
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

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Chapter 127

"So, can we basically confirm that it's Sarutobi's plan?"

Inside the shrine, Shisui and the others looked gravely at Kaito, who had already laid out what he had done and the conclusions he had drawn.

They too had realized that this was no simple matter.

After all, under Kaito's probing, Sarutobi seemed extremely reluctant, but his actions were indistinguishable from the intelligence.

This guy really didn't want to give a single coin, but he was very willing to provide personnel for the Uchiha.

"Yes, if there are no surprises, this intelligence should be true."

Kaito playfully took out the piece of information, then gently shook his head.

"In fact, the first time we received this information, we could feel that it indeed matched Sarutobi's modus operandi.

Every attack was aimed at our weak spots. You could even say that if we were not careful, we could get into huge trouble.

I'm really curious, who sent this to us? Who would entrust such vital information to us, and what exactly is their purpose?"

This question had been bothering Kaito, and not just him; Shisui and the others were also frowning in contemplation.

After much thought, they couldn't figure out who would secretly help the Uchiha.

Someone from the great clans?

Obviously not. Sarutobi wouldn't discuss such matters with people from the great clans as it would undoubtedly cause major trouble.

After all, the information in the intelligence subtly hints at a desire to swallow up the great clans of Konoha.

Could the other great clans really tolerate this?

"Never mind. If we can't figure it out, let's not worry about it. After all, we know someone might help us.

But this person might have ulterior motives, so we need to maintain a healthy skepticism about the information we have and the information we might receive in the future.

Besides, we should also make some arrangements for these matters."

How could Kaito sit and wait for death when Sarutobi was taking action?

Getting rid of those who might harm him in advance is both a test and a precaution. He wasn't afraid for himself, but he didn't want his clan to suffer.

Now that the result was out, it would be unreasonable for Kaito not to take any preventive measures.

You have to admit, Sarutobi's plan is really ruthless because it's a clear strategy.

You want to expand the police force, but how could your small Uchiha group possibly suffice?

Once you give in, Sarutobi will always have a chance. After all, you can't just let people in and not give them a chance to climb the ranks, can you?

"Civilian ninja are easier to deal with, but clan ninja may not be so compliant.

Civilian ninja might put up with the police force for the sake of their livelihood. After all, they don't necessarily need to leave the village to perform tasks in the police force.

Those tasks could be deadly. Even though being a ninja is inherently risky, who wants to die?

But it's different for clan ninja. If they can't stand it here, can't they just go back to their own clan and find a decent job?

Besides, clan ninja are naturally strong, even the weaker ones have clan bloodline or secret techniques for self-preservation, which make them safer than civilian ninja.

If Kaito wants to keep them here without causing any backlash, he really needs to think and plan carefully.

"Firstly, Sarutobi's goal is to challenge and disrupt our management and hierarchy of the police force, which we absolutely cannot allow.

But at the same time, we can't give people a chance to criticize us. So, I plan to make some adjustments, and further refine the hierarchy within the police force.

I also intend to formally start performance assessments, and an elimination system for those at the bottom."

Kaito thought for a moment and then put forward his own ideas and views, but his words caused Shisui and the others to pause.

They understood Kaito's words, but they were not entirely clear about the specifics.

However, one thing they understood was that life probably wouldn't be easy for the younger members of their clan in the future.

"Chief, could you please elaborate?"

Uchiha Sō sighed a little, but he knew that some things might have to change for the future of the clan.

Ever since the enactment of so many laws within the police force, he knew there was no escaping this. He just hoped that the clan could weather this storm.

"Actually, it's very simple. Speaking of performance assessments, it's naturally based on their own job evaluations."

Kaito gently tapped the table, then continued with a smile.

"For example, for the patrol department, the thoroughness of their daily patrols, whether there are issues such as lateness, slacking off, or leaving early.

Whether they resolved issues when they occurred, these can all be included in the assessments.

The better their assessment results, the more substantial their rewards.

What civilian ninja want is nothing more than a better income and more ninjutsu to improve themselves.

So, for the rewards, we can give them... no, let them choose one of two!

Either more income, or a new ninjutsu taught specifically by one of us Uchiha.

And if they handle particularly difficult tasks, they can get a chance for internal promotion.

Of course, they must go through an assessment. Only if they pass the assessment and prove they are capable, can they get the promotion."

