The shinobi world is unforgiving. The strong can rule the weak without any problems. And that strength is precisely what Sakura wants to obtain. Born into the prosperous Haruno clan, Sakura was born with something only others could dream of having. She was born..... Limitless All will know her strength one day. --------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Authore Here! This fic was made to develop Sakura better than on cannon. You don't need to worry about the Kekkei Genkai. It'll be important way later on the story. I want to say that this book will borrow some JJK elements Nothing more than that though! This will also be a slow-paced yet fast story. Also Sakura won't be OP quickly. She'll be Equals with Naruto and Sasuke later in the story. Leave a review! Bye!
I could hear the woosh of the door opening. 'Brother's back!' I race back, as fast as I can, inside the large house to greet him.
"Brother!" I stretch my arms out so he can hug me, but as usual, he ignores me and goes to his room. 'Next time for sure!'
I follow him and listen to his unintelligible muttering. 'What can I eat later?'
"Hey Sakura." I look up at and smile at him. "Today is your 5th birthday right?" It was two days ago but I nod happily.
He throws his back to the wall and slides down it. His face is contemplative underneath the dark pink hair.
"I'll teach you a few things about the history of our clan. And why you and me are quite special." I also drop down to the floor and cross my legs whilst looking at his dirty red eyes.
"During the times of Hashirama and Madara, there was a third great. Our ancestor, the first limitless user." Isn't brother the second and I'm the third?
"He was powerful and to be a limitless user is something that has never happened in our clan before. During the warring states period our Ancestor fought Madara, though, the results are unknown."
"How strong was Ancestor?" Brother thinks for a moment.
"Stronger than me....perhaps." Brother is a elite jōnin after all.
"However, something strange happened. I was born limitless were you." I know. The amount of times I've been disregarded as something that shouldn't exist.
"Whatever. Happy Birthday." Brother leaves to probably train more.
'Two limitless users can not exist at the same time. But that rule was broken so I was born really weak. Apparently, I barely survived being born.'
I've moved around too much. Let's sleep for now.
The next day....
I'm outside Brother's room and I can hear odd whispers. 'What's discord?' I bet it's some jutsu Brother is making.
"Brother! Can we train today!" I don't get a response so I wait. I wait because waiting the wait was quite worth the wait. Hmmm....yes. Quite.
1 hour later....
Occasionally, I shake my limbs so they don't feel stiff until the door finally opens.
"No." And the door closes again. I can't help but feel disappointment. 'He always does this. Nope! I'm sure he has other stuff to do.'
I walk to the training grounds alone. 'Mom and Dad are still doing missions but even if they are around they don't really talk to me.'
In the end it's just me.
I start my usual sprints and stop after 8 minutes or so. Then 7 push ups and sit ups which I can barely do.
'I won't ever surpass Brother so I don't need to train hard anyway.' I leave and take a quick cold shower before heading over to our library.
'Just some ninjutsu but where is Brother's books?' He had moved them again but I eventually found them. I open at page 37.
'This absolute Kelvin is too hard to understand.' I slam the book shut in frustration. 'Didn't Brother say he was going out to meet someone?' I'll follow him.
I wait outside until Brother finally comes out of his room. I follow him but try to be a little discreet. He keeps travelling to meet someone I'm rather familiar with.
He converses shortly with Brother and they leave, but just before they do, Itachi flashes me a smile. 'Caught!' I can't help but giggle.
I move out of my hiding spot and walk around feeling pretty bored. 'I don't want to train or do anything.'
I walk past all the guards and I see someone concentrating hard on training.
"Hey Sasuke." Sasuke looks at me. "Do you want to play another game?" He shakes his head.
"I have to train to become stronger like Itachi." I huff out in response. 'He doesn't like playing anymore.'
"I'll join you then." It can't be too hard. Sasuke nods then continues his exercises. I do my best to catch up with Sasuke but I'm always a few seconds behind.
'This is hard. I'd rather sleep.' However, Brother says if i start something, I must finish it. So even though my arms ache and my legs feel numb.
I continue.
Eventually, I'm lying on the ground out of breath. Sasuke is next to me, in a similar, but better condition.
"Are- you going to come here tomorrow?" I don't want to train this hard!
"I'll think- about it." Sasuke mumbles an okay back. And so we stay there for a while. Just catching our breath.
I feel a pair of arms grab me but I relax after a second. It's just Brother.
"Sakura." His voice is oddly cold.
"Yes Brother?"
"Do you want to train?" Hhmmm.
"No I'm fine." Brother doesn't say anything else but I hear him mutter something that sounds a lot like useless.
I'm sure I just imagined it.
3 hours later...
I lay still on my bed then open my bright green eyes. I look to my right to see a small book on the wooden floor.
I jump towards it and flip its pages. 'This is Ancestor's notebook! I can only have for an hour every year!' This is exciting!
I do a quick recap of what I know.
1. Limitless is a useful ability only when awakend, but no one knows what it is. Only Ancestor does.
2. Only one Limitless user should exist at a time.
3. Limitless is a Kekkei Genkai
That's it really. I open page 6 and look through it. 'Just a bunch of techniques though I'll make sure to memorise them.'
Hhmmm. 'Ancestor also had an affinity for earth and water natures.' The rest I skim through since it's all techniques. However, I learn something new.
'After reaching 'enlightenment' Ancestor got a new power.' I read more but so many of the terms used are unfamiliar.
And just like that, my time is over.
The book vanishes from my hands and I notice my window is open. I stay there silent for a while until I grab a sheet of paper on my desk.
The paper immediately becomes soaked and then splits apart into multiple pieces. This is a small theory but....
'I have water and wind affinities, Ancestor has earth and water whilst Brother has fire and lightning. So every limitless user has two affinities. Or at least I think so.'