
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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295 Chs

Chapter 194

The term "reform" seems somewhat unfamiliar to the average person.

Even though Jiraiya emphasizes that the reform will have a significant impact on them, for the average person and civilian ninja, the term remains somewhat alien.

Yet no matter how alien, some specific information can be clearly understood—understood even as they hear it, just like now!

When Jiraiya slowly revealed the content of Konoha's impending reforms, everyone was dumbfounded in that moment.

The reform is divided into two parts; the first part focuses on ninja welfare—a topic both simple and instantly understandable.

Especially this area, just as Jiraiya pointed out, directly concerns matters of great importance to them.

The scope of the changes in ninja welfare is vast, covering reforms for all ranks of ninja, from Genin to Jounin.

The magnitude of these reforms has left everyone speechless and wide-eyed.

To put it bluntly, the benefits they will receive going forward will be several times greater than what they had before! What a Genin can receive in terms of benefits will soon be almost on par with what a Chunin used to receive.

While what a Chunin can get may still not match current Jounin, it's beyond what they had ever imagined.

Within the ninja village, relationships between ninjas generally aren't bad; they usually shouldn't be, unless there's an inherent problem between individuals.

But even so, there's still a significant gap in status between Genin, Chunin, Special Jounin, and Jounin.

Within the ninja ranks, there is a hierarchy unique to themselves, and it's far simpler than in civilian life: it's determined by strength.

Resources allocated to each level of ninja are entirely different, naturally, the stronger you are, the more you get.

While this seems fair—at least it's not a zero-sum game where the winner takes all—it still contains elements of unfairness. For instance, high-ranking ninjas at a certain stage of their careers really don't need that many resources.

However, for a low-ranking ninja in a critical phase of their growth, more resources are necessary to aid their development.

What Konoha previously provided was far from enough for their growth needs; it only covered their daily life requirements.

But the current reform can provide a foundation for those who have the desire to advance further!

Each phrase and sentence sways like the scales of justice—balancing the discomfort of change against the hope of something grander. The air seems to tremble with the heaviness of a shared destiny, a collective future rewritten with a single proclamation.

"However, the corresponding penalties and inspection mechanisms have also become much stricter."

Konoha provides so many benefits that even Genin can be said to live without worries of food and clothing.

This can motivate ordinary people to strive harder, to journey down the path of the ninja, but such generous benefits can also lead some to complacency.

Some may think that spending a lifetime as a Genin is enough to scrape by, all the while living off Konoha's generous welfare without any aspiration for advancement.

So when Jiraiya and others were finalizing these welfare reforms, they specifically called upon Kaito and others for a detailed discussion.

What they concluded was that even within the ninja system, there must be bottom-ranking eliminations and performance assessments!

Every year, evaluations will be conducted based on the number of missions and strength assessments of current ninjas. Those who fail to meet standards will be demoted immediately! 

Such assessments and evaluations cover all ninja ranks, whether you're a Jounin or a Genin; no one can escape this.

This effectively roots out those who merely want to coast along, greatly increasing the sense of urgency and competitive pressure on everyone.

In terms of welfare, ninjas at every level will get more, but the most significant changes are really aimed at the Jounin.

After all, Jounin are openly considered the reserves for the future Hokage. In people's understanding, every Jounin has the qualifications to become a Hokage.

While this is true, the key is that becoming a Hokage isn't as simple as being a Jounin; there are many other interests and complexities involved.

Unless you can become the head of a powerful department and gain everyone's approval, only then will you have the chance to vie for the position of Hokage.

And within Konoha, the influence of a Jounin isn't as significant as people imagine, a situation similar across all ninja villages.

However, in this round of reforms, the rights of Jounin have been greatly enhanced. From now on, unless there's a particularly significant issue requiring discussion by department heads or higher-ups.

Other matters will be resolved through Jounin meetings.

This means the influence of Jounin within the village has been directly amplified; they now have the qualifications to discuss the village's future direction!

And these matters are indeed the most attractive.

After all, if you aspire to become the Hokage, you should at least know the operational mode of the village, and have a channel to express your own voice.

Konoha is directly providing you with these, but the prerequisite is that you must become a Jounin. How could this not stir the hearts of those with grand ambitions? 

"Is all this true?"

"It's fantastic, truly fantastic!"

"Such reforms completely surpass the era of the Third Hokage. This is the new chapter for Konoha!"

Merely this one point of reform is enough to stir all of Konoha into a frenzy, their cheers and jubilations unceasing, evidently invigorated beyond measure.

In this moment, concerns regarding the three clans have largely been cast to the backs of their minds. What follows, the announcements from Jiraiya, has them over the moon! Reforms in the educational and healthcare systems—these are changes that affect each individual, my God!

For the civilians, educational reform means a greater likelihood of becoming a ninja, thereby crossing societal barriers from bottom to top.

Konoha will no longer strictly adhere to the old, all-encompassing method of nurturing. While still focusing on overall skill development, they will also help students hone their specific talents.

And in the future, if you meet the comprehensive and combat requirements, you can still become a qualified ninja!


Standing amidst the crowd, Guy clenches his fists quietly. Being a ninja specialized in Taijutsu, he knows all too well the difficulties he has faced along the way.

He has also heard some comments, that if it weren't for his father demonstrating the value of Taijutsu, he would never have received Konoha's training.

These words initially angered him, but after the death of the Third Hokage, he took time for serious contemplation and observation.

He found that among those in Konoha specializing in Taijutsu, it seemed only he had fared reasonably well—a realization that also left him somewhat powerless.

But now, with these new reforms public, he sees genuine hope, feels genuine hope!

"It's truly fantastic!"

It's not just Guy who is delighted; even those who may be lacking in physical abilities but are intellectually gifted find immense joy in this moment.

For this means they too could have an entirely different future!

And when they hear of Konoha's future plans for healthcare reform, a brief silence befalls the crowd, only to explode into even greater cheers!

These are people who have experienced war; they've been tormented by it up to this point. They can never forget the suffering and sorrow that war has wrought upon them.


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