Kaito explained in great detail. After all, this involves the path that both the clan ninja and the civilian ninja will take in the future, so he can't possibly be perfunctory.

Shisui listened and calmly nodded. Kaito's words did, however, cause some helplessness in Fugaku and the others because this would likely bring about significant changes for their clan ninja.

Quite clearly, for the moment, they could see that Kaito seemed to be aiming for equality for all.

Although this was the right thing to do, it was still somewhat difficult to accept.

But Kaito quickly tapped the table to bring them back to the present, pulling out a scroll from his ninja tool bag as he started to speak.

"As for the elimination at the bottom, it's even simpler: those who can't meet our standards, no matter who they are, we'll have them leave.

The police force is a discipline unit; everyone must abide by the rules and regulations.

Although sometimes we can handle some issues in a more humanized way, most of the time we need to stick to our principles.

Otherwise, disciplinary issues will lead to their own destruction. We've done well in this respect in the past and I hope to maintain it."

Having said this, Kaito paused for a moment, then unrolled the scroll in front of Shisui and the others.

"As for the more detailed classification of the levels within the police force that I mentioned, you can look at this diagram. This diagram represents my vision for the future police force!"

The future police force's concept?

Kaito's words immediately aroused their interest. However, as they looked, they were stunned.

Looking at the dense, long list of positions and annotations written below the police chief, they all felt dizzy.

It was only after they read it carefully that they realized the extent of their clan leader's ambition!

The police force was divided into three sections by Kaito. The first section is referred to as the Guard Chief, and under his jurisdiction, there are various offices and departments.

The decision-making group, naturally possessing the most authority, is at the top, and it has many smaller subdivisions.

For example, a secretary's office assists various units, and Kaito specifically highlighted this point.

These people are distributed in various units, helping unit leaders plan their daily work, solve small problems, and focus their energy on the most critical issues.

Although their status may not seem particularly high in a world where power is valued, such positions are not typically appreciated.

However, their importance is significant because they function like assistants to unit leaders, helping solve many troublesome issues.

"Thankfully, these people don't have decision-making power, and there's a specific supervisory department watching them; otherwise, they'd undoubtedly cause a lot of trouble."

The position of secretary is indeed crucial but also prone to causing issues, which Kaito naturally wouldn't overlook.

Therefore, he specifically set up a Supervision Department to monitor them. Of course, the Supervision Department is not always focused on secretaries; they are responsible for monitoring the actual situation in each unit.

Without this, Kaito wouldn't be able to conduct performance assessments. In Kaito's vision, the Supervision Department must be made up of all the clans of the Konoha and civilian ninja, to prevent unnecessary troubles.

In addition to these important units, Kaito also specially set up a Local Bureau and highlighted it significantly.

The Local Bureau has subordinate police stations scattered throughout the Konoha, each with a specific jurisdiction.

Everything within this jurisdiction is naturally handed over to them for handling, and each police station also has various departments. At a glance, this is simply a miniaturized police department!

Aside from the Guard Chief under the police department, Kaito also set up two departments—one is the Security Chief, and the other is the Legal Chief.

Shisui and the others were really taken aback by these two departments because the Security Chief could completely be considered a ninja unit!

They were stationed in specific areas of the Konoha and their number was by no means small.

Their mission is to respond and handle issues that the Guard Chief could not deal with in the Konoha. For instance, if there were attacks from local ninjas, or if spies' identities were exposed and they began to flee, they would be dispatched immediately.

No matter how you look at it, these are clearly military-style agencies, and they are entirely stationed within the Konoha!

As for the Legal Chief, it's essentially a bid for the Hokage's judicial power, because Kaito intended to set up a court under it.

Moreover, they would hold public trials for those who had committed serious offenses, allowing everyone to watch. Wasn't this a bit excessive?

"Clan leader..."

After taking all this in, Uchiha Takechi was somewhat flustered, and Uchiha Sō was completely lost for words. In the end, it was Uchiha Fugaku who asked.

"Are we...are we declaring war on the Konoha by doing this?"


"Declaring war on the Konoha?"

Kaito looked at Uchiha Fugaku somewhat bemusedly, then his gaze swept across Uchiha Sō and Uchiha Takechi, realizing that all three seemed a bit off.

