
Some thoughs about Naruto world


Orochimaru isn't as bad as he's shown ....

i mean , he experimented on enemies & bandits , so it wasn't that bad ....

and even when experimenting on babies , ...okay that's very bad ...

but , i mean , he has a purpose ....

he doesn't kill just for fun or money ...

when compared to Hidan & Kakuzu , he's much better , that's what i mean ...

and anyways , Shinobi kill all the time ...



A possible cause if Itachi's disease in my opinion is his fire release jutsus ....

he may have used them in a somewhat wrong way that enhanced their power , but harmed his lungs



Mangekyou sharingan may not get blind if the user only used it with chakra ... but its abilities are so chakra intensive , so users have to use some amount of their visual ability as a sacrifice to use it ....

EMS lowers the chakra cost of mangekyou abilities enough that the user doesn't have to sacrifice his sight to use the mangekyou abilities ...



hashirama cells hamper the blindness of mangekyou sharingan , as shown with obito ...



Some techniques that are VERY compatible with each other :-

* Earth Grudge Fear of Kakuzu + Chimera Technique of Hiruku (this will rid the chimera technique of its weakness , and allow the user to absorb targets instantly , and acquire their heart & bloodline ability)

* Creation Rebirth of Tsunade + Body Revival Technique + Eight Gates Technique (the user will be able to heal/regenerate infinitely , as the body revival technique can create vitality , the creation rebirth technique uses it to heal the side-effects of the eight gates technique)

* Lightning Chakra Armor of Raikage & Kakuzu's Earth Spear jutsu (great speed & great defense ... and monstrous strength)

* Added Weight & Light Weight and their Ultra counterparts ( the user can make himself very light like a feather and enhance his speed , and just before collision make himself very heavy without losing the speed because of inertia , this mode will make the user like a canonball)



Magnet Release is under-rated... just look at Magneto from X-men



Bijuus are Stupid ... living thousands of years without learning special techniques & jutsus , and without training to increase their strength & abilities



Chakra awakening , is just allowing the chakra in the chakra center to move through the chakra pathway system ... even civilians have chakra but their chakra pathway system is inactive , thus they cannot effectively use chakra



the world weakened from the time of hashirama to the time of Naruto because : kages and normal ninjas became sastified with their strength and didn't train further ... and they didn't believe they can reach the level of strength that hashirama and madara reached ...

when actually , if they have trained enough and learned sage mode and some other techniques , they would have been capable to defeat madara & hashirama ...



Immortality comes with strength ...

strength means having more chakra , masterful chakra control & learning special techniques ...



There is nothing called perfect chakra control , in my opinion chakra control can always be improved ....

Chakra control is relative to the chakra amount , that means that if , for example Sakura had the same chakra amount as Naruto , she won't haver her so called perfect chakra control ....

Chakra control is a percentage that manipulates the efficiency of your chakra usage & Perfect chakra control means 100% efficiency ....

No one has such control ,the most they have is 99.9% efficiency ...

that's because chakra amount changes easily , it grows by unnoticeable amounts all the time during youth , and weakens by unnoticeable amounts during old age ....

that is because the body becomes stronger or weaker according to age , and the soul gets stronger with more age , so if the progress during youth is (body increases chakra , age increases chakra) the effects of old age is (body lowers chakra greatly , soul increases chakra)

what Sakura & Tsunade have is [programmed chakra control] , wich requires nigh 100% chakra control , which they have 99.9% ....

this can allow them to program their chakra to do certain actions , like programming the yin seal chakra to enhance the body strength and increase the cell division ....

{AN : the MC will be able to break this rule , as his King Insect will be able to gather chakra passively to only allow a certain amount of chakra to exist in his body , this will allow him to truly perfect chakra control and get 100% chakra efficiency ....

using basic insects as chakra units to quantify his chakra amount will also help him greatly ...}



Yin seal /Strength of a Hundred Seal is under-rated or too OP to let a lot of people learn it ...

most people just underestimate it because only losers like Sakura can use ....

some people just don't like it because they think it is the same as losing lifespan everytime you release it ....

