence to prove her strength, but she needs to console herself. The voices of her father's stern expression haunt her, including the hateful stares of her cousin Neji who was unwillingly branded to the Side Branch of her clan, the guilt of the fact that she as born in the main branch yet not worthy enough.

"Tou-san is right, Neji-kun is right, I am a disgrace, a weak failure" said Hinata while crouching again from the Moonlight Butterfly's projectiles. The giant insect flutters around Hinata, toying with her like a stalking predator among lone prey.

But Hinata suddenly stops cowering, remembering something other than negative memories of her fa...no, Hiashi and Neji, for they aren't family. No family would do this to her own kin.

"I am not weak, nor am I a disgrace" said Hinata "I am Hinata Hyūga, and I will prove my true strength that my TRUE family bestowed upon me. And…my worth to you, Dark one."

Hinata activates her Byakugan and pulls out Ebony and Ivory, the Moonlight Butterfly is too far to use her Rebellion against. She rapidly fires her guns at the giant insectoid, causing it to react and counteract by rapidly shots its bolts at Hinata. The young Hyūga suddenly roars out her first battle cry when she starts fighting without resolve.

"I will kill you, creature…and but thanks to you, I'll rename myself after you as a reminder of my rebirth." Said Hinata constantly firing her guns at the Moonlight Butterfly. "There will only be one Moonlight Butterfly to live through this battle, and it is ME!"

(End of Flashback)

"After vanquishing the creature, I honoured its death by taking its name for my own. For it's not just some boss fight to evaluate a level. But a sign that I am worthy of my new life, without the interruptions of my old life." Said Hinata, though in half truth but thankfully Naruto is unaware of any signs of deceit, probably distracted by the pain from his healed wounds.

"Interesting tale, Moonlight" said Naruto when suddenly a message box appears in front of him.

Insight obtained

Naruto raised his brow at this, has he learned something important about the Moonlight Butterfly's origins? Hinata noticed this and smiled inwardly, as if something about Naruto gaining an Insight from her tale pleased her.

Curious of this fact, he decides to try it again by asking more about her life. "So, what happened next?"

Touched that Naruto wants to know more about her, but she knows that he's mostly learning too gain insight, but the thought of it made her smile.

"I made my sacrifice to my tenant; Madame Butterfly and we are now bonded" said Hinata

"Like a Jinchūriki?" said Naruto

"Iie, my bonding was voluntary and unlike the forced sealing of a demon within a human sacrifice." Said Hinata frowning from behind her mask. "My pact with Madame Butterfly is a form of beauty, and there are some…way for my tenant to make our bond official, but I but wait until my body is strong and developed for more of her power."

"I see" said Naruto until he heard Jūbi chuckling suddenly. What's amusing you now?"

"Oh nothing" said Jūbi nonchalantly, but Naruto is rather suspicious. But his suspicious was drawn out when the car slows down and stops.

"Where here" said Hinata as she opens the door. "Scanty, Kneesocks"

"Hai" said the Demon Sisters

Naruto nods at this and joins her, as they exit the car they are now standing by the colossal gates of the Nethertower.

"Behold, the Nethertower, Limbo's reflection of your own Dark Tower" said Hinata "I trust the interior is also reflected also."

"Yeah, me too" said Naruto as he and Moonlight Butterfly enters through the gates.

Scanty and Kneesocks joins them also, seeing that they are now part of Naruto's party.


Entering through the gates leads to the courtyards which is littered with decomposing bodies with eternal expressions of torment and dread on their decaying faces. The corpses' deaths vary from impalement, mutilations, amputations, and so on. But the courtyard ground isn't just littered with bodies, the walls are displayed with burning crucified bodies and hanging bodies with their own intestines used as nooses around their necks.

The secondary gate is stained in numerous blood splatters, as if the bodies were thrown at the gates and partially painted them in now a rusty complexion.

"Impressive décor" said Naruto, trying to lighten to the mood of the situation as he suspects his new allies would find this scene unpleasant. "But a woman's touch is more appropriate, don't you think?"

Hinata smirked slightly at the little jest Naruto made and starts muttering incantations in her breath, her bodysuit suddenly starts to unravel, leaving only a pair of indigo undershorts and Lavender jacket which she zips up to cover her modesty. The loose thread from her former bodysuit starts to weave and coil into a pair of giant pale feminine hands with butterflies on the back.

The hands start pounding the gates to get them open, and from that first pound, the tower's current residents start creeping out from the tower's other orifices to see who is trespassing. The undead warriors slowly start to reanimate and brandish their weapons, they slowly approach Naruto and Hinata, but Naruto was the first to notice.

"Moonlight, we've got a problem" said Naruto

"Hold them off while I pry this gate open" said Hinata as she focuses on controlling the giant hands trying to push and pound the gate open.

"Right" said Naruto drawing out his Saw Cleaver before shirting his eyes at the Demon Sisters. "You girls ready?"

"Born ready" said Scanty as she starts pulling down two pairs of panties she was wearing.

Naruto couldn't help but react at what Scanty was doing, and it doesn't help when Kneesocks is pulling down her knee socks to show her slender red legs. Naruto was so fixated at the scene that his Mangekyō suddenly turned on. Jūbi started to laugh and began explaining.

"They are just getting out their devil arms, demons and mostly angels can seal their weapons by forming them as certain types of clothes." Said Jūbi "But I must say, that's a very lewd way to put her weapon, no wonder she's called Scanty, he he he"

Scanty held her 2 panties and they turn into a pair of pistols, she saw Naruto blush and knew he watched her, she teased him with a wink.