Shisui was rather calm, but this guy was also lost and his eyes were constantly looking at him as if waiting for him to explain.

This left Kaito feeling both amused and frustrated. It was completely clear now.

The police department had been so mixed up under the Uchihas' hands that they didn't even understand their own power!

To be honest, Kaito really couldn't understand what was going on with this group of people. Had all their political talents been spent on internal strife?

Or was it that their talents in this area were infinitely approaching zero?

Regardless, Kaito was going to make them aware of what they didn't know before and further enlighten them about what they did know.

This was the new chief of the police department!

"Everyone, except for Shisui, I believe you've all had some experience with the police department.

Mr. Fugaku, as a former chief of the police department, I believe you know what the authority and regulations of the police department entail, right?"

"Authority and regulations?"

Uchiha Fugaku was taken aback, then began to seriously recall this part. Soon he started to speak.

"We are responsible for the security of the village, arresting criminals, judging criminals, and during times of war..."

Uchiha Fugaku could only just begin speaking before he became speechless. Then, he simply sat there, dumbfounded and silent.

Not only him, but the expressions of Uchiha Sō and Uchiha Takechi were also no better off. They looked stunned, mouths slightly agape.

Apart from not uttering any 'ah, ah' sounds, their stunned appearances weren't much different from the fools Kaito remembered.

At this moment, they finally realized that something was amiss.

These responsibilities, which seemed almost routine to them, even familiar, made them realize what kind of monstrous department the police department really was, with the new roles that Kaito had assigned.

They had suddenly gained the three great powers of law enforcement, judiciary, and military!

Was there anything wrong with Kaito's division of responsibilities?


These divisions were entirely based on the structure of the police department's powers. Kaito merely subdivided the powers of these divisions meticulously.

For instance, the Guard Chief, who represented law enforcement power, the Legal Chief, who held judicial power, and the Security Chief, representing military power. This was scientific and there was absolutely no problem with it!

At this moment, they really wanted to slap themselves. They had lived for so many years and they had never fully understood the extent of the police department's powers.

What was this? Had they lived like dogs?

However, after understanding just how frightening the authority of the police department was, their minds went blank again, just like Kaito's initially.

The police department was established by the Second Hokage. It was well known that the Second Hokage was not fond of the Uchihas.

But the fact that someone who held such animosity toward them gave them so much power was bewildering.

Could it be that they all misunderstood the Second Hokage?

"You all understand now, don't you?"

Seeing their expressions, Kaito knew that they had probably developed some unnecessary misunderstanding about the Second Hokage.

If such a misunderstanding was not clarified, it might turn into some kind of fondness for the Second Hokage.

Kaito didn't want such a tiresome situation to appear before him. Although he didn't particularly dislike the Second Hokage, he didn't like him either.

"And, don't think that the Second Hokage was being kind to us by giving us so much power. Sometimes, being killed by praise is scarier than being killed with a real knife or gun.

We received such great power, but the essence of its purpose was twofold. Firstly, it was for the stability of the village. Don't forget, we are one of the original clans that founded the village."

"Moreover, when Uchiha Madara returned to Konoha and caused such massive destruction, we stood against him. It is justifiable for us to be given such great power.

The second point naturally is surveillance over us, which can also be understood as a means of oppression.

Our clan's character is too proud, which isolates us from other families in the village.

Additionally, our enforcement and some of our ways will inevitably lead to misunderstandings, even disdain.

I have told you all this before. Never forget."

Kaito's words woke them up instantly. They nodded to show they understood.

No matter what Kaito said, the Second Hokage was dead, so it's not like they could bring him back to explain his intentions, right?

Regardless, the Uchiha's situation worsened later on, and it's easy to blame it on the Second Hokage, after all, the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, was his disciple.

Your disciple is a reflection of your teachings, his current behavior is the legacy of your will.

So even if you granted the police department such great power, don't expect us to hold any fondness for you!

"I can't believe we have been sitting on a gold mine without even knowing it."

Uchiha Fugaku sighed. He probably knew Kaito's thoughts and plans by now, as did the two elders.

Kaito had planned out so many positions. The goal was quite simple – everyone gets a piece of the cake!

Once the ninja from the family and civilian ninja join, unless they are exceptionally outstanding, they have to start from the very basics.

Perform well, pass the assessment, and you can get a promotion and a raise. There are so many positions in the police department that are essentially vacant.

