12 Chunnin exams

' Ahhhh, now that i think about it, i don't need this castle...'

Thinking of that i was deciding if i should make it dissapear...

I decided not to i still need this for one more month for the chunnin exams...

About the chunnin exams i have to be on my way for that right now.


" Let's fight for Sakuras Love! " Ofcourse this doesn't change, what a bitch.

Jk i wasn't even there.

I was already inside since i came in with my team even though i wasn't there, but i could hear Lee and Naruto because they are loud asf.

' Ahhh, i wanna kms...'

[ Win the chunnin exams: Get 3 Spins ]

' Ahhh, i wanna kill everybody here...'

[ Don't kill anybody: Get 1 spin ]

' Ahhhh, i wanna kill someone...'

[ Kill Danzo: Get 2 spins

Make sure Hiruzen dies: Get 1 Spin ]

' Ahhh, fuck off. '

[ No: Get 0 Spins. ]

Anyways they finally made it inside

And Kabuto is approaching them...

Oh, the cards...im in them...

" Do you have one of frost? " Sasuke asked in a low voice.

' I can hear you dumbass, im god. '

[ No you are not: 0 Spins...]

' ... '

I took a sneak peak on the card...

" There's not much in here?" Sasuke said

" Duh, not much is known about him except that he destroyed a whole village..." Kabuto said.

' Ahh, yes expose me sir. '

" HE DID WHAT? " Everybody screamed.

" Oi, im pretty sure y'all remember my 1st day of class introduction. Don't make me shut you all up. " I said with a dangerously cold aura.

Everybody whimpered.

' Ha, bitches. '

" It was a mission. " i said which calmed them down.

" Yeah, to assassinate someone, not to destroy the village." Kabuto said in a low voice enough for everybody to here.

" WHAT! " Everybody screamed which i just shut them all up with ice with a snap.

" One more words from any of you and i'll-" Before i finished speaking the sound ninja ended up attacking still...

I just froze everybody from Konoha while i let them attack Kabuto.

I sneakily put some Ice on his back and made it explode taking his skin off.

* Boom *

Naruto broke free of the Ice thanks to the Kyubi and saved Kabuto.

" Tch. "

" Are you okay Kabuto? " Naruto asked as Kabuto looked straight at me knowing i did it as i just smiled and turned away.

" Everybody pay attention. " The testing dude said.

He started explaining what we're doing. Just taking a test.

Also Ino didn't come to the chunnin exams just FYI.

Shikamaru and Choji will be teamed up with a random person probably...

They will be teamed up with Akashinse ( OC ), is he strong ? hahaha, no.

As the test was going on i decided to just watch everybody since im not gonna answer a single question.

At one point Temari and i made eye contact i showed no type of expression but i pick up my hand and stuck out my finger gaining her attention to it.

I used Ice to make a heart and say " Cute " to which she blushed and turned away. Kankuro got pissed as he cursed me under his breath. What a wimp.

Everything was basically going the same as canon. Starting to become bored i was deciding if i should sleep but then the instructor spoke up and started talking about the 10th question.

Wanting to reduce the participants i brought the temperature down by several degrees. This made a few more quit which i was happy with.

* Crash *

Kunai came through the window breaking it and stabbing on the board as everybody paid attention.

" No time for rest. I am your next instructor. Follow me . " Anko said as she left as fast as she came.

' Hm...This happened faster than it should've. '

Not thinking much of it i decided to just follow her to which i ended up arriving right after her.

She looked like she wanted to say something to me but before she could more people came to which she didn't say a thing.

She explained what is going to happen to which i already knew.

" All of you will be in teams except one person. And that person is frost. " Anko said to which a few were shocked while the rest didn't really care.

" Hn. " Best to reply with the Uchiha way.

" ... " - Sasuke.

The scene where Orochimaru gives Anko her kunai still happened but before they both moved away i flickering besides them and grabbed Orochimarus arm.

" Move away. " I said with Killing intent as Ice started crawling his arm growing bigger.

Before Anko said anything Orochi jumped away as he licked his lips.

' He's the most dangerous here. He might ruin my plans. ' Orochi thought as he walked away not even bothering with getting rid of the Ice.

" Why did you do that Frost?!" Anko shouted.

" You'll know very soon. " I said as i walked away.

' Sigh ' - Anko.

" Anyways, the exam will start as soon as you enter the forest now, GO! " Anko shouted.

Everyone quickly ran inside.

Im gonna skip all the important events by just finishing early, so as soon as i got in i went after some losers that have the scroll i need. After knocking them out with pure ease i came back to the entrance.

" Yours quitting ? " Anko asked.

I replied by taking out the scrolls.

" This is too easy. I can literally kill everyone here. " I said.

" You could easily become a Jonin i don't know why your even here. By the way, the talk that we didn't have, is it something dangerous? " Anko asked.

" Don't worry about it. You won't be involved in any way, nor Ino. Ima go wait for the next few days. " I said as i left.

Not long after Gaaras team came as they were surprised to see me their, Kankuro took the chance and came up to me " Did you quit, you loser? "

" I finished as soon as it started. Your team is just weak, that's why your in second place. " I said.

" Why you! " Kankuro got mad but before he tried hitting me Sand engulfed him stopping his movements.

" Stop embarrassing the Sand Village. " Gaara said.

" Hm. Since i didn't have to stop him myself, I'll show you a bit of my capabilities. " I said as i moved my hand up and took some of his sand away surprising the trio.

" Y-You, How can you do that?? " Kankuro said.

" Heh. " I returned the sand back and left.

( A/N Sorry it took so long for the chapter. I forgot how the chunnin exams go, i lost my creativity, lost my motivation for the fanfic, and im very bored. )

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