
Naruto: Harem No Jutsu

[WARNING: R18 CONTENT!] What's the point of being a ninja if you can't have a harem? Yuji has a single dream in this new world: Have a harem. Unfortunately, the ladies around him are both willing and able to gut him like a fish. That's not all. He'll have to survive a demented nine tailed fox, a Shikamaru Nara who's a S-class missing nin and the wrath of a hidden village, not necessarily in that order. No one said it'll be that easy. Will Yuji achieve his dream? Only time will tell. ********** Things to note: 1. Alternative Universe 2. OC not SI 3. MC starts weak but progresses to OP. 4. This is not a joke fic. It might start like that but it is an attempt to show the MC's mindset before reality hits him like a truck. 5. Yes. This means that there's an actual story in which the harem is a major part of. Yes. There's smut. But the story takes precedence. ********* Discord server: https://discord.gg/CuXT9TcsBH Support link: https://www.patreon.com/chakralord

ChakraLord · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

All Hail Fuinjutsu

A/N: This chapter would reveal a few things about the ninja arts of this Naruto universe.

"Welcome to Ichiraku Ramen Stand!" Naruto gestured behind him.

Right in front of us, was a ramen stand tucked into an unassuming side street within another side street. No wonder I couldn't find it. What? You think I'll grow up in Konoha and not try to taste Ichiraku's ramen at least once?

Shame on you.

There were a few customers currently gobbling down hot ramen. That had to be a skill. Sadly, I never mastered it.

A man, presumably Ichiraku, was in the open kitchen, currently working on a new batch of noodles but my sight was set on a different thing.

Serving the customers was a lady so beautiful, she had to be the reason most of the customers were dudes.

"Naruto? Who's that?"

"Oh. That's Ayame. She's the old man's daughter."

Sakura scoffed at us. "Just the sight of a pretty face is enough to turn you boys into idiots."

"That's why we're all idiots around you." I grinned.

"God save me from the idiots here." Sakura shook her head but I could see the hint of a smile on her face.

I'm sure by now, you've realised something I always knew. There must either be something in the water in the elemental nations to make ladies this beautiful or Kishimoto was pants at drawing and we all know the most likely answer.

Ayame was neither as bountiful at the chest like Yuna sensei nor as inviting in the ass as Sakura, but her beauty rivalled Yuhi Kurenai. No wonder the ramen stand was hidden away from the world. I'm sure everyone can guess Mr. Ichiraku's worst fear.

"Have a seat, have a seat." Naruto bid us to sit down.

"What is this place?" Sakura looked around as we sat. Her gaze rested on Ayame longer than necessary. Probably checking her out.

"This is the best ramen stand in the whole of Konoha. Trust me, I know."

"How do you know?" Sakura frowned.

"Well, my mom and I, we went on a mission to seek out the best ramen restaurant in the whole of Konoha. After sampling every ramen store in the village, we realized that Ichiraku's was the best."

"Every ramen restaurant in Konoha?" Sakura asked incredulously. "Lady kushina did that?"


"Hey, Naruto. Welcome." Ayame appeared like a ray of sunshine after a heavy storm. The world suddenly seemed brighter.

"Hi, Ayame. How is business?"

"Oh, it's fine. All thanks to you and Lady Kushina."

"Ah, come on, we didn't do much." Naruto waved that away.

"We have to give credit where credit is due. If not for you guys spreading the word among a few shinobis, we'll never have stayed afloat." Ayame smiled and even though it wasn't directed at me, I blushed. "So, thank you."

"You're welcome." Naruto mumbled as he ducked to hide his blush. Sakura raised an eyebrow.

"So, What would you guys be having?" Ayame laughed.

"Pork ramen for me." Naruto turned to us. "What about you guys?"

"Miso ramen." Sakura smiled politely.

"I'll have miso ramen too."

"Okay! One pork and two miso coming right up." She left. Quite a few eyes followed her.

"So what do you guys think of our sensei?" Sakura broke the silence.

"Well, Naruto is the expert here." We turned to look at him. "Naruto, what do you think?"

"To be honest, Kakashi is a very great ninja. He's known for his copy seal, which he derived from both the Sharingan seal of the Uchiha clan and the Four Elements seal of the Sarutobi clan."

One of the most surprising things to learn at the ninja academy was that only one ninja had a bloodline ability. The sage of six paths.

All bloodline abilities in the Naruto universe be it the Sharingan, Byakugan or the Iron Sand, they are all fuinjutsu formulas.

In this universe, Ninjas don't use hand seals. They use fuinjutsu seals tattooed on their bodies. All ninjas are given the standard academy seal containing the three academy jutsu and the genjutsu dispel seal. All you do is run your Chakra through your fuinjutsu seal, make a single one handed seal and voila. One jutsu ready to serve.

All ninjas are taught fuinjutsu and they all develop their standard seals into something better. That makes all ninja unique.

The clans created their own special fuinjutsu techniques that they guard closely. Some clans even add a self destruct to their seals. After all, given enough time, a ninja's seal could be decoded. That is why ninja bodies are cremated when they die.

The Sharingan seal is the seal of the Uchiha family that does everything that the normal Sharingan does. I don't know if there's a mangekyou sharingan though.

The seal is said to have been created by the Sage of Six Paths.

The Four elements seal of the Sarurobi clan allows them to broadly use all four elements. At the hands of a novice, the seal is pretty harmless but at the hands of a master like the third Hokage, the seal is devastating.

Genius Hatake Kakashi was able to create a freeform seal based on both seals that allows him to copy or approximate any elemental technique that he sees.

"The problem is not his genius. It's two things. First, he's quite lazy."

"And the second?"

"Well," Naruto scratched his head. "Kakashi is used to ANBU training. That's all he'll be able to teach and it takes a special ninja to survive ANBU training."

"Wouldn't that be a good thing?" I asked in confusion. If I can't get into ANBU, isn't this the next best thing?

"Depends on your perspective." Naruto shrugged.

"Here's your ramen." Ayame arrived and dropped our plates in front of us.

"Itadakimasu!" We chorused and dug into our meal.

It was there that we were found.

"There you are!"

A/N: As you guys have seen, the ninjas here tattoo their seals on their body. This means that when a ninja is captured, their opponents can take time -usually months or years- and decipher the seals. This means when a ninja dies, their bodies are burner unless otherwise specified.

The sarutobi clan uses the four elements seal without Ying Yang. Creating a seal with only four nature transformations means that there's no space for almost anything else, so while this is not an exclusive ability of the clan, they're the best at using it.

Are those power stones I see? Drop them. Right now. Drop them before the ChakraLord. Muhahaha!