
Ch 3

Naruto Uzumaki was what some would say idiotic but hugely powerful individual. As he proved many times that despite his kindness how powerful he could be. Madara, Pein and Kaguya are some who found it painfully. Now as he dragged himself after his recent assault from the people of this planet. He hears some sound. His recent battle weakening him a bit and his senses a bit dull. He turns to see a black jet appearing from thin air and landing. The door opens as a rough looking man with a cigar in his mouth.

" Hey bub, get in the jet.", the man says nonchantly.

Hearing the obvious order Naruto's body tenses ready to attack. He may have been weakened but he is not weak. He may not be from this planet but he knows that language. It was the same language that his former friends used to speak and the same that the people of terra. He takes a moment and looks around sighing as he tries to remeber the last time he arrived here. Seeing that Naruto was not listening, the man speaks again ," Didn't you hear me bub? You are all bloodied up and probably injured too. You better come with us."

The man's rough way of speaking draws irritation from Naruto as his eye twitches. He mumbles something in his own language.

" Fool..... you have come seeking death. If you think.... that I shall obey you then... you are sorely mistaken for the... emperor obeys none.", he says with his teeth grinding and words coming out like a child finally beginning to speak.

" We do not seek to fight you young man.", a bald man in a wheelchair is the next to come as he smiles looking at him. The burly man grumbles something along the lines of speak for yourself.

Naruto raises his eyebrows his irritation must be clear for all to see as the bald man raises his hand possibly as a sign that he is not one cor hostility.

" I am Charles Xavier and this is my associate Logan.", he introduces himself and the other man. Naruto doesn't acknowledge either because of their lack of threat. " I run a school for special people. People just like you, people with special abilities. Like us.", he says.

Naruto's eyes widen as he listens. 'Does he mean Gods?', he questions himself and scoffs.

" There is no one like me.", he proclaims.

Clink.... he hears metal striking metal as he turns around to see the man named Logan and metal claws coming out of his hands.

" Still think there is no one like you, bub?"

[ I ..... was shocked..... that's all but still not like me], Naruto says his words coming out in his own language. Logan's just looks at him weirdly.

[ You speak japanese but your words itself are broken, Naruto], he hears a voice speak in his head in his own language taking him off guard.

[You.....], he seethes in rage.

Sensing the coming attack Charles tries to calm the situation.

[ I am sorry for invading your privacy but I just wanted to show you that you are not alone. I only looked up your name nothing more. We all are mutants. My school offers protection to mutants and teaches them the way to control their powers...], he speaks this time not telepathically and continues seeing the man in front of him calm down a bit,[ I felt your rising power and thought of helping you. Seeing as you are all alone and injured you can come with us atleast until you heal.]

He offers hopefully. Naruto ponders a bit. His situation cannot get worse than it already was and decides to go along with them. He nods his head to show that he agrees. As they go towards the plane, [ The..... Emperor is no..... mutant.]

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