Such vacancies can absorb more talents, and coupled with the assessment system, there is no need to worry about the newcomers lacking room for advancement.

Moreover, while Kaito has painstakingly divided the entire police department into so many organizations, they all saw that as long as Kaito is in control of the police department, nothing would go wrong!

And how many ninjas do the Uchihas have? Every member of the clan could be stuffed into the police department, all assuming mid-to-high-ranking positions!

After all, the police department has three major offices under it. Each place has a lot of positions, as long as a certain level of fluidity is maintained, everything would be fine.

"Moreover, according to the Clan Leader's assessment concept, once the police department is fully staffed, the vacancies created by eliminating the bottom performers can be filled through the assessment."

The three of them simultaneously thought of this idea. Fortunately, Kaito didn't know this, otherwise, he would definitely be very surprised.

But just as this problem was resolved, another problem surfaced, and it was a very simple one – money!

The police department, as expanded by Kaito, was in unimaginable need of funds.

According to Kaito's plan, even if they drained all the Uchiha's resources, it might not be enough to raise these funds.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen, that damned guy, had made it clear that he wouldn't provide funds to the police department, as this was part of his plan.

"Clan leader, I believe we are currently facing a very serious problem."

Uchiha Sō sighed slightly, helplessly shook his head and began to speak.

"We are short of money now, very, very short. Even if we use the assets of the family, it can't cover all the expenses of this vast police department."

"Indeed, this is a very, very serious problem."

Uchiha Takechi also seriously nodded. He rubbed his head and spoke with a headache.

"The first time we split departments, the financial strain on the police department was severe. If we expand to this scale now, it would be unimaginable."

"So, we must find a way, even I, Shisui, and Lord Fugaku, we all need to take action."

Kaito knows how terrifying financial pressure can be. Even now, just splitting the police department into 'sub-departments' is already overwhelming.

If he carries out his plan, how terrifying it would be is something he can imagine. But fortunately, he has other ideas.

If he can't get money from Konoha's Finance Department through the regular process, why not think of other ways?

"We need to take action?" Shisui pondered for a moment, and he immediately thought of something: "Kaito, do you mean, we take on missions?"

"Exactly, take on missions."

Kaito nodded directly, and then he spoke very seriously.

"For example, high-priced black market missions, even wars in some small countries and villages.

We all know that the great shinobi villages of major countries control the surrounding small countries in various ways, and Konoha is no exception.

But sometimes these small countries are not willing to be controlled like this, and they will organize resistance.

At this time, in order not to lose face, the great shinobi villages of the big countries will contract out the missions to private ninja organizations, letting them deal with those guys.

We can take on the war missions of these small countries, helping them to wipe out the mercenaries brought by the big countries.

After all, from Konoha's standpoint, we also don't want those great shinobi villages of the big countries to develop too well."

Kaito's words made the four people present frown, but soon they all nodded in agreement, even Shisui had no objections.

After all, those present have experienced war, their hands have not been short of bloodshed, naturally, they can't be overly merciful.

Moreover, such things can help Konoha, so their mental pressure will naturally be much less.

The great shinobi villages of the big countries outsourcing to private ninja organizations to deal with these small countries is not uncommon, the most famous is probably Danzo Shimura hiring the Akatsuki.

Naturally, Kaito and his team can't go to the great shinobi villages of the big countries. If they were recognized, it wouldn't be as simple as embarrassment, it could escalate to the level of village conflict in a matter of minutes.

Therefore, going to the small shinobi villages is the best choice, and Kaito has other ideas as well.

"Besides missions, don't forget that our police department can apply for a lot of weapons quotas every year, and we Uchihas have our own craftsmen.

We take out all the surplus weapon quotas and sell them to those small shinobi villages, or even to anyone who wants to buy weapons.

Whether they want to stage a coup or resist, as long as they pay, we can sell to them!

Konoha doesn't give us money, we can earn it ourselves. I don't believe this could hinder us?"


Kaito's plan has a high chance of success, but his second plan seems a bit speechless.

Selling the materials provided by Konoha to these criminals, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like something a good person would do, right?

Not to mention whether it's a matter of good or evil, just Kaito doing such things with his current status seems quite bizarre.

Although he doesn't hold a specific title, controlling the police department, a super monster, Kaito can completely regard himself as a defense minister.

