
Chapter 18

"Now that everyone has arrived, I will say the precondition for the meeting. The people here, present, acknowledge the most important and forbidden subject. The absence of God," Naruto sat quietly and listened to the conversation between each leader. Glancing over at Sona, he saw that the girl hadn't shown any surprise at the paramount news. It was possible she had known beforehand. Serafall, the most likely suspect, could have told her everything after Rias' report to her brother, Sirzechs, on the Holy Sword incident.

"Then, acknowledging that, let's start the meeting," with that, Sirzechs' statement, the conference of the Three Factions began.

The conference progressed as smoothly as Naruto had expected. Neither sides held any ill intent for either group despite having fought the others in the distant past.

"That is true. That way way would be better. If it's like now, certainly the three great powers will go down the road of destruction."

It was the truth. Currently, Fallen Angels had the lowest population without direct means for bolstering their numbers. Angels had the Brave Saints system and Angeloids to increase their population while the Devils had the Evil Piece system. If another war broke out it was hard to say which side would be first to perish.

"Well we don't have any particular thing to fuss over."

Turning his head to Issei and Asia, Naruto saw that the two have a hard time comprehending what the leaders were discussing.

Naruto felt Rias take his hand in her own. Her hand was shaking. Naruto could feel how nervous she was, and squeezed her hand gently trying his best to ease her nerves. Once Rias show Naruto's encouraging smile, her nervousness slowly faded away as she knew Naruto was here with her.

"Now then, Rias. Could you speak about the incident a few days before?"

"Yes, Lucifer-sama."

After being urged by Sirzechs: Rias, Sona and Akeno stood up. They each talked about a part of the Kokabiel's recent attack. And everyone belonging to the three great powers listened. Rias summarized the events of the incident in a calm manner. She was nervous when Sirzechs called her name, of course, her nerves were so shot that when she talked her hands balled into shaky fists. Before her, the memories of her imminent death, of Kokabiel, of when Naruto returned to save her again.

Rias knew that with her speech she would change the atmosphere, which didn't really matter as it was already heavy and tense. Naruto sighed, he should have been the one who stood up and talked. Leaving the burden to a young girl to shoulder, Devil or not, who wasn't eighteen yet wasn't like him. But Rias had been there from the beginning whereas he only appeared at the end; therefore, she was more suited to describe it.

Each representative of each faction, who heard the report, had their own reactions. One sighed, someone scowled and another smiled.

"That is all. The report which was I, Rias Gremory, and the household devils over there experienced."

Rias, who had said everything, finally sat down down upon hearing Sirzechs' 'Good word, sit down'. When Rias sat down, Naruto smiled at her and mouthed the words 'Good job'. Rias nodded with her own smile and clasped Naruto's hand with her own loving the feeling of his much bigger hand entwined around her own.

"Thanks, Rias-chan,"

Serafall also sent a wink towards Rias. Okay, Naruto thought inside of his head, maybe she was still a bit childish and didn't change her personal much just like the leader of Grigori.

"Now then, Azazel. After hearing this report, I want to hear the opinion of the Governor of the fallen angels."

Upon Sirzechs questioning, everyone's gaze was concentrated on the black haired Governor.

"Regarding the incident a few days back, Kokabiel, a leader of our Central Organisation, Grigori, kept quiet to the other leaders, as well as to me, the Governor, and acted independently. His disposal was done by Naruto-kun and the lovely pinked haired Angeloid. After that, in the organisation's court martial his punishment was enforced. His punishment is eternal freezing in the Cochytes. He can't come out anymore. The explanation for that, everything was written in the material that was forwarded to you, right? That is all." Azazel started talking after letting out an intrepid smile "Naruto-kun can vouch for me."

"Yes, Azazel-san," Naruto nodded his head speaking for the first time since the meeting had started.

"As the explanation, it is the worst category, but I know about the story of you personally not wanting to make anything big occur against us. Is that true?" Michael said while sighing.

"Aah, I don't have any interest in wars. The times Kokabiel disparaged me don't you have to report that as well," Azazel said. Naruto clearly remembered Kokabiel when he visited the Grigori long ago. Kokabiel said quite a lot of bad things about his bosses and didn't accept a lot of things including Azazel's methods.

"Azazel, I want to ask one thing but, why have you been gathering owners of Sacred Gears for the past decades? At first I thought you were gathering humans, and attempting to augment your battle potential. I even anticipated you to wage war against heaven or us but…." This time it was Sirzechs who asked Azazel.

"Yes, no matter how much time passed, you didn't wage a war against us. When I heard you had gotten hold of the Vanishing Dragon, I was enveloped by a strong wariness." The Archangel Michael shared the same sentiments as Sirzechs.

Hearing the two's concerns, Azazel smiled bitterly.

"It was for the sake of Sacred Gear research. If that's the case, should I send a part of the research materials to you as well? Even if I did research, I wouldn't wage a war against you or anything. I don't have any interest in war at this late of an hour. I am perfectly satisfied with the world right now. I have strongly ordered my subordinates, 'Don't interfere with the human world's politics', you know? I have no intention of intervening in religion either, nor to influence the business of the devils. Damn does my faction have the least trust?"

"That's true."

"That's right."

"That's exactly it."

Sirzechs, Michael and Serafall opinion coincided. Naruto, deadpanning, massaged his forehead with his free hand. Naruto wondered how far he, Azazel; the Governor of Fallen Angels, was not trusted. Maybe after his meeting Azazel will consider getting serious for once in his life.

"Che. I thought you were better than God or the last generation's Lucifer, but you guys are troublesome people yourselves. Sneakily researching doesn't get along well with you, huh. Ah, I got it. Then, let's make peace. Originally wasn't that the intention as well? Angels and Devils as well?" Upon hearing that, Azazel uninterestedly picked at his ears.

On Azazel's sentence, each faction was surprised for a small interval.

Rias beside Naruto, and even Sona besides her are considerably surprised. It seems like Azazel's peace speech was quite a thing to be surprised at.

"Yes, I also planned to propose peace to the Devils and Grigori. Even if we continue the relationship of the three factions like before, then it will become damaging to the world right now. I, the leader of the angels, say it since the original cause of the war God and Maou-sama have been annihilated." Michael, who was surprised by Azazel's proposal, smiled. He said that he wants peace in this interval.

Azazel burst out laughing at Michael's words.

"Ha! That stubborn Michael has started to speak. Even though he was all about God, God, God before."

"….I have lost a lot of things. However, there's no helping seeking for things that aren't present. It is our duty to guide humans. We members of the Seraph have the same opinion that the most important thing is to watch over the children of God from now on as well, and to guide them."

"Hey hey, with your speech just now, you'll 'fall' you know? I thought that, but you took over the system, right. It's become a good world. It's completely different from the time when we 'fell'," Azazel grinned.

"We are the same. Even if the Maou aren't here, in order to continue the species, Devils too have moved forward as well. Even we wouldn't want war. If there was another war, the Devils will be destroyed." Sirzechs shared having the same opinion as the leader of Heaven. The situation has improved since then.

"Yes. If we do another war, the three factions will definitely be mutually destroyed. And then, it will affect the human world as well, and the world will end. We can't rage war now." Azazel nodded at Sirzechs' words. Azazel's joking mood disappeared, and serious expression replaced it.

"Do you think a world without God is wrong? Do you think a world without God would decay? I am sorry to say but that isn't the case. You and I are both living healthily like this," Azazel said while opening his arms.

Even without a God everyone still lived in this world, and Naruto understand that matter clearly by the two years he lived with Angels in Heaven.

"And, is this it?"

On Sirzechs sentence, the VIPs release a huge sigh. Somehow or other, the usual important conversation was finished.

Naruto, looking at the clock, saw that it bad been at least one hour since the conference began.

As Grayfia dutifully served tea as the waitress, Michael directed his gaze towards Issei.

"Now then, the discussion has considerably been solved in a good direction, is it all right if we hear about the matter of Sekiryuutei-dono soon."

Issei became the focus of everyone's gaze. The poor boy felt extremely nervous. Taking a deep breath, he glanced at Asia a few seconds before with all of his calm, "Asia it it alright if I ask Michael-san about you?"

"If Ise-san wants to ask about it, then I don't mind. Since I trust Ise-san," Asia was surprised , but she consented and smiled lovingly at him.

"Why did you exile Asia?"

Naruto nodded his head, because he too was confused when he found out that a holy maiden as pure as Asia had been exiled from the church for simply healing a Devil. She merely showed kindness for another living being how did that justify her banishment? Naruto didn't understand how this 'system' worked sometimes.

"I can only apologize for that . . . After God's death only the system to govern divine protections, mercy and miracles remained. The system was, if I can explain it simply, the system to perform the miracles and etcetera God did. God made the system and used it to bring miracles above ground. To bring the effect of holy things like exorcism and crosses. These too are the system's powers," Michael replied in an earnest manner.

"After God died, an error in the system occurred . . . is that what you are saying?" Issei asked with uncertainty in his voice.

At his question, Michael nodded his head.

"To be honest, it takes a big toll on anyone who uses it with the exception of God. With me as the centre, everyone of the Seraphim were able to somehow start up the system but….. compared to the time God existed, the divine protection and mercy to those who believe in God is not complete. It's an unfortunate thing, but those who can be granted salvation are limited.

For that, there was a need to keep away those people related to the church who could possibly cause an influence on the system. As an example of those who can cause influence on the system, a part of the Sacred Gear such as Asia Argento's Twilight Healing is included as well. Your Boosted Gear and also Divine Dividing as well."

"Asia is included because she can heal Devils and Fallen Angels as well?"

Once again Michael nodded his head.

"Yes. If there is a person who can heal Devils and Fallen Angels present within the followers, it will influence the faith of the ones around her. The source of us living in heaven is the faith of believers. Because of that, Twilight healing is a forbidden Sacred Gear which can cause an influence on the system. And also, as an example of influence on the system-"

"The people who know about the non-existence of God, right?" Xenovia interrupted Michael who continued.