"Scanty, don't tease" said Kneesocks as she is now holding a pair of scythes, but her scolding of her sister was false as she is playing along.

"Oh, come on, sister" said Scanty "Don't tell me you wanted to reveal our power to our new master"

"Wait, aren't you working for Rodin?" said Naruto

"Hai, but we send in our resignations the moment you arrived granted he was sad to see us go but he understands, now we are yours to command, master" said Scanty as she put so much arousal on the word master. "Allow us to serve you."

"Hai, we are yours to command, and we'll do anything for you" said Kneesocks

Oh, the imagination warping in the Overlord's head is enough to make even the Jūbi horny.

"Holy shit, it's not yet the time but they sound like bitches in heat"thought Jūbi now feeling aroused at seeing submissive and obedient the Demon Sisters are acting. "The poor gals must've been denied any relief. I bet incest isn't enough for them."

Do I really need to know?! Exclaimed Naruto mentally, this caused Jūbi to laugh at Naruto's mental reaction.

"Not yet, Naruto-kun, but trust me it'll be worth it" said Jūbi smirking in a lewd way.

Naruto growled as he tries to stay focused, especially when a hoard of undead wraiths slowly approaching him and his party. He charges first with Kneesocks, Scanty stays put and starts firing her pistols to keep them far away as possible while her sister and new master hack and slash at the undead foes. He parries those with shields to stagger enough for him to plunge his phazon channelled hand into their chests and rip off either their spines or reanimated organs.

Kneesocks's scythes are dangerously sharp that they can slice through the undead wraiths' armour like soft butter, not even helping them from the constant hail of bullets from Scanty's pistols.

"is the gate open now, Moonlight?" said Naruto still battling the wraiths still coming towards them.

"Almost" said Hinata before the giant hands suddenly pushed it ajar, not fully but enough for everyone to get it. "Quickly, get in while I hold it."

"Hai" said Naruto jumping back and performed Shadow Clone Jutsu and summoning a handful of minions as a diversion against the undead before he and the Demon Sisters rush to the slightly opened gates.

Hinata waits for her party members to enter the tower before she could. She activates her Byakugan behind her mask and notices that the wraiths are distracted but she knows it won't last long and wasted no time. Speaking of time.

"Witch Time!"

The area suddenly slowed down around her and a purplish ethereal clock face with one hand appears in front of her. She already knows of this and begins rushing towards the gate which is now released but slowly closing at a snail's pace.

The clock's hand starts moving around the face at a certain speed, but Hinata knows that it'll stop once the hand is at the 12-o clock position and causes everything to return to normal. And when it does, Hinata luckily reached her destination before her time is up and the gates close shut. She pants exhaustedly at this, slowing down time is tiring since the flow of time catches up to her and drains up her stamina.

Nethertower: Lobby

Now safe from the overwhelming hoard of wraiths from the tower courtyard, Naruto and his party now stand before the lobby of the Nethertower, a tall section of the tower's lower tier. Due to its height equal to 2 floors, it has a pair of curved stairs by the east and west walls due to the tower's cylinder-like structure and a third flight in between and heading directly to the middle of the northern wall. Naruto uses his memory of the Dark Tower to help remember the way and remembers that the throne room is at the north, he needs to reach the throne room as the stairway to the main quarter's spell room is located.

"This way" said Naruto as he climbs up the centre stairs with Hinata, Scanty and Kneesocks following him. But as they reach the top, the doorway is suddenly locked up by a dropping portcullis gate, Naruto summons his Void Sword to destroy the gate by freezing it. But to his surprise when he swings his Blue Phazon weapon, the portcullis gate doesn't freeze and break, it remains in shape and a message box appears in front of everyone.

A dark force shrouds the gate, resisting the Phazon from your attack.

"Damn it" said Naruto as he dismisses his Void Sword, suddenly he felt the floor vibrate and four podiums rise. Another Message Box appears in front of them.

To open the gate, place each replica of the past ruler's tools on the podium, and then make tribute of yours to venture on

Quest update!

Yet another message box appears in front of Naruto, his event quest has been updated.

EVENT QUEST: Abyss Walker

Find Rodin

Find Throne Room Door Keys (0/4)

Pay Overlord Tribute

Winning Conditions: Abyss Stone

"What does the quest mean by tribute?" said Naruto when a fifth podium appears in front of Naruto, but unlike the other 4, the fifth one has 2 hand shaped panels and the podium's pole is engraved in arcane carvings spiralling down to the floor. "What does the Tower want me to pay?"

Pay the neth'r-tower it's tribute in thy power, place thee hands and pay in power

"Pay in power?" said Naruto with confusion until his gauntlet is starting to react to the podium and suddenly places if on its own. It then starts channelling a cocktail of Naruto's chakra with the Jūbi's own, mana and the 2 Phazons. The payment is painful for Naruto never use all of his power at once, he screams in pain while placing his other hand on the podium, increasing the process of channelling his power into the tower.

This causes the entire room to light up in a purple hure as bright glowing veins on the walls act as power conduits which light up the iron sconces, tiles on the floor illuminate in unique patterns and various decorative statues resembling foul demons also light up internally and beams out from its hollow eyes and gaping mouths.

And lastly 4 doors, 2 each on the west and east floor starts to open suddenly while each have signs above showing what appears to be items. One a pendant of an upside-down pyramid, one of a sceptre nearly resembling a trident, a ball and the last sign appears to be broken and unreadable.

