
chapter 1 ( correction)

I can't recall since I discovered Naruto's body with my consciousness still awake inside of it, together with his own councious countenance.

I have no memory of the past, but I know in some way that I died in a life that didn't belong here and ended up here.

I can experience hearing, seeing, feeling, and other senses just like a real Naruto would.

I eventually got acclimated to these emotions, but after being with him, I was unable to communicate with him or have a connection with him.

I don't mind, though, as long as he doesn't cause me any problems.

Since I am the one who broke in, the Naruto Council's safety comes before my own desires.

That made me start to wonder things like, "Why must Naruto endure suffering at such a young age? WHY ARE ALL THESE ILL-INTENDED PEOPLE GOING AFTER NARUTO?

I asked me these questions since every time I meet him, he only receives mistreatment of some kind before playing practical jokes on them.

In order to spare Naruto from suffering from my side due to headaches and other issues, I try to find the answer through the memories of Naruto that I had while I was asleep.

I could tell he was at ease with these because there was no sign of discomfort on his face.

I discovered a moment in his memory from when Iruka sensei was in charge of instructing Naruto in class at Ninja School, which was located in the village where Naruto resided.

Like earlier memories, the naruto is not paying attention in class, but I can hear his sensei's voice while I listen.

Iruka : "We're going to examine one of the significant historical events today. One from after the Third Great Shinobi War is this one.

People began to suffer, and those who were suffering rallied the powerful Shinobi clans to combat Menace.

And the one risking their lives and imprisoning their soul, "THE NINJA'fights the evil fox demon Spirit the Nine Tail, who was so powerful that he became one of the nightmares of the'Village Hidden in Leaveses.

But at that time, the Great Brave Shinobi (ninja) sacrificed himself and defeated the demon at the loss of his life. 

That great shinobi was FOURTH HOKAGE, who has earned the title 'The Fire Shadow, The Champion of the Village Hidden in Leaves '."

Following this scene, I discovered another one in which the villager referred to Naruto as an evil fox and treated him like a monster.

I can only imagine the pain of a youngster who was abandoned as a young child and later kicked out of the orphanage based on that scene. People even attacked, mistreated, and threw him out when he wanted to buy something. Put another way, Naruto finds himself in a terrible and hopeless circumstance.

He still wants their recognition, though, and I accept that.

Based on my recollections of both stories, I deduced that he is hated by people because they are afraid of the demon fox, and that Naruto is similar to him because he has whiskers that match the demon fox's.

I fell asleep since I was so exhausted from all of my study and thought afterward.

I was really happy of Naruto when I woke up by Councious and saw that he was working really artistically for Village.

Upon awakening from my slumber, I discovered Naruto creating artwork on "THE HOKAGE MONUMENT."


{ 3 ed Person POV }

With the use of a rope slung across his back, a red paint bucket, a brush, and his creative imagination, NARUTO is using his artistic ability to somehow hang the portraits of the village's heroes printed on the mountain.

After witnessing everything, where else would one of the current Hakage's personal guards have bolted to the Hakage office, full of hatred for Naruto in the guise of Demon Fox?

Hakage was doing CALLIGRAPHY when both of his guards came and disturbed him in his work.


Ninja1 (one of the guards of the Hakage office)

Ninja2 (the one who ran up to report on Naruto)


Ninja1 : "Lord Hokage."

Hokage: "Yes?? What is it? Some new outrage by Naruto, I presume?"

Ninja2: "That young devil is Graffiting the mountain image of all the heroes of our village 'Your Honoured' forebears in paint!! " 

The helpless Hokage stopped his calligraphy and put down his ink brush and pot. Rob and Hat, with the smoke pipe still in their mouths, are going to the crime screen, from where all this commotion is created. 

On the other hand, below the Hokage monument, villagers gathered to crush down Naruto to stop any more disrespect and harm to the heroes faces of the mountain.. 


Villagers: People of Hidden Leaves village who gathered to protest against Naruto pranks (for this case) 


Villager: "Enough with the stupid pranks!""

"We're sick of it! Gron the Heck up! "

"You are dead when they catch you! You know that?""

