
Chapter 10

Not wanting to beat around the bush, Sakumo went through some quick hand signs and held his hand out like a pistol, as a tiny, chaotic ball of lighting formed at the tip of his finger. Seeing how tiny the lightning ball was, Hyto was seriously disappointed as he had heard so much about how great Sakumo was and that he was supposedly stronger than even Hiruzen, only for him to look weak with a tiny lightning ball.

Taking a deep breath, Sakumo shot the ball of lightning as it quickly soared to a cluster of shinobi. When the lightning landed at the center of all of the shinobi, Hyto nearly had a heart attack, as a giant lightning storm erupted from the spot where the ball landed. Sakumo then slid his sword out and got to work cutting down the enemies with his white hot blade.

'Holy fuck! He's a genius! Everyone, including me thought it was a weak attack, so their guards were dropped. Meanwhile, it wasn't actually a tiny ball, just massively compressed lightning!' Hyto thought to himself in amazement.

Not wanting to be outdone, everyone let out a fierce battle cry and began attacking, Hyto included. Hyto had never been able to let loose on anything before, and this would be his first time. Taking a deep breath, Hyto put away his bow for a moment and got into his Rasugi stance. Using what he had been practicing for years, Hyto began using both Firebending and Airbending, which proved to be incredibly difficult and taxing.

Nonetheless, Hyto was able to do it as he first formed a palm-sized tornado and then added powerful flames to it as he continued to increase the tornado's size. With the wind and fire feeding off of each other, a massive, swirling inferno soon made itself known as it began sweeping across the village, sucking in both debris and enemies into it's fiery pits.

'This kid just never does anything half-assed does he?' Tsunade asked herself as her and many other Leaf shinobi decided it was best to clear the way of the flame tornado and let Hyto take care of most of it.

They were all astonished, as Hyto was only recently promoted to chunin, but the jutsu he just unleased had to be an 'S' class jutsu at least, yet this 10-year-old just did it as if it was nothing.

As the tornado was wrecking havoc, Hyto's danger sense went off, and he summoned his bow at the last second to block a deadly attack, sending his rocketing nearly a mile from where he initially stood.

"Hyto!" Yelled Tsunade as she ran to defend Hyto.

"Rasugi-kun!" Yelled both Mikoto and Hiashi as they followed Tsunade. They may not be particularly close to Hyto yet, they've gotten to like his quirky personality and greatly respect the strength that he's shown.

Hyto tumbled and made deep gouges in the earth with his body until he hit a large tree which stopped his momentum. Hyto was a mess, as he could barely breathe, and he was certain that nearly every bone was broken in his body.

Hyto had no idea what or who attacked him, but as he struggled to look up, his vision turning red from the blood flowing into his eyes, Hyto saw a two figures that nearly made his blood run cold.

One was a short, aging woman with purple straight hair with two bangs on either side of her face. The other figure was a terrifying monstrous puppet she was controlling which told him exactly who this woman was, Chiyo of the Hidden Sand!

"You damn brat! You killed so many of our shinobi, and burned their bodies and precious puppets with that damned inferno of yours!" Chico shouted as the mouth of the puppet opened and a flurry of needles shot out towards Hyto.

But before the needles could land, Mikoto and Hiashi both jumped in the line of fire and deflected the needles as fast as they could, unfortunately, one of the needles got through and embedded itself in Hyto's right shoulder, which immediately got washed over in a burst fiery pain which felt like his shoulder, chest, and arms were being gouged out by thousands of pins and needles.

He was officially poisoned by one of the most dangerous women in the world.

"Ahhhh, You fucking bitch! I'll slaughter you and your whole fucking bloodline!" Hyto roared as the painful sensation he felt intensified and began spreading to other parts of his body like the other side of his chest, his neck, until eventually every nerve on his body knew nothing but brutal, excruciating pain.

Hyto felt as though a whole lifetime went by as he was constantly writhing in pain. Chiyo's potent poison tried its hardest to kill Hyto, but his Healing Factor was fighting back even harder, keeping him barely alive and conscious throughout the whole ordeal.

But, it wasn't long before his whole body was bathed in a warm, comforting light, fighting hard against the poison coursing through his veins. But, Hyto was already far beyond his limit, as his vision faded to black as soon as he felt the warmth on his body.

Opening his eyes groggily, Hyto half expected to find himself standing back in front of that rude God, only to find himself staring at a semi-familiar ceiling. He was back in his room, on his bed, but something was off, different. Feeling something warm and squishy pressed against his side, Hyto struggled to move his worn-out body to look to his left, and his heart immediately felt was lodged in his throat.

Laying there next to him was none other than Tsunade herself, wearing a simple loose white shirt that cut off at her stomach and offered a generous view of her cleavage. She had on a red little mini skirt that perfectly hugged her wide hips and plump ass. And underneath it all, she wore some fishnets and pinned her hair in a messy ponytail.

If there was ever a moment that Hyto cursed the fact that he was in a child's body, it was now. He couldn't even get a boner or feel aroused in any sort of way!

Feeling some movement and hearing Hyto lightly curse his life under his breath, Tsunade slowly began waking up. Seeing Hyto awake and doing his best to grope her chest, Tsunade grow a smirk as she flicked Hyto's forehead and sat up, stretching lazily as Hyto groaned in pain.

