
Chapter 2

It had been three days since the attack on the Lucifer's Castle and everything was pretty much back to normal.

Naruto, the boy who had sneaked into the castle in the middle of the night and took out all the members of the strongest peerage in the underworld still didn't wake up, security had been placed around the boy twenty four seven and Sirzechs's peerage took turns to watch over the boy. The members like Beowulf or Souji Okita, who were easily took out by the boy, had to admit that they had underestimated him and had rightfully paid for their mistake.

The protection wasn't for the people around the boy if he were to wake up, they were protecting the boy. Sirzechs had said that they had to do whatever it took to protect him, this 'master' of his might want the boy back or try to kill him so Sirzechs couldn't have the boy's power. While scanning through his mind, Sirzechs had found out the boy's memories had been completely erased from his brain and fake memories had been placed inside his mind. The memories were about Sirzechs and depicted his parents brutally killing the boy's family and relatives, this made Naruto wanting to make them pay for what they had 'done' to him. He had found this 'master' and went under his protection and would do everything to fulfill his master's intention, that was the reason why he wanted to kill Rias.

They also find the remains of some kind of medicine inside his spine and found out that it would automatically activate four hours after drinking water and destroy the memories of his 'master' and everything related to him, even the missions and what happened at the castle that night. They didn't know who he was, but they knew that this 'master' was very intelligent and knew how to hide himself.

Speaking of the Rias, the girl had decided to tell her family about her story with Naruto and they had believed Naruto was a good person now, he was just being used as a pawn by someone to kill Rias. The girl hadn't left Naruto, who was still lying in bed with his mind completely damaged from all the memories that were erased and needed some time to recover. Rias always sat in his room whenever she didn't have to study or train with her peerage, she had asked her brother or her parents almost a thousand times about when Naruto would wake up and had tried to feed him soup when meal times came. Her parents usually found her asleep beside the blond's bed with her head resting on the bed, she had cried a lot and always prayed to her brother that he could wake up to play with her soon.

While Rias was taking care of the blond haired boy, Sirzechs had to discuss with the other Maou about Naruto's conditions. He had found out that Naruto was completely human, but his body structure was really strange. He had a great healing factor that is almost as strong as the Phenex's Clan healing ability, a stronger body than normal and even though he was unconscious, there was some kind of strange, almost Youkai like energy coming from him. Ajuka, Sirzechs's best friend had checked his life span and almost dropped his equipment in shock at what he saw. The boy life span was longer than any human out there, and they also found out that no matter how old he is, Naruto would always keep the form of an adult man when he finally grew up. Naruto's great power couldn't be denied and as strong as he is, they couldn't let his power fall into the wrong hands, so everyone had decided that Sirzechs should watch over the boy, which Sirzechs accepted with a smile, considering that his sister was really loved the blond, almost as much as a girl would feel for her boyfriend.

And then, after a week in a coma, Naruto finally woke up.

It was a nice morning when Grayfia came to the bedroom to check on him, while Souji and Beowulf stood outside of the door waiting for her and help Grayfia if she needed them. Grayfia looked at the boy who was lying on the bed with a frown, she still couldn't believe that this boy could melt down her ice spear by a power that could make him breath out fire like a dragon. She could understand how the power behind that flame could take out three of the strongest devils in the Underworld, she had felt the power of Senjustu behind that attack and she knew how dangerous and powerful a spell could be with help with natural energy. While the strongest queen admitted that she had underestimated Naruto, she still thought what could have happen if she didn't look down on him, her hands would be stained with the blood of an innocent child and she would never forgive herself after that.

Suddenly, just as when Grayfia had finished changing the clothes for Naruto, the boy began to groan quietly, his body started to stir and his eyes were opening and closing rapidly due to the brightness of the light coming from the windows.

Grayfia rushed out the doors and quickly turned to Souji, who had the fastest speed among the three of them.

