
Chapter 7- Ninja Academy

[Hey Guys we reached 330 Powerstones last week! Let make it to 500 and I will drop a chapter the next Sunday]

As the sun began its descent beyond the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue over the village hidden in the leaves, Miwa and Renjiro found themselves seated at the renowned Ichiraku Ramen.

The restaurant was a cosy and inviting establishment, its entrance adorned with a wooden sign that proudly displayed the name "Ichiraku Ramen" in bold characters. The scent of simmering broth and sizzling ingredients wafted through the air, enveloping the vicinity in a tantalizing aroma.

The interior of Ichiraku Ramen was a delightful blend of traditional and modern design. Warm wooden beams crisscrossed the ceiling, giving the space a rustic charm. Sturdy wooden tables and benches, aged with character, filled the dining area. Sunlight filtered through paper lanterns that cast a soft, ambient glow, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

As they sat at their table, Renjiro and Miwa were greeted by the restaurant's friendly staff, known for their warm and welcoming service. The menu, filled with a variety of ramen options, was presented with a flourish. The choices ranged from traditional miso and shoyu ramen to more exotic variations that Konoha's ninja clientele had come to love.

The room buzzed with activity, with other diners chatting and enjoying their meals. The sound of bubbling broth, clinking chopsticks, and cheerful laughter filled the air, creating a harmonious symphony of camaraderie and delight.

The ramen chefs, a dynamic duo of father and daughter, worked their culinary magic behind a long, open counter. A steaming bowl of ramen was placed in front of Miwa and Renjiro, the rich aroma rising from the broth. The noodles, perfectly cooked and glistening, were topped with an array of ingredients, from tender slices of chashu pork to fresh green onions. 

Miwa, while savouring a mouthful of ramen, turned her Sharingan-embellished gaze toward Renjiro. With a warm and encouraging smile, she asked, 

"Renjiro, are you feeling ready for the Academy enrollment tomorrow?"

Renjiro considered her question, his thoughts mingling with the savoury flavours of the ramen. He took a moment to swallow his food and replied, 

"I've come a long way in these past seven months, thanks to your guidance and training. I feel prepared."

Miwa's smile widened, a mixture of pride and support in her eyes. 

"That's the spirit, Renjiro. You've shown incredible dedication and growth during our training, and I have no doubt that you'll excel at the Academy. You should also know you won't be heading to the Academy alone. You'll have two other brothers from our clan joining you."

Renjiro raised an eyebrow, a mix of curiosity and surprise crossing his face. "Brothers? Who are they?"

'Damn, they sure take these clan relations too seriously'

Renjiro mused. He was shocked when he realised that most clans in Konoha consider themselves one big happy family. Except for the Hyuga, for obvious reasons.

Miwa chuckled softly, taking a sip of her tea. 

"You'll meet them tomorrow, just before we leave for the Academy. It's a Uchiha tradition to support and encourage one another."

Renjiro nodded in understanding but couldn't hide a trace of his own curiosity. 

'I've been more of a shut-in since I came here and haven't really made an effort to know other Uchiha my age. Mainly because apart from Fugaku, there really isn't any Uchiha from this time that was mentioned in the story, hopefully, they'll impress me.'


In the bustling courtyard of the Academy, Academy Instructor Hiroshi Nagatomo stood amidst a sea of eager children and their families, his expression a mixture of readiness. 

He knew that today marked the beginning of an important journey for the young ninjas to be. To his side, his assistant, Emi, had been keeping track of the arrivals.

Hiroshi turned to Emi and inquired, "Emi, how many children have come for the Academy Enrollment this time?"

Emi consulted her clipboard, her eyes scanning the crowd, and replied, "It looks like we have a sizable group, Hiroshi. I've counted over fifteen hundred children so far, and there may still be a few more straggling in."

'I just hope we get a good picking, the last Shinobi War caused us a lot of good Ninjas.'


Early in the morning, Renjiro arrived at the designated meeting point to join the other two Uchiha enrolling at the Academy. He was dressed in all black. He was not wearing any clothes with the clan symbol which made their chaperone raise a brow. As he approached, he noticed Kaito and Sora Uchiha, the young siblings he had informed of the previous day.

Kaito was a six-year-old with the distinct Uchiha traits. He had raven-black hair that was neatly combed, and his onyx eyes held an intense, determined gaze. He wore the traditional Uchiha attire, a dark shirt adorned with the clan symbol on the back. A sense of seriousness and purpose radiated from him.

Sora, at five years old, was a year younger than her brother, but she displayed the same striking Uchiha features. Her hair, also jet-black, was pulled into a neat ponytail, and her eyes held the same enigmatic depth that marked their clan. She wore a smaller version of the Uchiha attire.

From their first interactions, Renjiro thought they were a bit dismissive of him but he didn't dwell on that. Frankly, he did not care at all. Why would the silly thoughts of six-year-olds bother him?

Together, the three young Uchiha made their way to the Academy, where a large group of children had already gathered. The instructors had devised a test to assess the candidates and filter the enrollment to a manageable number.

The Fitness Assessment involved a series of physical challenges designed to evaluate the children's agility, endurance, and overall physical condition. Tasks included timed sprints and obstacle courses.

The second Assessment aimed to determine whether the children had unlocked their chakra. To pass this test, candidates had to demonstrate their ability to mould and release a small amount of chakra, typically by creating a visible burst of energy.

As the Assessment began, it became evident that not all the candidates met the criteria. Some lacked the physical fitness and agility required, while others struggled to unlock their chakra. 

'The girl seems to be the type who is calm and collected while her brother is the total opposite, the contrast makes them an interesting pair.'

Renjiro had been observant throughout the whole assessment. He had noticed all other clan and civilian children who were participating to make a mental note of anyone he should pay attention to. 

There was not anyone who caught his eye apart from a civilian girl who was able to keep up even with children from ninja clans. With the training he had undergone the last seven months, the assessments were a walkthrough for him. 

With each task, the number of participants dwindled. The obstacle course proved challenging for many, and the chakra-unlocking test left some frustrated as they couldn't produce the required burst of energy.

In the end, the instructors managed to narrow down the group to a more manageable number of students who had passed both the fitness and chakra assessments. 

The result was that almost half of the number of kids had managed to meet the required criteria. Even with this, that was still a significant number. Hence, the kids were divided into different batches according to their results. 

Renjiro and the siblings managed to make it to the elite batch, which was not that surprising at all. There were other clan children who also made it to the elite batch with only a handful of civilian children.

As the assessments drew to a close, an Academy instructor stepped forward with a stack of Academy identification cards. The children, including Renjiro, Kaito, and Sora Uchiha, gathered around in a cluster.

With a tone of encouragement, the instructor began distributing the identification cards, one by one. Each card was a tangible representation of their acceptance into the Academy and the first formal step in their training as future shinobi. 

The cards were made of durable material, bearing the emblem of the Hidden Leaf Village and the academy's logo. On the front, the student's name and photograph were displayed, making it a personal and treasured possession. Before the enrollment, they had registered their details way before.

With this Renjiro was officially an Academy Student!


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