
The pitiful kurama

Entering the seal is very easy with the help of eyes of truth.it even showed me a couple of ways to break the seal or to strengthen it.

I sit cross-legged, toke deep breath, and start entering my subconscious following the steps that eyes of truth showed me before.

The moment I entered, I see an underground complex, with pipes running along with the ceiling and various hallways. The floor is flooded with a shallow layer of water.

Kurama is separated from the rest of this complex by a large cage, the bars of the cage are far enough apart for me to walk between them.

The cage's doors are secured by a sheet of parchment with a "seal" written on it.

"Wow, everything looks so real and I can even smell here, and it disgusting," I said while blocking my nose with my hand.

"How can someone live here, poor Kurama. I must reshape this place after we talk"

"*growl*, HOW DARE TO BOTHER ME WHILE I'M NAPPING ?" the one that screams now is the one and only Kurama, the Kyūbi.

Kurama looks similar to the anime with the same red-orange colored fur and around 'her' red eyes there is a black fur that stretches up to its soft ears, and 'she' also has a fluffy nine long swiping tails.

'Her ears are so soft, I won't touch them, and her tails look so fluffy, I want to hug them. hug them, touch them, hug, touch..." I kept repeating the same words in my head while looking at Kurama ears and tails.

Kurama starts searching left and right looking for the source of the sound until she found me, staring at her with a naive and curious look.

'she looks so adorable, I want to hug her.' I thought while looking at Kurama

Kurama look at me weirdly and said" a kid? how did a kid like you got here?."

Then as it seems like she comprehends something. kurama stood up from her napping position, placed a thick killing intent on me and said

"No, you aren't a normal kid. you are my jinchūriki and my jailer."

Although I'm not afraid of 'her', Kurama can be really scary if 'she' wants to be.

'note to myself, never make Kurama angry.' I thought

"Brat, this no place for you to be in. go home"

Kurama said while focusing his killing intent on me, but I can still feel that she's holding back to not hurt me.

'why she is holding back' I was confused with her action.

Then it hit me, that she is only trying to scare me'

'she really is kind. She could have used this opportunity by deceiving and manipulate me to get her out from the seal, but she didn't do that. After all, my outer appearance is that of kid and kids are easy to deceive and manipulate' I thought then I look at Kurama with a warm smile, unlike the act I used before.

yes, I was acting before.

Although, I'm a little reckless and I sometimes can be an idiot but never in my past-life did I do an action without a reason or plan, and it will be the same in this life too

Me acting like a naive kid is an act to lower her guard so that I can judge her character and see if she is evil or not.

but, she exceeded all expectations.

Even after being wronged, controlled, and imprisoned, Kurama still has a good heart, and her even unwilling to cause harm to me, even after knowing that she can get her freedom if she does so.

Looking at Kurama's angry look, I used my sensing ability to find her true emotion and I really don't like sensing other people's emotions because it makes me feel like a control freak.

Still, I really want to know Kurama's Current feeling, but the results that I got, surprised me.

The emotion that I sense from Kurama is anger, hate, loneliness, and great fear.

after sensing Kurama's real emotion, I made an important decision that will change mine and Kurama's life.

I swiftly run between the bars of the cage.

"STOP, what are you doing?" this was Kurama trying to stop

"stop, don't go there. there is a monster there, and 'it' will hurt you" this time it wasn't Kurama that trying to stop me but someone else

'so he appeared, huh. I will talk to him later. now, I have a more important matter' I continue to run without given a look at the one how to try to stop me.

"Brat, what are you trying to do? and don't try to make any funny moves. just go out from here or I hurt you" said Kurama trying to threaten me, but all I can sense is fear from 'her'

when I arrived in front of her I opened my arms and said in the warmest and adorable way " can I hug you?"

seeing what I did, Kurama stunned and said

"Is this a new way of torture?"

"really, Kurama. Must you be a mode killer?" I said while moving closer to 'her'

"did you hear what I said? STOP MOVING" Kurama said in a panicking voice

I completely discard what 'she' said and proceed of hugging 'her'.

"go away " screamed Kurama and start retreating, but I didn't let go.

"Shhhh, relax Kurama, I will never hurt" I begin to coexist her.

' Kurama fur is really soft and fluffy, and her smell is really good, like nature.' I thought will hugging her.

" Stop talking, and go away," Kurama said

" you must be feeling loneliness and fear "


"I mean you being the Kyūbi that everyone hates and afraid of, and getting imprisoned against you will," I said

"You know what I'm and still doing this. Brat, do you have a death wish?" said Kurama with a questioning look.

"I know more than that, Kurama," I said with a little smile on my face, but I feel that Kurama muscle are tensing up after hearing her name

" YOU, how do you know that name," asked Kurama while placing her killing intent on me again.

"sigh, that is not important, but what is important is that I know what you went through and I'm here to help"

" How can a brat like you, know what I went through ?"

" being regarded as a mindless monster and sought after as a tool for war can make even the tougher man cracks, Kurama"

"..." this time Kurama said nothing but she at me with a surprised look

"as I said, I know a lot of things "

"*snort*, even if you know a lot of things, what can brat as you do?" snort Kurama in displeasure

" a lot of things actually, I can be your friend in need, a partner for life" 'and a lover if possible'

I said the last one in my heart.

" But I think we can continue this talks later, for now, you need let go of your emotions you keep inside, it not good for your health, you know and I will be here with you," I said

"what are you saying-"

"Shhh, let it go, I will be here," I said while looking at Kurama in the eyes, I did this, so she can know that I'm serious.

"stop playi-"

"Shhh, let it go "

"... are you serious?"

"yes," I said with a completely serious face, but because of my age and young face, it looks cuter than anything. but Kurama did feel that I'm serious.

"...you really aren't deceiving me"

"No, I'm not"

" Is this some cruel joke you are using to laugh in me"

"No, this not a joke, and I will never laugh at you"

" ...d-do you r-really want to be a friend with a monster l-like me" this time, I can hear some cracks in her voice and I can feel that she really wants to know my answer.

"Kurama you aren't a monster, but the softest and fluffy fox that I know. and it will be my honor to be your friend."

"...can you promise that you are telling the truth"

"I promise and Kurama. I will never lie to you"

and look like my promise was The straw that broke the camel's back because I feel Kurama's muscle starting to relax again and I start to hear some sniffing and growling

But I only hugged Kurama with little more force, to let her know that I'm here.


if someone looks at my subconscious, he will found a dark and cold underground complex.

In this complex, there is a large cage, and if he took a look at the inside of the cage, he will see a big orange fox sleeping in, but the most special about the fox is his nine-tails, and his nine-tails are wrapping around a little blond boy very as if the fox trying to get some warmth from the boy

'am I in heaven's thought while hugging and petting Kurama's tails

well, it took Kurama some hours to finally let it all go, after all, she had been suffering for Centuries and it only right for her take some time to let go.

"sniff.. thank..sniff.. you" Kurama thanked me

" This no need to thanks between us, partner "

"But, I think it's about time we have some serious talk"

'And I should start my mission of making you an oneesan,*giggle*'


author's note

well, writing this chapter was very hard for me.

And I think I did a bad job of describing the first meeting between Naruto and Kurama.

I want the first meeting between them to be special but I think I f*ck it up.

anyway, the second chapter of the day will be a little late because I have something to do.

but here is a spoiler

the next chapter title is:

< the first step of making Kurama and oneesan,

dad we need to talk>

Next chapter