
Naruto: Konoha's Light

Mooching a five-year-old girl, beating up a hundred-year-old man, deceiving a poor disabled person, and cheating an ignorant dutiful son. However, such a "vicious" man is known as Konoha's Light. One is the King of the World, the greatest Shinobi in the history of the Shinobi World. Is it the case of decline of morality? Or is it the twist of human nature? Let's walk into "Konoha's Light" and explore the story behind it. A/N 1: The plot will not change too much in the early stage, and the plot will run wild in the middle stage. A/N 2: The protagonist won't be playing the usual pupil taking. ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel! I am not the author of the novel Naruto: Konoha's Light, I am just translating the story you can read the original work here : https://book.qidian.com/info/1023819689/ ------------------------------------ Support me at https://www.patreon.com/CalmingTranslation There are advanced chapters there

CalmingTranslation · Anime & Comics
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431 Chs

Chapter 164 We're Also Jōnin

The Western Front, in a dense forest.

Two Shinobi chased and fled, and the distance between the two sides continued to narrow.

"Damn it, we're going to be caught up!"

"Tsume-senpai, run away with the information!"

Inuzuka Tsume scolded coldly, "Shut up, I haven't fallen to the point where I will leave you behind!"

Even so, worries still lingered in her heart.

She is a Tokubetsu Jōnin, with a Chunin and two Genin, and there is even a team of Land of Birds "Jōnin". With such a combination, it is too difficult to escape from Iwagakure's pursuit!

However, after touching the ninja bag on her waist, she had some confidence in her heart.

'With the medical scroll, and Kuromaru, there is at least a chance of a fight. No matter how bad it is... we must create an opportunity for them to send back the information!'

Just when she made up her mind, one of her team members suddenly exclaimed, "Not good, there are enemies ahead!"

Tsume was startled and looked intently, only to see a black dot in front of them rushing towards them at a very fast speed.

'This kind of speed...' Tsume was shocked. Even if it was just pure speed, the other party was beyond her ability to deal with.

But before she could respond, she heard a surprised voice coming from her side, "It's Sōseki-senpai!"

The person was none other than Sōseki, who is on the way to the Western Front's camp.

Although Shizune and Tsunade both have his special kunai on them, his Flying Thunder God Technique has not been able to teleport over the distance of the Land of Fire.

To be precise, it's not that the Flying Thunder God Technique can't do it, but that his perception ability can't do it.

'That's...Inuzuka Clan's Shinobi?' When Sōseki saw the dog and people, he accelerated to meet them.

The Land of Birds' Jōnin, who originally thought there was a reinforcement, was disappointed to see that there was only one person on the other side, "Only one person?"

Tsume glanced at him and said, "Pelican-san, don't worry, Sōseki is very strong!"

Although she had no previous contact with Sōseki, she had also heard of his legendary deeds in the Eastern Front's camp.

A man who can get rid of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist will have no problem dealing with the chasing team!

Pelican shook his head in frustration and said, "Even the three of us Jōnin can't beat the enemy, so what can one Jōnin do?"

The corner of Tsume's mouth couldn't help but twitched and she wanted to retort, 'Do you really have no idea how strong are you three Jōnin are?

In a flash, Sōseki was already in front of everyone.

"Sōseki, you..."

Sōseki glanced behind them and then said resolutely, "I dealt with these enemies first. We'll talk about the rest later!"

Seeing Sōseki rushed out immediately, the three Land of Birds' Jōnin all sighed.

"Alas, that young man is so reckless!"

"He is helpless. Let him become the bait to buy us a little more time!"

Hearing what they said, a certain Genin who was not well informed about battlefield, became anxious, "I will go and help too!"

Tsume hurriedly stopped him and said, "Although it may hurt you all to say this, the fact is that we will only cause trouble for him if we followed after him!"

Pelican then asked in doubt, "Cause trouble?"

Tsume rolled her eyes at him and said, "Sōseki is the hero who turned the tide of the war with his own power on another battlefield! He even killed five of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist!"

Pelican is still puzzled, "Isn't it just five Jōnin?"

Tsume took a deep breath and said, "In our Konoha's evaluation, Sōseki is a powerful fighting force that can defeat a hundred!"

This time, the three Land of Birds' Jōnin were shocked.

"What? One against one hundred?"

"That's amazing! Is that Sōseki such a terrifying expert?"

Tsume did not 't know whether to cry or laugh upon hearing this. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, who can capture a small country if were together, were not as good as 100 ordinary Shinobi.

'Be careful that those seven people who died jumped out of the Pure Land and hacked you to death!'

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard Sōseki's voice, "It's not that exaggerated. In fact, I'm actually just there at the right time."

Seeing this, Pelican then asked dumbly, "Why did you come back so soon?"

Sōseki smiled and said, "Of course it's because I already killed all of the enemies."

The three Land of Birds' Jōnin looked at each other in shock. They then turned their heads sharply and looked towards behind them.

They then saw that the forest was already full of corpses.


The main camp of the Western Front.

"Is the hospital in that direction? I see, thank you!"

"It should be us who thank you. Thanks to you, we can come back safely."

After a little greeting, Sōseki walked towards the hospital.

"Ahhh! Sōseki-senpai is so handsome and so gentle!"

"Destroying the enemy while talking and smiling, Sōseki's strength is really terrifying!"

While the Konoha's team was discussing excitedly, the Land of Birds' group of three finally "waked up" from their shock.

"It turns out that the strength of Jōnin so strong?"

"In other words, we can also achieve that level?"

"It's definitely possible, after all, we're also Jōnin!"

Tsume's brows jumped wildly upon hearing this, 'Hey, your thoughts are very dangerous!'

Temporary hospital.

"Huh! Finally succeeded!" Shizune wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said happily.

"Yes, including Nonō, you are the second person in our camp who can independently complete the detoxification operation!" Tsunade nodded approvingly.

Shizune was a little embarrassed and said, "If it was Sōseki, he would have been able to do it long ago!"

Tsunade smiled and said, "Comparing yourself with that kind of little monster would just make yourself uncomfortable!"

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly came from outside the hospital, "It's really sad. As soon as I came here, I heard sensei is already talking bad about me!"

The two turned their heads in surprise and joy, just in time to see Sōseki open the door and walk in.

"Sōseki!" Shizune leaped towards Sōseki and hung directly on Sōseki's body.

Seeing this, Tsunade sighed, "I should be the one who is sad, you abducted my disciple as soon as you came!"

When she heard Tsunade's ridicule, Shizune quickly jumped down, blushed and lowered her head, standing on one side helplessly.

After teasing Shizune for a while, Tsunade asked seriously, "Aren't you in a hurry to go to Sunagakure? Why did you come here first?"

Sōseki then said in a serious tone, "There are also our Konoha's companions suffering, how can I just leave them behind? Even if it is for treatment, we must first treat our Konoha's Shinobi!"

Sōseki knows very well that his root will always be on Konoha's side. If he leaves his poisoned companions behind, and go to give priority to the treatment to Sunagakure's Shinobi, even if it is because of mission, it will definitely make his aura dim a lot, especially in the case when a certain old man is peeping from the side, it is even more necessary to be cautious.

As for whether someone would criticize him for slacking in his mission, Sōseki is not worried. After all, when White Fang was attacked by rumors, the main reason is because he failed in his mission.

Successful people do everything right, and unsuccessful people do everything wrong.

So, Sōseki just needs to ensure that he is not blamed by his allies.

And this is exactly what he is most sure of, after all, he knows the handling of Sunagakure.

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