"Souji-San… please go find Sirzechs-Sama, tell him that Naruto has woken up!" Souji's eyes widen in surprise but quickly nodded his head with a smile. Before he could go to Sirzechs's office, Grayfia stopped him again, "And remember not to tell Rias-sama about it, she will rush into this room the moment she knows Naruto has woken up, and she will disturb Sirzechs-Sama!"

Souji's nodded again with a smile and by using his great speed, Souji instantly disappeared in a gust of wind.

"Yosh… the boy had woken up!" Beowulf punched his palm with excitement in his voice "Now I will have a rematch… OUCH! Onee-san, I was just kidding!" Beowulf screamed out in pain when the strongest Queen stomped right on his foot with enough force to crack some bones inside him. Shaking her head in disappointment, Grayfia quickly returned to the room.

When she got back to the room, she saw the boy has completely woken up and was looking around with curiosity in his eyes. His blue eyes then landed on her and Grayfia smiled a little, the boy's eyes showed nothing but kindness and worry inside them. It was so different than the cold eyes that night.

"Uh, hello… uh!" Naruto tried to find a proper word to call the beautiful lady wearing maid outfit before him but felt that his mind was too fuzzy to think right now.

The last thing Naruto remembered was playing with 'Akeno' as usual, he could feel some gash between his memories, but couldn't remember what it is no matter how much he tried. The next thing he knew, he had woken up on a soft bed, unlike the hard ground he was used to. Looking around, Naruto's eyes widen when he saw that he was in some fancy, expensive looking place filled with so many things he couldn't believe he would see up close before.

"My name is Grayfia Lucifuge…I'm the head maid of the Gremory Clan, also the personal maid of Sirzechs Lucifer-sama!" Grayfia lowered her head a little to greet Naruto, "It's a pleasure to meet you Naruto Uzumaki!"

Naruto instantly gasped in surprise, if this was the personal maid of Sirzechs Lucifer, then that's mean he was in the Lucifer Castle.

"But… how do you know my name Grayfia-san?" Naruto asked nervously, apparently she knew something about him. It's not every day a normal orphan like him from the Capital Lilith could sleep in a castle like this and in the Lucifer's castle at that.

"All your questions will be answered in due time, Naruto-san!" Grayfia nodded her head with a small smile on her face.

Suddenly, the door opened and a handsome and young man in his early 20's with shoulder length crimson red hair and blue-green eyes walked in, even if the man's face showed nothing but kindness and a playful smile on his face, Naruto could also feel monstrous magical energy coming from inside him.

This was the first time Naruto had ever seen the Crimson Red of the Underworld, The leader of the Four Great Satans, Sirzechs Lucifer. The strange thing was that the curves of his face, the shade of his crimson hair, his blue-green eyes and even the hair style, reminds him of her.

'He looks exactly a male, older version of 'Akeno'. Thought Naruto.

Naruto began to think about Sirzechs, he had heard that he didn't have a child yet, which mean 'Akeno' was a relative of Sirzechs. And he knew only one relative that could look exactly like the Maou which was his sister, the princess of the Gremory Clan.

The Himejima Akeno he had always played with was Rias Gremory.

'Shit… I'm in deep trouble!' Naruto cursed out in his mind. He always knew his friend was rich, but being a member of the Gremory Clan, which mean she was one of the richest girls in the Underworld and could be the most powerful princess in the Underworld by her family lineage alone. How didn't he realize this before, how many devils had that crimson hair and the money that could buy everything she wanted with just a part of her 'saved up money'?

Seeing the blond haired boy hugged his head and shaking, Sirzechs chuckled a little. He couldn't believe that this boy had wiped out his peerage and nearly made him use his real form to fight with him, that alone had speak volumes about the boy's power and what could he do in the future if he had proper training.

"Ah-hum…" Sirzechs coughed in his hand to draw the boy's attention to him. Grayfia took out a chair using her magic and put it beside the bed for her master. Sirzechs thanked her and sat down in the chair with Grayfia standing behind him.