"Yes, that's right, Xenovia. To lose you is a serious wound even for us. But if apart from us, Seraphim and a part of the higher ranking angels, if a fair amount of people who know about the non-existence of God approached the place with a direct connection then there would be a huge effect on the system. I apologise. There was no other way, but to make you and Asia Argento heretics."

Michael bowed his head to Asia and Xenovia. The girls just stared in wonder. Naruto knew that they would be troubled on how to respond it wasn't everyday that you had a great leader of a Faction bow to you.

"No, Michael-sama, please don't apologise. Even like this, till I reached this age I was brought up by the church, I somehow felt it was a bit irrational. But if you know the reason then there's nothing such as asking why," Xenovia shook her head and smiled.

"The fact that you were reincarnated as a Devil, that is our crime."

"It's al right . . . I regretted it a bit, but the things that I couldn't do when I was serving the church, the things that were sealed from me are now brilliantly colouring my everyday life. If I say these words, I may anger the other believers but . . . I am satisfied with my current life," Xenovia smiled gently. Anyone could tell her smile was earnest and not a facade. She was a girl who lacked proper education on living a normal life. Naruto experienced that the hard way. But she wasn't a bad girl at all.

Asia, who shared Xenovia's feelings, said with her hands clasped together.

"Michael-sama, I also feel the same. I am happy. Since I now have a lot of important people. And also I have met and talked with the Michael-sama, who I admired, it's an honor!"

Michael let out a small smile in relief. The Archangel still cared a lot about them, even though they had become Devils.

"Sorry, I am grateful for your forgiving hearts. I leave Durandal to you, Xenovia. Since it is the blood sister of Sirzechs then I am at ease that it won't be used for unjust causes."

"It seems my subordinates killed her while keeping quiet about it. I received that report as well." Azazel was looking at Asia. Asia also noticed it, and her body trembled. The Fallen Angel leader, Azazel, exchanged a look with Naruto for a moment before Naruto slightly shook his head at which Azazel smiled.

"That's right, Asia died once. E-even I was killed by a Fallen Angel but above that Asia! It may be something that occurred in a place you don't know, but the Fallen Angel girls, who admired you, killed Asia for your sake," Issei, his voice risen, said vehemently to Azazel.

Rias tried to warn the boy by saying, "Calm down, Issei."

"It's true we Fallen Angels are eliminating those Sacred Gear users who may cause harm to us. As an organisation, it's obvious right? Sensing that a person may become a threat in the future, then if we know about it beforehand, you'll want to eliminate him. And because of that you died. The reason is, the human with no talent, you, could have run wild with the power of the Sekiryuutei without being able to control it, and would have a bad effect on us or the world."

"Thanks to you, I am a Devil."

"Do you dislike it? At the very least, those around you are happy that you became a Devil."

"I-I don't dislike it! Everyone is a good person and I know that I am receiving favorable treatment. However, even if I apologize now, it's too late. That's why, I am thinking of doing something that only I can do to make you stand on both your legs," A confused expression appeared on Issei's face.

"Now then, it's time we hear the opinion of people other than us, those who seem like they can influence the world. From the invincible Red Dragon-sama to Vali. What do you want to do to the world?" At Azazel's question, Vali only smiled.

"If I can fight strong guys, then it's fine." Vali locked his eyes directly at Naruto, but the blond just smiled. He had expected Vali to say something like that.

"Then, Sekiryuutei, what about you?"

"To be honest, I don't understand it well. Somehow due to all the fastidious stuff my head is in chaos. In addition to that, I am desperate about looking after my junior devil, so even if I am told what I think about the world, how should I say it, I don't have feelings gushing forth," Issei scratched his cheek and smiled nervously.

"However, you are one of those who has the power to move the world. If you don't make your choice then it would be difficult for those standing on top of each of the powers such as me to move," Azazel leaned on. Issei immediately knew he was in trouble.

"Hyoudou Issei, then let me explain it in a very simple manner. If we fight, then there will be a need for you to also fight at the front stage. If that happens, you won't be able to form your Harem if I remember right," Vali said casually. Naruto, looking down with his hand on his forehead, tried his best not to laugh. Even Issei's destined rival knew about the boy's perverted dream.

"W-What….did you…say?"

"If we make peace, then there won't be a need to fight. If that happens, then what's left that is the most important is continuation of the species and prosperity. You may be able to endeavor in making children with your harem or should I say Asia Argento in this matter everyday. How's that? Is it easy to understand? If there's a fight, then there's no sex. If there's peace then you can have sex all the time. Which will you choose?" For the first time in his life, someone's words reached the bottom of Issei's heart. Asia was blushing like crazy, and tried her best to hide her face from everyone. Rias and Akeno tried to calm down the blushing girl or else she would faint right there from embarrassment.

"I would like to have the peace please! Yes! Peace is good! Peace is the best! I want to do ecchi things with Asia, with my incoming Harem!" Issei proclaimed without shame putting down his desire for all to hear.

Um… I, since I am an idiot, the meaning of the ninety percent of the content of this conference are obscure. However, what I can say is, since the power residing in me is strong then I'll use it for my comrades. Buchou, Asia, Akeno-san and also the other members as well. If they're exposed to trouble then I'll protect them!

. . .

Wait, I am still quite weak though. However, what I can do is about that. Even if I have to risk my life, I will live alongside my comrades-."

"You're truly something Issei Hyoudou-kun, now we go to the next person" Sirzechs fitted his eyes on Naruto and said with a warm smile, "Uzumaki, Naruto"

"Uh, what?" Naruto replied in the most intellectual way, for him, when it came to these kind of things. Everyone's locked their eyes on him, Every person in the room looked at him with very different expressions. Love, adoration, admiration and even . . . lust. Naruto shuddered when he noticed Serafall smiling at him, slyly, as she slowly licked her lips. That kind of mature face didn't match with her innocent and childish appearance.

"Argh," Azazel scolded, "here we go again kid. Don't you get it? You are the person here with the deepest connection with all Three Factions and even the Youkai Faction. You are friends with that noisy Michael and his sister here. Then you're the Pawn of Sirzechs Lucifer. And you best me in fishing . . . damn it kid, how can I beat you?"

"Hey, it's not my fault," Naruto deadpanned while everyone sweated dropped.

"If Azazel is finished complaining, can I ask you something Naruto-sama?" Gabriel suddenly interposed with a graceful smile. The Devils all dropped their jaws when they heard Gabriel address Naruto with the '-sama' suffix. Azazel muttered something about troublesome woman.

"Of course you can Gabriel-chan," Naruto nodded his head, completely oblivious to the deathly glares directed at him by the girls around him. They suddenly knew something more to Naruto's and Gabriel's relationship than they thought at first. They doubted the two just looked at each other as friends. At least with Naruto.

"It is about Ikaros-chan? What do you think about her," Gabriel asked. Naruto eyes widened, he would have never expected her to ask him something like that, "You can say that I am her mother in away Naruto-sama." She smiled, "I am the one who gave her the heart, the one who woke her up and gave Ikaros her mission that would be serving you for eternity."

"Wait, the Angel Ikaros talked about was you?" Naruto asked shocked, "Wow, I never thought it was you who gave her that order," Naruto scratched the back of his head before saying, "Well, aside from her lack of emotions, she is definitely a good girl. She helped a lot without questioning why. I would like her to view me as a friend or a family member rather than her master. But seeing that she will never change her mind, I gave up on that long ago."

"That's good Naruto-kun," Michael smiled, "unfortunately as a precaution, Ajuka-san burned all the data and information on Ikaros' creation and power, so we can only create normal Angeloids. That means we can't create an Angeloid of Ikaros' caliber nor can we help you with her emotions," he shook his head sadly.

"Ikaros, who is she anyway?" Serafall asked curiously, "Can I meet her?" She looked at Naruto with excitement in her eyes.

Naruto opened his mouth to say when he suddenly felt that sensation, the sensation of Gasper's Sacred Gear, Forbidden Balor View.

Walking up to the window, Naruto looked around the school with his Sharingan activated.

It seemed that his early uncertainty was not without warrant. A lot of magicians were firing their magic at the building, but it was stopped by the magical barrier. They had been attacked by an unknown terrorist group, and worst of all they had captured Gasper using his Sacred Gear to time freeze everyone. All the leader plus Vali were relatively unaffected whereas Rias talked, worriedly, to Ravel, who had his energy cloak encasing her just like before. Kiba held his Holy Demonic sword while Xenovia pulled out her Durandal from her dimensional storage. Issei looked around nervously, not doubt he was really worried about Asia. Akeno, Koneko, Asia and Sona, all of them had been frozen by Gasper's power.

Magicians kept appearing from magic circles. There were a lot of hem outside, and each had the power of a mid-class Devil. It would be hard to fight them all at once. Naruto wanted to use his Kage Bushin and charge outside, but Azazel said that he should keep his strength because who knew what the enemy had in store for them.

Well, it wasn't like he would get tired if he created a few hundred or thousand clones anyway. Naruto thought inside his head to himself.

"Most likely, they used a Sacred Gear or magic that transfers power on the half-vampire kid's Sacred Gear, and forcefully made it go into Balance Breaker state. It's only a temporary Balance Breaker state, even then, to think that it even affects people present in the interior of objects outside the field of vision So that half-vampire's potential ability was this high. Well, it seems that he lacks the output to stop us top-position guys, though."

Azazel explained to Issei while pointing outside. Gasper was strong and those magicians had increased his power but they still couldn't stop the strongest and unique people in this room. Luckily for Ravel, she had the connection with him so she didn't have to worry about being frozen as long as she kept drawing Kurama's power though him.

"But they transferred power? There are other Sacred Gears with that kind of ability?"

