
Naruto: One-click Upgrade

Traversing into the world of Naruto, from becoming an average Uchiha to a strong one Sinking into the third Ninja war. Activating a one-click full-level system. [Ding, found fireball Justu] full level with one click.” [Ding, found shadow Clone Justu] one-click full level, awakened multi-shadow Clone Jutsu .” [Ding, Sharingan unlocked] with one button full level “You said that this is the Sage mode, can only those who choose one thousand miles learn?” [Ding, found Sage Mode] whether it is full with one click.” There is no jujutsu that can’t be learned in this world, if there is, then open a one-click full-level system again. Translated from: https://www.mtlnovel.com/naruto-i-can-reach-the-full-level-with-one-click/#_=_ RAW source: https://www.soxs.cc/HuoYingWoNengYiJianManJi/

Kesson32 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 2 Let See What Dispair Is

"Shin, what do you say to me." Shime rose her head hesitantly, tears already creeping up.

Now she is not like an experienced medical ninja at all, but feels like a child who is at a loss.

"You have done very well." Shin got up and gently wiped away Shime tears: "This matter, just leave it to me to solve it."

Feeling the warmth in the palm of the hand, Shime couldn't help but be startled.

On weekdays, Uchiha Shin is a shy, or low self-esteem boy.

Now, he feels completely different to her.

Those eyes, as firm as a falcon, gave her an inexplicable sense of security.

However, when I thought of intimacy now, with a slightly cheeks were red, and he quickly changed the subject: "They are seriously injured, how do you save them next?"

"Unless Konoha is transported back, or there is more medical ninja support, but they are now discussing retreat and abandon the wounded."

"Don't worry, with me here, they will not be given up. To draw an end to this war, we will go home together." Shin loosened his body and stood up.

Under the silent and stunned look, he stepped out.

"Hey" Silent rubbed her forehead subconsciously, only to find that the tone of her words seemed a little strange, and her cheeks couldn't help but flushed.

At the entrance of the cave, the battle meeting continued.

As soon as Shin approached, he heard the final decision.

"Now, in the name of the captain, I propose to immediately abandon the wounded and retreat. Please raise your hand if you like." Taki said suddenly.

The oily girl on the side took her roots and raised her hand in agreement: "I am willing.

"The removal of the wounded and the treatment along the way will slow down the retreat of the large troops, so it is necessary to give up the wounded. I hope you will consider it carefully, and don't forget how Konoha White Fang ended up.

As soon as these words fell, the expressions of everyone in the field changed drastically.

The death of Konoha White Fang Hatake Sakumo was a huge loss for Konoha.

Unfortunately, his death was rejected by most people.

People are selfish. They only pay attention to results, but they care about what they sacrifice in the process.

Now that Root has made their choice is obviously forced to a dead end.

No need to choose, we are different from Root, we don't just give up teammates. "Shin said lightly.

"It's Uchiha Shin, isn't his injury very serious, why is he awake so soon?"

Many people were shocked.

Thinking of Shin being rescued from the Paper Bomb and covered in blood, they still have lingering fears.

The Root and Taki's face couldn't help but sink.

Whether they are in Root or Konoha Ninja, they can be regarded as small geniuses.

When was it publicly questioned and openly opposed to their decision?

Moreover, the thought that is instilled in the Root is that everything can be easily given up for victory.

"Shin, you are just a Gennin, and you are not qualified to participate in the decision of this matter. Hurry up and leave." Taki shouted in a deep voice.

"If there is another time to speak indiscriminately to confuse people, then don't blame our military law for dealing with it."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone in the field changed drastically, and they all looked at Shin, who was always shy and inferior.

Intuition tells them that this Shin might have knocked on his brain, and dared to fight against the Jounin.

"Uchiha Shin, you dare to ignore the leader orders, are looking to die." Taki shouted angrily.

Let everyone's complexion change involuntarily!

The oil girl from Root echoed coldly: "Don't forget, we are facing hundreds of Ninjas, and the A's and B's group!"

"This is a world where the strong eat the weak. You are a weak who can't even reach Chuunin, you are not qualified to speak."

"Now I'll give you two opportunities. First, shut up and roll aside."

"Second, death."

The awe-inspiring words changed the expressions of everyone in the field drastically.

"Shin come back quickly!" Shime rushed out and said anxiously: "I'm sorry, everyone, Shin's consciousness is still not clear..."

"SHime, leave this to me." Taki interrupted by probing his hand, looking up at the oil girl who was talking to the Root: "Then what you mean is that companions can kill each other!"

"Can I kill you too?"

The quiet voice swept through the cave, making everyone's expressions drastically changed.

This is very different from Shin, who he knew and fears him all day long.

"Huh, Uchiha Shin, our root have long known that your clan is ready to move, but you are too naive, with your strength, you even threatened to kill me." Taki laughed disdainfully.

"Huh, a Gennin who doesn't even have the slightest strength. He stayed aside. Maybe we will take you away. Now it seems to be free." Taki said coldly: "Follow the crime, blatantly violate the captain's order. We have the right to kill you!"

"Weak people should hide in the corner shivering!"

Taki's aura was instantly locked on Shin's body.

Everyone on the scene knew clearly that as long as Shin had the slightest movement, it would be Death was awaiting him.

"We are companions, don't go too far." An women with purple hair stood out from the crowd: "In this situation, we should calm down and discuss before there is a solution."

"Huh, Yugao, I advise you not to be nosy. This kid is so weak, he is already dragging his feet, and now he is still blatantly disobeying orders. We have the right to kill him."

"Do you mean that you can kill if you have the strength?"

"That's good, let you see what despair is!" Shin smiled mischievously.

The blood color in the pupil was like a tide, instantly occupying the entire pupil, and in the next moment, his eyes change.

The black hair moves without wind, and the blood-colored eyes make people throb with a kind of overwhelming heart!

"This, what kind of eye is this!"

"What the hell is going on, in the Uchiha clan, the three-tomoe Sharingan is already very powerful, know the Mangekyo Sharingan"

The oppression of the powerful eyes, and the Mankeyo Sharigan is overwhelming

The look of everyone in the cave changed drastically.

The Uchiha clan is a well-known clan in the ninja world.

The evolutionary Sharingan has long been figured out.

one-tomoe, two-tomoe, three-tomoe

This is the most common change.

It can be said that even the Uchiha clan knows very few people.

Not to mention the awakened person by chance.

However, none of this is important!

The most important thing is that under the pressure of this extremely powerful eyes, they feel the smell of disaster.