I want to clear up this misconception :

this seal is just gathering a lot of chakra over a very long time into a large container in the mind ....

in xianxia terms , it is like creating another dantian (chakra center) in the mind , and this dantian has 100 times the chakra that the normal chakra center that exists below the navel contains ....

it is like having an extra 100X your normal chakra amount ....(imagine if Naruto can use it , he'll have 10 times the chakra of Kaguya)

What's bad with that ,i don't know ...

the way that Tsunade & Sakra use it , [Creation Rebirth] , uses the vast amounts if chakra stored in this seal to excite the cell division ....

this reduces the lifespan ....

but sometimes , it is better to lose a few years of lifespan than losing your whole life , right ???

and if you have a special immortality technique like :

* Having a lot of mature sharingans to negate the lost lifespan , similar to danzo & shin

* Swapping bodies after the body you inhabit deteriorates , similar to orochimaru

* transplanting hashirama cells that can transform chakra into vitality

* Stealing the Vitality of other people through special techniques

* becoming a jinchuriki , which host a tailed beast inside them , which has special potent chakra that can be used to replace the lost vitality ....etc

then , it won't negatively affect you ....

other than that , I believe that their regeneration is a wrong idea ...

it is possible to regenerate without losing lifespan ....

but regeneration this way may be so chakra intensive that it would use a lot of chakra to regenerate a small part ....

Perfect Regeneration is costly !!!



Kekkei Genkai & Kekkei Tota & other bloodline abilites can be trained & created & practised :-

Proof is that the third tsuchikage Onoki LEARNED the kekkei tota Dust Release from 2nd tsuchikage Mu ....

this may mean that other types of bloodline abilities may be trained and learned , and only need a special training method ....



Earth Release has Gravity manipulation abilities :-

two jutsus and their ultra counterparts , The Added-Weight technique & The Light-Weight technique ....

Flying may not be an exclusive ability of Onoki & Pain .....

i hypothsize that with enough proficiency in earth release , the user can make himself as light as a feather , then with some wind release , the user can maneuver around in the air ....



3rd Hokage is weak as shit :-

For all his glorified will of fire , and his world-renowned mastery of the five elements , i can't see him as a powerful individual ....

Sakumo Hatake , Jiraiya , Orochimaru , Tsunade , Minato ,Onoki , 3rd Raikage A , 4th Kazekage Rasa , Kakuzu , Hidan , Sasori ,Itachi , Kakashi ...etc

Most characters appear to be stronger than him ....

Even Danzo & Sakura are stronger than him ...

also , his political decisions and political influence was shit ....

he slaughtered a clan for the good of the village (the uchiha clan was much stronger than the whole village combined , it would have been better if they won the coup d'etat)...

he sacrificed Hizashi when Hiashi kulled the Kumo Spy who kidnapped Hinata , to maintain peace aith Kumogakure ... this is absolutely a shit decision , it means you're being fuc*ed and you accept a creamp*e ....

He wanted to keep Naruto's identity as a jinxhuriki secret , and seemingly everyone in the village knows beside him and naruto himself ....

Taking care of Naruto in Hiruzen's mind just meant having some Ramen with Naruto every weak , which is not enough to raise any child to be a good man ...

He is shit as a ninja , as a leader , as a father , as a friend , as a husband ....

he is worse than Sakura !!!!



Hinata is much more talented than Sakura , I wonder why Tsunade didn't help her and teach her medical ninjutsu and her techniques ??!

I believe that if Hinata had learned all the techniques of Tsunade , she would have been much better than Sakura ....

Especially since Hinata's Hyuuga clan has a specialisation in chakra control through all the chakra tenketsu ....

and Hinata's basic chakra amount was also much better than Sakura's , since she came from a shinobi clan and all ....