"Good morning Naruto-kun, feeling well?" He asked kindly, Sirzechs didn't want Naruto feel overwhelmed or anything, the boy had just suffered brain damage and his mind clearly hadn't completely healed after all.

"Ah yes Sirzechs-sama, thank you for taking care of me!" Naruto nodded his head and smiled nervously, it's not everyday that he could talk with the great Sirzechs Lucifer, "But sir, could I ask you something?" After receiving a nod from Sirzechs he proceeded, "Why am I here? I mean, what happened to me that I'm in here!"

"First, Naruto-kun…you just need to call me Sirzechs or Sirzechs-san, it's fine with me!" Naruto smiled with a nod, "And to answer your question, we had found you unconscious and suffering from a great deal of brain damage, you have lost a lot of your memories about your past life and you just remembered a few recent events, with my sister in it actually!" Sirzches chuckled again seeing the boy blushed in embarrassed. The story he just told Naruto wasn't a lie but not the truth either.

Everyone knew about that event, including Rias and they had decided that Naruto shouldn't know about what he did to everyone, especially Rias that night. If he knew about that, Naruto might never forgive himself for nearly killing his best friend, the fake memories had been erased from his mind by that strange medicine, so they couldn't let Naruto find out the truth about everything. They couldn't think of what could happen if he found out.

"Um… so Akeno-chan's real name is Rias Gremory!" Naruto asked and received a nodded from Sirzechs.

"That's right, Himejima Akeno is actually The Queen of Rias's peerage!" The Maou explained to him "Ria-tan actually want to be friend with you in a normal way, so she had given you her queen's name. She had very few friends that could play with her normally you know Naruto-kun."

Naruto thought about it, it's true that Rias had told him she had a lot of friends at school because all of them always looked up to her, the normal friend she did have were always some relatives or had the same status than her. At the time, Naruto just thought that she came from some rich family of Lilith, not one of the richest families in the Underworld.

"Where is she now?" He asked.

"She is studying right now!" Sirzechs smiled, "She didn't leave your side in the whole week, you know, always tried to feed you soup and asked when you would wake up… DAMN IT, I WAS SO JEALOUS!" Sirzechs screamed out making Naruto jumped in surprise at the Maou's action, but he instantly shut up when Grayfia brought out her hand and hit the back of his head, hard.

"Please control yourselves Sirzechs-sama!" Grayfia said dangerously "Or I will!" She finished with a wave of killing intent directed at her master, making Sirzechs nodded his head in terror and Naruto sweat dropped. Maybe even if Sirzechs was a Maou, he still could be very childish sometimes.

And a sis-con too, if he guessed right.

"So, Naruto-kun… I had something to offer you!" Sirzechs said but this time he had said it seriously, making Naruto sit straight up to listen "Would you like to become a member of my peerage."

Naruto's eyes widen in shock, Sirzechs Lucifer had just offered him a chance to be a member of the strongest peerage in the Underworld.

'They don't know about my special powers, do they?' Naruto thought inside of his head. He couldn't remember much about his past however the thing he could remember clearly was the power he was born with. He had decided to keep it a secret even to Rias because he didn't want some power hungry people use him. He knew a few lower-class devils like him were born with great power, until one of the high-class ones came and take them for their personal use, Naruto didn't want that to happen to himself so that was the reason he decided to hide his powers.

But then again, the Gremory Clan were renowned for being Devils with extraordinary affection. As such, they do not discriminate themselves from their servants and treated them like they were their own family. So the devils of the Underworld always wanted to serve at the Gremory Clan, willingly. And he was like that too, Naruto wanted to work with the Gremory clan or at Lucifer's Castle and always wanted to use his gift to help and serve good people. So the offer wasn't bad at all.

Sirzechs offering Naruto a chance to be a member of his peerage meant that he could protect Naruto better. Sirzechs's pieces were really popular among the devils because of how powerful they were, so if Naruto joined his peerage, people won't feel suspicion about his powers. Maybe other devils would believe that Naruto was a devil but inside he was a completely normal human and without a Sacred Gear. This meant that having that much power could cause huge problems later on.

