
Naruto: kushina's Redemption.

Kushina goes back in time, after dying from her sons hands.

Burning_Balls_3852 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Kushina Versus Naruto.

Running through the hallways of a big temple, was a woman with red hair and shinobi clothing with a red uzumaki swirl on the back of it. As you look right in front of her, you could see a konoha headband strapped around her forehead, to let her enemies know who she fight for. When the woman turned left, she stop at a big door leading to a throne room.

Kicking down the two double doors with strength no human should have, the woman then rushed inside. As she was in the throne room, the woman could see all types of relics on pedestals as she past by them. Looking straight ahead now, the woman then saw a person sitting on a throne talking to someone right next to them, until they vanish from her sight.

Stopping at the bottom of the stairs that leads to the throne, the woman then looked up at the blonde hair young man who wore black armor and held a sword from the hilt, as he stabbed it to the ground in front of him. "Well, well, well. Look who came to visit me. My so-called mother, or i should say kushina uzumaki." He said, revealing the woman's name.

"Where is my father? I don't see him with you, or my twin siblings either? Did they die during the battle against my forces? If so, that's one problem i don't have to deal with." He said, with a sigh of relief. "They didn't die yet naruto. They're still alive and kicking." When the now known naruto uzumaki heard this, he then had a dejected look and said with pity in his words. "You have to ruin my day, didn't you woman."

When he was soaking about his still alive ex-family, He then got curious on why his mother came here by herself. "Hm... Please tell me why you are here by yourself? Do you have a death wish or something?" He asked her with a curious gaze in his crystal blue eyes. "Well you already know that. I came here to drag you back home, even if i got to do it by force." She said, taking a few steps back from the stairs and stood in her fighting pose.

Getting off his throne naruto then began to laugh down at his mother and yanked his sword from the ground. Jumping down in front of kushina with cracks formed underneath his feet, he then stood to his full height and spoke with confidence in his voice. "That's a bold claim your speaking kushina uzumaki. Let's see if you can back it up." Charging at each other, naruto and kushina's swords clash together.

As they where clashing swords, the both of them where moving so fast that you could only see blurs, and occasionally sparks of the two swords hitting together. When kushina was about to slice naruto with her sword when she found an opening, she then saw an image of a kid version of naruto for a brief second, and lost her concentration.

When naruto had seen this, he then kick kushina hard in the stomach and she then flew into one of the pillars, and fell to the ground. Looking at his mother struggling to get back up, naruto then spoke heading her way. "I thought you said that your going to drag me back to that hell hole of yours you call home." After he said that, naruto then stood in front of her, and then kick kushina so hard in the face that made her hit the back of her head on the same pillar.

Crouching down to the bloody form of his mother, he then grabbed the bottom of her chin and asked. "Tell me mother? Why on earth did you came here all by yourself? Please enlighten me." Leaning his ear to kushina's face, to hear her last words. "I'm sorry." when he heard her whispered that, naruto then had a shock look in his eyes as his mother then placed her hand on his cheek. "I'm sorry for everything. I wasn't there to show you the love a mother should have given to her son. That's why i came here to try to fix my mistakes, and say i love you."

Getting angry at his mother now, he then felt something sliding down his cheeks. lifting one of his hands, a teardrop fell in the middle of the palm of his hand. 'This can't be! I still have feelings for this bitch! No! I won't allow this to happen!' He thought, while looking at his mothers bloody face with hatred in his eyes. "You think saying that will bring me back!" He yelled, hitting kushina's hand off his face. "Well your sadly mistaken!" He shouted one last time shoving his sword in her chest piercing through her heart.

Seeing the life leave her eyes, naruto then pulled the sword from her chest and stood up and look down at her dead body. "I will never show this family no love like i did now. They don't deserve the tears." He promised himself as he then performed the necessary hand signs for the fireball jutsu, burning her body to ashes as he walked away. But unknown to him, something happen to kushina that made her go back in time to change everything.

[To Be Continued]