"Boosted Gear combines together both, the nearly endless doubling ability and the transfer ability. There exist independent Sacred Gears with either of these respective powers. The doubling Sacred Gear and transfer Sacred Gear. All the Longinus are just a combination of one ability with another. Essentially, they combine powerful abilities that aren't supposed to be combined.

Maybe the [Longinus] are born because of a kind of bug, errors in the [Sacred Gear program] constructed by God. That is a theory that we, Grigori have devised. If I had to say it in an easy way for you to understand. It's a fact that there are other powers that can transfer."

"To make it short, Gasper has been made into a terrorist weapon at the old school building. Just where did they get the information on my servant? Moreover, for them to use his power to go after this important meeting. Never have I been so insulted like this!" Rias was emitting a dangerous aura.

"By the way, the armies of the Fallen Angels, Angels and Devils outside of this school building all seem to be have been stopped as well. Geez, Rias Gremory's family is just dreadful," Azazel put a hand on Rias's shoulder, but Rias mercilessly brushed the hand away.

"No," Naruto suddenly said looking up at the sky, "Not all of them."

Everyone followed Naruto's example and turned their sight to the sky. A white and pink blur zoomed across the sky singlehandedly confronted the terrorists. Ikaros was defeating magician after magician with her power and Artemis. The barrier that the magicians have constructed around them was shattered completely by her. However, while Ikaros was doing a commendable job on her own, she would soon be outnumbered and have trouble dealing with all of them if they didn't help her soon.

"That Angeloid," Azazel scratched his chin when Ikaros created a shield around her, "right, so we got her take over the sky for us, the problem would be the one on the ground then."

"Something is not right with those magicians" Naruto muttered and pointed his hand to the magician who had been killed by Ikaros' Artemis. His body cracked and the area he had been struck by exploded before reforming back into his normal body. The magician stood up stood up and continued to fight her.

"It can't be . . ." Naruto heard Kurama mutter in his head. The a memory flashed through Naruto's mind when he saw how the magician had reformed himself and lived. He took a step back at the sudden memory entering his mind which brought a slight pain to his head.

"Don't tell me they are already…"

"Dead. A few of them are already dead and have been brought back to life," Naruto said removing his hand from his head. He was nervous all of a sudden, "We can't kill them. They can only be sealed."

"How do you know all this?" Azazel asked with his eyebrows rose high. He hadn't heard of this kind of power before.

"I don't know . . . when I saw it, a memory, I remembered," Naruto muttered making everyone's eyes widen, no more than Rias, "the, the name of the technique is Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei. It's a technique that uses a living person as a vessel. A deceased person's soul can be called back to the world of the living and bound to it. The vessel will then take on the form that person had in life, thereby reincarnating them to their summoner's binding," Naruto gripped the kunai in his hand tightly, "and unlike when they were still alive, they have unlimited power and stamina."

"We're in deep trouble," Azazel scratched his head, "They'll keep appearing, and the dead would come back even as we knock them down."

"Can't we escape from here?"

Azazel shook his head at Issei question.

"We can't escape. As long as the barrier enclosing the entire school isn't dissolved, we can't go outside. But, if the barrier is dissolved, damage may be taken in the human world. We have to wait for the enemy boss to appear. If we shut ourselves in here for a while, they'll get tired of waiting and show their faces. I'd like to know who the mastermind is quickly. Besides, if we go out and rampage imprudently, we may just do exactly as the enemy wishes."

"We need to save Gasper first," Naruto said turning his head to the old school building. Everyone nodded their head in understanding.

"I'll go. Gasper is my servant. It's my responsibility to take him back," Rias stepped forward with a determined look on her face.

"I thought I said it before. I understand my younger sister's personality. However, how will you go to the old school building? The new building is filled with magicians outside the new school building. The usual transfer magic has been blocked by magic."

"No, not all magic," Naruto said, before Rias could answered Sirzechs' question, while fingering the tri-pronged kunai in his hand, "I can teleport there using the kunai I gave Gasper before coming here. I will go with Rias and save Gasper while everyone stays here and protects the school."

"I will go too," Issei raised his hand, "I want to save Gasper too!"

"No Issei-kun, you should stay here" Naruto scratched his chin, "Your support by transferring boosts would be more helpful fighting here then on a covert mission like I am about to undertake. Plus, I saw a few magician girls outside for you," Naruto smirked slyly and quickly received a slap to the back of his head from Grayfia. Sirzechs winced as he saw the blow Naruto received. It was a good thing that Grayfia didn't teach Sara her methods, "Ouch, what was that for?"

"Nothing, Naruto-sama" Naruto massaged his head to ease the pain. Grayfia sure knew how to hit, maybe it was a payback for slapping her ass so much.

"Anyway, we shouldn't waste time anymore," Naruto said taking Rias' hand in his. He turned his head to Ravel and smiled.

"Be careful alright Ravel-chan," Naruto said, seriously, to her, "That cloak will protect you but that doesn't mean you should go outside and fight recklessly okay?"

"Hai Naruto-sama," Ravel nodded her head with a smile.

"Wait Naruto-chan," Serafall suddenly shot out and kissed his cheek softly before pulling back, "for luck!" she winked making Naruto's cheek redden.

"Thank you Sera-chan," Naruto smiled while the other girls just glared at him and Serafall.

"Good luck to you too Naruto-sama," a soft pair of lips suddenly touched his cheeks, and everyone watch shocked when they saw Gabriel kissing Naruto. She pulled back with an innocent smile on her face, her cheeks dusted pink, and behind her Grayfia was holding back an angry Serafall.

"Hehe, thank you" Naruto smiled and turned back to Rias "Let's…"

"Wait Naruto-kun," Azazel called out to Naruto. A horrified expression appeared on Naruto's face but Azazel just laughed loudly, "I'm not going to kiss you kid. Here," he brought out ring with multiple layers of strange characters carved into them, "This bracelet will help control the vampire kid's Sacred Gear to a degree. If you find the aforementioned half-vampire kid then put it on him. It will help him control his power somewhat."

"Alright," Naruto nodded his head, "be careful everyone."

"You too Naruto," Sirzechs nodded his head, "Protect my sister, will you."

Naruto nodded his head and disappeared in a flash of yellow with Rias. As soon as Naruto had disappeared, the window of the room explode and the already unfrozen Devils immediately charged outside ready to fight.

Rias' vision blurred until she realized she was in the clubroom. Without warning, Naruto's hand, on top her head, pushed her down as a magic fire ball zoomed right pass where they were standing.

"—! Impossible, they've transferred here!"

"Damn devils!"

Conjuring the power of destruction in her hand, Rias blasted the nearest magician immediately turning him into nothingness. From Naruto's hand, a kunai shot itself at the magician that tried to sneak behind them. Then in a flash, Naruto reappeared in front of her and slammed his fist into her gut knocking her out. The enemy had focused the majority of their forces outside, but this wasn't the time to underestimate their enemy.

"Senpai, Buchou!" Gasper's voice alerted both of them. Rias and Naruto turned their head to the boy who was being chained to the chair by ropes. A piece of paper bag was on his head.

"Gasper! I'm so glad that you're safe," Rias smiled in relief

"Buchou . . . It's already too late . . ." Gasper broke out in tears, "It's better if . . . I die. Please, Buchou, senpai. Please kill me . . . because of these eyes, I can't make friends with anyone . . . I'm only a bother . . . and a coward . . ."

"Hey, don't say such things Gasper-kun," Naruto jumped up and kicked a magician in the head.

"Yes, Gasper! Don't say such a stupid thing. I won't abandon you, you know? When I transferred you into my family, I said it, right? That now that you've been reborn, you will live for me, and will also find a way of life that can satisfy you."

". . . I just couldn't find it. For me, who just causes trouble . . . to have value in living is . . ." Gasper shook his head. It seemed that her words once again couldn't reach the poor boy.

"You're my servant and part of my family. I won't abandon you so easily. Even though it was finally possible for you to be free."

"That's right, Gasper-kun! Rias and I won't abandon you. Be strong okay, we will get you out of here."

A magician suddenly appeared beside Gasper and struck him in the face. She seized Gasper by the hair all the while sneering. Now that Naruto thought about it, most of the magicians here were females. It would have been easier if they brought Issei.

"You people are so stupid. It's foolish how you treat such a dangerous half vampire normally. It's just as the old Maou faction says. The Gremory family is as dumb as they are deeply affectionate and overflowing with power." The magician looked at Rias and sneered, "Maybe you would have gotten more value if you'd quickly brainwashed this half-vampire and used him effectively as a tool? If you had made his Sacred Gear run amok and threw the berserk child into a territory of opposing Fallen Angels, he might have taken out a leader in his rampage. Why didn't you do that? Could it be that you intend to treat a servant as a close friend?"

Naruto scowled. This magician's words sat wrong with Naruto who was ready to take her out when Rias held out her arm to stop him. A calm expression on her countenance.

"I…treasure my servants," she announced calmly as she waved away a magic bullet aimed at her. The result of Naruto's training had finally paid off, but her clothes wasn't as powerful as her body, so a part of her sleeves were singed. Her skin was visible to view for now.

"What a cheeky mouth you have. Also, I don't like how you're beautiful even though you're a devil, daughter of Gremory." her words were coated in jealousy. The magician put a blade at Gasper's neck "You move and this child dies. Let's have some fun." The magician stuck out a hand, and started releasing even more magic. Rias wasn't showing any sign of avoiding it, but rather she blocked all of it with her hand. When compared to Naruto's blows these magic bullets were like throwing pieces of erasers at her.

"Gasper, please cause me a lot of trouble. I'll scold you over and over again! I'll comfort you! I'll never let you go!" Rias smiled kindly to the boy.

"B-Buchou . . . I . . . I!"