After five minutes in thought, Naruto made up his mind.

"Sirzechs-san, will I see Rias-chan again, after becoming your servant?" Naruto asked.

"Don't worry Naruto-kun, Ria-tan always found some way to come visit me in the past!" Then he smiled mysteriously "And now with you here, I guess I can meet my sister twenty four seven!"

"Then I accept, Sirzechs-san!" Naruto nodded his head and smiled when Sirzechs brought out his pieces.

Rias had finished her studies with her personal tutor was ready to come visit Naruto again, with Akeno and Koneko following behind her. Naruto's condition hadn't gotten better at all in the previous week. She had hoped that he would wake up soon, so she could tell him the truth about her. She and Akeno still felt slightly scared after that night, when Naruto stomped into her room and was ready to kill her with his own hands, but after she found out he was manipulated by some evil master, Rias was really relieved that Naruto was still the same person she had laughed and played with.

Despite everything the adults said about how they would take care of him, Rias still tried to come to his room whenever she had free time or didn't have to study or handle personal activities. Rias had tried to feed him the soup she learned from her mother, and usually fell asleep there until Grayfia or her mother took Rias to her room. But no matter what happened, Rias always tried to visit him.

Akeno had teased her about Naruto every chance she got. Her sadistic nature never left Rias alone when she was with Naruto or spaced out remembering about him. What worried Rias the most was that Akeno found Naruto really cute and definitely wanted to get to know him when Naruto woke up, to make matters worse was that Naruto would want to know the real Himejima Akeno.

Koneko on the other hand began to act strangely after feeling the power of Naruto, she said something about the power of Senjustu. She had seen Koneko sneak into Naruto's room before and just sat there with her eyes closed. But the strangest thing was that the little nekomata brought out her cat ears and tail whenever she was around Naruto. When her brother asked the girl about Naruto, she had said that Naruto smelled like Toad and Fox at the same time, also Koneko could smell the faint scents of cat, turtle and a variety of animals from him, even slug and bug. First her, then Akeno, and now he captured Koneko's attention without even trying.

Mumbling something girls her age shouldn't say, Rias went off to Naruto's room and tried to find some way to wake him up sooner or maybe she should use her Devils Pieces to help him recover faster, after all they could even reincarnate someone already dead. Rias had planned that when Naruto woke up and after revealing her true identity to him, she would make him her servant, so that he will never leave her side. She was really glad that her parents had forgiven Naruto's actions that night and really wanted to get to know the boy who had made their daughter so happy during the past few months. But when she already made her way to the corridor that led to Naruto room, the purple sky outside began to darken and she felt that familiar feeling when Akeno and Koneko were reincarnated into Devils.

And that feeling was coming straight from Naruto's room, but the energy was hundred times stronger than her own. Quickly running to Naruto's room and bending her body down to avoid Souji and Beowulf, she pushed the door opened and saw a blinding crimson light coming from the bed. Once her eyes got used to the light, she saw her brother and Grayfia were standing beside Naruto, who was lying on the bed with five Evils pieces hovering above him, she tried to scream out for her brother to stop, only for the Evil pieces to fly into Naruto's chest and disappear inside him and finally turn him into a devil in Sirzechs's Peerage.

When the crimson light died down, Naruto opened his eyes and sat up.

"Um…strange, I thought it would hurt or something like that!" Naruto puts a hand on his chest and thought about it, he turned his head to Sirzechs but finally noticed Rias appearance in the room "Rias-chan?"

The crimson Maou and his maid turned around to face with an angry Rias Gremory who was looking straight at her beloved brother with teary eyes with her cheeks bulging. Sirzechs would have screamed out 'Kawaii' and hugged his sister right there but he knew exactly the reason for her anger and didn't want to upset her more.

