

"So, Taki-san, you mean to say that these guys will sell us when they reach the city?"

Alex is talking to a man, with an unshaved beard and long hair. Looking at his old and torn clothes but with the peculiar quality of clothes, one could roughly guess that the man, Konda Taki, certainly belonged to some prestigious family.

"Yeah, I know it's tuff to get it over with but the bandits have been lately talking about it more and more."

It has been over two weeks and conditions that Alex was put in was anything but good.

The food available for prisoners was very less - only 1 meal per day so that the prisoners won't have any strength to even attempt to flee from here.

There was a steel chain handcuffed on all the people enslaved.

Alex looked over his clothes that were full of dirt and stains and remembered the days he used to live at his home.

'It's been two weeks since I have disappeared. I wonder how my parents are doing?'

In these two weeks, Alex realized that he was no more on Earth but in an alternate universe.

He still didn't know much about this as Taki, himself was quite young to know the ways of the world but he knew it that it was the world where the strong preyed on the weak.

Taki was one of the self-proclaimed leaders of the prisoners who was responsible to look after the newly captured prisoners and make sure that they don't cause any trouble as per the order by one of the bandits.

Despite being unwilling, he feared more for his life, so he gave in and started to calm down the newly caught individuals.

Taki was surprised to found Alex because he was sure that all the people from the 'Thorpes Village' did not know Alex. Instead of was there first time seeing someone with straight white hair like Alex.

'Thorpe's Village' was the village where Alex met the Boss of the group.

When asked by Taki about this, Alex shook his head and answered with a sigh, "I don't know. I slept at my house and next moment I opened up my eyes, I was here."

Taki thought that Alex didn't want to tell him, so he too knowingly diverted the topic and moved on.

* * *

In the afternoon, one of the bandits came in front of all the prisoners.

He was not alone this time. Beside him, there were quite a number of people this time.

In the past two weeks, Alex has seen many people being taken as prisoners but this time around the female were quite large in numbers.

"Send all of these people to the next prison and make sure to send those three women to prison #2."


Just as the bandit ordered, one of them, opened the chamber and pushed in the girls.

It was then, that Alex could see who they were.

Two of the girls were teenagers, roughly around the same age as Alex and the remaining one seemed to be a beautiful young lady with crimson eyes and short red hair. With a purple cloak tied around her greyish top.

One of the two girls, had a face similar to that of the young woman, with crimson eyes and red hair. The only difference being that her face looked quite cute and silly. She also wore spectacles making her eyes look bigger than they actually were.

The other girl, a fair skinned and very attractive girl with long pitch black hair with side bangs on both sides of her face. Seeing her dark black eyes, Alex swore that he never thought that a teenage girl could look so pretty.

Both the girls looked quite afraid and tugged on the young woman's cloak.

'I seem to have seen the red hair duo before... but where?'

Alex was quite confused as he rubbed his forehead and closed his eyes as if concentrating really hard on something.

"Are you okay, Alex?" said Taki who seemed quite puzzled at the boy's behavior.

"Yeah, I'm fine, " Alex nodded, 'Well, whatever.'

Alex shook his head and turned back towards his resting place before taking a final look at the three new addition to the group.

* * *

"Karin and Akemi, both of you must stay cautious and not let anyone know of our identity or else..." said the red hair young woman towards the two girls.

Seeing both of them nod in return, the young woman continued pointing at Alex's back, "I am not sure but that boy with straight white hair also seems to have a faint trace of chakra."

Both the girls widened their eyes in surprise as it was next to impossible to find such a person in this place.

The red hair girl seemed to think for a moment and finally asked, "Mother, then is he in partnership with those bad guys?"

The young lady shook her head, " No, Karin. There is only a trace. And I believe even he himself does not know about that."

Then she looked over at the black haired girl and spoke in a serious tone, "Akemi, the one that needs to be the most cautious are you. No matter what the situation arises into, don't get angry - never - under any circumstance. Understood?"

The black hair girl named Akemi, put down her head in embarrassment, "Yes, aunty."

The young woman, mother of the red hair girl, Karin gently nodded as the trio began to look for a resting place in the chamber.

* * *

The novel shall be a Harem then!! ;)

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