Gasper broke into tears. But, it was from neither fear nor sadness. Naruto nodded his head with a warm smile. His childhood friend wasn't the little girl who she used to be anymore. She was now a leader of her own family, a loving and caring leader.

"Don't run away! Don't be afraid! Don't cry! Me! Naruto-kun! Akeno! Asia! Kiba, Koneko, Ravel-chan and Xenovia as well! We're all your friends, your family. We will absolutely never abandon you! We won't do something like leave you out!" Rias screamed out with her releasing all her power of destruction. The old building shook uncontrollably under the pressure of her power. She had gotten stronger now, and she would be the one who protected her family.

"Well said Rias-chan" Naruto smirked, A blue aura coalesced around him before bursting into a wave of blue flame like energy. They both attack at the same time.

It didn't take for Naruto and Rias to clear out the magicians surrounding Gasper. Rias' mastery over the power of destruction made leaps and bounds after Naruto's training. She easily erased the barrier and magician behind it with a normal magic infused bullet.

Lowering his body, Naruto slashed the ropes that bound Gasper to free the boy after the last witch was properly tied and secured in the corner of the room.

"Gasper," Rias hugged the boy lovingly "I'm so glad you were safe," she smiled to him

"Now please put this on. This will help stem your powers Gasper-kun. Free everyone," Naruto handed Gasper the bracelet, Azazel had given him, gently.

"I-I-I will t-try" Gasper timidly said before putting the bracelet on his wrist. Naruto felt the presence of Forbidden Balor View fade away, and nodded his head. Everyone was unfrozen and back to normal now. They joined the fight outside. Naruto should be there soon to join in the fray.

"Let's go Rias-chan, Gasper-kun. There is another battle waiting for us outside," Naruto said and led the two of them outside. Gasper was extremely nervous, but he also wanted to help so the boy slowly walked out with Naruto and Rias while hiding behind the crimson haired girl.

Naruto could only described the scene outside as a battlefield. The leaders of each Faction had created a barrier, collectively, to protect the school from harm while Azazel was fighting an opponent, which Naruto recognized as Cattleya Leviathan. She was the old Maou who was replaced by Serafall. He recognized her immediately, because he had seen her in an old book before. If their enemy was an Old Maou, and based on the words of the magician Naruto fought in the clubroom then, the terrorists were all part of the Old Maou faction.

Naruto thought to himself, 'This isn't good at all,' and created a clone to protect Rias and Gasper. He quickly jumped into the fray confronting the undead magicians. Everyone was having trouble fighting the magicians who were under the effect of Edo Tensei, so Naruto would have to fight and seal them away by himself. While the magicians and terrorists had unlimited power it wasn't enough to take him on with power alone. Naruto didn't know much about sealing magic or had anything in his arsenal to seal away the undead magicians, but he could still damage them enough so it would take a long time for them to reform.

Naruto appeared right behind Ravel, who had her flaming wings outstretched.. Due to the power she received from him, her wings were larger and the heat of her flames rivaled Yasaka's if he was right. The blond drills-like hair girl was throwing gigantic flaming orbs to the undead magicans and cause them a great deal of damages.

"Naruto-sama," Ravel let out a sigh of relief, and smiled brightly at him, "I'm so glad you're okay, what about Gasper-kun and Rias-sama?"

"They are fine," Naruto nodded his head. Summoning a giant shuriken, Naruto hurled it at group of overzealous, hopeful magicians closing in on Akeno and Koneko.

"There are too many undead Naruto-sama," Ravel said quickly.

"We have to find the summoner. Try to locate him Naruto," Kurama said to Naruto while thinking to himself, 'There are only two people I know who can use this Jutsu against us, and if 'he' brought one of them here and brought him back then we are in big trouble.'

Closing his eyes, Naruto concentrated the power of Senjutsu, but a blinding flash of light interrupted him. Looking up, he saw Vali, with his wings out, and Azazel, who just landed heavily on the ground, next to Rias and Gasper.

" . . . Tch. So you're betraying me under these circumstances, Vali."

Naruto, cursing, disappeared in a flash of yellow when his clone got destroyed. Reappearing right beside Rias, he glared at the Hakuryuukou.

"Vali, what's the meaning of this?" he asked dangerously.

"That's right, Azazel, Naruto-san"

While giving off a dazzling radiance, the Hakuryuukou stood before them. Cattleya came to his side and looked at them with a smirk.

"The instant you decided on peace, arrangements were made to invoke the Sacred Gear of the kidnapped half-vampire and begin the terrorist attack. The Hakuryuukou ran wild along with me once we saw a good opportunity. It'd be good if we could bury any one of the leaders of the Three Great Powers. It was fine if the meeting was broken because of that." And she turned her head to Naruto and looked at him up and down hungrily, "Oh~ Naruto Uzumaki, you have grown up a lot since I last saw you six years ago," Naruto's eyes widened along with everyone who was listening in on the conversation between them. Naruto clenched his hand, forcefully, as a cold sweat ran down his forehead. She knew him. How did she know who he was when he never met the Old Maou before.

"What do you know about Naruto-kun?!" Rias cried out. Her voice coated in contempt for the woman in front of her.

"Rias Gremory," she smirked turning her eyes back to the blonde, "I see that you haven't killed her yet Naruto. He had been right about you. You are too soft to finish her life off and too uncontrollable. I had thought that you would kill her the moment you saw Rias Gremory six years ago when we sent you out to befriend her and then kill her, to make her death even sweeter. Haizz, I guess she had influenced you and charmed you to become her man didn't she?"

And that was the last straw breaking the camel's back.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT HUH?!" Naruto roared, and his body burst into golden flames. He shot up from the ground with a sonic boom. Vali's eyes widened at the speed Naruto moved at. The next thing he knew Cattleya had disappeared.


Everybody present on the battlefield turned their head to the sound, and saw a massive column of dirt and smoke rising from the ground. When everything cleared out, they saw Naruto standing, with his golden features and long cloak with black lines, holding Cattleya's head in his hand as he repeatedly slammed her into the ground. No one had ever seen Naruto his angry before.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HER!" He roared bringing Cattleya up to his eye level before throwing her, like a rag doll, into the sky. Then he reappeared in front of her, with his arm reared back, and punched her with all his wrath. Every bone in her face broke. She was sent shooting to the ground like a rocket. Naruto held his hand high, a large Rasengan coalesced in his palm with three normal sized Rasengans orbiting the central one. The technique reminded them greatly of a planet with three moons flying around it.

Naruto appeared right beside the lying, motionless body of Cattleya and held her up by the throat.

"Rias, she is everything to me . . . and you just insulted her," he muttered before slamming the empowered Rasengan into Cattleya's stomach sending her spiraling away in a white wave like vortex. The whirlwind tore through the ground of the academy with great power and wind before leaving the old Maou, Cattleya, planted into the wall, her body covered with her blood.

Dead or not, Naruto had just defeated a Maou-class devil.

Naruto fell to his knees and the energy around him disappeared. Tears leaked out of the corner of his eyes. 'Had it all been faked?' Naruto wondered to himself. She said he had been sent out to befriend Rias Gremory before killing her. For what? For the look of utmost betrayal as the girl imprinted the memory of her killer, her friend? If so then wasn't Naruto playing along all this time? As her best friend, he had cared for her, protected her from harm just so that someday he would kill her. Now Naruto understood his actions that day when the Youkai attacked his home to abscond with Kunou.

He was meant to kill Rias from the beginning. The void in his memory when he woke up in that comfortable bed in the castle must be his attempt of assassinating Rias.

A pair of slender arms were wrapped around his neck pulling him closer to the owner. Looking up, Naruto saw Rias, kneeling near him, smiling at him warmly.

"It's okay Naruto-kun, it's alright" Rias brought her head closer to him and rest her head on top of his.

"Rias-chan…" Naruto closed his eyes, "Thank y…"

Naruto pushed Rias off his body forcefully making her look at him in surprise. A snake shot out from the ground and sunk its fangs into his shoulder. It's fangs punctured his skin and injected venom into his bloodstream.

"NARUTO-KUN!" Rias and everyone yelled out in horror.

"Damn it, senpai," Issei with Ascalon in his hand, the weapon that Michael had lent him to fight with, broke into a dash, pumping his legs furiously. He cleanly cut the snake's body off before pulling the head from his shoulder. The affect of the toxin began when Naruto shouted in pain and fell to the ground holding his shoulder.


"Stay calm Naruto, we will heal that for you!" Kurama roared inside of Naruto's mind as red energy erupted around him purging the venom out of his system. Issei offered Naruto his hand which the blond gratefully took. Shakily, Naruto stood on his feet, his face a little pale from the agonizing ordeal.

Rias ran to Naruto, worried, but Naruto's arm shot out and pushed her back when a shadowy figure blurred in front of them. Who appeared was a man with long, black hair and pale skin. In fact, his skin mirrored the skin of a dead man. His eyes reminded Naruto of a snake's eyes. Smirking evilly, his abnormally long tongue stuck out of his mouth. He licked his lips like a maniac.


"Orochimaru?" Naruto asked, "Does this Orochimaru come from 'this' past or 'that' past?"

"He's from 'that' past Naruto," Kurama informed.

'Great, just what I need right now,' Naruto thought. He couldn't feel any life came from that man, but he was moving with a lifeless eyes but still held a really sadistic smirk. Based on the zombie's expression and movement, someone was controlling him, Naruto deduced.

The snake guy unhinged his mouth much like a snake and released a torrent of snakes after everyone. Issei thought he was going to throw up after seeing such a perturbing sight. Naruto's hand shot out grabbing the boy's collar. He jumped, with Issei in tow, as the snakes shot out from the ground where they stood before.

"Shit, we have to do this fast Rias-chan!," Naruto cursed aloud bringing up his hand. The crimson haired girl immediately understood his intention and held her palm out near Naruto's. The snakes were suddenly frozen in midair. Gasper, who stood near Akeno who in returned stood in front to the boy protectively, had his eyes glowing.