"Onii-tama…what did just you do?" She muttered 'dangerously'.

"You see Ria-tan… Naruto had decided that he wanted to join my peerage!" Sirzechs smiled playfully to his sister, "And I had made him into one of my servants using the rest of my Evil pieces, cool isn't it!"

A crimson aura began to appear around the little girl, her bangs shadowing her eyes. When Sirzechs opened his mouth to apologize to her, Rias looked up with an angry face and kicked her brother right between the legs.


Naruto couldn't help but cross his legs and winced at the devastating attack he witnessed just now and looked at Sirzechs who was writhing in agony on the floor with pity.

After a lot of tears of both pain and sadness from the brother, Grayfia finally pulled her master out of the room and gave the two children some space. Rias just sat in the chair and looked at Naruto like he had betrayed her or something.

Decided to break the silence, Naruto asked her the question he always wants to ask.

"So, you're Rias Gremory!" Naruto asked carefully as he didn't want to anger her more or something.

Rias looked at Naruto with a surprised face, then looked away with shame filled eyes. She knew that lying to your friend, especially Naruto who had become an important person to her, was bad, really bad. She tried to find the right words to answer him. After all, she just wanted to make friend with Naruto…A normal friend, with whom she could just be a child with with.

But she felt Naruto's hand on her head and she looked up to see the smiling face of Naruto.

"Don't worry Rias-chan, no matter who you are…You will always be my first friend!" Naruto said then grinned, making Rias's eyes lighten up, her cheeks redden and the princess finally broke into a smile.

"If we're friends, just call me Rias-chan like you used to, even in public okay?" Rias said to Naruto when he took his hand from her head. Naruto looked at her curiously, after all he just a servant of her brother and she is the princess, the next heiress of a big Clan…He didn't know if calling her like that in public is okay now, considering that he had knows about her status now.

But if she wanted it then he will do as she command.

"Okay, Rias-chan!"

Naruto and Rias talked about a lot of things till afternoon when Naruto finally could get out of the bed, followed Rias through the corridors of the Lucifer's Castle and finally made their way to the main dining room. Rias stepped in first, Naruto took a deep breath and followed behind her.

Looking around the main dining room he saw a lot of maids and servants were being ordered by Grayfia and running passed him to set up the food on the table for the Gremory Family. Rias had been ordered from her family to bring Naruto here with her, so he would eat dinner with the rest of her family. He could see that the man sitting at the head table with a warm smile watching him carefully was Rias's father, Lord Gremory and the woman sat there beside him were Rias's mother, who looked like an older version of Rias with the exception of her shorter hair. Both of them were looking directly at Naruto making him feel slightly nervous and self conscious.

And then there were the two girls that sat near Rias. One of them was around the same age as Rias with very long black hair and violet eyes. Her hair being tied in a long ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backwards with a blue ribbon keeping it in place. Her face was really cute yet a lot mature than Rias thanks to her ponytail. The most noticeable of her appearance was her…'asset', which was 'a little' bigger than a normal girl her age should have. The girl looked at him with a smile on her face and winked at him when she saw his eyes landing on her.

The next girl was a really cute little girl around 10 years of age with white hair and hazel eyes. At the front, her hair has two long bangs going past her shoulders and several loose bangs hanging over her forehead, while the back has a short bob cut. The girl was looking at him with a blank expression on her face making it kind of hard to tell what she was thinking in her head at the moment. But Naruto felt the energy coming from her very familiar.

"Ah, Naruto-kun!" Sirzechs said from behind him when he stepped inside the room. Naruto turned his head to see the crimson Lucifer smiling at him and kindly said, "Now, follow me… you will sit next to me Naruto-kun!"

Naruto quickly followed Sirzechs to the table and sat down next to him, his seat was opposite to the white haired girl, who still didn't take her eyes away from him but then again, except for Grayfia and the servants, everybody in this room were looking at him with curiosity. But he could see it wasn't just curiosity in the gaze from the black haired girl's eyes.