I believe the only thing that made Sakura become stronger than Hinata in the CANON is plot requirement !!!

So that Sakura can form Team 7 with Naruto and Sasuke ....

In a way , the thing that made Sakura stronger is being affected by the radiated plot armor from Naruto & Sasuke ....

like with all other members of Konoha eleven ....



Narutu irritates me with his Rasengan fanaticism :-

like , he didn't learn other jutsus than rasengan , why ????

especially when he has all chakra nature affinities , and six-paths senjutsu ...

why couldn't he for example , learn seals ???

with his Uzumaki talent , he would've become a fuuinjutsu grandmaster in not time at all ...

why didn't he learn the 8 gates technique ???

with his Strong Asura Incarnation body , and Kurama's regenerative chakra , and six-paths yang half ,... he may have been able to easily open all 8 gates without suffering any side-effects ....

I wonder why did Naruto have to create a dangerous mode such as Baryon mode , when he had other easier ways to reach higher levels of power ....



Jiraiya didn't teach Naruto anything ,other than Rasengan & Toad Summoning ...

Jiraiya said that he wanted to ttain Naruto in controlling the Nine-tails' chakra during the 2-year journey ,but all he did is to make the seal a bit lax and let Naruto rampage a bit ,then subdue Naruto & fix the seal again ....

Which I believe any Strong shinobi would've been able to do ...

He didn't teach Naruto information Gathering , Hiding ,Tracking , Other ninjutsu ... etc

Naruto has no true Ninja skill ... He shouldn't be called a ninja ...



The meaning Of SHINOBI :

most people just pass it as the synonym of ninja ,but I think its literal translation has a unique naming ....

Shi = Death

No = Of (reverse)

Bi = Tail

thus ,

ShiNoBi = Tail Of Death !!!!



Heavenly Breaths technique is a failure replica of the 8 inner gates technique :-

* Heavenly Breaths technique has 7 stages called breaths , and it has no final stage that guarantees death ...

but each stage has a chance of bursting the user's lungs and killing him ....

Each Breath has the equivalent boost of opening a single gates ....

the technique has a glaring fault , that it depends on inhaling large amounts of air to activate , which may not be provided if the user is underwater or in a thin air enviroment like extremely high mountains ...

* The Eight Inner Gates technique doesn't have this fault ....

Opening 7 gates won't kill the user ,but would leave him severely aching afterwards , and may need medical attention ...

Only opening the last , 8th gate will kill the user ...

Both techniques way of boosting the body is , increasing blood pressure & releasing dormant chakra , and thus increasing the physical prowess of the body ...

But ,The Heavenly Breaths technique depends on the lungs to inhale lots of oxygen and pushing them in the blood , to make the blood folw faster ...

The Eight Gates technique depends on opening special gates that are responsible for monitoring the the body' s limit ....

when opened , the gates excite the body in all possible ways ,increasing blood flow & breathing speed & special glands that release special enhancing hormones such as adrenaline & dopamine ...etc

Learning the Heavenly Breaths technique will allow an Eight Gates user to increase his endurance & stamina while using the gates , so it is not completely useless ...

Both techniques power boost depend on the basic strength & agility of the user ....

that's why Shira of Sunagakure was almost able to defeat Rock Lee while using only the 5th breath when Rock Lee was using the 6th gate ....

As Shira's base body stats were stronger than Lee's ...



Hyuuga clan isn't the only one to use tenketuse blocking techniques :

Shira if Sunagakure was able to use a similar technique by learning & memorising the chakra pathway system of humans , and striking at pressure points while covering his finger with chakra ....

Medical-nin can use techniques that have similar effects , such as severing tendons using chakra scalpel , or use lightning chakra to electrify the nerves and burn them thus stopping them from working ....

Madara may have learned how to do it with his immense battle experience and heavily refined & trained sharingan , he may be able to see chakra points just like byakugan users ...