"Ok, this looks like we have to retrieve each key to open this door" said Naruto "Simple textbook dungeon logic, real typical." Said Naruto as he decided to head for the door with the Pyramid sign, but as Naruto enters, his party was denied entry when a barrier shocks them.

"Ah" exclaimed Hinata jumping back, Scanty and Kneesocks also.

"You alright?" said Naruto

"Hai, looks like you're the one allowed entry" said Hinata "We'll wait here"

Suddenly heavy footprints are heard, and armoured wraiths are entering the lobby via windows and other doors.

"And be quick about it, Darkborne" said Hinata pulling out Ebony and Ivory and starts firing along with Scanty with her own firearms.

"Hai" said Naruto as he ventures on.

Pyramid Key Room

Naruto enters the room, which consists a long wide chamber that resembles one from the ancient Pyramid tombs held up by stone pillars, and floor partially covered in loose dry sand. Naruto is cautious at this noticing something strange about the walls and ceiling, his insight and Mangekyō has made it clear to see hidden signs of bobby traps that could do serious damage on those who would spring them.

Taking precautions, Naruto raised his gauntlet and summons his minions, a handful though.

"Proceed" said Naruto commanded the minions to walk across the chamber, the minions okay as they form a line and march on. As the march, they started triggering the hidden traps from wall darts, wall blades, trap doors, etc. But they weren't the only one to trigger said traps, Naruto had his share, but he dodges them unlike his minions, who didn't react on time to do so.

But he finally reaches the end of the chamber, where a stone statue of a teenage boy with spiky hair and a dark expression in it's blank stone eyes. Naruto notices a gold pendant resembling an upside-down pyramid with an eye on its side. He then looks down at the base of the statue, where strange pictures are shown instead of letters or kanji characters.

"Strange, I don't understand this form of writing" said Naruto as he looks at the statue. "who are you?"

Naruto then reaches out for the pendant, but when his fingers touch it, he gasped when his eyes burn from the light and the entire room is engulfed.


Naruto held his eyes from the light, but he opened them and saw that he is no longer in the chamber. He is standing what appears to be an arena, next to a large square battle ring where to figures are standing on opposite sides, but they aren't the only ones, each in front of them appears to a Magician in dark purple robes and a green staff confronting a silver 3 headed scaled dragon with blue eyes.

"What is this?" said Naruto as he then turns his attention to the 2 figures on the ring.

"Reveal face down card Kaiba, Double Spell!" said a figure as a he looks like the statue Naruto saw.

Yugi Muto: Shadow Gamer and First Overlord

Double Spell

Art: two magicians using the same spell

Card type: Magic

Property: Normal

Card description: Discard 1 Spell Card, then target 1 Spell Card in your opponent's Graveyard; place that target in the appropriate Zone on your side of the field, and as this card's effect resolution, follow its card text as if you had used it yourself.

"NOT DOUBLE SPELL YUGI! " Said the man opposite of him which looks like a teen with a long white sleeveless KaibaCorp-designed coat featuring shoulder pads and a raised studded collar, with black sleeves from his shirt coming out from under. He has extra belts in pairs strapped around his upper arms and shins. He often wears a KaibaCorp Duel Disk on his left arm.

Seto Kaiba

"That's right this card duplicates the magic card in your graveyard, and I choose Monster Reborn to bring back my Buster Blader!"

A knight with a large sword come from the graveyard

"And NOW I play Polymerization, so I can FUSE my dark magician and Buster Blader together" as he says that both Dark Magician and Buster Blader go into the sky and fuse.

"Fuse whatever you want, my Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon is still stronger your magic card didn't help you at all!"

"You are wrong Kaiba as my new fusion carries every one of Buster Blader's effects which it's attack will increase 500 points for ever Dragon on the field and in the graveyard which includes your Ultimate dragon, your 3 blue eyes in the graveyard and my Red Eyes Black Dragon, now behold the power of Dark Paladin, the ultimate magical swordsman"

Dark Paladin

Card art: A Magician that looks like Dark Magician but carries a lance that looks like Buster Blader's blade

card type: Monster

Attribute: Dark

type: Spellcaster / Fusion / Effect

Level: 2

Attack/Defense: 2900/2400

Effect:"Dark Magician" + "Buster Blader"

Must be Fusion Summoned. When a Spell Card is activated (Quick Effect): You can discard 1 card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it. This card must be face-up on the field to activate and to resolve this effect. Gains 500 ATK for each Dragon monster on the field and in the GY.

Dark Paladin then lands on Yugi's field in attack mode (2900/2400), and its attack got increased (5400/2400)

"NO, IT'S MORE POWERFUL THEN MY MONSTER NOW" Screamed Kaiba in disbelief and anger.

"But there is more Kaiba as I play One shot wand and equip it to my Dark Paladin!" pulling out one more card and plays it.

One-Shot Wand

Art: a wand with a crescent moons shaped object on the top

Card type: Magic

Property: Equip

Card description: Equip only to a Spellcaster-Type monster. It gains 800 ATK. If the equipped monster attacks or is attacked, after damage calculation: You can destroy this card, and if you do, draw 1 card.

Dark Paladin (6200/2400)

"I also play de-fusion which will force your ultimate dragon to separate back to 3 Blue eyes"

As that happened the Ultimate dragon separates into 3 blue eyes white dragons.

"and I been Destined to defeat you Kaiba to which I Play, DIFUSION WAVE MOTION"


Diffusion Wave-Motion

Art: a dimension wave

Card type: Magic

Property: Normal

Card description: (This card is not treated as a "Fusion" card.) Pay 1000 LP, then target 1 Level 7 or higher Spellcaster-Type monster you control; this turn, only that monster can attack, and it must attack all monsters your opponent controls, once each. The effects of Effect Monsters destroyed by these attacks do not activate and are negated.