The familiar black Rasengan with a crimson aura appeared in Naruto's and Rias' palm.

"Issei, punch it like your Dragon Shot," Naruto called out when he passed the snakes.

"You got it senpai," Issei nodded, and Naruto threw him in the air a little. Issei hovered above them for a millisecond before falling down. He punched the Rasengan as hard as he could releasing all his power just like with his Dragon Shot. The orb changed slightly and grew a lot bigger. Being engulf in a reddish aura the Rasengan was shot into the ground.


The combined Rasengan flew to the ground and exploded, created a powerful wave of power of destruction. Everything came into contacted with it immediately disappeared into nothingness, all the snakes which had been frozen in the air had all disappeared when they touch the ground.

"Wow senpai" Issei said with excitement in his voice, "I never thought it could work like that. You're a genius senpai."

"Well," Naruto scratched his chin in deep thought, "I thought it was going to explode when your hand touched it, but it looks like your Dragon Shot works with the Rasengan."

"You mean…" a horrified expression appeared on his face,"you didn't know how it was going to work. Nonetheless even if it was going to work at all!?" Issei had seen the power from the combined Rasengan, firsthand. The thought of that exploding near him was something he paled at.

"Pretty much," Naruto nodded his head before his eyes turned sharp. He quickly created a clone who wrapped his arm around Rias' waste the moment of his, the clone's, creation.

"W-What're you doing?" Rias asked in confusion. Reality warped around her until she saw herself standing next to Grayfia.

"Boss wanted you to stay out of this battle Rias-chan" the Clone informed, "Issei-kun has a fight waitin for him," he said before disppearing in a puff of smoke.

Back with Naruto, he stood with Issei beside him. They stood off against Orochimaru and Vali. The Hakuryuukou hovered above the ground keeping his distance from the undead puppet.

"Ready Issei-kun? Two on two," Naruto smirked and cracked his knuckles, "Show Vali that are worhty of being his rival."

"Got it senpai," Issei said readying his Sacred Gear.

[Welsh Dragon Over Booster!]

"Go!" Naruto said. They both charged at the enemy.

Naruto brought out his kunai, strengthed by his energy, and slash at Orochimaru. He cleanly sliced off Orochimaru's arm before a pair of snakes shot out and connected the arm to his body. Naruto, using his Senjutsu, punched Orochimaru in the face. What happened next shocked him. Orochimaru's neck flew out of his body. No, actually his neck had stretched out like tensile rope. As the body fought Naruto, the head struck the side of a nearby building.

"Eww, that is the most disguting enemy I have ever seen," he heard Serafall comment. Naruto held back a chuckle, the guy sure was a freak.

The head whipped back from the wall and wrapped itself around Naruto. He smirked.

"Bad move," his entire body sparked with electricity loosing the constrictor like grip around his neck. Enough for Naruto to jumped out and slammed his foot into the pale man's abdomen sending the man fly away, but not before slinging the head along with the body into a building.

Looking over at Issei, Naruto saw that the boy was having trouble fighting Vali, but sure knew how to hold his ground against the one who could be called the strongest Hakuryuukou. Before Naruto could help him, Naruto heard a giant hiss as nine massive snake heads shot out from the building.

"Oh dear," Naruto muttered looking at the giant snake with nine heads. The fifth head openened its mouth revealing a crazily laughing Orochimaru holding a sword in his hand.

"Orochimaru?" Michael muttered "Orochi no Yamata . . ."

"Never would have imagined meeting that beast here, even though it came from a crazy snake bastard that could vomit wave of snakes" Azazel smirked while holding his right arm, "But didn't Suanno kill it before?"

"That thing," Rias said, "has something to do with Naruto-kun's past. He recognized the figure immediately."

Naruto jumped out of the way as the head crashed into the ground near him. His eyes bled red into his Sharingan before morphing into the Mangekyou Shargingan. A purple flame erupted from around Naruto and ribs materialized from blank space. The bones, flesh and the upper body of a warrior complete with a cloack formed around Naruto. The giant figure rivaled the nine headed snake.

"What is that technique again?" Sirzechs asked with an eyebrow raised "Doesn't Naruto call it Susanno?"

"Well, history repeats itself," Azazel muttered "Susanno versus Orochi no Yamata."

The Susanno formed an ethereal sword, in its hand, and began its vicious onslaught on the gigantic snake. The demonic warrier, covered in purple flames, lobbed off head after head of the snake beast. The beast tried to crush the the demonic warrior by constricting it, but Naruto punched it off him. Finally at last only the fifth head remained. Naruto thrust forward with his sword piercing the body of Orochimaru killing him instantly . . . if he was still alive that was. The undead was still there, but Grayfia and Gabriel was working together to seal all of them so he didn't have anything to worry about.

Naruto deactivated his Susanno and turned back to Issei. He saw that both rivals had fallen to their knees breathing hard. One of Issei's arms had transformed into the white gauntlet of Divine Dividing. Both of their helmets had been shattered.

"That . . . is . . . hah, for Asia's breasts . . . you asshole," Issei breathed in and out hard while gasping. He tried to stand up but failed. A hand tugged on his collar prompting the boy to stand. Issei saw the smiling face of Naruto.

"Good job Issei-kun. It's time for our counter-attack don't you think?" Naruto asked with a smile.

"Hai . . . senpai," Issei said steadying himself. Although, before either one of them could do anything, a voiced echoing through the air caught their attention.

"Vali, I've come for you."

With the moon floating in the night sky in the background, a singe silhoutte swopped down to their location. It swiftly interposed between Vali and the duo, Naruto and Issei. The man wore an armour like was comparable to one worn by a military commader of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Naruto sweatdropped. Talk about a dramatic and cool entrance.

"So it's you Bikou. What have you come for?" Vali stood up while wiping away the blood from his mouth.

"Isn't that cruel? I made a long journey and came all the way to this island country, because my partner is in a pinch, you know? The other guys were making a fuss at headquarters, you know? Because we're joining together to fight the northern country gods. You were supposed to flee and return right away if the mission failed, right? Cattleya failed to assassinate Michael, Azazel, and Lucifer, right? In that case, your observation role is also over. Come back with me."

" . . . I see, so it's already time."

"Who are you?" Issei pointed his hand to the newcomer and asked with a scold on his face.

"He's the descendat of the Victories Fighting Buddha," Azazel appeared beside them and answered Issei's question, "Let me say it with a name you can grasp. In othet words, Son Goku. The famous damn monkey from the Journey to the West."

"DAMN!" Son Goku, the four tailed monkey inside Narutom roared in indignation making Naruto chuckle.

"S-S-Son, Gokuuuuuuuu!?" Issei was so shocked that all his anger till now was blown away.

"Not Son Goku from Dragon Ball," Naruto shook his head.

"Oh, okay."

"To say it correctly, he is a person that has inherited the power of Son Goku. However, it really is the end of the world if you have joined the [Khaos Brigade]. No you're the Son Goku to the [Vanishing Dragon]. You're also well-matched."

"I'm different from the first-generation that became a Buddha. I just live doing as I like. My name is Bikou. Nice to meet you, Sekiryuutei."

He casually greeted him and then turned his head to Naruto, "Damn, nice to meet you too Black Flash, I'm a huge fan of yours."

"Uh, okay," Naruto sweat dropped, "But how do you know I'm the Black Flash anyhow?"

Instead of answering that qeustio, Bikou spun around a can, that had appeared in his hand, and then stabbed it into the ground.

Instantly, a black darkness spread over the ground. It seized Vali and Bikou, and they began to sink into the murkiness.

"Wati!" Issei called out, but Naruto stopped him with his hand and shook his head.

"I as the Hakuryuukou was occupied by the blood relative of the old Maou. The enemy isn't just Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils. Eventually we'll fight again, but at that time it will be even more intense. We'll each get stronger," Vali said to Issei before turning his sights to Naruto, "We will meet again Naruto-san, I hope to fight you as well."

Vali bowed to Naruto before both he and Son Goku vanished into the darkness.

Naruto sighed and laid his head back onto his comfy bed. It was a tiring night and he wanted a nice rest.

After healing their wounds and sealed all the Undead away, each group returned to their domain while the rest returned to their homes. The enemy had been brought to light. It was the Khaos Brigade led by the Uroboros Dragon, Ophis.

It sure was an eventful night and Naruto wanted to rest now. Everything after the battle was a blur to him as he wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep to forget what transpired tonight.

And spend some time with his favorite girl if it was possible. He wanted to be with her at the moment more than anything else. Rias, after everything, had known he was sent to reap her life. Yet, still still accepted him with open arms.

Screw the gasp between their ranks. Naruto wanted nothing more than hold her in his arms now.

"Can I come in Naruto-kun?" Rias knocked on the door a few times before stepping into the room. The crimson haired girl saw Naruto, lying on the bed, staring blankly at the buiding deep in thought. As the saying goes, 'Speak of the devil'.

She quietly sat down next to him just before Naruto sat up himself taking the spot next to her. They both stayed like that for a moment before Rias broke the ice.

"Naruto-kun, what you said to Cattleya . . ." Rias spoke quietly. Those words truly brought happiness to her heart and mind, "Is that true that I am everything to you?"

Naruto turned his head to the girl, that he secretly loved, giving her a small smile.

"Does it matter now?" Naruto asked surprising Rias greatly. He took her hand in his, "After finding out that I was sent out justo to kill you, you still accept me as your frined Rias. That is all that matters to me right now."

"I . . . I," Rias stammered and turned her head to look at Naruto. Her face was red, and she knew it. She quickly turned away so Naruto couldn't see her embrassment, but a gentle hand stopepd her. Her eyes widened when she felt Naruto, gently cup her her cheeks, and slowly turned her head to him. She could feel his breath right next to her.