Of course, in the future.

That he would engage in such shenanigans with his status is surprising, no matter how you look at it.

Especially since he's taking advantage of Konoha, taking the materials distributed by Konoha and reselling them, even he feels a little embarrassed thinking about it.

But he's too lazy to care about that now. He's this short on money, does he have time to worry about so many things?

Besides, it's the Hokage who's targeting him now. Is it a big deal to take some advantage from the Hokage?

As for whether these goods have a market, Kaito really doesn't worry about it at all, because no matter in which world, arms are always the most profitable!

The chaos in the Shinobi World is completely beyond people's imagination and understanding, especially those small shinobi villages are in utter disorder.

On one hand, there's the oppression from the big countries, especially those small countries bordering the big countries, their fate is very miserable.

This is a realistic issue, there are only so many mission quotas in the Shinobi World, and every country has its own problems.

Whether it's climate, arable land, or transportation, etc., so these small countries naturally become the places for these big countries to earn their own interests.

The mission quotas of small countries are naturally taken by the big countries, and the big countries can also make up for their own deficiencies through these effects.

Especially those small countries surrounded by big countries on both sides, being divided into two is not a rare thing.

Just like the River Country sandwiched between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind, this is a most unlucky and tragic example.

This small country no longer has a shinobi village. I don't know if it was wiped out by the two big country shinobi villages, or they were not allowed to establish a shinobi village from the beginning.

The reason why this small country is called the River Country is because its geographical environment is quite good, with enough water resources to utilize.

And thanks to this plentiful water resource, it has a considerable amount of arable land, which naturally caught the attention of the Wind Country.

However, the Konoha wouldn't let a neighboring small country become the territory of those guys from the Hidden Sand Village in the Wind Country, so they too would step in.

The result was, this unfortunate small country was divided between the Hidden Leaf and the Hidden Sand. Despite being a single nation, it found itself housing two distinct powers within its borders.

Moreover, such a country serves another purpose - it becomes the battleground when conflicts arise between large nations.

Major Shinobi villages naturally wouldn't let the flames of war reach their homes. Thus, wars are invariably fought outside, often within the territories of these smaller countries.

During almost every Great Ninja War, this has been the case. For instance, the battle between the Hidden Stone and Hidden Leaf took place in the Land of Grass; the fight between the Hidden Cloud and Hidden Leaf happened in the Land of Hot Water, and so on.

Perhaps the only country that has not been coveted by the large nations, yet holds a crucial geographical position, is the Land of Rain.

However, the Land of Rain also boasts extraordinary individuals, first Hanzō, followed by Nagato.

But these are not the primary reasons the major powers haven't made a move on it. The main reason is the ceaseless rain in this blasted place.

While the water resources are abundant, they're virtually unusable for farming. Furthermore, due to excessive rain, the state of the roads is beyond imaginable; transportation is almost entirely compromised.

For all these reasons combined, the Land of Rain has managed to dodge disaster.

Sometimes, Kaito wondered whether Hanzō incited the Second Great Ninja War because the conditions in the Land of Rain were so dreadful that he had no choice but to expand his influence.

Kaito doesn't have many thoughts about the Land of Rain as it's not related to him, but he does have ideas about other small countries.

The resistance caused by the oppression of the major nations, along with the chaos resulting from their internal factional struggles, left them in dire need of weaponry and military supplies.

However, the large nations naturally wouldn't let them develop freely. Certain items were strictly prohibited from being sold to them, weapons being the most significant among these.

Some arms dealers even feared retribution from the major nations and didn't dare to sell freely — even if they did, they wouldn't dare to sell too much.

But Kaito wouldn't be scared of such things. In plain terms, he has the strength to back him up, and naturally wouldn't be afraid of you so much.

As long as you can't catch me, everything is inconsequential!

After some deliberation, the basic course of action was decided. The only thing left was figuring out how to execute it.

It was decided that Uchiha Sō would be responsible for establishing the assessment mechanism for the Security Department, Uchiha Takechi in charge of calculating the budget.

Uchiha Fugaku would take charge of inventorying the weapons, while Shisui would be responsible for external missions.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we're about to set sail for real."

After Kaito had finished delegating everything, he opened his mouth to speak with a smile.

"But on our voyage, we will encounter many difficulties, hardships, and tribulations.

