
Chapter 256

After giving it some serious thought, it seems that this might not be an impossible endeavor.

But the crucial question is, can someone who has activated the Mangekyou Sharingan once, truly activate it a second time?

How difficult is it to activate the Mangekyou Sharingan? Doesn't Kaito have a clear understanding?

Even without discussing these points in depth, given the level of technology they have on hand, is cloning truly feasible?

"I think we should drop this topic, alright?"

Shisui rubbed his head, feeling that their discussion was becoming a bit over the top.

"That might be best. There are still many factors to consider about this matter."

Kaito nodded in agreement. However, unlike Shisui, he made a mental note of the conversation.

Yet, they would need Orochimaru's help for this matter, so there's no need to rush things for now.

"Your second question is about my definition of peace, right? Actually, Jiraiya and I have discussed this before."

Kaito smiled at Shisui, his gaze briefly drifting towards the door. He paused for a moment, then continued speaking.

"I once spoke with Jiraiya, before he became the Fifth Hokage. He believed that peace in the ninja world is based on trust and communication between individuals.

He opposes power and realism, but I told him that I am a person of power and realism.

In my view, the entire ninja world must first be unified!

I can tell you this, Uchiha Madara thought the same way, but his ideas were refuted by Senju Hashirama.

And it's not just Uchiha Madara. Even Hashirama's younger brother, that despicable person, Senju Tobirama, thought the same."

Kaito's words profoundly shocked Shisui. Although Shisui somewhat understood some of Kaito's ideas, this was the first time Kaito had voiced them so bluntly.

"Actually, Tobirama has always been a perceptive person, and during his life, he wasn't too harsh towards the Uchiha."

Before Shisui could respond, Kaito spoke again.

"What I dislike about him is the malice he showed me during our interactions, as well as his biased views about the Uchiha."

But it's undeniable that Senju Tobirama was a great Hokage. The success of the Third Hokage was fundamentally built upon the foundation he laid.

In his understanding, peace in the ninja world is not about division.

Because if you divide into separate nations, it's only a matter of time before wars break out again over resources, land, and self-interest.

Uchiha Madara thought the same way. And isn't that exactly the current state of the ninja world?

Senju Hashirama, on the other hand, shared views similar to Jiraiya's. One believed that the ninja world is already stable, while the other believed that peace can be achieved through communication between individuals.

But the nature of the world is the survival of the fittest. Look at our Grass Country below us and compare it to other countries like it. These are clear examples.

However, if all countries were unified, resource shortages could be addressed through stable trade and distribution, allowing resources to be reallocated.

Excess capacity could be sold to other regions, and specialized goods from other regions could be circulated everywhere. Wouldn't this be beneficial for everyone?

Hashirama founded Konohagakure with the aim of protecting children, siblings, and all who entered the village.

Aren't we unifying the entire ninja world to protect even more people and to bring peace to the world?

Kaito's words deeply immersed Shisui in thought, and Kaito, too, was sensing changes outside the door.

But he didn't care in the slightest. After all, he had planned to discuss these matters. Otherwise, he wouldn't have shared them with Jiraiya.

The question of when to bring up these issues is worth pondering. Since Shisui asked, Kaito naturally wouldn't mind sharing with someone he trusts.

What pleased him was that Shisui seemed much more receptive to these ideas than Jiraiya.

Although immersed in thought, Shisui quickly regained his composure and looked at Kaito very seriously.

"Kaito, your ideas are indeed commendable, but have you considered certain issues?

First, there's the matter of war. How many will have to pay with their lives for this?

Secondly, even if we take control of a place, how do we make the locals accept our control, and then transition to governance?

I believe, with the strength of Konohagakure, or even your personal strength, it can be achieved in the years to come.

But you also taught me that many things cannot be achieved by force alone. Otherwise, we won't get genuine support.

We were able to impeach Elder Fugaku because we had evidence and won people's hearts.

We impeached the Third Hokage for the same reasons.

While wars don't require evidence, how can we win the hearts of the local people?

Moreover, how can we get the people of the Fire Country, especially those in Konohagakure, to accept the idea of war?"

Shisui's words only deepened Kaito's smile, as asking such questions showed Shisui's growth.

You must remember that just a few years ago, this young man still naively believed that wars were caused by hatred.

Now, his way of thinking and approaching issues has greatly improved. The fact that he can ask these questions shows that he has really come a long way.

But if he can think of these questions, how could Kaito possibly not have thought of them?

And correspondingly, Kaito has already pondered the solutions. Although they might not be the most humane, they are definitely the most realistic.

"It's simple. Let me ask you a question, Shisui."

Kaito still maintained his smile as he spoke slowly.

"Do you think, on the entire ninja continent, setting aside the divided nations, is there any difference between all ninjas and ordinary people?"

"Setting aside national differences?"

Shisui was somewhat puzzled by Kaito's question. After giving it some thought, he was surprised to find that he didn't seem to have an answer.

"No answer, right?"

Kaito gently patted Shisui's shoulder, speaking with deep emotion.

"Besides the distinctions like the Fire Country, Earth Country, and Wind Country, and aside from the various regional habits and lifestyles,

Aren't we all the same in other aspects?"

The ninja world is just that kind of place. Kaito should be thankful that this relatively simple world doesn't have many religious issues.

Although there are religions in this world, relatively speaking, the number of believers is very few.

Kaito was also surprised that in this war-torn place, there isn't a major religious belief to provide spiritual support for these troubled people.

What exists are some cults or beliefs individuals come up with on their own.

But these beliefs either don't have a large following or are denounced by everyone, preventing them from developing.

In such a situation, there wouldn't be any extreme religious issues, which is indeed a good thing for Kaito.

"Since we are all the same people, speaking the same language, using the same script, and even sharing similar histories."

Although Kaito was deep in thought, he didn't stop speaking.

"Given this context, is it difficult to let them know 'who we are'?

Moreover, when shaping the concept of 'who we are', the easiest way is to mold 'who we are not'. It's even more straightforward."

The logic that Kaito presented might seem a bit odd at first, but fundamentally, it's a very easy-to-understand concept.

'Who we are' is easy to comprehend, while 'who we are not' is about negating one identity and guiding everyone towards another understanding of 'who we are'.

Based on past knowledge and understanding, the quickest way to shape the perception of 'who we are' is to let us know 'who we are not'.

For instance, 'we are not' people divided into different nations; 'we are' members of the ninja continent!

Kaito's words left Shisui dumbfounded, as the implications of this line of thinking were almost unimaginable to him.

He never considered that things could be approached this way or that concepts could be manipulated so deftly.

Following this method, those people would inevitably be deeply tied to Kaito's ideas and concepts.

After all, they genuinely don't have much cultural conflict, and even if they do, it can be gradually smoothed out and respected.

By then, when the entire ninja world is unified, public opinion will naturally fall into their hands. It's just inevitable!

"Of course, once we accomplish all this, there will inevitably be remnants of the old era."

Kaito leaned back on the soft bed before he continued in a soft voice.

"But those individuals, in the tide of the times, will certainly be isolated.

While employing both soft and hard approaches, we will offer a normal life to those willing to follow us. For those unwilling, we'll use the most ruthless methods to send them to the afterlife.

By then, won't the entire ninja world be completely settled?

Of course, regarding the sentiment of our own village and country, long-term propaganda is necessary.

As long as they realize 'who we are', like other villages, then what do we have to worry about?

Regarding sacrifices, for the unity of the ninja world and future peace, some pain is inevitable.

But in the long run, aren't we creating a world that can remain stable and peaceful?"


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