
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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Chapter 152

The morning light shone above Konoha, a new day arrived as usual.

But the Leaf Village did not meet the cheerful morning as it typically would.

At this moment, a strange sense of suffocation permeated the village.

The usually bustling streets were now devoid of the hustle and bustle of the past, with only closed doors and the ninja force on high alert.

The events of last night had left an indelible impression on the residents of Konoha.

First, Kakashi attacked the Leaf Building, followed by the collective impeachment of their Third Hokage by the seven major clans of Konoha.

Then, the unthinkable happened. Their Third Hokage actually admitted all his actions.

However, his confession did not gain the approval of others. The former Elder of the Mitokado clan was the first to object.

And he, along with his clansmen and the Anbu, initiated an attack, turning the Hokage building, a place of solemnity, symbolizing the highest seat of power in Konoha, into a battlefield.

However, it was this battle that made the people of the Leaf Village realize the strength of the head of their security department!

Even those who didn't have the courage to come to the scene, or those who couldn't see clearly due to their positions being too far back, they all knew exactly what happened.

Kaito not only faced the siege of hundreds of ninjas single-handedly and remained unscathed, but he also defeated them all.

He even faced the Third Hokage and others alone, killing and defeating them one by one!

Such a record is unimaginable, and such power is touching, but the impact of this battle is also extremely terrifying.

The impeachment of the Hokage has set a precedent in Konoha and even the entire Shinobi world, and now Konoha has completely fallen into a chaotic and Hokage-less era!

Nearly all members of the Elder Council were killed. The once influential Sarutobi, Mitokado, and Utatane clans now have their doors firmly closed.

And their peripheries have already been taken over by the Konoha defense force, who are closely monitoring every move of these three families.

Not only their family homes but even their businesses in Konoha are also being monitored, making Konoha tense and uneasy.

But this was inevitable. Konoha is already chaotic enough and can't afford any more trouble!

"How's the situation now?"

Inside an office in the Hokage Building, Kaito stood by the window looking at the busy ninjas outside who were completing renovations. He couldn't help but ask.

There were seven people in the conference room, the heads of the seven major clans who acted last night. Strictly speaking, Kaito, by virtue of his age, should not be leading the conversation.

But he made the greatest contribution in last night's battle, and as the head of the security department, his power is one of the greatest.

Therefore, when he spoke, no one would object, even Nara Shikaku turned his head to look at him, and then slowly replied.

"The situation is relatively optimistic. My former Hokage has provided me with the most substantial evidence. He admitted everything, and our impeachment was successful.

Moreover, we have received the greatest legal support. Shikashiro has sent back the Daimyo's manuscript, so the transition of various forces has been very smooth."

Upon hearing this news, Kaito breathed a sigh of relief. From last night until now, they had not slept.

They all knew that the success of the impeachment was just the beginning, and many follow-up matters were incredibly troublesome.

Fortunately, for now, the news they received was good. The smooth takeover of the various units in Konoha meant they officially had control over the village.

The next thing was to elect a new Hokage, and to quietly deal with any potential trouble that might arise.

Their actions last night were high-profile enough. If they continued to draw attention, things could backfire.

Moreover, it wasn't necessary to completely wipe out these three clans. Konoha's strength was worth salvaging, if possible.

Even if it was just a show, Kaito and his allies had to do it. Otherwise, causing panic would be disastrous.

However, all of this depended on the attitudes of the three clans themselves. If they truly did not cooperate, they couldn't blame others for being ruthless.

"That's good, the security department will also cooperate as much as possible with everyone."

Kaito chuckled, and then continued.

"Thank you all for your hard work. So far, we can consider this a preliminary victory."

Indeed, gaining control over Konoha was a significant victory, but also a preliminary win following the loss of the Hokage.

Their most important task now was to find that damn Jiraiya as soon as possible.

Then, regardless of his ramblings and excuses, put him directly in the position of the Hokage.

Only in this way could they fully stabilize Konoha and consider the impeachment operation complete.

