
Naruto form start refuse the marriage of Mito Uzumaki[FanFiction ]

travelling to different Anime world doing task getting stronger and creating your own world it's going to be a long journey the start is wrong but hope the ending is right. [ if you have any suggestions you can write me I will soon add link to discord. this is going to be my third novel the previous to got dropped because of depression previous 2 got dropped but this one is fan fiction as longest my health doesn't go too bed I should able to complete this novel for my current situation just walking is quite painful. my English is not something I have learnt in school so it's not perfect so I hope someone can help me playing is always good even if somebody didn't I should table to complete this normal that is my only wish ]

Silver_mix · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

chapter 1

As I delved into the captivating world of anime, my gaze was transfixed on the screen, witnessing the main character being warmly welcomed by a group of beautiful maids. A surge of desire welled up within me, a longing to trade places with that protagonist, to bask in the same admiration and treatment bestowed upon them. Alas, I was firmly grounded in reality, aware that such fantasies were confined to the realms of fiction. I couldn't expect to be showered with the same adoration as a character neatly written in the pages of a novel.

Attempting to suppress my yearning, I continued to lose myself in the anime, seeking solace and temporary escape from the mundane realities of life. However, my tranquility was abruptly shattered by a jarring pop-up notification that intrusively materialized on the screen before me.

"Do you want lots of beautiful girls?" the notification blared, accompanied by a flashing button, urging me to click.

Frustration coursed through my veins, and I couldn't help but feel anger at the audacity of such shameless advertisements invading my personal space. At least the ads had changed their approach, but their persistence only fueled my annoyance.

I tried to dismiss the intrusive advertisement, but it clung stubbornly to the screen, refusing to be ignored. Growing irritated, I made the decision to power off my phone, hoping to sever its unwelcome presence. In that very moment, as the screen dimmed, an eerie emptiness descended upon my surroundings, enveloping me in a disorienting void.

Suddenly, a disembodied voice pierced through the silence, resonating within the emptiness. "You are the 78th out of 300 people who have refused my invitation," the voice declared with a hint of disappointment. "I can't help but feel like a kidnapper, randomly snatching people who refuse to accept."

Startled by the mysterious statement, I mustered the courage to challenge the enigmatic speaker. "What you're doing can be called kidnapping," I asserted, my voice laced with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

The strange creature, whose appearance remained hidden from my sight, fixed its gaze upon me. Seated on an otherworldly chair, it possessed a presence that exuded an unsettling aura—a pure white body with small, crawling eyes that resembled miniature caterpillars. Its visage was far from pleasing to the eye, adding to the sense of unease that gripped me.

With a rebuking tone, the creature responded to my comment. "You shouldn't make such claims," it admonished. "We could have had a harmonious beginning, and I would have felt like a benevolent figure."

Suppressing my instinctual repulsion, I mustered the courage to seek further understanding. "And who exactly are you?" I inquired, hoping for a straightforward answer that would unravel the mysteries shrouding this bizarre encounter.

Leaning forward, the creature's peculiar eyes met mine, intensifying the eerie atmosphere. "I am the world manager," it revealed, its voice carrying an air of authority and purpose.

Eager to delve deeper into the enigma, I pressed on. "What has become of the other 299 individuals who received your invitation?"

The creature's eyes flickered rapidly, as if accessing hidden knowledge. "Let me check," it responded, its voice taking on an unsettling calmness. "Currently, only five remain, with a projected lifespan of at least 20 years. However, their future doesn't appear to be pleasant, considering their current circumstances. I have to replenish my selection of participants."

Intrigued by its cryptic response, I sought to unveil the motives behind this

mysterious recruitment. "Why are you doing this?" I probed, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension coloring my words.

The world manager reclined in its chair, contemplating my question before offering a response. "Allow me to elucidate," it began, its voice tinged with a sense of purpose. "There exists a cycle of creation and destruction that spans unfathomable lengths of time. Eventually, every world faces its demise, only to be reborn a new. However, a troubling development has arisen—a relentless force has been obliterating countless solar systems at an alarming rate."

My fascination grew as I absorbed the gravity of the situation. "What happens when the cycle completes, but a significant portion of worlds is missing?" I prodded, eager to grasp the implications.

The world manager's eyes gleamed with intensity, mirroring the magnitude of its revelation. "The cycle would falter," it divulged, its voice carrying a weight of concern. "While other forces may attempt to restore equilibrium, their intervention could potentially hold me accountable as the world manager. To avert such an outcome, I have devised a plan."

Leaning forward, the creature continued its explanation. "I endeavor to create new worlds, replacing those lost to destruction. However, the process of constructing a world from scratch is a delicate undertaking, susceptible to catastrophic errors. That's where individuals like yourself come into play."

Intrigued yet cautious, I probed further. "So, you've been summoning people like me to enter these fantasy worlds and conquer them," I ventured, piecing together the purpose behind this invitation. "And in return, you gain our original information to aid in the creation of new worlds."

A knowing smile danced upon the world manager's lips. "Precisely," it affirmed. "You have the opportunity to claim these fantasy worlds as your own, and in due time, I can assist you in manifesting them as tangible realities. It's a symbiotic relationship, one where our goals align. Of course, refusing my offer won't alter your fate. You will still be transported to a fantasy world, though the challenges you face will be considerably more daunting."

Contemplation swirled within me, a whirlwind of uncertainty and possibility. With my own strength in question, I voiced my concern. "Do you believe I possess the power to conquer these worlds?"

The world manager's eyes shimmered with assurance. "Fear not," it reassured me. "I will lend you my aid. The exchange system, forged through the efforts of your predecessors, ensures a favorable starting point. Moreover, I possess invaluable knowledge that can be utilized to enhance and modify your physical form. Should you refuse, I may have no choice but to send you into the worlds of DC or the MCU, where I can gather crucial information to further my cause. So, what is your choice?"

In that moment, standing before this enigmatic being, I contemplated the path laid before me. The allure of embarking on a transformative journey, guided by this peculiar world manager, enticed me. The chance to shape my destiny and explore the realms of imagination was a call I couldn't resist. With a resolute nod, I found my voice. "I accept your invitation," I declared, ready to embark on an extraordinary quest that would test my limits and unlock the realms of possibility.

currently I am trying to chat GPT I can say most of time what are chat gpt is writing a totally different I have spend one week on just 1st chapter

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