
Naruto: God level System

Ye Liang traversed the realms and found himself in the world of Naruto. As an ardent fan of the series, he felt a surge of pride and excitement. "Shinra Tensei? It's mine! The Nine Tails? It's mine! Tsunade, Hinata, Kurenai...? They're all mine! Children make choices, but I, Ye Liang, want everything!" he declared with fervor. Immersed in this new world, Ye Liang was determined to seize every opportunity and claim all the power and companions he had admired from afar. With each iconic jutsu and legendary figure now within his grasp, he embarked on a journey filled with ambition, adventure, and the unyielding desire to conquer all that the Naruto universe had to offer. His path was set, and nothing would stand in his way as he pursued his dream to possess it all. …......... This is an MTL translation

Oneofthemood_ · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs


"I guess this should be a task of vain prostitution!"

In the context of missions, "vain prostitution" refers to clients who can't pay the remaining bounty after the deposit is paid, so Konoha ends up working for nothing. Kakashi and Ye Liang had learned this term together. Originally, such missions were called "false tasks."

"I think so too," Ye Liang nodded.

Nohara Rin had a look of doubt in her eyes. "Teacher, why don't we cancel this mission since it's a false task?"

"Let's wait and see. We might find something useful," Ye Liang replied.

Uchiha Obito, clueless about this kind of situation, looked at the others. "Kakashi, what's a prostitution task?"

Kakashi ignored him. Obito looked at Nohara Rin, but she also ignored him. The same was true for Ye Liang. Being ignored was the fate of Obito.

After a while, Uncle Kaijiu came out carrying a basin of sweet potatoes. He smiled and placed them on the table. "Enjoy the sweet potatoes, adults."

Obito immediately reached for one, but Ye Liang noticed that the child was reluctant to see the sweet potatoes go. Ye Liang quickly understood that these sweet potatoes were probably all the rations they had.

"Everyone, eat. There's more in the kitchen," Kaijiu said enthusiastically, but only Obito took one. The others held back.

Seeing that they didn't move, Kaijiu sent the child away and returned. "Adults, this time I really need your help!" He bowed to Ye Liang.

"My lord, the rebels are hidden in the moats of Poland. They rob all merchants traveling to and from Poland along the river. If this continues, no guests will come to our country!"

He looked very anxious, but Ye Liang remained expressionless. "I understand, but I want to ask: the mission reward is three thousand gold. Are you sure you can afford it?"

"Are you doubting me?" Kaijiu shouted, his face red with embarrassment, clearly lacking confidence.

"Yes, so what?" Ye Liang responded coldly.

Kaijiu looked defeated. "My lord, it's not that I don't want to pay the reward, but the silver for the reward was snatched by the Black Chamber of Commerce just this morning," he explained. "It was gathered by all of us fishermen."

"The Black Chamber of Commerce?" Ye Liang asked with a hint of suspicion.

"Yes, it's a local bully in our country. Their leader is Gato. Over the years, the Black Chamber of Commerce has controlled all maritime transportation and infrastructure!"

"They've been suppressing their peers through the Mafia. It's only a matter of time before they control the lifeline of our country. Our fishing industry disrupts their commerce!"

"So they suppressed you?" Ye Liang asked.

"Yes," Kaijiu admitted.

Ye Liang fell into deep thought. When he saw the mission was in the Land of Waves, he remembered the mission from ten years later where Naruto Uzumaki was commissioned by the bridge builder Tazuna to protect the bridge from Gato. He knew that Gato was killed by the rogue ninja Zabuza Momochi.

Though Zabuza wasn't present now, as it was twelve years ago, Ye Liang hadn't expected Gato to already control the lifeline of the Land of Waves.

"It seems it's time to meet this dark merchant," Ye Liang decided.

Although Kaijiu's mission was to clear the rebels from the moat, Ye Liang knew the real mastermind was Gato of the Black Chamber of Commerce, who controlled numerous mafia and hired thugs to commit crimes. The fishing industry conflicted with his monopolized transportation industry, making the fishermen his targets.

Thinking of all possibilities, Ye Liang led his team out of Kaijiu's earthen house, thanking him profusely.

"Teacher, are we really going to help this Uncle Kaijiu? This is a false task!" Kakashi asked.

"Kakashi, be a human first, then do things!" Ye Liang replied. Although he knew Kaijiu couldn't pay the reward, he couldn't ignore the situation involving the original story.

Moreover, a notification sounded:

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for triggering the SSS-level task: Eradicating the dark merchant Gato!"


1. Kill Gato directly.

*Reward:* Random A-rank ninjutsu.

2. Kill Gato and eliminate the Mafia.

*Reward:* Two random A-rank ninjutsu.

3. Kill Gato and eliminate all of his forces (Mafia, hired rogues).

*Reward:* Random S-rank ninjutsu.

"Wocao! S-level skills again!" Ye Liang was thrilled. This task had three choices, a rare occurrence since he first started traveling. The last time, he had received Shinra Tensei as a reward.

"Time to fight for the reward!"

Kakashi was shocked. "Be a human first, then do things?" he repeated, instantly enlightened.

"The teacher is wise! How could I have doubted him?" he thought, recalling Ye Liang's previous ruthless demeanor.

Nohara Rin, moved by Ye Liang's words, inched closer to him, eyes sparkling. Obito also nodded in agreement, admiring Ye Liang's wisdom.


After half a day of inquiries, Ye Liang understood the layout of Gato's Black Chamber of Commerce in the Land of Waves.