"Tou-sama, Kaa-sama!" Sirzechs said from his seat and motion his hand to the blond boy "Let me introduce you to my newest servant, Naruto Uzumaki!"

Both parents didn't seem so surprised about the news, Naruto guessed maybe Sirzechs had told them beforehand that he was going to make Naruto his servant by using his Devils Pieces.

"Naruto…A pleasure to meet you, my name is Joseph Gremory, current head of the Gremory Clan!" Rias father stood up and Naruto quickly did the same, both of them shook each other's hand with a smile on their face.

"Me too, Gremory-sama!"

"A pleasure to meet you Naruto-san… my name is Venelana Gremory!" Venelana stood up and said to Naruto and offered her hand to him, he just shook it like with Lord Gremory, making his wife smile a little and gaining a chuckle from Sirzechs.

"The pleasure is mine, Venelana-sama!"

When Grayfia finally finished her duties, she came and stood behind Sirzechs as usual. The servant began to put dinner on the table and Naruto could feel that he was really hungry and wanted nothing more than dig in and eat his food. But this was a high class dinner, so he guessed he had to act like someone had proper manners.

When everybody began to eat their food, Naruto tried to eat as slow as he could. He could feel two sets of eyes looking at him directly and knew exactly who they belongs to.

Grayfia and Venelana, no doubt about it.

"So, Naruto-san…Can you tell us more about yourself?" Venelana broke the silence.

"Yeah…Um Venelana-sama!" Naruto swallowed the food in his throat and said, "There is not much about me really, as far as I remembered I had been living on the street since I was two years old, travelled here and there until I stopped here at Lilith to try find a job or someplace that accepted me but sadly that no one wants to take in a ten years old kid. That's all that happened to me until I met your daughter!" Rias smiled brightly when she heard that part.

Naruto had found out that the Gremory family was just like Rias, they were kind, warm and could become very funny in the male members' case. The dinner was enjoyable with delicious food, good drinks and a lot of laughs as Rias told them about her studies with her tutor and her magical power training.

Speaking of training, an hour after the dinner, Naruto came face to face with Beowulf, the descendant of the hero Beowulf and also Sirzechs's Pawn just like him. He has the appearance of a man in his mid-twenties with brown hair and was one of the top five Pawns in the Underworld which meant he was extremely powerful.

Sirzechs had decided they should test Naruto's power and told the boy he should go all out against someone like Beowulf. Grayfia was standing outside with her hand raised to create a barrier, to protect the Lucifer's Castle against Beowulf's strength but as when she cast her spells, Grayfia's eyes kept glancing at Naruto.

Well… nothing to hide now, he will show them his power.

Rias was sitting in a chair behind the barrier with Akeno and Koneko. Even though she knew that Naruto had defeated all the members of her brother's peerage that night, she also knew that they had underestimated him and there was no way Beowulf will make the same mistake again. She was really worried for Naruto and hoped Beowulf didn't hurt him much.

The rest of Sirzechs's peerage came to see their newest comrade in action. Even though they saw Naruto's power with their own eyes, they still couldn't believe he held that much power at such a young age. Macgregor had done some research about humans who could use Senjutsu and found out Naruto was what ancient humans called Sage.

"Now…If you two ready…Then Begin!" Just as Sirzechs said that, Naruto instantly slammed his palm to the ground with some strange words spreading out everywhere and in a puff of smoke, a tri-pronged kunai appeared on the ground. Naruto slowly picked it up and pointed it at Beowulf.

"Um…Naruto-kun, do you really think you can defeat me with that little knife?!" While really impressed with the trick the kid had just used to summon the kunai, he also felt kind of put off that Naruto didn't use those powers from that night. He really wanted to test out the real strength of a sage and his power in Senjutsu. But the Pawn of Sirzechs knew better than underestimate Naruto.

"We will see about that!" Naruto smirked confidently and readied himself to pull the first trick he found out when he was four years old, this trick had helped him a lot in stealing food and was one of the most useful trick he had to help him survive. However this was the first time he had used it in combat.