All Ninjas have sensing ... But Sensor-type ninjas are specially talented in this field ...

A normal jounin may have senses that cover 50 meters ....

A sensor-type jounin's senses may reach over 1 kilometer ...

Sage mode means you have sensing talent for sure , as seen with Naruto ....

Sage mode allows you to sense nature energy which exist in all things & beings ....

Sensing Nature energy is a requirement for learning sage mode ...



Perfect Sage mode requires the learner to be virgin ???:

I think this may be true ...

As Jiraiya wasn't able to become a perfect sage no matter what he tried , as he lost his virginity earlier in his life .... while Minato was able to become a perfect sage with much less time of practice ....

it may also be a matter of talent ....

or Age , as Minato was definitely younger than jiraiya when he started to practise safe mode ...

Or chakra amount ....

Also ,there could be another reason , a lustful person like jiraiya can't focus & concentrate enough to be one with nature ,thus disallowing his to become a perfect sage ....

Sage mode practice must be made before losing virginity to have the best effects ...

This could be wrong , but to ensure the best growth , you shall always take the safest route ...



Nature energy is stronger than senjutsu Chakra....

Senjutsu Chakra is a mixture of Chakra & nature energy ....

Chakra is a lower form of energy than Nature energy ....

as Chakra originated from Kaguya , who ate the God Tree's fruit , which is the fruit that condensed all the nature energy in the world ...

thus , Chakra originated from Nature energy ...

Furtherproof is that Jyuubi's chakra is like Nature Energy , and jyuubi's chakra has the best quality in the world ...

Jyuubi could only be harmed by senjutsu chakra as senjustu chakra contained a hint of nature energy ...



Ways of strengthening the body , permanent enhancement without special techniques , the basic physical power without chakra :-

* Doing a large number of sets & repetitives

* Using Weights & Gravity Seals

* Using water pressure , at the bottom of a lake , sea , waterfall , ocean ...etc

* Using Earth release to increase the gravity affecting the body ... strengthens the whole body , including internal organs ...

* Getting hit by sticks & swords ... hardens the skin & bones ... similar to the Iron Shirt technique in Shaolin kung fu

* Using Lightning Release to stimulate the nerves & enhance endurance and vitality ... increases lightning & electricity tolerance and affinity ...

(like lightning chakra armor of raikage)

* Using Fire release to overheat the body , and then cool down ... this will increase fire & heat tolerance and affinity , and will allow the body to heat itself and withstand cold & ice ...

* Using Water release to nourish the body , making it much more flexible and bendable ... like a cat or a snake ... increases water tolerance & affinity ...

(like Hozuki clan members Water body Hydrification techniques)

* Using Wind release to make micro cuts all over the body , then recovering .... it can allow the body to withstand cuts more easily... increases wind tolerance & affinity

* Using Earth release to harden the body ...increases durability & strength ... increases earth affinity ...

(like Kakuzu's earth spear)

* Using pure chakra with expert chakra control , and the knowledge of medical-nin to nurture & enhance the abilities of organs & muscles & bones & nerves ....

All these unique methods can be practised by anyone , as they don't need special talent or anything ....

Some techniques that have active body enhancing effects may also have passive body enhancing effects ...



The three Sage lands , which are Shikkotsu Forest (for slugs) & Ryuuchi Cave (for snakes) & Mount Myoboku (for frogs) ...

they actually have other animals & species than slugs & snakes & toads ....

There is also a possibility that there are other sage lands that are unknown ...



Hanzo the Salamander , and the Sannin are the three shinobi that met him in combat and survived ... afterwhich , he called them Sannin (three ninjas) ...

Sannin means three ninjas .... and not sage...

Sage is called Sennin ...

Anyways , Don't you notice that the abilities of the salamander are distributed between the toads & snakes & slugs ???

