
Chapter 114

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The new passive skill is strong with limitless potential, and Kyomu is quite satisfied.

However strong it may be, it requires "charging up," which is somewhat troublesome.

But Kyomu already has a plan to address this.

Why not just lead everyone in circles to accumulate the "charge-up" time?

"Let's take a break," Kyomu gestured for a halt, "and take stock of our supplies to see how long we can last."

The team members were quick to respond, swiftly checking the remaining supplies before reporting back to Kyomu.

After considering their situation, Kyomu had a more concrete plan.

The environment within the Land of Wind is harsh, not entirely deserts, but a significant part of the country is like this, which is why they've always coveted the fertile land of the Land of Fire.

Therefore, in the Land of Wind, the most precious resource is undoubtedly water. However, each person's water supply is limited, capable of lasting at most a week before needing a new source of water for replenishment to continue the journey.

And using Water Release jutsu to create drinking water...

It's not impossible, but it's only an emergency measure rather than a sustainable solution.

After all, the expenditure of chakra also counts towards energy consumption.

"Let's rest for an hour before continuing on our way. Once we find an oasis or town where we can replenish our water, we'll take a good rest."

Kyomu made arrangements and led everyone to rest for an hour before continuing their journey.

When the stars were bright, Kyomu and his team finally encountered a town.

"Ren, any problems?" Kyomu asked Ren at the outskirts of the town.

"Captain, we might not be able to obtain water here," Ren reported with a grim expression, "I've spotted quite a few Sand ninjas in town. While their strength isn't formidable, they're all engaged in a particularly vile act."

"Poisoning the water source?" Kyomu immediately guessed.

Ren nodded, "Such a sinister strategy must be Chiyo's doing."

"This is a desperate measure!" Kyomu gritted his teeth in frustration, "Did you find any antidote on the Sand ninjas?"

"There must be antidotes," Kakashi interjected, "But if it were me, I'd make the antidote effective only for a limited time and distribute it in batches."

"This Chiyo, to find us, really will resort to any means. She even doesn't spare her own people!"

"This is war, and compared to the threat we pose to the Hidden Sand Village, Chiyo probably thinks poisoning the water source poses a smaller threat."

Kyomu sneered, "But even the most ingenious poison strategy is just underhanded. That's the extent of Chiyo's capacity.

And did she forget? Lady Tsunade is her nemesis!"

He pointed at Genma, "Take some people and get a sample of the water source. I'll use a communication snake to ask Lady Tsunade for help."

Genma nodded, taking three team members to stealthily enter the town under the cover of night.

"Ren, keep an eye on Genma and the others. If there's danger, provide support immediately."

Ren nodded, activating his Byakugan to watch over Genma's team, escorting them in the shadows.

"Kyomu, I can help too," Obito approached, "After activating my Sharingan, I've found that everything I've learned has become integrated, and my strength has significantly increased."

"What does activating your Sharingan have to do with your brain?" Kakashi teased Obito, "It just means the power boost from activating your Sharingan has led you to misjudge your current strength.

In short, your eyes are ready, but your brain is still processing, and your hands and feet are still catching up.

You won't recognize your actual strength without training."

Kakashi's words were harsh but true, and Obito's situation was exactly as described. This happens to Uchihas who activate their Sharingan, with Sasuke being a prime example.

Activating one tomoe, he shouted about killing "that man," and with three tomoe, he felt he could easily defeat him.

Without putting in the effort, how could Sasuke think he'd stand a chance?

"Damn!" Obito glared with his two tomoe Sharingan, "Kakashi, are you jealous?"

"Heh, talk to me when you have three tomoe," Kakashi sneered, "Activating doesn't mean you know how to use it effectively. You still need to train.

Thinking you can leap to greatness overnight? Do you think Kyomu and I have been wasting our time all these years?"

Obito fell silent.

Kakashi's blunt advice was something he had to accept.

But without actual combat, how could he quickly adapt to his Sharingan?

Stubbornly, Obito bit back, "But through battle, I can quickly adapt to this power! And with just one look, I can copy others' techniques and make them my own!"

"Now's not the time for games. A mistake on your part could compromise us all. Over seventy of us would have to pay for your mistake!"

Kakashi hit Obito with reality, not wanting him to get carried away. Awakening the Sharingan often gives Uchihas a sense of invincibility, and Obito was no exception.

"But I..." Obito tried to argue further, but Kyomu cut him off, sensing the timing was right.

"Obito, we all know the Sharingan is powerful, but now's not the time to fight," he patted Obito's shoulder, "In a few days, when we can't hide anymore and are surrounded by Sand ninjas, you'll have your chance to shine.

And if you can beat Kakashi, that would be great, but safety first. Don't be arrogant.

Kakashi has a point to some extent."

"Hmph," Kakashi huffed.

Obito glared at Kakashi, "I get what he means, but does he have to be so rude?"

"Do you think Kakashi talks to anyone else like this?" Kyomu chuckled, "Take it as a compliment; he cares about you."

"Don't be ridiculous, I don't!"

"Whatever, who cares if he does."

Their dynamic remained the same, bickering yet caring for each other, a special kind of frenemy relationship.

"Frenemies, different in their ways, but their role is much like that of close friends; they're there when it matters.

And Kyomu, caught in the middle, just needed to mediate, rightfully earning his place as the big brother of the group.

"Alright, cut it out. The team is laughing at you two," Kyomu chimed in, finally calming Kakashi and Obito down.

After waiting a bit longer, Genma and the team members he led stealthily returned, carrying samples of the water source.

Receiving the samples handed over by Genma, Kyomu nodded and instructed, "Let's hide on the spot, just like before, dig and conceal ourselves as deep as possible.

