
Treat! (Short Chap)

"Class is dismissed. I will see you all tomorrow." Iruka informed the students.

Nearly all of the students in the room got out of their seats quickly and started rushing out of the classroom to head back to their homes. Naruto got up from his seat slowly and looked around for two of his classmates.

"Hey, Sasuke! Hinata." Naruto called out to them.

Hearing his voice, Hinata froze. "Naruto-kun wants to talk to me?" she asked, getting up from her seat and moving toward the door. She walked slowly over to him, a blush forming on her cheeks.

"I…I just wanted to ask you guys. Back in class today, did you both mean it?" Naruto asked softly, looking down.

"Mean what? Be a bit more specific." Sasuke scoffed in response. "I don't remember much of class today." The Uchiha shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Um…" Hinata spoke-up. She immediately looked away as both of her fellow classmates looked at her and began poking her fingers. "You were asking us, N-Naruto-kun?"

The Uzumaki took a deep breath. He looked them in the eye and said, "I, um, mean when you both said that I could become Hokage. Do you two actually believe that?"

"Oh." Sasuke responded, remembering that thing. "That's what you meant."

"I mean it." Hinata nodded her head in response. "I… I think you will be a g-great Hokage in the future, N-Naruto-kun."

"I think so as well. If I had thought otherwise, I wouldn't have said anything. It'd be too troublesome to lie about something like that." Sasuke said with a shrug. After all, he wanted to leave as soon as he could.

Naruto stared at his fellow classmates for a few seconds in silence before he gave them a large smile. It was different than the grin he normally wore on a daily basis; this smile was more genuine than either had ever seen on his face.

"You guys are the first two to believe in me like that, and I promise you both that you will not regret it!" Naruto stated, bringing his hand to his chest. "Thank you both so much!"

"You're w-welcome, N-Naruto-kun." Hinata replied, looking down again as her blush reddened further. Despite that, however, a wide smile developed on her face as well.

"I was just saying the truth. You don't have to thank me for it." Sasuke replied, a smirk on his face. "But, whatever. It's no problem at all, Naruto."

"You two aren't busy right now, are you?" He asked them.

"Hmm?" Sasuke said, "I was thinking of practicing after this."

"I have to be home in about two hours for t-training with my clan, b-but I'm free r-right n-now." Hinata replied.

Naruto did not fully process their words; all that process in his mind was that the two were free at the moment. He gave them a foxy grin.

"Since you guys are free, I'm taking you both to get ramen at the greatest place in Konoha, Ichiraku's Ramen. Consider it a treat from your future Hokage." The boy told them.

Before his words could register in their heads, Naruto grabbed both Hinata's and Sasuke hands and started to rush out of the room, dragging them along with him.

Sasuke was somewhat opposed to it, but for some reason he went to the dinner with the hyped-up guy, reasoning that a little relaxation like this would not hurt him in his future training.

'Naruto-Kun's holding my hand! Naruto-Kun's taking me to get ramen with him!' Hinata shouted in her head, unaware of anything else in the world.

It took only a few more seconds before the Hyūga heiress lost her grip on Naruto's hand and fell to the ground in unconsciousness, her smile seemingly widening on her face.


It took Hinata roughly ten minutes before she regained consciousness. Upon waking up, she was immediately dragged out with Naruto, along with Sasuke.

The blond rushed them through the streets of Konoha towards a ramen stand in the center of Konoha's streets.

"Yo, Old Man Ichiraku! I'm here!" Naruto announced.

Ichiraku Teuchi, the owner of Ichiraku Ramen, turned around as he noticed the young blond sitting down at one of his chairs. A chuckle escaped his lips as he approached the boy, bowing his head.

"Good afternoon, Naruto. Long day at the academy?" He asked.

"Yeah, it was kind of long, but it's no big deal." He shrugged in response before gesturing to his right. "Hey, hey, old man! Meet Hinata and Sasuke! Hinata and Sasuke, meet old man Ichiraku! And his daughter, Ayame." Naruto then blinked as he looked around in the stand. "Uh, where's Ayame?"

