
| 3 | Summoning

It's been a long time since Kurama gave me control over his chakra, and it was immense. I don't know how long it took, but I have grasped how to control his chakra to 100%. Naruto did it in a short amount of time, it might be due to the familiarity with the chakra of Kurama since birth.

Anyway, "Hey Kurama." I called him.

"What?" Kurama asked me.

"What do you think is happening in the world?" I asked him.

"How am I supposed to know that!" Kurama said.

"I'm just asking, chill out." I told him.

I've told Kurama that I had visions of the past, from the start, where Hogoromo and his brother Hamura sealed their mother in the moon. How the tailed beasts were created by the powers of Hogoromo. The two sons of Hogoromo, Indra and Ashura then their descendants, their reincarnation Madara and Hashirama.

That's all he knows, and I haven't told him anything about the future or what would be happening in the shinobi world.

After going through all the memories, I started to think about what I should do with Obito.

If I could have saved both Obito and Rin, this wouldn't have happened, or it wouldn't have been Obito who was manipulated by the physical manifestation of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki's will.

Sighing, I told Kurama "Hey Kurama, can you put me in that Genjutsu again?"

"I don't know why you're doing that. You know full well that you're dead right?" Kurama asked me.

Smiling at that I said "It's because of that. I won't have a chance to meet my son and wife, but with this, I'm able to see how they would have lived with me."

"Whatever." Saying that Kurama placed me in the Genjutsu.

This Genjutsu is similar to the Genjutsu Naruto and Sakura was placed in by Obito.

As I was inside the Genjutsu, I was greeted by the sound of my son Naruto "Dad! Welcome home."

Smiling at him I replied "It's good to be home."

In this Genjutsu world, I didn't die while sealing Kurama, Obito and Rin were alive, Kakashi was still moody but a little bit more outgoing.

When I entered the hall, I saw Kushina setting up the dining table for dinner.

Smiling at her I went near her and hugged her tightly. Seeing me she smiled and said "Welcome back."

"Thanks." Saying that I kissed her on the cheeks and took the dish in her hand started to help her in setting up the table.

Then as we were all having dinner as a family, the Genjutsu world paused itself and I heard the sound of Kurama calling me "Hey Minato."

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Something is happening here." As he said that, the Genjutsu world crumbled away and I was in total darkness again.

But this time, there was light coming inside through a slight opening.

Looking at it I asked Kurama "Hey, what do you think it is?"

"Don't know. But my instinct is telling me that it's the way out of here." Kurama told me.

Hearing that I thought to myself 'Is it time already? Has the war started, and Orochimaru is trying to reanimate me and the other Hokages?'

I was happy with this, because if my theory is correct then, I won't be a reanimated person. If my body is still with no damage thanks to auto restoration, I'll be able to be back in my body.

Looking at the light I told Kurama "Hey Kurama, just as your instinct is telling, I think that this is the way out of the belly of Shinigami. So let's take a leap of faith."

"Sure." Kurama replied to me.

With that confirmation, I moved towards the opening.


Inside the Naka Shrine, we can see three figures standing around a person with a Shinigami mask.

"Stand back." Said the man with the mask.

Right as he said that a Shinigami appeared behind him in its full glory.

As he had control over the Shinigami, he made it cut its belly. From the inside of the belly, five white like fog came out.

One of the fog went directly towards the masked man and another one flew out of the Naka shrine to the outside.

Looking at it, one of the three guys asked the masked man "Orochimaru, where is that one going?"

Not answering the person who asked him the question Orochimaru said "Jugo, Suigetsu, Sasuke prepare yourself!"

"I'm on it." Jugo replied and he transformed his arm and applied the power of cursed seal into Sasuke.

As he passed the power of the cursed seal into Sasuke, five white zetsu came out of the body of Sasuke.

Then Jugo and Suigetsu tied down two of the white zetsu and Orochimaru went inside one of the white zetsu after saying "Edo Tensei No Jutsu."

As Orochimaru got a new body to himself by using one of the white zetsu, he looked to his side and saw the Edo Tensei No Jutsu working and said "The ones who know it all... the previous Hokages."

Looking at the ones reanimated using the Edo Tensei Jutsu, Suigetsu said "But there are only three. Where's the fourth one?"




🔻🔺Chapter 3 End🔺🔻

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