However, as long as we persist, we will achieve things our predecessors have never achieved before, and now those things are in our hands.

If we can accomplish all this, we will witness the rise of the Security Department and see the Uchiha reaching the pinnacle!"

"Yes, clan leader!"

The expressions of Uchiha Sō and the others seemed a little fanatical at this point, while Shisui appeared relatively composed, but he was also very pleased inside.

His family and village have always been the most important things in his heart. Now that he's found a new path, how can he not be delighted?

Having seen many of Kaito's strategies, he was a little desensitized. In his view, Kaito seemed capable of solving any kind of problem.

It's as if there's nothing in this world that could pose a significant challenge to him. Even if there were, he could overcome it with ease!

However, he still needed to ask about some issues, such as how Kaito planned to deal with the Hokage.

Shisui had completely lost faith in Hiruzen Sarutobi. First, there was the issue with Uchiha Itachi, and now this.

Coupled with his deeper understanding of Kaito's educational reforms and having heard Kaito's view on how Hiruzen handled the Hyuga Clan a few years ago.

His dissatisfaction with the Hokage had grown immensely. He now genuinely wished that the Hokage would leave as soon as possible!

It would be beneficial for both the Uchiha and the Hidden Leaf.

"This issue, huh?"

When Uchiha Sō and others left to attend to their duties, Shisui approached Kaito with his question, prompting Kaito to rub his chin in thought.

"Actually, Hiruzen's actions this time can be considered a declaration of war on us, it's just that they have means of retaliation.

Likewise, I don't plan to let him off this time. But before that, I must sort everything out with the family and the Security Department.

Only when his plans can't affect us, and when we establish an image of 'reliability' with other clans.

And when the Security Department has successfully reversed its reputation in the Konoha and earned everyone's trust, can we make a move."

Impeaching and overthrowing a Hokage is no easy task, Kaito learned that during his discussions with Nara Shikaku.

Even if they want to do this, they need to be fully prepared, otherwise, Hiruzen, that old guy, is bound to have countermeasures.

So, Kaito has another plan. In this period, he must meet with Hyuga Hiashi, and even Nara Shikaku.

Kaito once said, the Hokage is the Hokage of the Konoha, but the Konoha belongs to everyone.

Does Hiruzen really believe he can do whatever he pleases in the Konoha as if it's his private property?

This time, Kaito is determined to show him that he should stop dreaming. Konoha will never be at his sole disposal!

"What a pity. If I had the power of Uchiha Madara, I could directly overthrow him, ignoring everything.

But the outcome of such action might not be good. After all, no one likes to live in fear.

Danzo is an example. I don't want to become like him.

So, if the problem can be solved within the rules, try not to resort to measures outside them.

Of course, if you violate them, I won't hold back!"

Kaito muttered to himself and quickly made a decision.

This time, he had decided to get rid of Hiruzen Sarutobi, so he had to prepare for the following matters.

While keeping Hiruzen around did have its advantages for Kaito, after all, dealing with this old man full of missteps was quite straightforward.

But the problem was, once again, Hiruzen couldn't contain his restlessness, and Kaito couldn't possibly continue to indulge him.

His only regret was that this time, by sending Hiruzen away, he wouldn't have the opportunity to take over the Hokage's seat.

The prestige and benefits a Hokage position could bring to a clan were immense. Perhaps Kaito could even gain a considerable amount of points from it.

But if the opportunity doesn't exist, it doesn't exist. He still had the Security Department in his hands, so he didn't mind.

He just needed to find a new Hokage. Someone who could give opportunities to the Uchiha, wouldn't harbor strange thoughts against them, and, at the same time, wouldn't be too attached to the Hokage position.

And such a person was slowly coming into Kaito's mind - Jiraiya!

"Shisui, when you go out of the village to take on a mission, remember to inquire about Jiraiya's whereabouts," Kaito commanded upon this thought.

"Lord Jiraiya?" Shisui had a good impression of Jiraiya and unconsciously addressed him with respect, "Kaito, are you looking for Lord Jiraiya because... could it be?"

"Yep." Looking at Shisui's slightly incredulous expression, Kaito nodded lightly with a smile, "You've said it. Perhaps he will indeed be Lord Jiraiya in the future. However, he might need an additional title."

"That would be... the Fifth Hokage..."


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