Like , A salamanader has poison like snakes , has a lithe body like snakes , and may have poisonous fangs like snakes ...

It also can produce medicinal slime from its body like slugs ...

It also can extend its tongue like frogs ...

it also has other abilities like camouflage , and eyes that can look in different directions at once ...

Some species are said to bring luck ...

I really think Salamanders are cool ...

It would be very cool if There was a Sage Land for Salamanders ....

Also , Salamanders , as lizard-looking ....

they only need to have leathery wings to seem like a dragon ....

which I believe can be achieved through genetic splicing with bats for example ...



Kages obey Daimyos , and are somewhat controlled by them :-

Something I never understood ....

Rasa made a plan to attack konoha with orchimaru because the land of wind daimyo removed some of the funds he gave to the village ...

Couldn't Rasa just go and threaten the daimyo or something ???

Couldn't Rasa just send some genjutsu master to control the daimyo to give them more missions and funds ???

Daimyos are mere civilians after all ....

This irritates me , when someone like Naruto , who holds the power to destroy the moon and change geography needs to obey a stupid-looking snobby snotty daimyo , who looks like the teryubito from One Piece ....



A Theory about Mangekyou Sharingan & EMS :-

Mangekyou sharingan allows the user to burn spiritual energy contained in the eyes to use special abilities ....

The more spiritual energy spent , the worse the vision becomes ...When the spiritual energy in the eye is completely spent , the eye goes blind ...

Hashirama cells can decrease the amount of spiritual energy used , which extends the lifespan if the mangekyou sharingan , like Obito ...

Also , overexerting the Mangekyou causes blindness much faster ...

When a mangekyou user transplants the mangekyou eyes of a dead relative , it becomes eternal mangekyou sharingan ...

What happens is that the eye still burns spiritual energy , but it burns the spiritual energy of the dead relative who gave the eyes ...

This won't harm the dead relative , because when people die , they go to the pure real as souls , and they have infinite soul energy ...

That's why , EMS can be used indefinitely ....

This may also be the reason why the relative needs to be dead , for the mangekyou to transform into EMS ...

Otherwise , if two relatives with mangekyou exchange eyes , they still won't achieve EMS ....



This may also be the reason why Reanimated people with the Impure World Reincarnation can have infinite chakra & immortal bodies ....

The chakra they use comes from the pure realm which has infinite energy ...

And they can't be destroyed because they are just souls that have a body , not a body that has a soul ....

That's why things which can harm souls would be capable of killing reanimated shinobi , by totally annihilating their soul , like truth-seeking balls ....



Dojutsu can't be just stolen and transplanted in a body that doesn't have the bloodline :-

Dojutsu eyes are special , they need the special chakra of their bloodline user to function most efficiently ....

Otherwise , they would have to consume much more chakra than the usual amount used by the original owner if the eyes ...

I believe this may be the reason why Orochimaru didn't just transplant a couple sharingans and be happy ...

He needed to have the uchiha bloodline to be able to use the sharingans effectively ...

and he planned to do that by hijacking the body of an uchiha clansman ....



Some people think that Seals(Fuuinjutsu) are Op and can do anything , I'll explain my opinion :-

They think that seals are special and can control with the world , like a program that control a computer ...

But i believe it is a bit different ...

Seals are generally used to do one thing , Seal things into something ....

This can be versatile , as it can seal physical items , and store them , and is able to suddenly shot them out to attack ....

Seals can also store elemental jutsus , like shown in borutu ...

They can also seal pure chakra , but this usually needs strong materials & items , like items of the sage of the six-paths ....

Seals can also be used to seal tailed-beasts inside jinchurikis ....

As for Flying Thunder God seals , they just seal a small amount of Minato'schakra inside them , which allows him to sense them and teleport to them ....

Also , Seals & Fuuinjutsu can be semi-utilized by handsigns , and these two are often used together ....

In my opinion , Seals are just like handsigns in written form ....