And I speculate that since Chiyo came up with the strategy to poison the water source, it means there likely aren't any Sand village sensor ninjas nearby."

Kyomu's deduction was accurate. If there were sensor ninjas nearby, Chiyo wouldn't need to go through such trouble. Simply ambushing at the water source would suffice to catch Kyomu and his team's trail.

Meanwhile, Kyomu's eyes brightened.

"That means, conversely, any water source not poisoned is guaranteed to be monitored by Sand ninja sensors, and definitely guarded by their small teams."

"I was thinking the same," Kakashi nodded in agreement.

Since Sakumo's death, Kakashi had truly matured overnight, shedding his previous impetuousness.

And Kyomu naturally passed the command to Kakashi.

"Kakashi, since we're on the same page, how about you take charge of the next actions?"

"Are you sure?" Kakashi didn't refuse.

"What's there to be unsure about? I'm even looking forward to it."

Kyomu now wanted to "charge up" and save his big move for the Hidden Sand Village later, naturally preferring to avoid combat until then.

Handing over command meant Kakashi would be in the vanguard.

"I now appoint Kakashi as the vice-commander of the squad. Any objections?"

Could there be any objections? This ninja squad was essentially Kyomu's private army, almost a step away from being a squad of die-hard loyalists. A monologue was the current mode of the ninja squad.

"Since there are no objections, Kakashi, you're in charge of the next move." Kyomu passed the responsibility to Kakashi and then mingled with the team, whispering among them.

"Keep it down!" Kakashi pointed at Kyomu, "First, dig and hide, and quickly send the water sample to Lady Tsunade. We're pressed for time."

Kyomu didn't expect Kakashi to get into his role so quickly, and to start by cutting him down.

Well, as a supportive figure, he just played along.

"Yes, Vice-Captain Kakashi!"

Seeing Kyomu take it seriously, Kakashi wanted to laugh but held it back. The team understood the deeper meaning and acted swiftly and obediently.

Digging, patrolling, and passing on information, everything was done in an orderly manner.


At the Leaf Village camp on the Sand battlefield.

Orochimaru, who was leading a strategy discussion, paused when he noticed a communication snake crawling into his tent from outside.

"Pause for a moment, let's see what kind of intelligence Kyomu has sent us."

Orochimaru announced, and the communication snake climbed onto the table, spitting out a scroll before dissipating into smoke.

Unsealing the scroll, Orochimaru glanced at it and handed it to Tsunade, "Kyomu is looking for you."

Tsunade took it and read, her lips curling into a faint smile.

"Kyomu and his team are in a good situation, forcing Chiyo to resort to poisoning the water to drive them out."

"As long as it's handled properly, it's a good approach," Orochimaru commented, "But on the other hand, Chiyo is taking a big risk."

"She must be pressured by the Daimyo of the Land of Wind," Tsunade assessed, "Kyomu and his team are like a hanging sword over the heads of the Daimyo of the Land of Wind and the Hidden Sand Village. Though it's unlikely they'd act against the Daimyo, fear is a natural human response."

"Indeed," Orochimaru nodded, "No one can help you with the antidote, and given the urgency, you can start working on the antidote now."

Tsunade nodded, stood up, and left the tent to analyze the water sample and concoct an antidote.

"Let's continue," Orochimaru resumed the strategy discussion, "My intention is to wait for Kyomu and his team to make achievements behind enemy lines before we launch an attack from the front."

Turning to Minato, "Minato, you don't need to be involved in the frontal assault. You're like Kyomu, and perhaps even better in breakthrough and infiltration.

So, the task of flanking is yours. You don't need to penetrate too deeply, but you must break through the Sand ninja's defense line and hold for at least fifteen minutes.

Can you do it?"

"Please rest assured, Lord Orochimaru, there's no problem!" Minato stood up to pledge.

"Please, have a seat, Minato," Orochimaru gestured, "With a flanking team in place, let's move on to other aspects of the arrangement..."

While Orochimaru was fervently discussing the battle plan, Kyomu and his team, located within the Land of Wind, had already entered into sleep.

The next morning, Kyomu yawned and stood up, taking over for Kakashi and Ren, allowing them to rest.

Joining Kyomu was Obito.

Together, they observed the movements of Sand ninjas in the town while quietly conversing.

"Obito, what kind of power do you think is the strongest?" Kyomu probed.

"Space," Obito's answer surprised Kyomu. Without being hit by a boulder, he already desired the power of space?

"Influenced by Minato?"

"Maybe, but ever since my grandmother told me about the past, I've felt that the power of space is strong, even a counter to the Uchiha."

Obito slowly revealed his reasoning, "For example, Lord Tobirama's Flying Thunder God once..."

As Obito recounted past events, Kyomu pondered something else.

"It seems I was overthinking. Although Obito is guided by others, he himself has a strong desire for spatial powers."

Relieved, Kyomu still felt the need to deepen Obito's impression of spatial powers.

A Kamui-less Obito lacks a certain flavor.

"Indeed, the power of space always provides reassurance," Kyomu mentioned Rin, "If you had this power, protecting Rin would be foolproof."


Obito's eyes sparkled, "It would be best to use the power of space to create a safe zone, protect Rin in danger, and then release her when it's safe.

And there's more..."

Listening to Obito's endless talk, Kyomu couldn't help but marvel, "The power of love is indeed related to love itself. You're truly something, Obito!"

It turns out the original intent behind Kamui's space was to create a safe haven for Rin. No wonder the conditions within Kamui's dimension are so well-suited for survival, almost mirroring the shinobi world itself.

Moreover, the spatial movement ability of Kamui was also intended for quickly getting to Rin's side. Obito's dedication and consideration were profound.

It can only be said that this is fate!

(End of Chapter)

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