By playing that card, Yugi sacrificed 1000 LP, but it is worth the price as he will end this match against Kaiba.

"NO, WITH THAT I WILL LOSE!" said Kaiba mentally snapping at his eventful defeat. "I WILL NOT LOSE!

Yugi LP 1500 - 500

Kaiba LP 1900

Dark Paladin then raises his staff and attacks the blue eyes

"YUGI! I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED AT MY OWN TORNAMENT!" roared Kaiba at his opponent.

"KAIBA, YOUR TOO LATE!" yelled Yugi as he reaches out his gauntlet clad hand and commands his Dark Paladin to destroy Kaiba's three Blue-eyes White Dragons.

Yugi's Dark Paladin then destroys the 3 blue eyes white dragons, each costing Kaiba LPs, so much that his LP count reached zero.

Yugi LP 500

Kaiba LP 1900 - 0

With his LP gone, Kaiba collapses on the floor. Yugi simply watches without any remorse, Kaiba has been so arrogant and proud, this defeat will be the one thing that will shatter his infuriating pride.

"You lose Kaiba." Which Yugi also thought I did it but this battle is not over yet as I will be face to face with Marik in the final duel

Back at the Pyramid Key Room

Naruto snapped back to reality while holding the pendant. He was at awe when he saw assumed to be one of his predecessors. He then noticed that the hieroglyphics are now understandable, and it contains the name of the First Overlord.

First Overlord Key Obtained

"Shadow Gamer Yugi Muto" Naruto read the Hieroglyphs. "Good Game, Yugi, Good Game"

5 Insight obtained

Sceptre Key Room

Naruto is in a room which believed to be made entirely out of crystal, specs of light glimmer in the air and light the way. Naruto is rather unsure of the room's design, it looked rather… off to him, his eyes are getting irritating from the sight. But as he approaches the other side, where a crystalline statue of a man with a proud and arrogant expression on his face, wearing royal robes with pointy collars and holding an unusual sceptre high up in the air.

Naruto looked at the statue and frowned.

"I'm not convinced" said Naruto before drawing his saw cleaver and smashed the statue to pieces. But not all, he picks up the sceptre and snaps it in half. "It's too easy, there's something missing about this place.

Naruto starts looking around in this crystalline room for any clues, he crouches to the sceptre he broke.

"Nothing an Overlord uses could break that easily"

Naruto then heard something crack he turns to see broken pieces of crystal on the crystalline floor and starts investigating it.

"Crystals aren't fragile, so what caused it to crack and fracture?" said Naruto as he then looks up to see cracks on the wall, but the cracks themselves are unusual as if taking form. "I wonder…"

Naruto channels his gauntlet with Red Phazon and punches the wall, this causes the cracks to form up. Suddenly the cracks caused apart of the wall to shatter and something fell out with it, but Naruto caught it before it could hit the floor. It appears to be some sort of playing card, Naruto recognised it when he saw Yugi battle Kaiba. But something is usual about it, normally it looks like any ordinary duelling card, but Naruto's eyes are clear that there's something more to this card than being used for a game.

"Game…" said Naruto as he realised, the character for "Game" is well hidden in the card's picture.

Suddenly more cracks on the wall form up, meaning more smashing for Naruto, he continues to smash other cracked sections of the wall and found more cards, four in total and each containing a world. Naruto tries to figure out why these cards would have a single character hidden in them. He tries jumbling them and speaking them as a short sentence…it took a short while, but Naruto manages to speak them in the right order.

"Get your game on"

And in no time, the crystalline room starts to shatter completely and fade away, including the destroyed statue and sceptre. The room changes into what appears to by an urban penthouse with a night city view.

"Ok, this looks better" said Naruto as he looks around and starts searching for the right key. "Now if I were an Overlord, and I am, what kind of tool should I use?"

He searches through the bookshelves, he examines the displayed trophies and weapons. He searches every nook and cranny for a key he has no idea what it looks like.

"Damn it, I know you're not Mateus but what is the key that represents you!" exclaimed Naruto while slamming his gauntlet clad fist on the wall, causing the books on the selves to topple, the trophies to unhook, the weapons to fall and the displayed mini statues to break…all except one. Naruto notices this and approaches the small statue, the stature appears to resemble some female humanoid with 3 eyes, messy hair and a pair of demon wings, on the base it reads Yubel. "Could this be it?"

Naruto picks up the statue of Yubel up, suddenly it causes Naruto to visit another memory, but this time about the Second Overlord.


Naruto sees that he is now in what looks like an academy area and like before he sees 2 characters fighting on this time one looks like a shadowed figure dressed in black and gold medieval knight-esque armor with six tendril-like spikes, two jutting out of the armour's back and four jutting out of the shoulders, a headdress with a tall collar and a floor-length red cape. To signify his position as the Supreme King, he also wears a black helmet that functions as a crown when the visor is lifted. His Gauntlet is connected to his duel disk.

"Ok that is defiantly not Mateus." Said Naruto as he uses Observe on the armoured figure.

Jaden Yuki: The True Second Overlord, The Supreme King

"This raises a few questions." Said Naruto, why is this boy the Second Overlord and not Mateus of Palamecia? And why was he not recorded in the Overlord's history?