"Look at I'm..." " 

Before anymore crushing can start from villagers, Naruto cut off their words. 

Naruto : "LOOSERS!! WANNA-BE'S ! You don't have what it takes to do something this low. I rule and you all Drool ! "

Hearing all this and standing in front of all the villagers, Hokage was observing all of them.

Ninja2 : "How dare you? Who do you think you aree?" 

Then there comes Iruka Sensai, apologising toon to Hokage for his carelessness. 

Iruka : "Lord third, I can't apologise enough." 

Hokage trying to see who is new person is Apologizeing for Naruto Prank find out it is Iruka one responsible for teaching Naruto in academy. 

Hokage : "Ohh!! Is that you,  Iruka?" 

Iruka, after nodding to HOKAGE, and with an angry and commanding tone, speak to Naruto.

Iruka : "What do you think you are doing, IDIOT? Get down from there and get to classs!" 

Naruto, after hearing his sensai voice, panicked and, in fear of being punished by him again, hurried to run away. 

Naruto : "It is my sensai, Iruka! I'm so screwed! I must run away so he can't punish me!"" 

When Naruto attempted to flee, Iruka restrained him with a rope similar to that of Criminal.

After speaking with Hokage, he hurried to take Naruto to class within the academy, where he instructed Naruto along with all of his classmates.

{ 3 ed Person POV ended }

{ Recarnated Boy POV} 

Inside the classroom of Ninja Academy

After being carried by Iruka sensei, Naruto found himself helpless, lying on the floor.. 

He is still restrained by a rope, but this is a just punishment for an act as irrational as that of a terrorist.

If they don't take harsh action against his crazy antics, at least they still treat My Naruto unfairly; if they don't, he might be executed or banished as retribution for his transgression.

I still feel horrible for Iruka sensei, though, because Naruto is currently causing trauma like kids by forcing them off rides.

Iruka is a very responsible guy, based on my past experiences, since he invests his time and energy into teaching all of his students, even those who put forth the least amount of effort.

Finally, unable to see more trauma, Naruto Sensai exploded on him. 

Iruka : (frustratedly)

"Tomorrow all your classmates will pass the final and graduate from the Ninja Academy, but the last two times this day came around, you flunked every course you did and took part in the secret arts.

So you chose now for your stupid tricks? You Moron!! " 

Seeing his sensai, Hyper Naruto indifferently replied back to his response.

Naruto : "Sir, yes sir!! " 

It feels insulting to him to see Naruto respond so apathetically, as if he doesn't care about anything, as his sensei told him.

In the end, leaving all this at side, he gets to the point for the whole class. 

Iruka : (He Likes Commander Giving Order Voice) 

"Today in class, we'll be reviewing The Art of Transformation. 

All you have to do is... 

Conjure a form that looks like mee." 

Every student in the class portrays a pained expression, but Naruto stands out since he struggles with secret art and is unable to execute it correctly even with effects applied.

Once Naruto had undone his ties, he stepped up from where he was sitting on the floor and joined the queue, which caused my classmates to step up one by one to complete Sensai's duty.

Slowly, everyone comes forward one by one and performs the secret art successfully. 

Now comes the chance for Naruto to show the talent and hard work he has done in the past.. 

Iruka: (after seeing in his records)

"RRight well done. Next up,'Uzumaki  Naruto"" 

Naruto : (Preparing his chakra that is required to perform any Ninja art) 


After performing Transformation Art,. 


After showing off his artistic abilities, Naruto changed into a cute, naked girl who was surrounded by smoke and had her privates hidden. 

Naruto : "I call this one the Ninja Centrefold Art." 

After seeing Naruto transform into a cute girl, Iruka Sensai's nose bled on the spot, and Sensai got KockOut. 

'Now we can say that Naruto won over his Sensai with his Ninja Jutshu (art).' 

Seeing Sensai KO on the floor, Naruto laughed out loudly.

After gathering himself, Sensai, who can't seem to enjoy Naruto pranking in class like this in front of all, shouts out to Naruto. 