"Actually, the one who has worked the hardest is you, Kaito."

Yamanaka Inoichi, who had been the most silent, raised his head to look at Kaito and then softly spoke.

"You killed Danzo, you proposed the plan, and you defeated the Third Hokage.

If the security department needs anything, please let us know.

And I believe, this time, Kaito, you will get everything you want."

"This was a collective effort. Without you all, even if I wanted to overthrow the Hokage, it would have been impossible."

Kaito shook his head with a smile. He, of course, understood what the quiet clan leader meant.

It was a simple and straightforward issue. This was a promise of sharing the spoils in the future!

Kaito's contribution this time is impeccable, and his efforts are the greatest.

Frankly speaking, although it was Shikaku Nara who initiated contact, without Kaito, none of this would have been possible, let alone making it this far.

Moreover, everything Kaito led them to do has largely avenged them. At this moment, giving Kaito the greatest support is the best way to handle this matter.

However, Kaito still kept a low profile. Even for this seemingly low-key work, he had to clarify.

Besides, the issue of sharing the cake needed to be handled properly. Many times, a team's collapse is due to improper distribution of the cake.

Actually, Kaito didn't necessarily need the lion's share. After all, a single security department was enough to satisfy him. At most, he was trying to figure out if he could gain legislative power.

Of course, if there is an opportunity, Kaito would also try to get involved in finance, but these are topics for later.

Now, their urgent task is to focus on maintaining the stability of Konoha and finding Jiraiya, who is floating in the ninja world.

Of course, if necessary, they also need to arrange a funeral for Konoha's shinobi...


At noon, Kaito finally came out of the Hokage Building.

Konoha is still quiet at this moment. The high sun in the sky did not change this oppressive environment.

But Kaito did not care too much. Such martial law was very necessary now.

After all, it's not just to guard against people from the three clans causing trouble, but also to guard against spies from other ninja villages!

Each village inevitably has spies from other countries, which is almost an unspoken secret.

It would be extremely difficult to catch these guys, as they may have already integrated into Konoha or are just passing by.

So when encountering trouble in the village, the best way is not to catch people, but to implement martial law directly.


Walking along, Kaito suddenly stopped, looking to the side.

Because not far away, a person had been quietly waiting there. That person was Kakashi.

At this moment, Kakashi's gaze at Kaito was somewhat complicated. In his heart, he was grateful to Kaito.

If it weren't for Kaito, he might not have been able to dig up so much information, getting Hiruzen Sarutobi to admit so much.

Then, the wrongs his father suffered might be hard to wash away. His father would have to carry all kinds of disgrace for the rest of his life until everyone forgot him.

On the other hand, Kakashi also felt helpless and lost because he couldn't avenge his father himself.

Although last night's battle was blocked by flame and magma in the final stages, so that ordinary people could neither enter nor see what was happening inside.

However, through the fire and the terrifying, suffocating chakra flood, people knew that this battle was far beyond imagination.

Kakashi understood that he really couldn't participate in this battle, which made him incredibly regretful and desolate.

However, Kaito won this battle in the end. Yet, he didn't slay the Third Hokage himself, but rather, ensured the latter's dignity in the storm.

He took his own life. In the stormy night, he lost his life, and the rain washed away his sins.

Kakashi didn't know whether this outcome was good or bad. He learned who his enemies were and participated in exposing their atrocities.

But none of his enemies died by his hand, neither Danzo nor Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"Lord Kaito."

Seeing Kaito had noticed him, Kakashi took a deep breath to adjust his emotions, then began to speak seriously.

"Just call me Kaito. Skip the 'Lord'. After all, I grew up listening to your legends at school."

Kaito interrupted Kakashi before he finished speaking, with a smile on his face.

"You had a hard night yesterday. If you hadn't forced the Anbu to use Wood Release, if you hadn't obtained decisive evidence.

Perhaps our former Hokage wouldn't have backed down so easily, nor would he have admitted defeat so lightly."

