
Naruto: Evil Within

Naruto, the beacon of light, the child of prophecy. What happens when all the hatred he has accumulated burst out one day when his soul is erased and replaced with an orphan. The orphan originally named, Mark Goldbridge, a notorious killer back on earth, his infamy spread across the world, they called him “Doomsday”. Now he has been reincarnated as Naruto Uzumaki, another orphan, inheriting his memories he realised the hatred inside Naruto that even Naruto hadn’t realised. “Don’t worry kid, I Uzumaki Naruto will exact revenge on the Konoha, I will be their demise, rest well”. ——- Author note- I’ve read evil Naruto fan-fics but they aren’t truly evil they still protect the konoha, what I plan to create is a truly evil Naruto, one that has nothing but konoha’s demise on his brain.

RadicalAM · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

17. D Rank Missions and Unleashing Full Power for Once

For the past week, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were assigned D rank missions.

It ranged from escorting merchants, helping villager with chores or simply delivering messages.

Throughout the missions, Naruto had found it boring but he realised he couldn't push his luck so he preserved.

So he decided to be the leader throughout the missions, making the strategies for each mission.

Their most recent mission was to find and catch a monster, but Naruto Knew it was the same cat in the anime.

Naruto meeting up with his teammates then looked around the konoha, since he could sense emotions, he planned to use it to find the cat.

He made sasuke follow any trails that were cat like along with Sakura buying treats to lure it. Finding the cat, Naruto dashed towards it trying to grab it in one go.

However as in the original, it had ungodly reflexes and agility using the surroundings to barely escape Naruto.

"It's cunning, however I'll just relax, there no reason for me to go all out for a little cat".

Naruto then followed it until it ran across Sasuke, Naruto shouted towards him saying "that's the cat catch it!".

Sasuke didn't hesitate as reached out towards it, but it used his shoulder as it leapt over the building escaping.

Naruto then also used Sasuke as a leaping board following the cat, "you-!" Sasuke fell to the ground angry, his eyes looked crazy as he gritted his teeth.

"How dare you use me as a leaping board!", getting up quickly he chased after Naruto. Naruto continued to follow it and lead it towards Sakura.

He wanted to use the treats to catch it, coming closer towards Sakura Naruto picked up the speed which the cat also did to escape him, 'stupid cat, you fell for the trap!'.

Sakura stood on the street as she watched two things leap from building to building, seeing a cat sprint towards her, she realised it was the cat they were looking for.

So she brought out the cat treats, the cat smelling it, hesitated which was what Naruto wanted and without wasting time he scooped it up.

Jumping down, he smiled at Sakura for the good teamwork, Sasuke then also appeared as he looked at Naruto, "Naruto, why did you use me as a leaping board?".

"I wouldn't have caught the cat if I didn't, that's why" Naruto said as he continued to hold the cat the was trying to break out of his hold.

"But, that was not needed you knew you could catch it without using me as a leaping board!".

"Now now, Sasuke-kun we caught the cat, now we'll have better missions now since we completed the quota ok?" Sakura tried her best to calm down Sasuke.

Naruto walked away as he then started to take the cat back to its owner.

Knowing his intentions Sasuke and Sakura followed him, soon they arrived infront of the mehr house owned by the Daimyo.

"Hello there, ahh! You found my cat! Thank you very much young man!" The Daimyo's wife thanked Naruto and his teammates as she gave them some sweets as a reward for their efforts.

Naruto gave her back a slight smile and walked away, he decided to go home and chill before they received their next mission, which would be a C rank mission.

By Naruto's foreknowledge, it would be the Land of Waves mission, so he was quite excited, he couldn't wait to kill.

Arriving back home, he took a shower, afterwards trained his swordsmanship along with adjusting his weights, his physical strength was superhuman due to his continuous training.

After finishing his daily needs, Naruto decided to go to the furthest place in the forest, he wanted to unleash his full power for once.

After making sure no one was watching him, he dashed at full speed towards the forest, arriving there in 1 minute he continued to sprint his fastest whilst going as far as he could.

Arriving near the end of the forest, Naruto scouted for anyone within the vicinity, luckily no one was here.

He then took off his weights one by one as he felt as light as a feather, bouncing about his jumping ability increased exponentially as he was jumping over trees normally.

He also tested his maximum speed, he disappeared like wind as he travelled around the forest.

He also broke the sound barrier without using the 8 gates, the speed he calculated was around Mach 2-3.

The next thing he tested was his physical strength, looking at multiple trees, Naruto clenched his fist as he gathered his physical strength.


Punch through the first tree, the force of his punch continued towards the other trees as they all broke, winds blasted everywhere with dust and debris flying around the place.

After it subsided, Naruto looked at the destruction his physical strength alone caused.

"Haha, I destroyed nearly a hundred trees and that was the shock of my punch!".

Satisfied, Naruto then opened the 8 gates all the way towards the 5th gate.

After opening it, Naruto felt his physical strength along with his awareness and all his abilities take a leap.


Naruto broke the sound barrier even more violently this time as he caused winds everywhere he passed, due to his increased awareness Naruto avoided crashing.

The multiplier of the 8 gates was several dozen folds, reappearing Naruto stood in place, "I just travelled consistently around Mach 15".

"I should be able to stack the nine tailed chakra on top can't I?".

"Let me try".

Red bubbles of chakra started coming amount of Naruto as his fifth gate hue the was green still stayed, after it apeared two tails were behind Naruto.

Along with this boost in chakra reserves and the healing factor, Naruto felt less fatigue using the 8 gates as the nine tails chakra healed him.

Feeling his abilities increase even more ridiculously, Naruto again broke the sound barrier, this time he travelled at Mach 30.

Reappearing, Naruto unsheathed his sword, standing there, Naruto had a green hue around him further cloaked in red bubbly chakra.

He then released his full killing intent, it felt as if time stopped as Naruto had the wickedest smile.

Feeling his overwhelming desire to kill, his sword the "death bringer" also released mind boggling bloodlust, together his killing intent and the swords bloodlust combined.

Kurama watching from inside him had his eyes widened, this was the most killing intent his ever felt, apart from Madara, Naruto's killing intent was second to none.

Due to the ridiculous amount of killing intent being exerted out, the grass swayed heavily along with all the insect and animals freezing in fear.

Then Naruto added chakra into his blade along with the green hue from the 5th gate, also coating it in red bubbly chakra.

This would be Naruto's current strongest attack, as he charged it up he put his katana on his shoulder as he prepared to unleash it.

However before he could he felt rapid movement coming from the direction of Konoha.

"Shit, I forgot about the watch tower shinobi's", Naruto's killing intent disappeared as he sheathed his sword and cancelled the two tails transformation.

Keeping up his 5th gate, he disappeared into the distance, 2 minutes after he left shinobi's arrived as they scouted the area.

"What was the overwhelming feeling?".

"Someone had to have been here, they haven't gone far, search around the vicinity!"


Naruto arrived back through into Konoha, he had already cancelled the 8 gates before coming back, arriving at his door Naruto opened it walking in.

"Kakashi has told us to meet him at the field, so I should get prepared".

The shinobi's back at the forest looked around and seeing some animals still frozen in fear, they had confused faces.

"What happened to this animal for it to be this scared?".

"I don't know, I looked around, and after finding this animal no matter what I did, it wouldn't budge".

"That's weird".

"Yeah it's as if it came across a monster".