"Let's see what you got kid!"

Beowulf smirked and ran with blinding speed at the boy tried to punch him, but Naruto had seen through it and stepped out of the way to avoid the strong punch. He quickly used his kunai to slash him but Beowulf had caught his wrist and put some force into his grip, making Naruto yell out in pain and drop the kunai. He grabbed Naruto's collar and threw him high into the sky. Making the spectators look in worry.

"C'mon, kid…Is that all you got!" Beowulf shouted out excitedly and lowered his body down, ready to jump up. But his eyes widen when Naruto's body instantly disappeared in the sky and he felt a hard punch in the back of his head a millisecond after Naruto had disappeared.

"Wha… what happened?" Rias asked wide eyed when Naruto just disappeared in the sky like that, then when she heard that strange sound she looked back to the ground and saw Beowulf being punched by Naruto in the back of his head.

Sirzechs didn't answer his sister question, he was just like the other's who didn't understand what happened. He didn't feel Naruto move when he was in the sky at all, he also knew that there was no teleportation magic used. The boy couldn't just disappear, only to reappear instantly on the ground and punch Beowulf without him noticing like that.

When Beowulf jumped back a little to make distance with Naruto, the blond sure knew how to punch. It wasn't enough to knock him out but Beowulf could feel the force behind that punch. Give or take a few years the boy could take out a high-class devil with only his sheer strength alone. Picking up the Kunai, Naruto pointed it to Beowulf again, this time with a smile on his face.

"What is it Beowulf-nii sama… feeling tired already?"

A few members of Sirzechs's peerage chuckle at Naruto's banter. "Well…I will let you attack me this time, let's see what you got!" Beowulf smirked when Naruto threw the Kunai at him.

With the speed Naruto had thrown it, Beowulf just had to side step and the kunai would pass through him harmlessly. But just when the blade passed him, Naruto had appeared right in front of him in a yellow flash and caught the Kunai before punching the older Pawn in the face.

Instantly snapping his head back, Beowulf tried to kick him but Naruto had let go of the kunai, making it fall to the ground and disappeared again, only to reappear at Beowulf's left side and punched him in his right leg. Again, the brown hair man tried to catch the boy, only for him to disappear with the same movement with his kunai and reappeared at his right side and punched him on the other leg.

'Whenever he disappeared, he always drops that Kunai!' Beowulf thought in his mind when Naruto continue to punch him everywhere, doing the same movement. And he always reappears where the kunai is…That's it!' Smirking, Beowulf prepared for Naruto's attack. When Naruto dropped the kunai again, he quickly caught it and threw it to the other side where the ground was uneven. When Naruto had disappeared again, but this time Naruto lost his balance and fell face first to the ground where the kunai was located.

"Ah Ha…I was right kid!" Beowulf screamed out in victory when Naruto tried to get up, "That kunai is the secret of your trick kid, you can teleport to where ever that kunai is kid. That's why you could move that fast and you fell face first to the ground when I threw the kunai away from me because you didn't anticipate the kunai will go that direction!"

"So that's why!" Sirzechs nodded his head in agreement. He had felt something strange about that kunai and could see some strange kanji on the handle from the beginning, but thought it was just the name of the kunai. Sirzechs had thought that the kunai was just a normal weapon, he couldn't think it was a 'mark' so that Naruto could teleport to its location.

But still, moving at that speed with just a kunai, this power could come in very handy in the future. Who knows what Naruto can do when he masters it. He probably could use multiple kunai at the same time to face Beowulf through, increasing his combat powers immensely.

Cursing out under his breath, Naruto didn't want to reveal more of his power, he wanted to defeat his sempai with just this skill alone. Smirking evilly, Naruto began to put his hand to the ground again.

"Hey Beowulf-nii sama!" Naruto asked, his evil smirk beginning to widen "You want me to defeat you or humiliate you?"

