
Chapter no.36 Sakura and Kakashi

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Sakura and Kakashi walked through the forest. Kakashi turned to look at her as he raised a branch out of his path. "May I ask what my cute little genin is thinking of?"

The pink-haired girl stopped in her tracks, a contemplative expression crossing her features before her gaze fell to the ground.

"I was just reflecting on something."

"Do tell ?"

"My friendship with Ino," she replied with a newfound sense of maturity. "I still haven't found a clear answer of how to approach her and rekindle our friendship."

Kakashi smiled at her. "Don't worry. Just be patient, no need to rush anything."

Sakura nodded, taking in his words.

"Kakashi sensei, what is your dream?"

Kakashi's smile softened, and a nostalgic glint appeared in his visible eye. "My dream... Well, it's something that has evolved over time. As a child, my dream was to become a great ninja, to prove my worth and protect the ones I care about."

He paused for a moment, as if reminiscing about the past. "But as I grew older and faced more challenges, I realized that my true dream is to create a better world, a world where peace prevails and the cycle of hatred is broken."

Sakura listened attentively, her curiosity piqued. "How do you plan to achieve that, Kakashi-sensei?"

Kakashi's gaze turned distant for a moment before refocusing on Sakura. "It's a difficult goal to achieve, and it can't be done by one person alone. But I believe that by teaching and guiding the next generation, by instilling in them the values of teamwork, empathy, and understanding, we can make a difference."

He paused, his expression growing more determined. "My dream is to train and nurture exceptional ninja who will carry on the legacy of protecting the leaf."

Sakura felt a surge of inspiration within her. Kakashi's words resonated deeply, igniting a spark of determination. "I want to be a part of that dream, Kakashi-sensei."

Kakashi's eye crinkled with pride. "I have no doubt that you will, Sakura. Your growth and dedication have already shown me the potential within you. Keep nurturing your skills, trust in your instincts, and never forget the importance of teamwork."

"Don't worry, Kakashi sensei, I won't let you down."

"I am sure, you won't and speaking of your dream. Do you still remember what you told me during the team 7 introductions."

"I didn't say anything about my dreams."

Kakashi eye smiled and said," I am sure you didn't Sakura but I could tell what your dream is."

Kakashi smiled as he saw Sakura hold a crimson blush.

"Sakura, I think you need to distance your feelings."

Sakura threw a curious glance at Kakashi. "What do you mean? Are you going to tell me that my pursuit of true love is foolish?"

Kakashi raised his hands in a lazy gesture. "No, not at all. What I meant is that maybe you've been approaching it in the wrong way."

Sakura's expression turned thoughtful, devoid of anger. Seeing her open to his perspective, he continued, "From what I've observed, you've were consistently seeking Sasuke's attention, trying different approaches, giving him gifts, and expressing your admiration for him. Yet, he has never shown any genuine interest."

Sakura pondered over her memories, searching for instances where Sasuke responded positively to her attempts. It didn't take long to realize there weren't any. "You're right. Sasuke has never responded positively to my efforts."

"Now, think about how you feel when Naruto would have asked you out, even though you would have already turned him down," Kakashi prompted.

Sakura's brow furrowed. "It was annoying. Despite my rejections, he persisted. Sometimes, though, there are moments when I see a different side of him." Her inner self chimed in, acknowledging Naruto's funny pranks. But she kept it to herself. "But I don't think I could ever have romantic feelings for Naruto. Besides, he should be able to see that I like Sasuke."

Kakashi nodded, acknowledging her perspective. "I understand your point. However, consider this: just as you find Naruto's persistent pursuit bothersome, perhaps Sasuke feels the same way about your constant attention in the past."

Sakura froze, her eyes widening. The thought had never occurred to her that Sasuke might find her actions irritating. She couldn't forget the time he called her annoying after they became an official team. "But... that... I mean, it can't be..." She stuttered, unable to find a counter-argument.

"But that's not the current you, that was the past you and I am sure taking the approach you are already doing is better for your quest," Kakashi suggested gently, causing Sakura to look up at him, her anger replaced by understanding.

"You mean."

"Yes, I don't mean giving up entirely, but showing Sasuke that you care in more genuine ways, praising him when he truly deserves it, and letting him see your support without overwhelming him. It might give you a better chance, just like how you were recently trying to make up for your behavior with Naruto."

Sakura remained silent as she contemplated Kakashi's words. As much as it pained her to admit it, he had a valid point. If Sasuke found her pursuits as annoying as Naruto's, then she needed to change her approach. After a moment, she finally spoke up.

"Do you think this would work ? I just did everything before because I wanted to show that I wasn't useless."

"Sakura, you aren't useless, you are a part of this time. Become a strong konoichi and I am sure Sasuke Kun would like you more."

Sakura smiled with a blush and said,"Thank you, Kakashi sensei."

Kakashi nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "You're welcome, Sakura. Just be the strong konoichi you were meant to be and I am sure the doors you thought were closed will open."

Sakura's determination resurfaced as she made up her mind. "I will. I'll focus on becoming a stronger ninja and finding my own path. And maybe along the way, things will fall into place."

Kakashi's eye crinkled with a hint of pride. "That's the spirit, Sakura. Keep working hard, and you'll see progress."

With newfound resolve, Sakura followed Kakashi as they continued their walk through the forest. The silence between them was now filled with a sense of understanding and a shared goal. Sakura's thoughts shifted from her interactions with Sasuke to her own development as a kunoichi.

Minutes later, Sakura, now wearing a one piece bathing suit Kakashi had brought, swam, frantically, attempting to keep from slipping into the rapids just a few feet behind her position in the water.

Her lungs were burning as she struggled to keep them supplied with sufficient oxygen, a task made far more difficult by the water that constantly obstructed her breathing, and her arms and legs were beginning to feel like lead. The only reason she hadn't already given in to her exhaustion was her fear of being pulled into the blue and white maelstrom behind her. The kunoichi didn't even want to think about what would happen if she got sucked into the torrent, the image of her body being dashed against one of the many, jagged rocks briefly flashing in her mind, causing her to redouble her efforts.

"That's good, Sakura. Keep it up." Kakashi called out to her from a rock near her position.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? HELP ME!" Sakura screamed as she struggled against the current. 'What was I thinking? This is crazy!'

Half an hour later, she lay on the side of the river, her chest rising and falling as she breathed heavily, her eyes staring off into the sky. Her body felt as if it was on fire, except her limbs, which were completely numb. She doubted she would be able to stand up without shaking uncontrollably for at least an hour.

Kakashi smiled down at her. "See. Was that really so hard?"

Sakura glared at him. "If it's so easy, why don't you do it?" She grumbled. 'Cha! Let's see if you're so calm after I throw you in there!' her inner self yelled.

"Who said the road to Sasuke Uchiha's heart is so easy?" Kakashi said with an eye smile.

The pink haired girl stared at him with a blush as her inner self commented.

'Cha, Sasuke Kun will see my heart work and ...."

"Now, as soon as you've rested up, we'll move on to the next exercise."

Sakura paled. "You mean there's more?" she whimpered.

'Cha, let's do this for Sasuke Kun.'

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