The other person was a woman that looked like a teen age girl a blue skirt combined with a belt coloured in a light blue hue, blue boots, a sleeveless jacket made of white coloured fabric with some blue marks around the collar and on the front side in chest level. Her attire also features an optional pair of fingerless gloves which reach from wrists up to her elbows. Her long, dark blond hair is sporadically arranged, with a large portion trailing the upper part of the nape of her neck. She has hazel eyes. She carries an Academia Disk on her left arm. Though at this point of the memory all the blue is a lighter shade of white and her eyes seem cruller to her mate.

Alexis Rhodes: First Mistress of the Second Overlord (Brainwashed by the Society of Light)

Jaden: 100

White Alexis: 700

"Well Alexis-chan I promised Yami-sama I will free you from their clutches and I intend to keep it." Said Jaden

"Just make your move loser after all you are not going to last that long anyway." Said White Alexis sort of clutching her heart as if she is trying to fight out the control.

"Fine then, I draw." Jaden draws and then sees his card. "Aw, Sweet! I play the normal spell card Evil always finds a way!"

Evil always finds a way

Art: The overlords of the multiverse with the main overlord in the front leading them

Card type: Magic

Property: Normal

Card description: When this card is played the owner will get 5 cards he chooses, if the owner has less then 1000 life points then the number of cards is doubled to 10 cards and your life points are brought to 3000

White Alexis's eyes widen in shock

"With this Alexis, I can choose which card I can choose what cards I need, and thanks to having 100 life points, I can have ten cards and I chose them and get back to 3000 life points."

Jaden: 100 - 3000

White Alexis: 700

With that Jaden chooses 10 cards, "first I play monster reincarnation, so I get back spark man while discarding 1 card" Jaden then gets Elemental Hero Sparkman back from the graveyard while discarding one card, "then I play double fusion and I give up 500 life points to summon an old favourite Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman"

Jaden 3000 - 2500

White Alexis 700

Double Fusion

Art: two polymerizations colliding

Card Type: Magic

Property: Normal

Card Description: Pay 500 Life Points. Send, from your hand or your side of the field to the Graveyard, Fusion Material Monsters that are listed on a Fusion Monster Card, and Special Summon that monster from your Fusion Deck. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon.) You can use this effect up to 2 times this turn.

A hero that looks like Elemental Hero Flame wing man but looks like he has mechanical wings and armor emerges on the playing field

"I also play the Darkness of Justice which allows me to Special Summon 2 specific cards on my side of the field and these cards are Overlord Judai and Yubel."

Darkness of Justice

Art: a person who looks like Jaden and the Monster Yubel fighting side by side against a battle field of monsters

Card Type: Magic

Property: Normal

Card Description: Special summon Overlord Judai and Yubel on your side of the field

Overlord Judai

Art: A Person who looks like Jaden with his gauntlet raised

Card Type: Monster

Attribute: Dark

Type: Warrior/Effect

Level: 7

Attack / Defense: 2500 / 2000

Effect: (this card is also treated as an Elemental Hero) For every Minion, HERO, Neospacian, Cyber Angel, Cyber Blader, and Yubel on the field and in the graveyard this card gets 1000 Attack added per monster

Overlord Judai (2500/2000) and Yubel (0/0) land on Jaden's side of the field

"There's more, I also play Super Polymerization, which I give up one card to fuse monsters on the field together and I chose Overlord Judai, Elemental Hero Neos, and Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman"

With that al three of them go up in the air and fuse

"The 3 so called Heroes come together, the past, present, and future the strongest Hero in the Duel spirit world, rise with your new primordial power of both light and darkness, RISE Elemental Hero Chaos Overlord Judai!"

Elemental Hero Chaos Overlord Judai

Art: a Person who looks like Jaden with his Overlord armour, wings of Shining flare wingman, and the armour similar to Neos

Card Type: Monster

Attribute: Dark

Type: Warrior/Effect

Level: 12

Attack / Defense: 3500 / 2500

Effect: "Overlord Judai" + "Elemental hero Neos" + "Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman"

For every Minion, HERO, Neospacian, Cyber Angel, Cyber Blader, and Yubel on the field and in the graveyard this card gets 1500 Attack added per monster, once this monster attacks a monster and destroys it the battle damage is equivalent to the monster's attack points, this monster is also treated as both a dark and light

Chaos Overlord Judai lands on the field (3500 - 15,500 /2500)

"15500 ATACK POINTS?!" White Alexis was in shock

"I promised you Alexis-chan and Yami-sama that I will free you and I intend to no matter what. Chaos Overlord Judai free Alexis from being Sartorius's puppet for censured Justice, attack with Cosmic Chaos inferno slash!"

Chaos Overlord Judai attacks White Night Dragon with a sword made from the primordial depths of Chaos obliterating White Alexis's life points

Jaden: 2500

White Alexis: 700 - 0

Alexis fainted when her LP depleted, which result in her losing the duel and a ball of white energy that was shrouding her goes up in the air and fades from obscurity. Jaden puts away his Duel Disk and took off his helmet with sigh in relief.

"And that's game Alexis."

Jaden suddenly rushes to the other side of the battle arena to Alexis and checks up on her "Alexis-chan you ok?"

Alexis then stirs awake with the cold soulless like eyes gone and her normal sweet eyes return to, "Jaden-kun? Wait why am I in all white clothes and my duel disk already out, were we duelling? Did I win?"

"You did Alexis-chan." And with that Jaden kisses Alexis on the lips as the two lovers are reunited once again.

And the memory ends with that, the area engulfs in blank light and returns Naruto back to the key room.

Back at the Sceptre Key Room

Naruto returns and not holding the Statue of Yubel which happens to the next key in his possession.

