
Chapter no.55 Talks with Jiraya part 2

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Naruto walked down the winding path to his apartment, his sandals echoing softly in the quiet night. The stars flickered above, peeping through the dark blue canopy of the night sky. His glasses, perched low on his nose, reflected their twinkling brilliance as he navigated the familiar path with his eyes cast upwards.

His thoughts were consumed by his recent encounter with Jiraiya, a mentor figure whose perceived judgment had sent a ripple of pain through Naruto's heart. Could it be that Jiraiya, like so many others in the village, blamed him for his father's death?

His brows furrowed, the lenses of his glasses magnifying the intensity of his troubled blue eyes. A lump formed in his throat and his vision blurred, his eyes welling up with the beginnings of tears. He blinked them away, scolding himself for his childishness. He was Naruto Uzumaki, the future Hokage. Hokages don't cry, he thought to himself, even though no one was around to see it.

Just as he was rounding the corner, he collided head-on with a human wall. "Hey, watch where you're going!" Naruto shouted, stepping back and rubbing his sore nose.

His rant was cut short as he recognized the human wall to be his landlord, Mr. Tsukino. A burly man with a shiny bald head that reminded Naruto of a freshly polished dumpling, a bushy white mustache that almost hid his mouth, and an unwavering scowl that had once made Naruto lose sleep.

"Mr. Tsukino?" Naruto stuttered, puzzled to see the man this late. "What are you doing here? The rent's not due for another week," he quickly added, hoping to fend off any unexpected financial demands.

"Sold the whole building, boy," Mr. Tsukino grumbled, his mustache bristling as he scowled. "Got an offer I couldn't refuse. I ain't one to hold onto a dump when there's money on the table."

Naruto's jaw dropped. "Wha-what? Sold? But...who?"

Mr. Tsukino waved a dismissive hand as he started to walk away. "Go on inside. Your new landlord's waiting for you," he said, chuckling ominously as he disappeared around the corner.

Naruto stood there, his mind racing. His heart thudded loudly in his chest. But why should he be nervous? He shook his head, straightened his jacket, and adjusted his glasses. He was Naruto Uzumaki, the future greatest Hokage.

With newfound resolve, Naruto opened the door to his apartment, only to find the shock of the night: Jiraiya sitting at his table, casually flipping through one of Naruto's carefully hidden porn magazines. Naruto froze, his face instantly coloring as he stammered out an incoherent protest.

"Naruto," Jiraiya began, looking up from the magazine and shaking his head in mock disappointment. "I never expected to find such low-grade material in your possession. If you're going to indulge in adult content, at least go for something of quality!" Jiraiya held up one of his own Icha Icha novels, his smile mischievous. "For instance, I hear the author of this series is a genius."

Naruto's face was the color of ripe tomatoes as Jiraiya laughed, thoroughly enjoying the younger man's embarrassment. "Ero-senin!!!!!!" Naruto finally exploded, his outrage filling the small apartment and leaving no doubt in anyone's mind that the night had taken an unforeseen and chaotic turn.


The quiet that stretched between Naruto and Jiraiya was stifling. Jiraiya sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he took in the sight of Naruto, his godchild, the boy he'd left alone for over twelve years.

"I heard that your hair was supposed to be blonde, like your father's," Jiraiya finally broke the silence, a tinge of question in his voice.

Naruto looked surprised. "I chose to chakra dye it red," he explained.


"The Uzumaki clan had red hair."

Jiraiya's eyes flickered with understanding. "So, you're rejecting your father for sealing the Kyuubi inside you."

"No!" Naruto's shout was sudden, echoing in the small room as he slammed his hands on the table, knocking over a stray cup. Realizing his outburst, he immediately quieted down. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell."

The silence returned, albeit briefly, as Jiraiya leaned back, observing the young man. "Alright, then tell me why?"

"I want to keep the Uzumaki clan's legacy alive."

"But...," Jiraiya started, but Naruto interrupted.

"Don't give me that excuse about the legacy being alive via the spiral symbols on the back of the ninja uniforms. They don't even know what it signifies."

Jiraiya merely nodded, acknowledging the young man's passion. "So, you want to carry on the Uzumaki name?"

"Yeah, I don't want it to be forgotten."

"And what about your goal of being Hokage?"

"The Uzumaki name will live on as the clan of the greatest Hokage in Konoha's history."

"Is that so?" Jiraiya's voice held a hint of a challenge, to which Naruto responded by removing his glasses, revealing his Rinnegan. "Yes."

"Your parents would be proud, Naruto," Jiraiya said, his smile soft. Suddenly, Naruto's eyes began to glisten as he quietly asked the question he'd been dreading. "You don't blame me for my father's death, do you?"

Jiraiya's hand found its way to Naruto's shoulder. "Why would I?"

"Because everyone else did. Why did you leave me alone? I don't think my parents were stupid enough to leave me with nothing but a burden. They would have arranged for someone to take care of me."

"Yeah, you're right. And that someone was…" Jiraiya trailed off, allowing Naruto to finish his sentence.


"Yeah..." Jiraiya's admission hung heavily in the room. "Why did you abandon me?"

"I didn't."

"No visits, no letters, no anything."

"Hey! Who do you think paid for your academy fees, your clothes, your food, even the damages from your pranks?" Jiraiya countered, his temper flaring before he quickly reeled it back in. He noticed Naruto's hunched form and sighed. "Look, I didn't mean to shout. I…"

"Why didn't you ever visit?" Naruto cut him off, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I was busy managing Konoha's international spy network," Jiraiya lied. He could see the skepticism in Naruto's eyes. Naruto stared at him, demanding, "Is that true?"


"Then why didn't you ever send a letter?"

"It could've been compromised."

"By whom? Don't you have a spy network?" Naruto's disbelief was apparent. The silence stretched again, the tension palpable, as Naruto finally shouted, "Tell me the truth!"

"I was afraid!" Jiraiya blurted out.

"Afraid of what, the Kyuubi?!" Naruto's voice was laced with incredulity.

"No, Naruto… I was afraid of myself."


"Afraid of losing you!" Jiraiya's voice trembled as he confessed his fears, his guilt.

In that moment, Naruto saw the truth of Jiraiya, not as a renowned pervert, a gallant hero, or one of the strongest ninjas in Konoha, but as a man burdened with the weight of loss and guilt. His mentor had lost so many – his parents, his friends, his students. And he had been terrified of losing Naruto too, so much so that he ran away from the responsibility entrusted to him by Minato and Kushina. Naruto could see the guilt etched into Jiraiya's face, an open book of regret and pain, and his heart ached for the man before him.

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