Kaito probably guessed Kakashi's thoughts. After all, anyone who saw all their enemies dead, but didn't take revenge themselves, would feel some regret and helplessness. But life is never perfect.

"Lord Kai...You flatter me. I only did everything I could. You, Lord Kaito, played the decisive role."

Kakashi bowed his head slightly. He seemed very respectful at this moment, but his expression soon turned serious.

"Lord, I have an unsuitable request this time, and I hope you can agree."

"Oh, let me guess the reason you're looking for me?"

Seeing Kakashi like this, Kaito couldn't help but stroke his chin.

"If I'm not wrong, you're looking for me to apply to leave the Anbu, right?"

"Yes, Minister Kaito."

Kakashi nodded very straightforwardly. There was no need for him to hide this matter.

After everything he had experienced the previous night, he basically couldn't stay in the Anbu any longer.

After all, as an Anbu member, infiltrating the office of the Hokage he was supposed to protect and stealing information, anyone would find this unacceptable.

Even if the Anbu is now in a semi-crippled state. The number of Anbu members led by Homura Mitokado last night wasn't small, but the number of front-line members wasn't many.

After one night, only one third of the Anbu members are left, and everyone is grateful for that.

Most of the remaining third of the Anbu, it could be said, were likely not in Konoha at the moment. To put it bluntly, the Anbu at this moment were an empty shell.

However, even being an empty shell, one could imagine the attitude of the people inside the Anbu towards Kakashi.

Moreover, Kakashi had completed his mission to infiltrate the Anbu. Though it didn't lead to a complete transformation, he did manage to obtain everything he wanted.

Leaving the Anbu seemed like an excellent choice for him. He wished to truly embrace the light and start anew, but for Kaito, it seemed it wasn't the right time.

"Firstly, you've got the wrong person. You belong to the Anbu, and I am the Minister of the Guard Department. What's the use of coming to me to apply to leave the Anbu?"

Kaito laughed and shook his head. He then patted Kakashi on the shoulder and spoke.

"In fact, the Anbu still needs you now, needs your strength and experience.

I am aware of the Anbu's losses, so the Anbu needs rebuilding now, and you have almost ten years of service in the Anbu.

You understand all the mechanisms of the Anbu, and you do have some connections within the Anbu, like Yamato last night.

Konoha is currently in dire straits, and you should put your experience and abilities in the most crucial position.

As for leaving the Anbu, I think the new Hokage can help you with that once they are in place."

"Is that so? I think I understand."

Kakashi fell silent for a moment after hearing Kaito's words, but in the end, he nodded in agreement.

Indeed, although the current situation in Konoha was not terrible, it was not particularly good either, and the role of the Anbu was highlighted at this moment.

As for restructuring the Anbu, Kakashi was not worried. Although Kaito had almost obliterated the main Anbu, the Anbu reserves were still plentiful.

As long as they are promoted and a strong, experienced person is assigned to lead, everything can transition smoothly.

As for the current Anbu Minister, he had already been subconsciously ignored by Kakashi, and Kakashi's focus was on something else.

"Could I ask who the new Hokage is likely to be?"

"Someone you know, a friend of your teacher, and a friend of our previous Hokage."

Upon hearing this question, Kaito couldn't help but laugh.

"You can disseminate this information appropriately through the Anbu. And this person, is Jiraiya."


News of the impeachment of the Hokage by the clans' shinobi in Konoha spread through various channels to the entire Shinobi world in a very short time.

For a time, the entire Shinobi world fell into an unusually strange atmosphere, as Konoha was truly setting a precedent.

In fact, Konoha has set many precedents. As the founder of the shinobi village system, Konoha was the first shinobi village in the whole Shinobi world.

Similarly, under the guidance and compromise of the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju, they created a situation where each shinobi village possessed a Tailed Beast.

I also hope that the Tailed Beasts, as strategic deterrent weapons, could be used to intimidate other ninja villages to ensure peace in the ninja world, a precedent, indeed.

Of course, owning a Tailed Beast does not necessarily guarantee peace in the ninja world, as all things pale in comparison when driven by interests.

