
Chapter 174

"Perhaps, this is just a unique case. Let's explore other places," Madara pondered after walking through the Uchiha Clan's territory in Taki no Kuni.

He couldn't bring himself to believe that peace could be so simple.

With that thought in mind, Madara turned and headed towards Tsuchi no Kuni.

If Konoha was characterized by its lush forests, Sunagakure by its sandy terrain, Kumogakure by its towering mountains, and Kirigakure by its misty waters, then Tsuchi no Kuni and Iwagakure were undoubtedly composed mostly of rocks.

This fact was evident.

Tsuchi no Kuni was abundant in various ores and minerals.

The people here had become accustomed to working with stones, which made them resilient and tough, much like the representative figure of the region, Onoki.

"Explosion-Style: Mining Fist!" Onoki exclaimed as he struck a rock with a powerful punch, swiftly followed by a Body Flicker that made him disappear.

The shattered rocks scattered on the ground, and a group of miners quickly rushed in to clear them away.

The Explosive-Style mining technique proved highly efficient and safe, surpassing any other method.

Following the principle of "building roads before prosperity," Onoki had instructed his blasting teams to carve through mountains and construct roads, connecting Iwagakure with the territories they had secured for easier management.

When Madara arrived in Tsuchi no Kuni, he witnessed the renowned Explosion-Style Shinōbi of the Shinōbi World leading groups of commoners, tirelessly excavating mountains.

A wide and well-maintained road stretched across Tsuchi no Kuni.

Observing keenly, Madara noticed the emergence of villages on both sides of the road. Hidden villages concealed within the mountains had also been developed.

In order to entice these villages to emerge, Iwagakure had provided houses and land, constructing one thriving village after another and extending the road to their doorsteps.

Unlike Konoha and Sunagakure, Madara witnessed a different form of prosperity here.

Onoki harbored deep distrust towards the Shinōbi Clan due to past betrayals and internal purges. He believed that Shinōbi Clan was a scourge and that the commoners were more trustworthy.

As the saying goes, Onoki disliked Shinōbi Clan, and this sentiment trickled down to the subsequent Tsuchikage.

Once the villages were established, Onoki either stationed injured Shinōbi who could no longer fight in the villages or selected capable individuals from the villages themselves. In this way, the villages were self-governing, and the army was deployed solely for protection.

Through road construction and other measures, Onoki had established a solid foundation for Iwagakure in Tsuchi no Kuni.

Onoki firmly believed that as long as they persisted, they could lead a good life. He believed that perseverance would pave the way for a brighter future, and that happiness would eventually come.

Madara could sense that once Iwagakure's model was replicated, prosperous days awaited.

The connected regions had already started playing an economic role.

With smooth roads, economic activity would flourish, leading to an improved quality of life for the people.

"Yet another unique approach, resulting in the prosperity of another country. Hashirama was truly mistaken, as was I. Shinōbi itself isn't flawed; it's the way it's been utilized. Instead of separation, unity and peaceful coexistence should be sought," Madara whispered to himself.

He proceeded to observe the lives of the people under Iwagakure's rule in Tsuchi no Kuni.

The scenes were beautiful and filled with happiness.

There was no sign of desperate struggles.

Decades of missions had instilled a strong sense of commitment among the Shinōbi, reflected in their profession.

As long as there was work, they were dedicated to fulfilling their obligations, regardless of the monetary compensation. They didn't deceive or manipulate, quickly earning the trust of the people.

Iwagakure was not lacking in funds. Their previous endeavors had ensured an adequate financial situation, including food supplies.

While Kaze no Kuni Daimyo relied on Hi no Kuni for food, Iwagakure Village had its own arrangements.

Konoha had an abundance of food, so what were they doing wrong?

Sarutobi Hiruzen still intended to sell food.

Food was a fundamental necessity that could never be in short supply.

In Konoha, Hiruzen had an ongoing research mission focused on increasing grain and vegetable production while maintaining freshness.

With fertile land, why not prioritize the simplest tasks?

"I'm merely carrying out inconsequential tasks, yet they have such a significant impact on garnering support from the commoners," Madara contemplated.

He began to question why the commoners supported the Shinōbi so fervently. In his memory, the commoners were never this supportive.

Outside of the Hidden Villages, the entire world was under the control of the Daimyo.

Daimyo's propaganda portrayed the Shinōbi as ruthless killers, taking lives at every turn. They were viewed as a bunch of fools who would carry out missions by any means necessary.

"Never mind. Let's explore other places. Maybe they will be different," Madara decided.

His next destination was Ame no Kuni. He wanted to see how life fared under the rule of Ame no Kuni Daimyo.

Madara planned to continue traveling, observing more while he still had the chance.


In Ame no Kuni, Madara's disappointment grew.

In his memory, after Hanzo's defeat and the retreat of the Hidden Villages, Ame no Kuni Daimyo should have governed the country well.

Yet, as he ventured deeper into Ame no Kuni, Madara was increasingly horrified by what he witnessed.

What kind of place was this? It was a living hell.

Hunger was rampant everywhere. It was even worse than in the neighboring regions of Kaze no Kuni, Iwa no Kuni, and Hi no Kuni.

The three nations had established some industries here and cared for their territories.

The areas near Ame no Kuni Daimyo City were relatively better.

However, the central region, the largest area, was a true tragedy.

"Forget about comparing it to Sunagakure; it can't even measure up to Konoha and Iwagakure," Madara lamented, his emotions complicated.

The eradication of the Shinōbi had left behind a world filled with such suffering.

They had been capable of managing the Shinōbi World.

Madara was perplexed. In his memory, when Hanzo was alive, Ame no Kuni wasn't so wretched.

"Shinōbi are the main force that maintains the existence of this world. The so-called Daimyo merely reaps the benefits," Madara suddenly realized.

After spending some time in Ame no Kuni, observing what he had left behind and discovering its prosperity, Madara turned and headed towards Kaze no Kuni.

He intended to seek answers from Hitoshi.

He felt lost in this world. The view he had held for several decades had crumbled.

The regions under the control of Sunagakure flourished, and Konoha had established a comfortable living environment. Iwagakure Village had dedicated significant effort to care for its commoners, providing convenience and hope for their survival.

Meanwhile, Daimyo's governance deteriorated.

"Perhaps, the best decision I made in my life was to challenge the Great Hidden Villages and lead them in eliminating the Daimyo. Perhaps, without the Daimyo, Shinōbi World could thrive under the control of the Shinōbi themselves," Madara contemplated.

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