Slowly, the gap between them shortened as Naruto's lips brushed against her own sending shivers down her spine. This was the first time Naruto had kissed her willingly like this. When he kissed her in the bathroom, she knew he wasn't in right of mind at that time. But right now, the kiss was soft and gentle.

Naruto kissed Rias softly on her kips enjoying the feeling of her lips on his. The lips of the girl who saved his life from the slumber of his childhood.

A few seconds later, Naruto pulled back with a soft smile on his face. Rias' face was red, but she was happy.

"Sorry about that," Naruto smiled nervously, "I just . . ."

"You don't have to worry Naruto-kun," Rias smiled and climbed onto his lap. She wrapped her slender arms around his neck, "Because I want it."

Naruto's eyes widened momentarily. The blonde took a deep, calming breath and made up hs mind. He wasn't going to wait any longer.

"Rias-chan," Naruto called her name, "will you go out with me?"

Instead of answering Naruto's question, a tear formed at the corner of her eye. She lowered her head down and kissed him softly on the lips. The crimson haired heiress, inside of her mind, cheered loudly. She had waited so long to hear those words coming from Naruto. And finally after so much waiting, she could finally become his girlfriend.

Rias pulled back and wiped the stray tear away with her hand.

"Yes, Naruto-kun," she smiled brightly at him as she lay her head on his chest.

Naruto wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him resting his head on hers. A happy expression was planted on his face. He finally had ask the girl, who he loved for so long, to be his girlfriend.

"Hey Rias-chan," but first he had a few things to say to Rias, "about Ravel-chan . . . and you know that I also like Grayfia right?"

"I don't mind as long as I am with you Naruto-kun," she smiled.

Was she jealous? Of course, she was jealous knowing she wasn't the only girl in his heart, but she would have to learn to accept that many woman wanted Naruto to be a part of their lives as much as her. Most of them were her friends, her family. Currently, she knew that only Grayfia had shown real affection toward Naruto while Ravel will be his legal fiance soon in the future. She still had plenty of time to assert her dominance as the alpha girl in Naruto's heart.

"And there is one more thing," Naruto laughed nervously scratching his cheek with his index finger. Rias would blow up when she heard this, "I mean . . . uh, Grayfia and I . . . we, uh, kinda sorta already had sex you . . ."

Before Naruto could finish that sentence Rias' body straightened, rigid, and she looked at him, eyes widened, as her mouth unhinged in pure shock. A crack appeared on her head as she comically began to break down.

"When?" she asked shortly with an innocent smile on her face. The aura of destruction appeared around her body.

"It wasn't my idea I swear," Naruto said quickly, "she said she would tie me up and rape me until I begged her for mercy if I didn't," Naruto tried to reason, but Rias was already trembling in anger, "I didn't really have much of a choice you know. She is stronger than me and . . ."

"Why didn't you use Hiraishin to teleport to me?" she asked sweetly tracing her finger slowly around his groin. Naruto felt her gathering up her power of destruction around her finger tip. He gulped dryly. One wrong move and he would be left without the ability to father children.

"I didn't want to disturb your family moment," Naruto said as Rias continued to smile sweetly.

"Was it good? To ravage her body I mean," Rias, eyes narrowed, stared dangerously right into his eyes.

"I would be a liar if I said it wasn't good," Naruto said truthfully. Speaking the truth was the best option for him right now.

"Hey Rias-chan?! What are you doing?!" he nearly cried out in shock when her finger tip released a spark of her destructive power. Then she began cutting a hole in his pants. The fabric where her finger touched disappeared letting his soft rod fall out of the gap, in front of her. And she placed her finger on his length, slowly tracing her finger up and down his junior.

Rias' eyes suddenly hardened. Naruto knew he had to act quickly. Planting his hand on the bed, he jumped backwards until his back hit the wall. Luckily, he avoided the small sphere formed with the power of destruction aimed at his crotch. Naruto was sweating bullets. She had aimed directly at his crotch. The orb burned right though the mattress like a wet paper bag. Her magic completely almost destroyed the bed burning a small hole in it.

She was trying to castrate him.

Once more, Rias climbed into his lap. The boy was too afraid to move now as he repeated what she had done before namely form an orb at her finger tip.

"Am I your girlfriend now Naruto-kun?" she smiled sweetly. Naruto, dumbly, nodded his head. It would make for an arousing sight having her trace her soft finger up and down his length sensually like that if it wasn't for the fact her finger was coated in the power she had inherited from her mother. It was a terrifying idea to think about his penis being reduced to nothing.

Warning... Lemon start.

"Good," the magic around her finger disappeared. Rias wrapped her hand around his length, "then it would be okay if I do this?"

He was big even when it was soft. She had seen his cock before, but this was the first time she felt it in her hand. It was hard for Rias to imagine what it was like when Naruto was fully aroused. A slight fear trembled through her. She really didn't think his cock would fit into her without tearing her apart. But remembering how Naruto said he ravaged Grayfia body renewed her determination. She didn't want to lose to Grayfia. Rias was sad she wasn't going to be Naruto's first, but, at the same time, she was happy Naruto was going to take her virginity.

No one would disturb them now, Rias knew it. Everyone had become too exhausted except for the stronger one like Grayfia, or Ikaros. Knowing Ravel she won't attack in here in the middle of her moment with Naruto or Grayfia, she already got her time with Naruto and now it would be her. She would show that she wouldn't lose to any of them in pleasing Naruto, even when she was against someone like Grayfia who had years of experiences.

Rias' new found courage caused her to tighten her grip around Naruto's cock as she began to gently stroke his length. Yes, she was inexperienced, but she wasn't clueless. Having a sadistic queen who tended to make Rias watch porn with said queen meant she learnt a thing or two. That and she used to read a lot of smutty manga before hiding it inside her room in the Gremory estate after she moved in with Naruto.

Naruto didn't want Rias to force herself, but the feeling of her soft hand was too good. His cock hardened a little, but it was nowhere near full mast.

"Mou~!" she pouted, "Why won't you get hard?" Rias complained. Naruto chuckled nervously. Sure the feeling was great, but it wasn't enough not for him at the least, "Am I not good enough?" she squeezed his cock.

"Rias-chan . . . we"

"What? You don't want me to do it?" Rias asked sounding a little hurt. She began to stroke his cock wildly. Naruto moaned with each jerk. She definitely knew what she was doing. Her magic dripped from down from her elbow to her hand. Naruto didn't want to think about what would happen to his cock.

"No, it's not like that," her lips spread out in a satisfied smile, "it is just that I want to develop the relationship between us more that is all. I don't want you to think I became your boyfriend just for you body and sex."

Rias was an incredibly attractive girl, and most boys would go for the boobs first and her feelings after. However, Naruto didn't want to degrade himself to such a level. He wanted to be her boyfriend because he loved Rias, not her body.

"Aw~ that is so romantic of you Naruto-kun," Rias smiled as she removed the ribbon around her collar, "but I want to do this Naruto-kun. I have waited so long for you to confess to me and I'm not going to waste a further second we have alone." She removed her shoulder cap as well as the corset. She placed her hands on the wall on each side of Naruto's head, and looked deeply into his bright azure eyes, "If you want to have sex with me then remove my shirt Naruto-kun."

Naruto gulped. He thought to himself, 'She wanted to do this.' A part of him wanted to do it with her as well, because he loved her and wanted to show her how much he cared for her. But a part of him still believed things were developing too fast.

Naruto took a deep breath and made up his mind, maybe it wouldn't be so bad at all. But if she wanted to stop then he wouldn't protest, after all this was her first time.

Bringing his hands up and earning a seductive smile from Rias, Naruto began to unbutton her shirt. His hands brushed her breasts when he got to the second button. With each button he unveiled her large cleavage. Naruto gulped seeing her large breasts being held back by a sexy black bra which was ready to burst due to the size of her cleavage. Finally finishing his task of unbuttoning her shirt, Rias' arms dropped to her sides. From there, Naruto slid the sleeves of her shirt off her body. The shirt dropped onto the bed underneath them.

All the while, he never took his eyes off of her.

Rias, slowly, unhooked her bra freeing the large breasts from their prison. They jiggled in front of his eyes. She saw Naruto's eyes widened, and he gulped. Seeing his reaction and the thought of making love with Naruto was enough to turn her on.

"Do whatever you want with them Naruto-kun they are tours," she purred and cupped her breasts. She squeezed them erotically and swayed them side to side to prove her point.

Naruto's hands shot out and grabbed her breasts. The blonde began to massage them gently eliciting a moan from Rias. Naruto's fingers sunk deeply into her incredibly soft breasts. He loved how her flesh and smooth skin wrapped around his fingers. Her breasts were bigger than Grayfia. While the older woman's breasts were more firm, the crimson haired girl's tits were way softer than her older compatriot.

Seeing her hardened nipples, Naruto, gently, began to play with them using his fingers. Rias moaned in delight when he playfully pinched her nipples. Throwing her head back, Rias enjoyed the pleasurable feeling. Moving his hands until they were underneath her tits, Naruto kneaded them. From there, Naruto brought leaned forward and took one of her nipples in his mouth.

A shot of electricity shot Rias' body the moment Naruto sucked on her hardened nub. Her face was a wreck of pleasure when she felt Naruto licking and sucking her nipple as he pinched her other pink nub with his thumb and index finger. Naruto smiled loving the voice she was making so he roughly pinched and bit on her nipples. Rias nearly screamed in pleasure when Naruto pulled on her nipple with his mouth going back as far as possible before releasing the nub from his mouth letting the natural elasticity pull her tit back into place. Naruto planted his head between her soft valley while massaging them with his hands.

Rias was breathing hard. What Naruto nearly did nearly brought her to orgasm. Her mind was filled with lust, filled with pleasure. Looking down, Rias saw Naruto sucking on her skin taking as much flesh in his mouth as he could.