Second Overlord Key Obtained

While Naruto puts the key in his inventory, the memory baffled him when he discovered that Mateus wasn't an Overlord, yet he was written as one. That is one question he would like to answer.

5 insight obtained

Naruto held his head as his brain is acting up, the insight he gained is slowly overwhelming but luckily, it's only temporary and he is feeling fine.

"Whoa, what a rush" said Naruto when he suddenly sees 3 ethereal figures, featureless but shows it's a 2 on 1 battle, but the lone figure is taller than the other 2 who are nearly equal length, but the back of their left hand glows a familiar yellow. Then suddenly the ethereal figures fade away.

"Strange" said Naruto at this before leaving the second key room and heads for the next one.

Crystal Ball Key Room

Naruto is now in the third key room, but unlike the other 2, the interior defies the laws of gravity and reality. Various stairs and doorways are on the angled walls and ceiling, but also angled where it would be impossible to trek on. And in the centre of this bizarre, gravitational wonder of a room is a statue of a handsome man with long messy and spiky hair rivalling his own and possibly the Yondaime Hokage's. Although it may be floating in mid-air, it's caught in all the gravitational fields of the room, keeping it stable as if the statue itself is the eye of all this unexplained chaos.

Naruto tries to climb up the stairs on the side, surprisingly he is also angled sideways but feels like he's not actually on the side, connected to the gravity of that wall. The room itself is like a puzzle, a gravity defying maze where the statue is the centre. The travel is nauseating, walking across walls, floors and ceilings at various angles where the laws of gravity don't apply.

But in time he has close enough to have an arm's reach for the third key held by the statue. The key is a crystal ball the size of an orange, smooth and clear, Naruto reaches out and grabs it.

"Got it" said Naruto now holding the Crystal Ball, and suddenly prepares for another viewing of another memory. "Here we go"


Naruto is now in a normal room, and to his relief as the key room was mentally messy to his sight and mind that he is glad to see a simple room again. He looks around and sees that he is in a master bedroom, but then he hears a baby's cry and turns to see a cot with see a blond-haired toddler standing by the cot's railing, crying with his sea blue eyes stained in tears.

"A baby?" said Naruto while the baby continues crying. "That blonde hair, those blue eyes"

Naruto decided to use Observe on the baby.

Tobi Uchiha

Bio: War orphan adopted son of Madara Uchiha and youngest victim of the Third Overlord, Jareth the Goblin King fate unknown.

"Intriguing" said Naruto at the crying baby when suddenly he heads the door open.

The girl with long raven hair and black eyes barges in with a look of annoyance and anger, the reason of this is because the baby known as Tobi went in her room without permission and stole one of her stuffed animals again.

Sarada "Sara" Uchiha

Bio: Estranged daughter of Madara Uchiha, unknowingly in love of the Third Overlord but struggling with her destiny to be the next Uchiha Clan Head and becoming the Overlord's bride.

"I hate you, I hate you!" exclaimed Sara as she saw the discarded kitsune plush by the foot of Tobi's cot. As she hugs it, she frowned at the fact that she feels trapped, trapped in her slowly estranged family. "Someone, save me, please take me away from this awful place!"

The baby known as Tobi kept on crying, the teenage girl annoyingly approaches the baby, still crying for some unknown reason.

"What do you want, a story?" said the Sara at the crying baby, her tone of voice is still filled with annoyance. "Alright, fine. I'll tell you a story"

Intrigued at what's going on, Naruto sat on the bed and starts listening to the girl telling the baby a bedtime story, but he's getting a feeling by the girl's tone it will not be a pleasant one.

"Once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl whose WICKED father always made her stay at home with the baby!" said the Sara while frowning at Tobi, who is oblivious of why she is angry for. "And the baby was nothing but a spoiled child and wants everything for himself and the poor young girl was nothing but a slave to him.

But what no one knew, is that the King of the Goblins fell in love with the girl and he had given her certain powers. So, one night, when the baby is being cruel to her, she called for the goblins for help."

Naruto is finding this rather entertaining and wonders what going to happen next. Suddenly he heard muttering in the dark, he turns to see a hoard of minions or "Goblins" as the girl would call them. Eavesdropping on her while she's telling the story to the baby.

"Shh, listen" said one of the minions to his fellow brethren.

The girl continues the cruel tale.

"Say your right words, the Goblins said, and we'll take the baby to the goblin city, and you will be free."

The minions gasp in awe at the Sara's cruel storytelling and continues to listen, Naruto just sits still and watches.

"But the girl knew, that the King of the Goblins will keep the baby in his cruel dark tower forever and turn him into his eternal servant. So, the girl suffered in silence, until one night as she is tired from her housework, and was hurt by her cruel father's cruel words, no long can she stand it any longer…" said the girl, but despite her efforts of her tale, the baby kept on crying, she sighed with annoyance. "Alright, Alright, knock it off"

She picked the baby out of his cot and starts rocking him to sleep, but her efforts were in vain and the baby's crying gets worse and worse, irritating the poor girl. "I mean it, stop it! Or I will say the word…no, I shouldn't, I mustn't say"

The minions all rear up and gasped more with awe as they are expecting her to speak the magic words that will summon them to do the deed. And that is when she's about to speak them.

"I wish…I wish…"

"Listen!" said a Red

"She's going to say it" said a Green

"Say what?" said the dumb Brown

"SHUP UP!" harshly exclaimed the hoard at the idiotic Brown.

"Listen, she's going to say the magic words" said the same Red in the crowd.