At most, it means not having the capacity to directly invade local ninja villages, and now, wars are impossible to break out in the major nations.

However, this situation is a hardship for those small countries. After all, they do not have Tailed Beasts to serve as strategic deterrent weapons.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen lost and died just like that? What the hell is Konoha doing?"

Inside the Iwagakure village in the Land of Earth, Ōnoki, looking at the documents in his hand, couldn't help but slam his hand on the table, his face looking extremely grim.

The actual ruler of a large ninja village, the Kage of a village, was impeached by a group of clansmen.

What the hell is this?

This is the most typical, and also the most successful, case of a coup d'etat!

Such a successful case will undoubtedly spread to those who harbor some ideas, making them, the Kages, feel threatened.

Especially those Kages whose positions are designated by inheritance, their hearts are filled with unease!

Yes, the Kage is chosen by everyone, but if the people who can participate in the election are limited, and public opinion is controlled properly.

Then the chosen Kage will naturally be the one they currently need, and will only be the one they need!

Ordinary ninjas wouldn't know about this manipulation, but how could those clan ninjas not understand?

Before, they dared not rebel because rebellion was akin to a coup, and the end of a coup was being besieged by the entire village.

They wouldn't dare to contemplate such a thing, and the strength of the Kage was also incredibly intimidating. Nobody would dare to take a risk easily.

But now, Konoha has provided a feasible path for all those who want to rebel but can't find a way.

Now they can get legal support from the Daimyō, then unite with like-minded people for collective action, and finally settle everything!

Of course, there is a prerequisite here, which is to obtain evidence of the Kage's wrongdoing.

But the problem is, among those who sit in the position of Kage, how many of them haven't done something extreme for their own benefit?

The answer is obviously none. When it comes to interests, no one is clean.

So now, no matter who it is, they would feel extremely uncomfortable because they know that the times have indeed changed.

"We must find a way to curb this, otherwise..."

Ōnoki stood up, his face looking extremely grim.

"Otherwise, the trouble will be great. It seems that I have to make some concessions."

Now, Ōnoki really hates Konoha, hates the Uchiha-led group of people. If it weren't for them, would things have gotten to this point?

Moreover, the death of Sarutobi Hiruzen truly struck a chord in his heart. He and Sarutobi Hiruzen were of the same generation, and both were the Third Kage of their respective villages.

Through the years of confrontation, although they deeply resented each other, there was always a mutual understanding in their hearts.

After all, there were only five individuals who could stand at their level in the entire ninja world.

The Third Mizukage was the first to die, followed closely by the Third Kazekage, and then the Third Raikage died under his own siege.

Now that Sarutobi Hiruzen was gone too, he was the only remaining Third Kage in the entire ninja world.

Thinking of this, a touch of melancholy inevitably appeared in Ōnoki's heart.

However, this feeling of melancholy quickly disappeared. Despite his old age, he refused to admit defeat. He must pave the way for the next generation of Kages!


"Those bastards of Konoha!"

The Fourth Raikage fiercely slapped the report on the table, showing his current state of fury.

In fact, his initial reaction to this report was one of pleasure, because without a Kage, Konoha would inevitably struggle in defense should they launch an attack.

And he did exactly that, immediately calling a meeting with the top brass of Kumogakure to discuss this matter.

But quickly, his excitement was doused, like a bucket of cold water had been poured over him.

Because Tsuchi arrived in a hurry and informed him of the intricacies of the situation, causing him to hesitate before making any rash moves.

Tsuchi was a trusted ally from his father's reign, even hailed as 'a retainer to the Third Raikage, the one who tells the tale of the greatest myth'!

His intelligence and power were indeed formidable. In addition to mastering Lava Release, the famed Hell Stab technique was assessed by him when the Fourth Raikage was young.

The Fourth Raikage admired and trusted him immensely. He might not take others seriously, but he would never dismiss Tsuchi's words.

Now, he realized that this was not the time to attack Konoha at all, but a crucial moment for them to deal with internal issues!

