
The 2 ninja's

Me and sakura-kun yell "YOUR LATE" kakashi sensei clams "A black cat passed the way so I had to go a long way. Now you have to retrieve from me by noon, and since there are only two, one of them will be not only fail but will be tied to a tree post and watch as everyone else eats." he said evilly so its about teamwork hey and we all go hide but playing my character I charge in Kakashi nonchalantly takes out his book and evades all of my attacks, before appearing behind me and using the to send me flying into the water. I return with the use of the to cleverly distract Kakashi as i had one sneak up behind him. To my surprise, as I prepare to a punch on the restrained Kakashi, Kakashi confuses me having me think he turned himself into my clone. This caused the clones to attack one another, but in actuality, Kakashi used the to switch one of my clones with himself. After I disperse my clones, I spotted a bell on the ground and joyfully picks it up, but it turned out to be a trap as Naruto is hung upside down by a rope attached to a tree. Kakashi appears and lectures him. Sasuke takes this opportunity to attack Kakashi from the trees with and that strike the jōnin but he fails and gets stuck in the ground and sakura got stuck in a genjutsu of kakashi's which caused her to scream and faint. I got free and saw food so i went over trying to get a bit even knowing I won't get it but just wait and tied me to the wooden post. Sasuke faints again because she saw sasuke stuck and after she does sasuke somehow got out and sakura wake up and she tried to convince him to give and try next year but he said no and says he is an avenger or something like care because we are out of time anyway now it's going to start my plan he says "you fail because you don't think like ninjas" my turn "what do you mean we don't think like ninjas" I say raging sasuke runs to attack him but he swiftly stops him and says "it was about teamwork brats and sasuke and sakura go eat to get energy" he disappears and they sit and eat and my stomach growl and sasuke decides to give some of his food and sakura hesitates but gives her food away. Then kakashi appears and says we are going to be punished for not following his rules but we band together to state that they are a team, and to our surprise, are rewarded with Kakashi stating we have passed. He explains that those who break the rules are considered scum, but those who abandon their friends are even worse than scum. He states that they are the only team to abide by his orders which surprised me but my plan worked yay I wish i could have used more of my power instead of using half and getting hurt after that we had lots of D rank missions and after one we went to the hokage to tell him but i got annoyed of doing them so I said "I want a better mission" but iruka says that all of them stay with the small ranks until they Lauren the hokage trust to give them a higher mission" but to my surprise the hokage said "there is a c-rank mission but it's dangerous for you guys " which made me mad "i'm a ninja so treat me like one" I said angrily he looked amused and gave us the c-rank mission to escort , a master bridge builder, to the . When we meet Tazuna he expresses disbelief in the fact that kids are going to be guarding him, but works with us nonetheless. As we go home to sleep for tomorrow to leave I got pulled into an ally by two men that were drunk and they started cutting me and one of the guys told the other guy that we should have more fun with her which gave me a frightened look because I now what's going to happen...there going to rape me they rip off my clothes to shreds and i scream for help but no one came some people saw and ignored some people said that she deserves it which made her cry and they pulled out there member and they both took turns putting them in her and every time they thrust tries came out of her eyes until they got tired and left her there naked she got up and ran home fast but tripped a lot because of the pain and when she got home it was 1 in the morning so she got dressed which was a skin tight shirt and ANBU pants and went to bed crying herself to sleep.

The next morning she got up from her alarm clock "kit, are you ok" karma says sadly "no karma i can't take it, I want it to stop, I want the act to stop and the daily beatings and sometimes rapes" I say with tears " I know kit sorry for asking a stupid question come on we need to go or we will be late" karma says sadly and she stops crying and puts her shoes on and runs out of the building to meet her team after she there she meets sasuke and sakura and they look at her and they both blush at how sexy she looks she looks down and she forgot to change "WHAT ARE YOU WEARING YOU SLUT ARE YOU TRYING TO SEDUCE PEOPLE" she yells at my face "dobe what are you wearing it is very distracting" he says blushing looking at my chest area that is popping out which made me blush but made sakura more angrier and she yelled "MONSTER" after that our sensai came with our client and when our sensai saw me he swallowed and blushed under his mask and I say "sorry I forgot to change" I say sheepishly "it's ok naruto next time don't forget, now let's go" he says looking down as we go out the gate. I looked down with an emotionless face that is very depressing which no one noticed I thought we were getting along but now I understand that will never happen to me "It's ok kit im here" karma said to me,'thanks karma' as I look up their was this puddle which was strange because it didn't rain yesterday and there is chakra coming from it then ninja's came out so I went to attack them and sasuke did the same while sakura stood and protected which she had a scared look on her face I took out 5 and sasuke took out 3 I saw a aiming at sasuke and I got in front of it and got hit by it in the shoulder which they did not see so I pull it out and throw it at the person that through it and killed them and sasuke took down the rest sakura ran to sasuke and gave me a dirty look as I hold my shoulder "your a waste of space sasuke could have done it him himself" sakura said venomously as the blood starts to leak mre thank god I'm wearing black so they can't see the blood and we get the information what was happening form tanzania he said he couldn't pay for a higher rank so he lied and said its a c rank mission and the people attacking us a people hired to kill him for him not to finish the bridge. But there was someone watching us the whole time since we got the mission but mostly me and saw what they were doing and saw I was hiding my true emotions behind a mask. As we got to the river to rest for a bit I wash off the blood on my hands and shoulder then someone came out to attacked us but he transported me away from the group and this young boy in an ANBU mask on healed my shoulder and hugged me and I flinched cause I never been hugged before "What they were doing to you were not right the village should die for what they did and that team should not be called a team" I tear dropped down then more tears came after that then he hugged me tighter and said, "you never have to go back" he departed from the hug and wiped my tears away than that guy came back injured badly the guy that healed me started healing him and he said "Are you ok kid" in a sweet tone of voice, which I shook my head yes, "Anyway's I know you don't want to be here so we are here to grant your wish we are sending you to another place somewhere far away but still in this world but they don't know what chakra is they use something called nin and i promise it will be better there than here we want your to become a good hunter it will be better for you and more fun than a ninja i promise we will go to you in 2 months and you can tell us if you want to go back ok" the boy said "w-why are you doing this for me?" I say nervously "because you're too nice for these people and they treat you like crap and there you can act like yourself, " the man says fully healed they start doing hand signs and the next thing I know I'm in a ship I go to the edge of the ship and look at the ocean and smile I'm finally away from that place I wonder if they will miss me probably not they are probably happy that i'm gone that's good now people will be happy and maybe I will and I can act like myself and become a hunter like those people said because they helped me get away I can be myself and use 100% of my power without making trouble for the villagers and hokage and not get raped or beaten anymore I will become a strong woman I smell the air and hear the birds flying the other way we are going that means a big storm I better tell the captain but how whatever I will tell a crew member, I spot a crew member and tell him about a big storm coming and he ran to the captain telling him.

As we got to the river to rest for a bit I wash off the blood on my hands and shoulder then someone came out to attacked us but he transported me away from the group and this young boy in an ANBU mask on healed my shoulder and hugged me and I fli...

hope you guys like!

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