But the most noticeable thing was the hard object lightly poking her stomach underneath her skirt. Seeing that Naruto had played for too long and nearly made her cum, the crimson haired girl thought it was time to return the favor.

Moving her hand underneath her skirt, she wrapped her hand around his hardened cock, and marveled at the size of it. Her small hand could barely wrap around his girth. She could feel the veins on his cock and how it twitched with her hand slowly caressing him. She hadn't seen it yet as it was still under her skirt, but by measuring it with her hand it would bring a wave of pain and pleasure when he put in inside of her.

"Rias-chan" Naruto moaned as his cock was being caressed by Rias.

"Let me please you Naruto-kun," Rias smiled and stood up. Suddenly, she felt her panties were a bit too uncomfortable to move around in right now. Deciding that she wouldn't need it, Rias turned around placing her firm ass in front of Naruto's face, just a few inches away from him. Reaching under her skirt, Rias began to slowly remove her panties.

Naruto could smell her arousal from here and it was making him more excited than before. Rias turned around with her wet panties, in hand, and threw it aside. Her breasts jiggled alluringly with each movement she made.

Rias looked down to see the monster she would please tonight and gasped in shock. He was big, bigger than any man in the porn movies she had watched with Akeno. His cock was as hard as steel and standing tall. The head was pointed right at her like it was calling out to her. Lowering her body to the bed, Rias took his length in her hand. She gave it a light stroke earning a low groan from Naruto, but he didn't protest. Rias looked around and put her hand on his belt. She pulled his pants down. It would only be in the way, so she decided to remove it.

She put her hands on his muscular thighs and lowered lowered her head down to the base of his cock. Her butt stuck out in the air, and the red skirt fell down to her hips exposing her firm rear. Rias looked at his cock for a moment before sticking her tongue out. She licked his hard tool, from the base to the head then all the way around. Naruto softly moaned in pleasure, and threw his head back resting it on the wall behind him enjoying Rias' oral skill.

"Ah," Naruto moaned out putting his hands on top of her head. He began running his fingers through her silky crimson tresses.

Rias smiled and kissed his cock lovingly. Based on the moans she was doing a good job of pleasing her partner. But the main course had yet to come, and she had yet to truly please him. His cock looked so big, and it twitched with each lick she gave. Rias cooed when a trail of pre-cum leaked out from the tip. She licked it clean loving the taste and began to want more.

"The big guy here looks like he is in so much pain. Would you like me to help him Naruto-kun?" She rubbed her cheek against his cock and looked up at him. Her hands supported her weight on his thighs.

"Please help yourself Rias-chan," Naruto grinned while looking up at the ceiling.

Rias looked at his member and saw it twitching like it was agreeing with him. Giggling slyly, Rias gave him a kiss on the head before trailing her lips all the way down to the base and then licking her way back up to the head. She then opened her mouth wide and engulfed his dick forcing her head down as far as possible until the tip was touching the back of her throat. Rias pulled back while skilfully using her lips to cover her teeth. She wanted to please him, and scraping her teeth on his length was not the way to do that.

Naruto moaned. Her mouth was so wet and warm that he wanted to bust his load right there. She certainly wasn't as skill as Grayfia, but he knew it was good and she had definitely practiced before. Rias wrapped her tongue around his head while bobbing her head up and down his length at a steady pace. She didn't even use her hands to stroke what was still outside of her mouth. It was mind blowing how she just used her mouth to please him. He nearly lost himself when he looked down to see Rias peering up at him with her big blue-green eyes. He really wanted to ram his cock down her throat, but he withheld himself at the last second.

Rias, pulling back while sucking his dick, released Naruto's cock with a loud pop and wiped away the saliva on her lips.

"Mou~ just when are you going to cum? It's been twenty minutes already," Rias scolded with a cute pout on her face.

"Hehe, I guess I can endure your treatment better than you expected eh Rias-chan?" Naruto asked while scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"Hmp~" Rias thought, and then an idea hit her.

She lowered her body and supported herself with her elbows. Rias held her breasts with her hands and crawled closer to Naruto. Naruto's eyes widened when she enveloped her breays around his big cock. She pressed them from both sides as tightly as she could. Naruto moaned in pleasure resting his head against the wall letting Rias do all the work.

Rias smiled at his reaction. Peering down, a part of Naruto's length stuck out from her valley. Even thought her breasts were big they still didn't completely envelop Naruto's dick. The crimson haired girl brought her tits up, all the while keeping her tight compression on them. When she reached the head she suddenly slammed her tits down. And she repeated the process rapidly. Naruto received wave after wave of pleasure from the tit fuck. One hand rested on top of her head while the other played with whatever part he could reach of her large jugs. Rias would add variance into her tit fuck to please Naruto like moving them in a different direction or caressing his girth with his nipples.

Alas, Rias was getting a little annoyed with the fact Naruto still hadn't cum. Just how much self control did he have anyway?

When she brought her tits down, Rias suddenly shot her head forward capturing Naruto's cock in her mouth and sucked it as strongly as she could. Naruto's eyes nearly pooped out of its sockets. It was a combo of her mouth and tits. She sucked and wrapped her tongue around his cock letting her saliva coat the pole in her mouth while moving her tits up and down rapidly. The treatment soon became too much.

"I-I'm cumming," it was all the warning Rias got before Naruto exploded in her mouth. Rias' eyes widened when her mouth was completely filled to the brim. She had to force down the thick cum as the second load shot into her mouth. Naruto continued to shot rope after rope of cum into her mouth as Rias desperately drank down his sperm. Unable to keep up with the amount, she pulled her head back while coughing. The cum running down her throat was so thick that she found it hard to swallow.

After she calmed down Rias looked up only to be met with another blast of cum. She was so surprised that she opened her mouth. Another thick rope of cum was shot into her mouth painting her lips white. Rias' eyes widened in shock as she realized Naruto had been cumming continuously when she had been coughing. Looking down at her body, she soon found herself being covered in his thick sperm. A felt a strange feeling on her face. A big dollop of cum was dripping down to the bed. Rias put her hand on her hand, and found her cheek, forehead and even lips were covered in his sperm.

And yet he was still cumming.

Seeing that Naruto was not going to stop any time soon, Rias quickly shot forward enveloping his cock, once again, in her mouth like a hungry animal. She didn't want to waste a drop of his cum. All of it was supposed to go inside her body. She would clean her face later, but now all she cared about was drinking directly from the source. Her head bobbed up and down his length, milking all the delicious milk she could get from him sucking all the cum from his cock when he finally slowed down.

Rias pulled back with a loud pop, and soon enough began attacking her own tits. Licking the cum on her skin, she greedily swallowed the thickness. Rias wiped all the sperm on fer face and brought it down to her mouth letting it slowly run from her palms to her lips then to her mouth before sliding down her throat.

Licking the last drop of cum from her finger tips, she sucked her finger clean before looking at Naruto. He was looking at her with lust filled eyes, his cock stood tall and proud as ever. Seeing that a simple oral and tit fuck wouldn't satisfy him. Rias like him wanted to go straight forward to the main entertainment.

She pulled her finger from her mouth, and used it to motion seductively for Naruto to come to her. Her lips opened slightly, and a light purr escaped from her lips.

"Come and get me" as soon as she finished her sentence, a yellow blur tackled her to the bed. A pair of strong arms gently supported her body when she hit the bed.

Naruto peered at the girl beneath him. He couldn't help but bask in her beauty. Her crimson hair splayed wildly on the bed, her hands lie beside her head, her large breasts shook with each breath she took. His eyes trailed down to her stomach and to the most sacred place on her body, her pussy. Naruto didn't know if it was some sort of supernatural quirk, but every vagina he saw lacked pubic hair. It was all neatly clean shaven not that Naruto had a problem with that.

He locked eyes with her. This was the girl who had brought meaning to his life. Without her he would likely be running around the streets still. Naruto believed that it wasn't a deadly mission assigned by a heinous villain that led him to meet this wonderful girl.

His feelings of love were washed away, replaced by carnal lust. His innate empathy told him that she was nervous and a little scared. Bringing his hand up, he softly caressed her soft, flushed cheek. Naruto asked with warmth radiating from his voice, "Are you sure about this Rias-chan . . . I don't want to push things too fast or anything. If you want me to stop I will . . ."

"D-don't wor-worry Naruto-kun" Rias replied, her voice a little shaky because she was nervous, "You can do what you want. I'm happy to be finally be with you. Even though I'm not your first, I'm glad that you are the one who took my virginity Naruto-kun." Rias smiled and spread her arms wide for him with the best smile she had, "Come Naruto-kun make me yours!"

Naruto nodded his head slowly before aligning the tip of his cock at the entrance of Rias' pussy. He kissed the girl gently before slowly pushing into her. Rias gasped at the pleasure and slight pain from Naruto's hard member entering her wet core. Naruto gasped at the tightness of her virgin pussy. It was incredibly tight. It was like her walls were trying to crush his cock as he slowed slid his length, inch by inch, until he stopped at the barrier of her hymen.

"Here we go Rias-chan," Naruto said earning a nod from her before puncturing her hymen in one go. It easily broke the membrane until his head touched the entrance of her cervix. Rias bit into Naruto's shoulder to muffle the pain. Tears ran down her cheeks. Her finger nails raked across his back leaving eight crevices of blood. Thankfully Naruto's incredible healing patched up the scratch and bite marks. When Rias pulled back, Naruto kissed her cheeks to clean away the tears. He stayed like that, not moving, for a few seconds so his girlfriend could adapt to his size.

Soon the pain was washed away and pleasure took its place for Rias said, "You can move now Naruto-kun."

Naruto didn't make her wait for long as he pulled back until the tip remained inside and pounded into her once again. Even though his pace was nowhere near how he drilled Grayfia, it was enough to pry a series of pleasure induced moans from Rias. Naruto, bent his body down, hugged her tightly against his chest and pounded into Rias non-stop.