As the crying keeps on going and on, the poor girl is getting angry at the baby for the constant crying. Naruto noticed that her eyes started to glow red, a very familiar shard of red mixing with her onyx black.

"I can bare it no longer!" exclaimed the Sara her eyes flash red with a single marked Sharingan, "Goblin King, Goblin King, wherever you may be! Take this child of mine away, far away from me!"

Unfortunately, those aren't the right words of command, causing the minions to moan with disappointment.

"That's not it!"

"Where did she learn to say that rubbish?"

"It doesn't even start with "I wish…"

"Oh Tobi, enough please!" exclaimed the Sara with more annoyance in her voice but her Sharingan fades away. But Tobi kept on crying, making Sara more annoyed at him... "Oh, I wish I don't what to say to make the goblins take you away."

"it's "I wish the goblins would come and take you away right now", THAT NOT HARD, IS IT?!" exclaimed one of the minions in darkness.

Or course she couldn't hear the minions, but as if the words some how came to her and told her what to say.

"I wish…I wish…"

"Did she say it?" said the dumb Brown

"SHUT UP!" exclaimed the minions, as they want to hear the girl speak those correct words to command them.

Sara however is hesitant and simply put Tobi back to bed, still annoyed at his constant crying. She tucks him in and walks away so that he'll cry himself to sleep, she doesn't care anymore. But before she leaves, unintentionally, she speaks the words.

"I wish the goblins would come and take you away" said Sara before turning off the light, leaving the bedroom for Tobi to keep on crying. "Right now,"

Suddenly the crying stops, the girl would assume Tobi stopped but Naruto knew what happened, he pulled a sadistic grin as he saw the minions come out of the darkness and quickly took Tobi away. Girl decided to check up on him, just in case and to deny herself her beliefs.

"Tobi?" said the Sara slowly approaching the cot "Are you alright, Tobi? Why aren't you crying?"

"Why indeed?" said Naruto smirking at the scene.

When Sara is halfway from the cot, movement is seen underneath the covers and sinister giggles is heard also, making Sara flinch and back up slightly before continuing approaching the cot.

"Tobi?" said Sara, now with concern, she pulls the covers pull and sees nothing. Tobi is gone.

Sara gasped in shock, suddenly a barn owl bumps into the window, trying get in. As Sara turns her attention to the owl, the minions who were in hiding, come out and scurries out from their hiding place and leave the room. She is getting terrified at situation, Tobi is gone, could she possibly command the minions to take him away?

Suddenly the window opens and the owl flies in and around her, Sara panics at this and crouches out of the owl's way. But as Sara crouches away, the Owl suddenly takes another form. Now stands before Sara is a handsome man in his 20s with long spiky blonde hair, blue eyes but his left appears to be diluted. He is wearing black robes consisted with greaves over his leather boots and a single gauntlet on his left hand.

Jareth the Goblin King: Third Overlord

"You him, aren't you? The Goblin King" said Sara, Jareth only smiled at Sara to respond with her question. "I want my brother back, please."

"What's said is said" said Jareth crossing his arms at Sara

"But, I didn't mean it" pleaded Sara

"Oh, you didn't?" said Jareth in mock shock.

"Please, where is he?" asked Sara still with worry.

"You know very well where he is" said Jareth

Hearing that, Sara is now scared and knows that will happen to her baby brother, she is feeling guilty for banishing Tobi to the Goblin King.

"Please bring him back, please" said Sara desperately begging to Jareth, she didn't mean it to happen and is now sorry for doing it.

"Sara" said Jareth as he starts giving her some advice. "Go back to your room, play with your toys and costumes. Forget about the baby."

"I can't" Sara quietly, tears seeping out from her eyes. The guilt is too much, despite her annoyance from Tobi, she still loves him.

"I brought you a gift" said Jareth as he presents Sara a crystal ball, perhaps this gift will help her forget about Tobi.

"What is it" said Sara, still tear stricken.

"It's a crystal, nothing more." Jareth simply said while juggling it. "But if you turn it this way and investigate it, it will show you your dreams. But this is not an ordinary gift for an ordinary girl who takes care of a screaming baby."

Jareth stops juggling it and offers it to Sara, but Sara doesn't move and say nothing else.

"Do you want it?" said Jareth "Then forget about the baby."

"I can't, as much as I appreciate it, I must have my brother back" said He must be so scared…"

"Sara" warned Jareth as he turned his crystal ball into a snake. "Don't defy me"

Jareth then throws the snake at Sara, who pulls it off herself, then the snake turned into a minion who giggled menacingly and scarpered off.

Suddenly the minions reveal themselves behind Sara, laughing menacingly while awaiting their master's orders.

"You're no match for me, Sara" said Jareth "Many have dared to challenge me and they all failed to me."

"But I must have my brother back" said Sara with determination.

Jareth sighed at this and muttered under breath, but Naruto knew what he said clearly.

"Uchihas, stubborn to the last, oh well"

"He's there in my Tower" said Jareth as he points out of the window. As the window normally would show the gardens of the Uchiha's compound, instead it reveals the view of the Dark Tower, but below it is a vast labyrinth. "You still want to look for him? To do so, you must agree to play my Shadow Game. But I suggest you don't, stay here and forget him."

"I can't, you must understand I can't" said Sara

"Very well" said Jareth sighing and turning away. He snaps his fingers and a clock with 13 numbers show up. "You have 13 hours to reach the tower, Win and Tobi will return home safe with you. Lose and Tobi will be my new servant in the tower for all eternity. You will forget him regardless."

After that, Jareth fades away and the games begin.

