
It starts here

"Date is SE 245 Yōka, Kaminariday 13th. It has been 3 months since the last entry. I'll be switching back to English with these entries. Since I've switched back to English, I'll recap what has occurred since my transmigration once more, as I've done for the last 3 loops (that's what he refers to the language switch as. Remember his notes are encrypted in universe, so while we always get to read it in English, that might not always be the case in-universe.)

To start, it has been 2 years since my transmigration into this world in the body of one Naruto Uzumaki, and to say I've changed things would be an understatement. While the adults try to sabotage me at almost every turn, most of the newer generation questions why, something that frustrates the parents due to the law Lord Third passed years ago.

Aside from that, I believe I've been doing relatively well with my training. I'm still somewhat undecided if I want to start training in the Forest of Death since its outer perimeter is heavily guarded based on chakra levels; they are mostly low chunin, but still, I don't wish to risk it while still in the Academy. Speaking of my training, I have improved with the chakra exercises Kurama taught me. I've even recreated five different techniques that can be classified as my own jutsu, those techniques being Rayomen Sukuna's Cleave and Dismantle, Air Walk, Air Wall, Voice, and I've even recreated a mixture of Yuji Itadori's Divergent Fist and Nirengeki Shoda's Quirk Twin Impact. First, let's begin on how they were created.

Cleave & Dismantle: Both techniques require precise control over chakra points and chakra output to be performed effectively. After both are achieved, the user has to use 35% output on two different chakra points with a single chakra point in the middle with a 75% output. After some discussion with Kurama on the subject, we theorize it cannot be recreated by those of the Uchiha clan due to its required control over chakra points.

Air Walk: is achieved using precise control similar to water walking, utilizing a quick burst of chakra from all 9 chakra points located on the foot. To achieve a solid platform is impossible using this method so far. However, stopping the chakra flow from 4 different chakra points and then forcing it out again in a cycle achieves a similar result.

Voice: A Voice Amplification Technique that can increase the volume of one's voice using extreme bursts of chakra. It is possible to create a shockwave. This is done by forcing chakra into the 4 chakra points located in one's throat at different percentages. While it is possible to recreate a similar effect using other methods like wind chakra, this method doesn't require hand seals and is just as good if not superior in all other aspects.

Air Wall: By releasing the max output of chakra from all chakra points located on the respective part of the body, you can effectively create a wall of pure chakra.

Divergent Impact: By covering your fist in a thin layer of chakra and doubling it on impact, you create a secondary blow with double the power of the first.

While these techniques can easily be created using wind chakra, it makes the technique visible, and that's a problem since chakra in its purest form is normally invisible. This makes it so only Byakugan users can see it. Another reason is that chakra travels faster when expelled without adding a chakra nature to it than compresses wind. And lastly, it takes too long to change chakra into its elemental variant, not worth adding another extra second to the casting time. Besides, using this method makes my techniques almost impossible to recreate.

Unrelated to the last note, I'm also capable of using the 3 elementary jutsu thanks to all that chakra control training. Utilizing the transformation jutsu, I've also been able to sell things to the village using a false identity (due to the village's lack of sensory-type ninja). So far, I've sold storage scrolls and exploding tags while posing as a young seal expert (not a master, mind you, those get a lot of attention), and thanks to it, I have a relatively large sum of money as well as an actual house under the name Hikari Mizushima. It was an old home built during the second ninja war and, while being large, it also has a 2-level basement, so that's neat, although I don't really know what to do with it yet.

Outside of that, I've also accumulated quite the following in the Academy. Half of our grade is currently split between fanboying over Sasuke and the other half over me. I don't really mind; in fact, I quite like it—the attention, I mean. Most of the more attractive girls fanboy over me, while the less attractive ones in class fanboy over Sasuke.

"Someone is coming," Kurama warned. 'Thanks, Kurama,' I thought as I closed my log journal and replaced it with the one for class. Looking up, I saw who was approaching.

"H-Hey Naruko-kun, would you like to go out with me again today? I have today and tomorrow off from the flower shop after school," said a nervous Ino. I smiled at her and stood up, standing a fair height taller than her before placing a hand on her head.

"Sure, Ino-chan, I'd love to. If you'd like, I could take you for another date tomorrow if you wish," I said in a sweet tone.

She blushed but nodded all the same before I continued, "On another note, how is the training I've told you to do going?" I asked her. She smiled brightly at me. "It's going great. I didn't even know I was being so wasteful with my chakra before!" She beamed.

"Great, meet me at training ground 4 this Honōday after school. I want to see firsthand how much you've grown," I told her with a grin. She brightened even more, a grin of her own appearing on her face as she nodded. "Good. Now don't forget to return to your seat; sensei just entered."

I silently chuckled to myself. 'Never in a million years did I think I would have someone like Ino in the palm of my hand.' My chuckle turned into a small cackle. "I don't see why you play nice with her. After all your speechs about how the strong should take what you want? You even, what's the term? Tease her? Why not take her already?"

'Someone's impatient, huh?' I smirked internally. "I don't see a point in this useless dance of yours. I don't see why you are strengthening her instead." 'Everything has a time and place, my friend. Besides, I still have my standards even if they are a bit warped, so I'll wait until we graduate when we are considered adults.'

Kurama grumbled. "Human biology makes no sense to me." 'Human psychology, you mean,' I internally smirked. Kurama stayed silent, so I began to listen to the teacher as he paced in front of the class, adjusting his glasses before launching into the lecture. "Alright, class, today's lesson is about the intricacies of kunai throwing and the art of precision in ninja combat. Remember, understanding angles and degrees is crucial when aiming for a target, whether it be a training dummy or a potential threat on the battlefield."