So , yeah , in theory they can do anything , and tehy can mimic the effects of any jutsu ....

The power of fuuinjutsu doesn't come from it itself , but it comes from the versatility of chakra ....

Chakra can do anything : control the elements , strengthen the body , manipulate natural phenomena , use illusions and mind control , summon and manipulate souls , touch upon space-time ...etc

Anyways , Fuuinjutsu isn't easy ... it isn't just about imbuing chakra into ink while writeing with good calligraphy ...

The user must also imbue his intent for what the seal has to do ...

Also , how strong the intent is , means how proficient you are as a fuuinjutsu master ....

Your calligraphy may be unordinary , and you may use different drawing methods to write seals , but the quality of the seal depends on the power of your intent ....

Uzumaki clan is full if seal masters because they can easiky grasp the intent they need to put inside seals ....



Awakening of Mangekyou :-

Some people believe it only needs intense enough emotions , and losing a loved one ....

But i believe there are other criteria ...

Like , the uchiha person needs to have a certain level of strength and a certain amount of chakra ....

Or else , the transformation of sharingan into mangekyou won't happen ....

Just look at Sasuke , he lost his father & mother , and his whole clan ... and the killer was his brother ....

Why didn't Sasuje awaken mangekyou then ???

I believe his body was too weak and his chakra was too little ....

I imagine it like the Super Saiyan transformation in dragon ball world ...

You need to reach a sufficient level of strength, and have strong emotion burst ....

like Goku when krillin was killed, and when he found out that frieza killed his race ...

Or else , you would need a way higher level of strength , if you don't want to use the power of strong emotions to transform ....

like Vegetawho trained endlessly while loathing himself .....


Rinnegan Requirements :-

As Rinnegan is the eye of the sage , i believe it also needs senjutsu to activate , besides EMS & Hashirama cells ....

Or else , Madara would have instantly awakened it when he transplanted hashirama's flesh into his body ....

But , Madara didn't awakeni it instantly ....

He only awakened it near the end of his life ....

And in the 4th ninja world war , Madara said he learned sage mode from hashirama's cells , but it still took him a lot of time ....

Rinnegan may also require complete mastery of all 5 chakra natures , at least to the level that 3rd hokage reached ....



Bloodline abilities of the elemental fusion type can be learnt:-

Proof is that 3rd Tsuchikage Onoki LEARNED Dust release from 2nd Tsuchikage Mu ....

But it may be seen that it needs affinity for the chakra natures that would be combined , and having a strict & hard training method ....

As for Body Mutation Bloodline abilities, they can only be copied through DNA research or transplantation (for bloodline abilities contained in specific body parts , like dojutsu ) ....



There are actual gods in the shinobi world that some people pray to

Like :-

* Jashin (A god of Killing & Destruction) : Hidan prayed to him .... This god requires sacrifices by killing other people in his name , and then he grants his followers some power or a form of regeneration ...

* Shiki (An spirit-like entity ... it governs over death in all its forms) : Uzumaki clan developed a way to summon one of its avatars (the one responsible for this planet) and offer a sacrifice of one's whole being to it in exchange for sealing the equal target as well (it isn't an OP sealing jutsu , as the strength of the seal depends on the level of the sacrifice ....

Someone young and very powerful like Minato could seal half of the Kyuubi , while the old and weak Hiruzen could barely seal weakened souls of previous hokages + Orochimaru's soul arms )

* Buddha God??? (It is only a theory of mine) : Thr monks of the Fire Temple worship this God ...

They dedicate their lives to him , and meditate every day like chinese wushu monks , ....

My theory is that they give him part of their chakra every day , and he gives them some of it back but with a special quality/attribute to it ....

This allows their chakra to become golden , and they can form the [Welcoming Approach : One Thousand Hands Slaughter] which is very similar to Susanoo in its shape as a Massive Chakra Avatar ....

Next chapter