"Lord Raikage, please calm down. Now is not the time to be angry, but to think carefully about how to appease those fellows."

Seeing the furious Fourth Raikage, Tsuchi could only shake his head helplessly. Although Kumogakure was united internally, they too faced various issues.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have the infamous Gold and Silver Brothers in their history, who ignited a Great Ninja War, causing heavy losses.

With Konoha's recent incident, those who were originally well-behaved might start harboring certain thoughts.

And if such dangerous thoughts are not handled properly, and nipped in the bud, he didn't dare imagine the future...


Inside a tavern in the Land of Hot Water, Jiraiya was enjoying his drinks, surrounded by two sultry women.

The three prohibitions of shinobi might seem like a daunting concept, but for Jiraiya, he didn't feel like he was violating any code.

He was just experiencing life, seeking inspiration for his writing. In simpler terms, he was collecting material.

Although he knew that his departure from Konoha was ostensibly to pursue Orochimaru, deep down, he was well aware, as was his teacher, that he merely wished to escape the vortex of Konoha.

Much like Tsunade's departure from Konoha, on the surface, it seemed she left because she lost her brother and lover, and developed hemophobia, losing her ninja abilities.

But essentially, it was due to the decline of her family and the doubts she had about her belief in the Hokage that she chose to leave.

As for Orochimaru, Jiraiya wasn't ignorant of some secrets within Konoha, so he can't be said to have been fully dedicated to capturing Orochimaru.

What he was doing now, besides seeking the Child of Prophecy, was perfecting his own philosophies and writing books that interested him.

Jiraiya felt truly helpless that the books imbued with his thoughts were ignored by all, with nobody bothering to read them.

On the contrary, works he penned out of sheer interest turned out to be bestsellers. Perhaps this was a form of helplessness as well.

"Did you hear? Something big happened in Konoha village!"

Just as Jiraiya was cheerfully drinking his sake, a voice suddenly came from behind him, instantly catching his attention.

After all, he hadn't forgotten that he was a shinobi of Konoha, and naturally, any news about it would catch his ear.

"I heard it ages ago, are you only getting the news now?"

"I actually got it a while ago too, I just didn't want to believe it. The Seven Great Clans jointly impeaching the Hokage, such a thing is inconceivable."

The Seven Great Clans united, all impeaching the Hokage?

Upon hearing this, Jiraiya's body stiffened slightly. Ever since the Fourth passed, the Hokage had always been the Third.

And the Third was his teacher. What he couldn't believe was that his teacher was being impeached by seven clans joining together?

What exactly did he do to provoke the wrath of both gods and men to end up in this situation?

"Indeed, this Third Hokage always seemed so benign, but who would have thought that he's done so many dreadful things behind the scenes. It's truly shocking."

"However, I heard that the Third came to his senses in the end. Though he participated in the battle, he truly embodied the spirit of a shinobi."

"We can't judge the actions of those in power. But it's said the Third left with dignity. That clan head of the Uchiha really saved his face."

Left with dignity, Uchiha?

Hearing these two pieces of information, Jiraiya could no longer control his emotions.

He distinctly remembered that a major incident had occurred in Konoha a year ago, which left Danzō with no place to rest in peace.

Moreover, Konoha issued two proclamations.

One detailed Danzō's crimes and stripped him of all his accomplishments. Bearing the title of a rogue ninja, he was forever despised, eternally nailed to the pillar of historical disgrace.

The other was the announcement that Itachi, a member of the Uchiha clan, had been completely stripped of his surname and declared a rogue ninja - a rogue of the same caliber as Orochimaru, no less!

When Jiraiya received these two proclamations at the time, he just lightly shook his head and said nothing more.

Because he could see this was another power play within the village, and this time, the loser was Danzō.

He was indeed curious about how the Uchiha managed to alter his fate, as he knew some insider information.

However, he had left Konoha, and so didn't want to delve into or question its affairs, let alone get involved.