The crimson haired girl had never felt so complete before. Naruto and she were finally doing what she had always dreamed of once she reached puberty. She finally became his girlfriend, and was currently having sex with him. He was gentle with her. His strong arms hugged her and caressed her back gently when they kissed each other passionately. Aside from the fact it was not Naruto's first time, she was still happy, because it was so perfect. The room quickly smelled of sex and cum. Rias' loud moans overlapped with Naruto's own.

"So good Naruto-kun faster . . . fuck me harder," Rias moaned out and locked her legs around Naruto's waist. She forgot how many times she had cum, but Naruto had yet to release her seed into her. Rias knew that Naruto had nearly impeccable self control. With his stamina, he would outlast his partner before releasing himself inside them. But she couldn't believe that he could last thirty or so minutes, Rias had lost count, without cumming once.

Naruto fastened his pace, and thrust into her harder and faster. He wasn't fucking her as fast as he wanted to but the tightness of her pussy was enough to make him moan in pleasure. She was definitely tight. He'd say she was tighter than Grayfia's pussy when he fucker the maid.

Naruto pulled his upper body up but not fully due to Rias' legs being locked around his waist. But it was till enough for him to look into her face from above. Her cheeks were flushed as he continued to thrust into her. Her slender arms snaked around his neck, and pulled him down making hips lips meet hers in a deep kiss. Their tongues swirled gently around each other. Happily exchanging saliva, they greedily gulped down what they could.

Naruto ended the kiss by pulling back making Rias groan in disappointment, but she was soon moaning once again when Naruto thrust his hips forward with even more force. He kissed her cheek softly. Then trailing his kisses down her neck with his hands support her neck, Naruto kissed the soft skin on her nape with love and care.

"I love you Naruto-kun," Rias moaned out, once again, reaching her limit and spraying her juices all over the bed and Naruto's body.

"I love you too Rias-chan," Naruto smiled pulling away from her neck. Rias placed her hands on Naruto's cheeks, and gently caressed his faint whiskers.

"Naruto-kun . . . I want you to fuck me like you fucked Grayfia," Naruto hadn't expected that from Rias that he almost froze in spot if not for Rias' legs around his waist forcing him down, "I know that there was no way you could have fucked her 'senseless'," She chuckled, "If you had given her the same fucking like this. I don't want to lose to her. So please, Naruto-kun . . . fuck me as much as you want," she whispered inside his ear.

"Are you sure Rias-chan?" Naruto smiled nervously, "I mean . . . uh, Grayfia nearly passed out when I did that to her and . . . uh, she had trouble walking the next day." He scratched his cheek. Sheepishly, while averting her gaze trying not to make eye contact with Rias.


Her hand soon met his cheek with a hard slap. Naruto was so surprised that his had had been forced to the side. He rubbed his cheek with a hand. Feeling a slight biting sting, his azure eyes bore into Rias' blue-green. He noticed the pouting and angry expression on her face.

"You have no shame do you?" Rias asked before slapping him again, "Talking about how you had sex with another woman as your fucking your girlfriend." She backhanded him again, but Naruto caught her hand with a nervous smile.

"Hehe, sorry about that," Naruto chuckled.

"Now enough talking. Show me how you fucked Grayfia. And if you dare stop then I hope you didn't plan of having children!" Rias folded her arms underneath her bust while looking away. She had no idea what she had asked for.

"As you wish my lady. Don't say I didn't warn you."

And those were the words which sealed her fate.

Naruto pulled his cock back until the only thing that remained inside was his cock, and then shot his hip forward with as much speed he could muster, and then pulled back just as quick. Rias head shot up and her mouth opened wide in a silent scream. Her walls tightened around him; he knew that she had just climaxed again.

Naruto used his hands for support placing them next to Rias' head. He began to pound into her like a machine gun. He didn't hold anything back at all. The rough pounding made Rias scream out in pleasure. By now Naruto was sure everyone in the house had heard her screams, but wondered why they hadn't rushed over here yet.

Rias began to struggle uncontrollably as orgasm after orgasm rushed through her body. She used her hands to try and push Naruto out of her pussy. Her legs kicked around wildly. Her face was a mass of pleasure. Her tongue stuck out as droll ran really form the corner of her mouth and her eyes were rolled back into her head. This wasn't making love. This was pure pleasure sex, and that pleasure was soon driving her mad. Naruto was fucking her pussy so hard that everything around her was swaying as her vision blurred. Her body twitched, erratically. She never thought she would have felt this good in her life.

And all the while, Naruto pounded into her like crazy. He hesitated for a millisecond when she scratched his chest trying to push him out, but then resumed his pace, if not faster than before. Rias had brought this to herself, and Naruto would make sure she understood that Grayfia was the only one who could handle such rough treatment from him.

Her body went limp as she passed out with a smile smile on her face with her tongue sticking out. The legs around his waist loosened and fell, listlessly, to the side.

Naruto stopped long enough to look at her. His thighs were completely drenched in her juices. Naruto gently cupped her face with his hand. He had warned yet, and despite that she refused to listen at all. But still, he wouldn't let himself end their love making with himself being unsatisfied like this. He was still a man and needed to release.

Knowing the best way to wake her up, Naruto changed their positions until he was standing on the bed with Rias in his hands. His hands were hooked under her knees which he used to support her. With his dick still in her body, he could her light moans whenever he shifted her body. He kept adjusting their her position until he felt like it was good. Then he pulled her body up and thrust forward.

Instantly Rias' eyes snapped wide, and she screamed loudly as she desperately climaxed spraying her juices all over Naruto's body. He grinned. He had used the same thing to wake Grayfia up, because she wanted him to wake her if she passed out from his rough fucking.

"Nice scream you have there Rias-chan." Naruto smirked pounding into her recklessly. His cock scraped the entrance of her cervix as he rapidly drove all of his length into her.

"S-s-s-s-t-op… please, s-t-o-p… AHH!" Rias pleaded with her hands hitting Naruto's chest weakly.

"But Rias-chan you said if I stopped then you would erase my cock Rias-chan. I won't stop until a dump a good amount of my sperm into you, my love," he punctuated his words with another deep penetration. Rias' eyes widened, and she knew she had brought this unto herself. She would have to pay for her hubris.

Ten minutes flew by as Naruto felt himself slowly reaching his limit. And then with a mighty roar, he emptied all his semen into her body. Within a second, he completely filled her womb. It was too much for her too handle as his cum shot out from her cock filled pussy. Thick rope after rope of cum dripped onto his cock and then the bed.

Riding out his climax, Naruto released her body letting her fall lifelessly to the bed. Her hand rested on her stomach as she breathed hard. Slowly opening her eyes, Rias saw that Naruto's cum coated cock was still as hard as ever. He was slightly out of breath.

"You want to continue Rias-chan?" Naruto asked as his cock twitched shooting another string of cum on her face.

Rias' tongue snaked from her lips, and licked the cum off her face. She nodded her head. Her pussy was sore, but she still wanted more. The pleasure might be too much for her to handle, but Rias' will allowed her to fight on.

"I . . . won't . . . lose . . . to Grayfia," she muttered quietly to herself as Naruto rammed his cock into her mouth.

Four Hours Later

"That is the way to go Rias-chan," Naruto smiled, and thrust his hips forward rapidly, "I'm sure you will be able to handle my stamina soon . . . or not." An evil smirk stretched across his face.

His smirk made her shiver. Currently, she was sucking his cock as he cummed down her throat. Every part of her face and body was coated in thick cum. She had given up on cleaning herself after the fifth round with him. Sperm flowed non-stop out of her body, form her pussy and anus. Even her hair wasn't spared from the onslaught. Her breasts were covered in so much cum that she lost count of how many times he had ejaculated on her body.

His hand, resting on her head, support his body with each thrust. Emptying himself, Naruto pulled back and rubbed his cock against her cheek coating it with as much cum as possible. And then he rammed it back into her mouth. Sighing out in satisfaction, Naruto pulled out getting a loud pop.

"You are still . . . hard?" Rias muttered quietly, "Why, why are you . . . not softening?" She took his cock in hard hand and licked it, "You have cum all over me and in all my holes. Do you have unlimited stamina?"

"No, he is just too stubborn to know when to give up," a stern voice rang out making Naruto snap his head to the door with his eyes wide. His eyes softened when he realized the voice belonged to Grayfia. Rias turned her eyes lazily to the maid; she still hadn't stopped licking his cock yet.

"Oh. . . hehe, hey Grayfia," Naruto chuckled sheepishly.

"Grayfia . . ."Rias muttered.

"Rias-sama, Naruto-sama I see that you two have finally come together," Grayfia chuckled, "in more than one way."

"Get out . . . we are bust," Rias mumbled while still sucking on Naruto's dick. She was too dazed to be in her right of mind right now. Seeing her most dangerous rival right now wasn't something she had expected.

"Oh my so cold," Grayfia said with a faint blush on her cheeks, "But you should thank me Rias-sama. I put everyone to sleep the moment you stepped into the room Rias-sama, or else you wouldn't be sitting there blowing him off in peace like you are."

"Hmp" Rias just made that sound while looking at Grayfia. With her mouth stuffed with Naruto's cock, talking wasn't she wasn't able to form words.

"Remember to clean the bed when you're done," Grayfia said before going out of the room. As soon as closed the door behind them, Grayfia let out a sigh. Luckily, she was wearing her maid outfit which had a long dress, or else they would have seen the trail of juices dripping down her legs. Those two clearly didn't know how to hold their voices down at all.

"I love you Naruto-kun," Rias smiled lying her down on the soft pillow. With the last of her strength she locked her legs around his waist as tight as she could.

"Me too Rias-chan," Naruto kissed her lips before ramming his cock into her tight walls with a powerful thrust.

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