Back at the Crystal Ball Key Room

Naruto has returned to the illusionary key room while holding the third key.

Third Overlord Key Obtained

"The past of my legacy is becoming more curious" said Naruto "And that boy, Tobi. Who is he?"

5 Insight obtained

Suddenly Naruto is hearing voice while seeing another ethereal figure. The figure is kneeling at something. Nothing is there but a second voice is heard among the others.

"She is rather persistent, no wonder I love her.

"Unfortunately, her fate is on the other side, she will be your undoing…but uneventful sadly. Keep her occupied while I'm done with the child. Though if you were able to have a child he will become a gamer similar to your other three predecessors and be able to control one of my Dragon Star Crimson Dragon, shame he wouldn't be an overlord though."

"I wouldn't worry, I threatened that monkey-boy Sasuke to give her that peach if she gets too close to the City. And if he fails, he'll enjoy his permanent home in that repulsive bog."

"She'll resist your magic"

"I know, I just wish she could just live her life and forget the baby. He belongs to us now"

The ethereal figure fades away along with the 2 voices, Naruto is silent at this and believed that the figure is Jareth speaking to Yami about Tobi.

"Now I'm getting more curious, who is Tobi?" said Naruto as he heads for the heads for the final key room.

Level 17

HP: 7672 (40% Per level)

Mana: 5760 (20% per level)

RAGE: 7680 (20% per level)

CHAOS: 3360 (20% per level)

VOID: 3360 (20% per level)

Phazon: 15840 (60% Per Level)


KUNAI: 15/35 (5 per Level)

SHURIKEN: 15/35 (5 Per Level)


Weapon: Sting

Description: An ancient Elven Short sword made of an alloy that glows blue when evil creatures are close, like an early warning before an attack is made by the enemy. This weapon has been passed down from many generations of Halfling Heroes, down from a Halfling Thief who travelled with a Dwarf Prince, to a Halfling hero who ventured through various dangers to destroy an object of pure evil. Any Halfling who possess this legendary sword is forever branded as a legend and a hero to his/her people.

Bonus Perk: Glowing blade (Long-range enemy presence)

Uchiha Katana

A Katana used by the Uchiha clansmen, forged and treated to be stronger than any blade, such like the Uchiha. Ha, such arrogance, but this weapon is indeed strong and will eventually drink in the blood of Uchihas.

Bonus Perk: Sharp (Can cause Bleed)

Demon's Scar

Description: A blade made of entirely out of flames. This chaotic thing, the last flame kindled by a demon prince, is shaped like the claw marks of a demon. It is both a fiery bladed weapon, and pyromancy flame.

Added Skill: Spin Slash – Spin to stoke a fierce chaos flame and use momentum to transition into a spinning strong attack, creating an evanescent lava chamber.

Saw Cleaver

Description: One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used in the hunting business. This saw, effective at drawing the blood of beasts, transforms into a long cleaver that makes use of centrifugal force. The saw, with its set of blood-letting teeth, has become a symbol of the hunt, and only grows in effectiveness the more grotesquely transformed the beast.

Censor Blade

Description: A weapon used by one of the Censored Justice's elite knights. This one was owned by Fugaku Uchiha before his timely defeat against the Gamer named Darkborne.

Bonus Perk: Censorship: Temporally disables skills and abilities.

Head: Black Goggles

Description: Naruto's new black goggles.

• Defense: +25

• Dexterity: +25

• Bonus Perk: Night vision (increase Sharingan's Insight by 30%)

Standard Ninja Mask

Description: an ordinary ninja mask

• Defense: +5

• Dexterity: +5

• Bonus Perk: Incognito

Hunter's Tricorn

Description: A hat worn by hunters' centuries ago when a village was plague by a bloodborne virus that turns humans into monsters.

Defence: +10

Dexterity: +5

Bonus Perk: Hunter (20% Soul bonus)

Chest: Leather Trench coat

Description: Coat made from the strongest leather, blends well in darkness

• Defense: 500

• Dexterity: +25

Mithril Chainmail

Description: a chainmail made of Mithril, a metal which is light as a feather but much denser than steel. Mithril is extremely rare and can only be found in one certain place, unfortunately the place is incinerated by an Ancient Demon during pitfall battle against a Wizard.

• Defense: 500

Pants: Black trousers

Description: Trousers dyed in black, helps blend in the darkness.

Defence: 500

Dexterity: +25

Iron greaves

Description: Greaves that protects the shins

Defence: +62

Arm: Overlord Phazon Gauntlet

Description: The gauntlet of the Overlord with Phazon primordial gems added to it

Defence: +60

Ninja Vambrace

Description: Greaves that protects the forearms

Defence: +60


Blood Estrus Flask

Description: an item that was made by Jūbi as a gift for her previous true mate using an Estrus Flask from the Dark realm and the blood vials from the blood realms. the blood Estrus Flask tastes like the person's favorite drink and they are rare

Key Items


Share Crystals

Sega Saturn Fragment (3/4)


Slig Queen Egg



Silver Tongue

Body Flicker


Minion Control





Mangekyō Sharingan:






6 Paths


Human Path

Petra Path

Chakra control: LV2


Shadow Clone Jutsu




Lightning Whip





Legendary Baka Bros


Magic Fire Kunai (1 Kunai and 10 Mana)

Blazing Shuriken (5 Shuriken and 10 Mana)


Hyper Mode (Requires Phazon)

Void Sword (Requires Void)

Void Projection

Chaos Claws (Requires Chaos)

Chaos Bomb









Human Path

Petra Path


Land of Fire

Fire Temple