Yet he truly hadn't expected that the power play from a year ago would still have repercussions today, and the loser now was his own teacher!

"I wonder how things are in Konoha now, who do you think they'll choose as the next Hokage?"

"What does Konoha's business have to do with us? We should think about our own affairs. But if you ask me about the Hokage, perhaps the head of the Uchiha clan could be a possibility."

"The head of the Uchiha clan? Even though he is really powerful, isn't he a bit young?"

"You asked me, I just gave an answer. Besides, as I said, it's Konoha's business, it doesn't concern me, unless they start a conflict with Kumogakure."

Jiraiya listened to all this in a numb state, at this moment he could no longer control himself.

With a 'thud', he forcefully propped both hands on the table, and then stood up.

"Are you out of your mind?"

His abrupt movement quieted the tavern for a moment, but the next moment, a torrent of curses poured in.

However, Jiraiya didn't pay attention to these details, he fixed his gaze on the two women who had been beside him.

These two women were already trembling a bit, scared by Jiraiya's outburst. After all, Jiraiya was a shinobi, not someone they should provoke.

"Sir, did we do something wrong?" One of the women summoned up the courage, her voice trembling as she asked.

"I apologize, it's a personal matter."

Jiraiya took a deep breath, calmed his emotions, then took out his wallet and placed a stack of bills on the table.

Having done all this, he immediately turned and left the tavern.

Stepping onto the street, Jiraiya looked up at the sky. At some point, the previously bright sky had darkened, with a few ominous clouds gathering.

"Not the best weather, huh."

Jiraiya muttered, then silently walked on.

At this moment, his mind was full of memories from the past, and he made a decision.

He would return to Konoha, to give his teacher a proper farewell.

He had heard that his teacher had a moment of realization in his final moments. He had heard that his teacher had shown the bearing of a true ninja before his death, and that his teacher had passed on with dignity.

In this world, the people close to him were becoming fewer and fewer.

People from his time either drifted apart due to differences in status or had gone their separate ways.

His student, Minato Namikaze, was already dead, and as for Nagato and the others, he wasn't sure where they were now.

Now, his teacher was gone too. A sense of loneliness instantly permeated his heart.

No matter how powerful he was, at this moment, he seemed somewhat silent and solitary...


"So, he's gone too? And his departure wasn't a graceful one."

Outside a gambling house, Tsunade walked on, somewhat absent-mindedly.

Shizune followed her anxiously but helplessly.

In this matter, Shizune really didn't have any say, after all, the deceased was Tsunade's teacher.

At first, when they received this news, they couldn't believe it. After all, impeachment of a Kage from a major ninja village was unprecedented.

However, as more and more people relayed the news, especially since they were within the Fire Country, where the Daimyo's decree had already been issued.

This forced Tsunade to accept the truth, but after believing it, she seemed somewhat lost.

Her feelings for Hiruzen Sarutobi were always complicated.

On the one hand, Hiruzen was her teacher, who taught her many things, emotions she held close to her heart.

On the other hand, the decline of the Senju clan really couldn't be separated from this teacher of hers.

Originally, she thought that even if Hiruzen died, she wouldn't have too much emotional change, but she hadn't expected that she would be somewhat unable to bear it.

It was an inexplicable emptiness, a lament for a familiar person who had suddenly gone far away.

Taking a deep sigh, Tsunade's expression became serious: "Let's go, Shizune, we're going back to Konoha."

"Eh?" Shizune was startled when she heard this, then she asked in surprise: "Lady Tsunade, are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm very sure."

Tsunade nodded earnestly, then she smiled bitterly.

"Actually, I don't really know what I'm thinking, but when he really left, I have an indescribable feeling.

This feeling is like a fishbone stuck in the throat, very uncomfortable, so I want to go back and see, as a disciple to bid him farewell."

Having said that, Tsunade continued walking ahead without looking back, and all Shizune could do was silently follow...


In a valley within the Grass Country, Orochimaru stood quietly, gazing into the distance.

