
Naruto Fanfic (I suck at names...sorry)

Another Naruto Fanfic. (i suck at writing the synopsis too..... not sorry)

mugen95 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

MC B.S. style: Time skip technique.


It has been ten years since my reincarnation and it has been a blast. At first it was horrifying, but I kinda got used to it, even started to enjoy the battles. Why horrifying you say? cause I was probably in the most stupidest clan there ever was in the Narutoverse- The Kaguya Clan.

Yup. You guessed it. I'm Kimimaro Kaguya. The wolverine of the Narutoverse.

But i did not mind the fact that my clan members had Shit for brains. Infact I thrived in there, of course, after I got used to killing people, it was a total breeze. I am basically Wolverine, with the bullshit healing factor, rivaling the Uzumaki's and the insane bone armour I always wear underneath my skin.

The bone armour is a new addition after I perfected it an year ago.The idiots treated me like a weapon, slave, whatever one wants to call it. It didn't matter they will all die eventually after trying to take on Kirigakure. I have better things to do and better places to be, namely- Amegakure.

Why? Cause there is one nice little Uzumaki there that has the worlds most powerful eyes. One might think about its compatibility, but I know I'm something that is the closest living being to the Otsutsuki's.


I kill as few as possible, although they will end up dead anyway after my clan goes through with their slaughter. But as I wanted to get more powerful, I sneaked away during one of their raids, acting as if I was pursuing a foe. My monstrous stamina helped and my pursuers had to give up on chasing me after a whole month of chasing me.

I neither wanted to die fighting against the Kirigakure nor did I want to meet Pedomaru. So I took of dashing my way through the forests. and the marshes of the Land of water, finally coming to the border of Ame country. It wasn't too difficult since it was in a sorry state because of the Civil War.

The Civil war will end when Yahiko, the Naruto wanabe, suicides in the hands of Nagato.


I kept going towards their hidden village at a walking pace, a back pack on my shoulders and an umbrella fixed on top of it, giving me slight relief from the constant downpour and there was an Ocarina in my hands pried from the cold dead hands of the first kill I made in this world. A girl of 15 years of age, when I was a 6 year old. I played a tune that was kinda breaking the fourth wall. I played the 'Sadness and Sorrow' theme from the Naruto anime.

But this Ocarina is far more than just a musical instrument. It is the second most powerful weapon I have in my arsenal. The first being my Shikottsumyaku.

The Ocarina was an offensive and a defensive tool that used sound waves. Defensively, I can cast pretty decent sound based genjutsus on the average chunin, but beyond that, they can easily dispel it. The sound waves just disorient the victim and see everything in grey colour and cutting off their depth perception and general sense of direction and balance. By themselves it is not much, but when you bring it all together, it is quite terrifying.

Offensively, I can boost myself with the sound waves, speeding and expanding my chakra flow, hence leading to the opening of my First Gate, the gate of opening [Hachimon Tonko: Dai Ichi-mon...KAIMON]. I actually just tried to copy 'Menma's' music from one of those side-stories of kid Naruto.

It was not very difficult. You need to know the exact tune, rhythm and make the sound waves resonate with your chakra wavelength..... and VIOLA!! Granted it took two years of trial and error to get it right, it was just a matter of finding your wavelength.

And the best thing, now I can enter the first gate without the Ocarina and use it to push me through the next gate. [KYUMON- The Gate of Healing].

The only difference being the resonance. Instead of matching my chakra's wavelength, I put myself in a psuedo-genjutsu. This releases the Dopamine from the brain, which in turn leads to adrenaline rush. And we know what adrenalin does to us.

Key actions of adrenalin include increasing the heart rate, increasing blood pressure, expanding the air passages of the lungs, enlarging the pupil in the eye, redistributing blood to the muscles and altering the body's metabolism, so as to maximise blood glucose levels.

In theory I can keep pushing myself to reach the Fifth gate [TOMON: The gate of Limit]. But I would literally tear myself apart without the insane training of my muscles and body that Guy and Lee do. So going in to the second gate itself is hella risky.

A Hikikomori knowing all these medical terms? Well, I tried to find scientific/realistic or something that is as close as possible so that I could get those same powers. So yeah.

One thing I was careful about was, not to pull out my bones to much. And i also do not retract my bones into my body, because ewww! My victims blood would still be on the blade.

I'm pretty sure that is why the original Kimimaro died- AIDS. Although the body can regenerate from wounds, it cannot do so from disease.

I had still used my bone sword I made outta my arm bone an year ago. It helped that it did not need maintenance as it was stronger, harder, sharper than normal metal swords. I had discarded it, breaking it into small pieces after I fled from my clan. So even if I encounter other shinobi, I can show them that I was unarmed and not a threat.

To top it off and complete my look, I was wearing a priests robe. The water temple was mostly unknown to most, with reason. They are literally nobodies. They even discard their given names, so as to not have any earthly attachments. What a bunch of morons, if you ask me.

Anyways I just beat one of them unconscious and stole his blue/grey coloured robes. I thought they would put up a fight like those of the fire temple, Chiriku, for example. Oh well.