"What did you say Naruto-kun?" Beowulf asked back, "I couldn't hear you!"

"Then so be it!" Naruto finished and put his energy into his palm. The marks appeared on the ground again, and in a puff of smoke, in front of Naruto was dozens of the same Kunai. He picked all the Kunai up and smirked.

"Wait Naruto-kun…!" Beowulf paled immediately, with that much kunai, he wouldn't be able to predict where Naruto would teleport to, plus with the smirk on his face, he felt the kid had some evil plan in his head, "I was just joking…Hey, no need to get angry… It was just a joke. Yes, a joke?"

On the sidelines, Sirzechs was thinking, 'Nevermind'.

"Too late!" Naruto smirked and two puffs of smoke appeared beside him to reaveal two exact copies of Naruto standing there with the same smirk on their faces. The spectators gasped out in shock at the boy's power, especially Koneko. If she was right, these were Shadow Clones, her sister had told her about all about Ninjutsu after all.

"Let's do it boys!"

"Yeah, boss!" the clones screamed out and began to throw the kunais everywhere alongside the real Naruto. Beowulf's eyes widened when a few seconds later, the whole area was filled with tri-pronged kunais, creating the perfect battlefield for Naruto.

The clones disappeared and Naruto held his own kunai tightly in his hand and said out seriously.

"Let the game's begin!" And then disappeared in a flash of yellow.

Outside the barrier, the spectator saw nothing but blinding flashes of yellow around Beowulf, so fast that even Souji found it hard to keep up with the boy's speed. Inside the barrier, Naruto was punching Beowulf while teleporting all around like there was no tomorrow. The older Pawn tried to catch him but failed as the boy was too fast.

Darkness began slowly filling his vision as he was getting weaker until finally Beowulf lost consciousness and fell to the ground. Naruto reappeared in front of Beowulf's unconscious body and fell to his knee, breathing hard. His power was really tiring to use and this was the first time he had used his kunai this many so many times. Still kneeling, he could feel his consciousness slowly drifting away from his body and began to fall to the ground. The last thing he saw was a mass of crimson hair before darkness completely took him.

Naruto woke up the second time in a day but this time, he could see he was in someone else's room. The room was really girly with pink all over the place. There were a lot of teddy bear and all kinds of stuff animals. In the middle of the room was a flat screen TV and DVD player, next to the TV was a large bookcase filled with books, which by the look of it were...manga books.

"Oh, Naruto-kun, you woken up!"

Naruto looked at towards the sound and saw Rias sitting on a chair facing a large mirror and brushing her crimson hair with a pink comb with her looking very happy.

"Rias-chan, why am I in your room?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"Oh, I had asked my parents if you could sleep with me!" Rias smiled happily, "And guess what, they accepted… but I think Onii-tama wasn't happy about that…Oh well!" She stood up and began to take off her clothes, making Naruto blush furiously and turn away.

"Hey…What are you doing?!" He tried not to scream out, it was night time and he didn't want to wake up everybody here.

"Hmm? Oh, I can't sleep with my clothes on Naruto-kun!" She answered him with her own smile, her cheeks reddening a little when she finished taking off her clothes and climbed onto the bed and hugged Naruto tightly, making Naruto cheeks even redder than before "What? You a problem with it?" She asked with a glare.

"Ah, no, no, of course not!" Naruto quickly defended himself 'I hope she changes her mind in the future. I mean, she wouldn't want to sleep with a boy while naked in the future…Would she?' Naruto asked himself in his mind and didn't know how wrong he was.

"Hey, Naruto-kun...?"


"Promise me, that you will never leave my side…And never do anything that will worry me!"


"Promise me…!" Rias said softly and hugged him even tighter "Just like when we promised each other that day!" she brought out her pinkie finger and showed it to Naruto. The boy looked at her curiously but smiled and nodded his head.

"I promise!" He hooked his finger to hers and the two of them smiled brightly.

Next chapter