He had received news from Konoha and naturally knew everything that had happened there. However, after becoming aware of these events, Orochimaru couldn't help but sigh.

"Life is truly fragile, so you've gone just like that, Master Sarutobi..."

Looking at the lush, vibrant forest in the distance, and at the gathering dark clouds in the sky, Orochimaru suddenly laughed.

His laughter was a bit hoarse, but also somewhat bleak. He only stopped when his eyes began to sting from laughing too much.


Suddenly, a dull rumble sounded from the sky, silver lightning rolling among the dark clouds.

Soon, the drizzling rain fell, quickly soaking Orochimaru through and through.

But Orochimaru didn't mind this. His gaze remained focused on the horizon, and after a long time, he licked his lips.

"But perhaps this is for the best. Although you didn't die in battle.

As a Hokage, you recognized your mistakes and chose a dignified way to leave, it could be considered a good outcome.

Moreover, I heard that you crossed hands with Uchiha Kaito before your death and exhibited the nobility befitting of a true ninja.

That's good, really good, it's a pity I couldn't witness that scene."

Orochimaru's feelings for Hiruzen Sarutobi were sincere and complicated, but he still had great respect for his teacher.

Of course, the one he respected was the Hiruzen Sarutobi from his memory, the one titled a true ninja!

Not the one who had become obsessed with power, the one hailed as the strongest Hokage, the Third Hokage.

The rain continued to fall, and Orochimaru stood in the rain with his eyes closed. He seemed to be reminiscing, contemplating something.


As the rain continued to pour, Orochimaru stood alone on top of the valley. Suddenly, a rumble sounded from the sky, and the next moment, a silver bolt of lightning came crashing towards him!

With his eyes still closed, Orochimaru furrowed his brows slightly, quickly stepping back to avoid the lightning from the sky.


The lightning struck the top of the valley, instantly splitting many rocks, and Orochimaru slowly opened his eyes.

"Master Sarutobi, do you miss me, do you want me to accompany you?"

Orochimaru licked his lips, then chuckled mockingly.

"But it's a pity, I'm afraid I won't be accompanying you. However, to let you come up and meet me, I think I can manage."

After finishing these words, Orochimaru turned to leave, but he halted as soon as he took a step.

For he had keenly realized that the vibrations coming from this valley were entirely different from those of a typical one!

Having undergone various modifications, Orochimaru was far from ordinary; it would be entirely accurate to say his true form was a snake.

These modifications granted him an enhanced sensitivity to subtle changes in the environment, which prompted him to halt and scrutinize the valley.

"Could there be some secret hidden within?"

Orochimaru pondered silently, and the next moment his vast chakra began to gather within him.

"Earth Release: Earth Flow Divide!"

Placing his hand lightly on the ground, his immense chakra surged out in an instant, seeping into the earth.

Under the influence of his chakra, the ground swiftly rose and split, and Orochimaru soon discovered something intriguing.

There was indeed a hidden chamber underneath, but its defenses were exceptionally well constructed. Even he couldn't breach them in one go!

"Interesting. Such a level of defense is truly interesting."

Faced with such a curiosity, how could Orochimaru resist? He immediately increased the output of his own chakra.

Orochimaru's chakra was already extraordinarily formidable, yet even he had to spend close to ten minutes to completely breach the defenses!

By the time he finished, Orochimaru was covered in sweat. Even his normally pale face had become even more ghastly due to the continuous high-intensity output of chakra.

But his heart was now filled with excitement. He was becoming increasingly certain that there was an unknown secret hidden beneath!

Slightly unsteady, Orochimaru rose and slowly walked forward, then lightly leaped into the secret chamber within the valley.

However, the moment he descended, his entire body felt a chill, as if a terrifying primordial beast was lurking within!

Oppressive, chilly, and filled with destruction—these were Orochimaru's first impressions upon entering, which immediately put him on guard.

But when he squinted his eyes to look ahead, he was taken aback.

There were no signs of life within the secret chamber. All there was, was a skeleton, seated grandly upon a stone chair!


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