He continued, "To illustrate this concept, let's consider a scenario. Sakura, please stand up. Suppose you are faced with a situation where precise aim is vital. Can you tell me the importance of angles when throwing a kunai?"

Sakura stood up, a bit nervous but determined. "Uh, well, sensei, the angle at which you throw a kunai affects its trajectory. If you aim too high or too low, you might miss your target. It's crucial to calculate the right degree to ensure accuracy and hit the mark effectively."

The teacher nodded approvingly. "Exactly, Sakura. Precision is key, especially when dealing with lethal weapons. Now, let's delve deeper into the practical applications of these principles. Everyone, pay close attention."

The teacher continued, elaborating on the practical aspects of kunai throwing. "Now, class, imagine you're on a mission where you not only face the challenge of wind resistance but also need to account for variations in terrain and distance. Understanding the angles becomes even more critical in such situations."

He paced back and forth, gesturing towards the front of the room. "Let's say you're targeting an opponent who is not at the same elevation as you. In such cases, calculating the optimal angle ensures your kunai follows a trajectory that compensates for both the horizontal and vertical components."

The teacher then turned to Sakura, engaging her further. "Sakura, in scenarios like these, what factors would you consider when determining the ideal angle for throwing a kunai?"

Sakura thought for a moment before responding, "Well, sensei, besides wind resistance, I would also need to factor in the distance to my target and the difference in elevation. Aiming too high or too low could cause the kunai to miss or not penetrate properly."

The teacher nodded, pleased with her response. "Excellent, Sakura. You've highlighted the importance of adjusting for both horizontal and vertical components in different scenarios. These considerations are crucial for adapting to the dynamic nature of real-life missions."

He continued with the lesson, guiding the class through various hypothetical situations that required careful calculation of angles for effective kunai throwing.(this teacher lesson bit was made by chatgpt im not making an actual lesson fuck that)

'I rolled my eyes I don't understand the need for these lessons' I thought with a snicker 'practical and more hands on teaching is more appropriate when it comes to how to be a ninja, but I guess they are desperate when it comes to enlisting the new generations so they water down the horrors' (AN: WHY does this seem familiar?)


(2 hours later last class Taijustu Training)

The bell rang, and I couldn't help but grin as that bell signified that the practical porsion of school was over with and the start of the physical. Something I ultimately welcomed unlike the classroom like setting i was forced to endure for 2 and 30 minutes. The next three hours and a half hours where going to be spent either admiring the scenery (like shikamaru) or fighting someone in a Taijustu match. I just couldn't stand the classroom like setting it reminded me far to much of my old world and Kurama would always laugh at my discomfort.

The soon-to-be-traitor instructor called out, "Now, Kiba, Naruto, you two are up!" Kiba immediately jumped up with a battle-ready grin. "I'll beat you this time, Naruto!" he declared. I just smiled, gesturing for him to come at me.

We entered the ring and entered stances I lifted one leg in front of me and placed both of my arms protectively over the sides of my head staring at Kiba as mizuki yelled for us to start.

Immediately Kiba jumped into the air before revealing his canine like teeth and his long nails, before spinning mid air and unleashing a fang over fang. I immediately dodged to the side as he slid to a stop right before the edge of the chalk marked ring and turning towards me a confident grin over his face before dropping on all fours and pouncing.

I dodged again and just as he was about to pass me I grabbed him by the back of his neck and threw him to the other side of the arena. Kiba rotated himself so he could land in a couch before immediate pouncing once more a clawed hand extending in an attempt to cut me. I immediately side stepped before ducking under his next strike before moving to stand directly behind him when he missed again. He tried to leg sweep me but I jumped back before he could immediately after Kiba started clawing at me in a more desperate attempt to scratch me the desperation in his eyes becoming even clearer. It was here I decided to finish things and his him with a kick powered by a Divergent impact, only he just barely stopped himself from being kicked out the ring. My eyes widen slightly 'thats new'

"Get him Naruto! Show that mutt who's boss!" A chuckle escaped my lips as Ino and a few other girls began to chant my name and words of encouragement. I turned to face them before smirking at them, Kiba tried to take advantage of my "distraction" but I simply learned to the left and kicked him out the circle with another Divergent impact.

"Naruto wins!" Mizuki called out. "Yea! way to go Naruto!" Ino and the rest of my fan girls yelled. I grinned at them before falling into my seat next to Sasuke "nice win dobe" he grumbled.

"Ara Ara, Sasuke how you wound me" I say dramatically with a small smile causing him to roll his eyes.

'things have been going well so far, cannon has already started and I've already changed so much. I have a loyal following consisting of the newer generation, I'm in good standing with the main cast. I'm in good standing with the fox, I've basically created my own justu. And am an overall good student who is "gerenteed" to be loyal to Konoha. The only thing I'm missing is the scroll that way I could publicly use the shadow clone and learn the other forbidden jutsu's in that scroll.'

"So things are going accordingly to the original plan?"

'i would think so, things might change due to my existence in this world but they shouldn't by much as Konoha itself isn't much of a factor in most of the events that will come. The only real change is how easy they Will become in the begining but that's it. By the way are the seal designs almost done?'

"The clones are just about finished with it here in your mind scape"

'Good those should be fun~'

"I still believe it is ineffectent to use the limited space your body has for seals in such a manner"

'at the moment I would have to agree but this is a long term thing fair more useful once you've seen and understand how the actual thing works we simply need to wait until the bridge builder arc'

Kurama only growled in response (his equivalent to a grunt) before going silent presumably to sleep (again).

Tanoshimi wa mada hajimatta bakaridesu~

I'll add this later I'm tired rn

BlitzKrieG_Kcreators' thoughts
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