Iruka : (in an angry and loud voice) 


You waste all your time and talent inventing these stupid tricks!! " 

Class ended.

At Hokage Monument

The joyful and mischief-looking Naruto has been put into cleaning the messed Hokage faces, which he himself did early in the in the morning.. 

This time he is standing on a non-mobile elevating work platform used by workers but here used by my Naruto. 

Bucket near his foot and cleaning cloth in one of his hands to clean drop by drop of paint, he put of hokage faces.

He has been supervised by Iruka Sensai from start to finish, who is watching his student work without lifting his eye.

Iruka : "You do not leave here until every drop of paint is gone!"" 

Since his childhood comment about his sensai, Naruto has been alone and uncared for, therefore he has become indifferent to his word.

Naruto : "So?? It is not like there is anyone waiting at home for me.  Hah Hah!!" 

To hide his true feelings from himself, he also laughed awkwardly.

Iruka is visible to me. Upon witnessing Naruto's response in this way, Iruka Sensai is moved to tears for his student—not because he is bragging, but rather because he is feeling something.

Iruka : (In Concerning Voice)


Naruto : (Clueless for His Sensai Call) " Now what?"" 

Iruka : (After Hearing Naruto's Voice, He Hesitately Said) 

"Well, once you are through here, 

I'll... We could... I'll buy you a bowl of ramen." 

' Iruka I understand that asking for food like Naruto's guardian must be difficult for you, but please don't be bashful like Hinata. Planning in whatever form is beneficial. Because Naruto adores Ramen, he will accept free meals.'

Naruto, feeling happiness and motivation from the bottom of his heart, happily shouts out. 

Naruto : "Yeah, baby!! Talk about motivation."" 

After completing work, Naruto and Iruka Sensai went to the ramen shop. 


At Ramen Shop 

Naruto and Iruka are eating in the'Ichiraku Ramen'shop,  whose owner is'Teuchi Ichiraku '.

Naruto thinks this is the best ramen shop in the village because he likes the ramen so much.

Naruto felt as though someone might take his meal when he was eating ramen.

Second, Iruka called Naruto, interrupting him. Yes, intruder, since Iruka's voice interrupted Naruto while he was lost in his Ramen world.

Iruka : "Naruto." 

Naruto :- " Humm ? " ' why disturbing me eating Ramen ?  ' 

Iruka : (pointing towards the Hokage Monument)

"Why, of all places, did you choose to deface that spot? 

I mean, you know who Lord Hokage is, right? " 

Naruto : "Of course!! " 

This is when I recall Naruto calling him a demon spirit and stifling his thoughts as the village was crucifying him.

He recognised his Sensai inside Naruto—the one who had never referred to him as a demon.

Iruka carried on talking with Naruto when he confirmed that Naruto knew who Hakage is.

Naruto : "Of course!! To inherit the Hokage name... 

He did have to be the best shinobi in the village. 

It was the Lord Hokage who saved our town by finding a way to beat the demon foxx." 


Iruka : "Then why?" 

Naruto : "Because one day they will all be calling me Lord Hokage. 

I am going to suppress everyone who comes before me! 

And when that day comes, everyone in town will have to give me some respect  at least!" 

Following Naruto's explanation, Iruka discusses the reason Naruto acts in such a way to gain respect by repressing everything but the need to be wrong.

Then, after talking about his reason, Naruto politely called out his Sensai: 

Naruto : "By the way, Sensai, I need a favour""

Iruka : "Another bowl of ramen?"" 

Naruto : "Uhh, your head band. That leaf you are wearing... pretty please?" 

Iruka touched his Ninja village headband and replied. 

Iruka : "My.... This? No, not yet. No way.'' 

"It is a badge of adulthood. You do not get one until you graduatee." 

Naruto : (disappointely) 

"What a RIP!"" 

After eating there full, both went home happily. 

Ramen shop exists. 

This chapter let the new soul experience the condition of Naruto and connecte them to countinue his new life without problems or complex perspective.

Next chapter will be plot that will trigger the soul fusion of both Naruto and the foreign soul.

Anuj_goyal_6407creators' thoughts
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