"You must be feeling better since you're trying to grope me so early in the morning. I have no idea how you grew up to be so perverted, you wouldn't even know what to do with it if you got the chance." Tsunade said coyly as she stood and began checking over Hyto's health.

"Maybe, but it would certainly be fun to try and figure it out." Hyto joked, flashing what he imagines to be a charming smile, only for Tsunade to let out a hearty laugh. But Hyto wasn't discouraged, as making women laugh is half of the battle.

"You definitely are a cheeky brat. I can already see you causing plenty of trouble in the future, but for right now, I'm really glad your safe." Tsunade said in a genuine voice as she pulled Hyto into a warm hug, shocking him.

" I-i didn't think you cared about me like that. I'm kind of used to just looking out for myself, being an orphan and all." Hyto said bashfully, as he scratched the back of his head.

Hyto doesn't know when it happened, but he had really forgotten what it was like to be loved and cared for by someone. There was only so much that memories from a past life could do to stave off the reality that he was alone in this world for over 10 years, besides the occasional times he hung out with Minato or Nono.

"I know... But as I told you before, I don't know why, but I feel we're connected somehow, and you remind me of like a rowdy little brother. So from now on, I'll be your family if you'd like. I know you have your own clan now, but you can never have too much family, right?" Tsunade asked as she rubbed the back of Hyto's head, as he hugged her even tighter.

As much as Hyto would normally hate going further and further into the family zone, the truth was he was 10 years old and knew that he would never get to fuck Tsunade, but the thought of being loved by someone made Hyto more emotional than he thought he'd be. He underestimated how much loneliness in a new world would truly affect him.

After that, Tsunade filled Hyto in on what happened after he was poisoned. Given that he single handily caused severe damage to both Suna and Iwa, Hyto quickly became the target of both sides, which is why he was attacked by Chiyo. After Chiyo poisoned him, confident he wouldn't survive one of her poisons, Tsunade battled her directly while his team and the rest of the Hidden Leaf fiercely fought off the rest of the shinobi pining to kill Hyto.

Mikoto, Hiashi, and Sakumo are the main reason he was still breathing to this day, as they took out a lot of the enemy, which eventually forced them to retreat, Chiyo retreating with them, as she didn't want to be overwhelmed by both Tsunade and Sakumo.

After that, Tsunade worked the hardest she's ever done to cure the poison from Hyto's body, and said that if it wasn't for his Healing Factor, he would have died immediately. Hearing about the poison again made Hyto cringe, as he was sure the pain he felt would never leave his mind. He reaffirmed in his mind right then that he would kill Chiyo and everyone she loved for what she did to him.

One silver lining was that thanks to his Healing Factor working overtime with such an intense poison, he has now developed somewhat of an immunity to poisons, which in this world will be immensely helpful.

It has apparently been two weeks since Hyto was poisoned, and with him being awake, it was time for him to report into the Hokage. But as Hyto stepped outside of his house with Tsunade, the clan saw him alive and well, and broke out in a great cheer. They feared they would lose their new clan head right when they got him. From the crowd, Amagi and Midori came running up to him, wrapping him in a tight hug as they cried.

"It's okay, its okay! I was just a little tired after showing off how powerful the Rasugi clan is to the other villages, so I took a good nap." Hyto joked as he pretended to act smug so that they don't worry.

Hearing Hyto, the clan laughed and came over to greet him before going about their business.

"I was so scared! I promise, you're going to train me so that I can get powerful too and protect you and our clan!" Amagi declared between her tears.

"There, there Ama-chan, I promise to help you train, but first I have to go report to the Hokage with my teacher." Hyto said as he gently rubbed the top of Amagi's head, looking like a big brother.

After promising to be back as soon as he can, Hyto and Tsunade made their way to the Hokage's office to report in. Inside the office, Tsunade and Hyto made their reports of what happened during the mission.

"This is certainly troubling indeed, but I couldn't be more proud of you Hyto. Not only did you go out and fight well, you excelled. It seems you may have caused a little fear throughout the shinobi world. Here, have a look at this." Hiruzen said as he tossed Hyto thick book that read, Bingo.

Hyto immediately got a sinking feeling as he knew exactly what this book was, but he still picked it up and read the page that was folded for him. Sure enough, there was an intimidating drawing of him with the name, The Huntsman, next it. Under it read some vague information about him and details about his fighting style which was listed as Archery. The book warns that if anyone under high-chunin or low-jounin run into a shinobi with golden cat eyes and a bow and arrow, to run as fast as they can.

His bounty was officially listed at 7 million Ryo, due to him killing many from Suna and Iwa, as well as his ability to perform jounin level jutsu with his Avatar abilities and the extra danger factor from him being a deadly shot to even jounin level shinobi with his archery skills. The bounty was listed by Suna and Hyto had a sneaking suspicion that the old bitch Chiyo was somehow a part of it.

Seeing this, Hyto was worried at first, then he started imagining it like the bounties from One Piece, and he started to grow excited about it, growing the urge to increase his bounty as much as he could. Now he was offended that his bounty was so low, and couldn't wait for the war to start so that he could have his revenge.

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