"She has the day off! I can't overwork my daughter too much." Teuchi said, his chuckling getting louder. He then turned his head towards Naruto's classmates, who were standing off to the side. "Hinata and Sasuke? Welcome! Any friends of Naruto are welcome here! Please, have a seat!"

"Oh! Um… okay…" Hinata nodded her head quickly as she took the seat next to Naruto. "It-It's a p-pleasure to meet y-you I-Ichiraku-san…"

Shikamaru shrugged his shoulders as he walked over to the seat next to Hinata's, nodding his head at the ramen chef.

"I assume you want your usual miso ramen, am I right Naruto?" Teuchi asked. The blond nodded his head, which caused the chef to turn his attention to the other two academy students. "And for you two?"

"I, um… d-don't really have ramen m-much, so I d-don't know. I'll j-just order what N-Naruto-kun ordered… if that's okay…" Hinata said, bowing her head slightly.

"Hmm…" Sasuke brought his hand to his chin as he tried to think. "Damn, it's been a while since I've had ramen. I guess Shio Ramen? You make that here, right?"

"I make all types of ramen, Shikamaru-san!" Teuchi laughed again as he nodded his head. "So two bowls of Miso and one Shio. Coming right up!"

As the ramen chef turned around to start working on the ramen, Naruto turned his head to face his two classmates, looking at them in surprise.

"Wait, you two don't eat much ramen? Really?" He blinked in response. He stayed quiet for a moment, trying to process their words. "… Why?"

"I usually eat with m-my cl-clan and my f-father's not a big fan of ramen…" Hinata admitted, frowning. "Whenever I g-go out and g-get my own food, I usually g-get something sweet…"

"Hmph." Naruto crossed his arms. "Ramen is way better than sweets or barbeque!"

A smirk developed on Sasuke's face as he shook his head.

"Fun?" Hinata blinked in response. "I, um-"

"I train." Sasuke spoke, getting more comfortable in his chair.

"The hell?" Naruto rolled his eyes. "Then what do you do when you're not training?"

"Try to train." The Uchiha replied, smirking once again.

"Ahhhhh, that's lame." The blond frowned in response. He then turned his head towards Hinata. "Well, what about you? Literally anything can be more exciting than that!"

"Um... in my f-free t-time, I usually tr-train. I also p-press flowers and read and-"

"Press flowers?" Naruto tilted his head. "What's that?"

"B-B-Basically p-preserving flowers in a b-book. Or t-to make art." Hinata elaborated, a small smile developing on her lips. "My mother showed me how to do so."

"Ah. That's cool." The Uzumaki nodded his head in understanding. "So do you grow your own flowers then? Like do you garden? Cause I garden and that'd be super cool!"

"Um... I d-don't." Hinata shook her head. "I use f-flowers from my clan's garden..."

"Oh. That's cool." Naruto nodded his head again, smiling. "Hey, would you want to use something from my garden to plant?" The Uzumaki's eyes widened for a brief second as he started to rub the back of his head. "I mean, I don't actually have anything with flowers, cause I normally just grow green plants and stuff, but I can try growing some flower-blooming plants if you'd be interested!"

"I-I-I-I..." Hinata's cheeks darkened, turning a bright red color. She managed to nod her head, however, as a large smile developed on her lips. "I'd... l-love t-to."

"Heh. Awesome! Then I'll grow something then." Naruto smiled back. He then quickly turned his head back to Sasuke. "See? THAT'S something cool to do for fun, Sasuke."

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" He asked.

Hinata giggled to herself as she watched Naruto continue to pester Sasuke.

'It's been a while since I've seen Naruto bring anyone with him. And they seem like they're having fun.' Teuchi thought to himself as he continued preparing their ramen. 'Good. It's nice that he's finally making friends.'

With a chuckle to himself, Teuchi focused on preparing the ramen bowls for Naruto and his classmates. Something in the back of his head told him this would not be the last time he saw the three of them together at his stand.