

"Now then! Let's get started. Shun, you can return now and make sure Daichi doesn't find out about this!" Baki stood up as he ordered Shun.

"Ok," Shun nodded and quickly headed out of a small crawl space in the dome Baki had created.

"This Daichi guy… Is he not in your faction? Or are the teammates decided by the higher-ups?" Haku was curious.

"He isn't from our faction and yes, the teammates are decided by the higher-ups."

"Oh… Can you teach me some jutsus now?"

"Of course" Baki smiled and looked towards Tazuma.

"Tazuma here will teach you some water release jutsus. I didn't learn many water release jutsus as it's not my main affinity."

Tazuma sighed as he spoke, "Alright listen kid! I am going to teach you two water jutsus: Hidden Mist jutsu and Wild Water Wave, the jutsu I used on you earlier."

He looked at Haku's face and said again " Also don't ask me for other jutsus as they are all I know. I am a sensor primarily."

"Then can you teach me chakra sens—" Haku's curious voice was cut off by Tazuma. "No. I am sure you don't want to be a jack of all trades and master of none."

'Looks like he won't budge in that decision. What a shame! I really wanted to learn sensing, I would help prevent disasters like today.'

"Now now, don't be sad Haku. I am sure Tazuma will teach you how to hide chakra from most sensors right?"

Tazuma scowled, "Huh?! Most Ninjas learn chakra suppression unconsciously anyway. Why do we need to teach him?"

"Correction Most veteran Ninjas do. Anyways, there won't be any harm in ensuring the safety of our future ally." Baki glared at Tazuma.

"Alright Alright. I got it." Tazuma scratched the back of his hair and started teaching Haku the hand seals and the intricacies behind the two jutsus.

After about one hour Haku remembered all the theories behind the jutsus. He wasn't going to practice it here as it might lower his chakra while he was among people he didn't fully trust.

Then again, the only thing he trusts the most is himself. But that doesn't make him incapable of trusting other people too!

"Why didn't you use the Hidden Mist jutsu while fighting me, Tazuma? I am pretty sure you could have killed me with it."

Baki spoke this time, "Well… it's because of me. The heat from my lava release would disperse the mist. So essentially it would be a waste of chakra."

"I see."

"Oh!" Haku remembered something. "Can you teach me earth dome jutsu? I was thinking of buying a tent but this jutsu looks perfect for defense and a tent!"

Baki was shocked! This was the first time he had seen anyone publicly admit that they were going to use earth dome jutsu as a tent!

"O-ok, I will teach you the theory. But are you sure you will be able to learn it? As far as I know, the main affinity of Yuki clan members are Water and Wind." 

"We will never know until I try."

"Ok. Now listen! This Jutsu is a D-rank jutsu and from what I have heard it's a derivation of a powerful B-rank jutsu! Now about the hand signs…" I took Haku 15 minutes to get down the theory.

"And that's it! Now Tazuma teach him chakra suppression, I should be pretty easy seeing that he can already tree walk. Oh, I forgot to ask, Have you learned water walking."

"No. I can't learn that on frozen lakes." Haku plainly replied.

"Oh… that's a problem. You should immediately learn it in a lake or river nearby. I am pretty sure it's in the forest near the road you are going to."

"I was already planning on that."

"That's good and also the island of the Yuki clan is called "Island of eternal snow". Just in case you get lost!"

Baki handed Haku to Tazuma again. Tazuma reluctantly started teaching Haku about chakra suppression. And surprisingly! Haku learned it in about ten minutes only!

"Oh wow…" Tazuma muttered silently. 

Just as Baki looked at him. Tazuma shouted,"I mean his talent isn't bad!... Although definitely higher than me. I am still not teaching him sensing!"

"Pfft" Baki laughed.

'Even though they were intended to be tools of the village, they are still humans.' Haku found this truly intriguing.

'Being emotionless also probably won't get you anywhere in this world. I mean we can look at Danzo's ROOT, it never produced an S-rank that was loyal to it.' 

"Ah! Haku, take this. You probably need it, you can use it to connect a kunai and explosive tag together!" Baki got a long coil of metal wire out of his pocket and threw it to Haku.

"Thank you."

"No problem. You should get going now! Also, hunt for your own food along the way! Don't stop at any villages in between and go directly to a shore! Don't come back to your inn, Daichi might be there.

With that said, Baki crumbled the Dome and ran towards the city. 

Haku was quite sad that he couldn't get his totally not stolen dried meat back. Thankfully, he had his map below the padding of his chainmail. So it was just a bit wet from water and sweat.

Haku walked towards the road while making low grunting noises. Although he tried to hide it before, he was still feeling the phantom pain of his second and first-degree burns!

He finally reached the road after a while and continued walking continuously for 3 whole hours until he couldn't see the city. He then stopped here after hearing a sound he had been searching for!

The sound of a river. The river seemed to be slow-flowing from the sound, which was even better. He could also hunt some fish for food and take a much-needed bath!

After a bit of walking into the forest, He reached the river which was about 5 meters wide and had knee depth water flowing in slow motion in it. Haku could also see a few fish swimming there.

Haku first took out his chainmail, his first layer of clothes damaged by the heat of the lava, and then took off his thicker padding of clothes below the chainmail.

Haku undressed and put his ninja tools like Kunau, explosive tags, wire, and lighter in a dry rock to make sure they don't get wet.

He then jumped into the water!

Next chapter