
Chapter 16

Whispers began to echo all around the classroom. They surmised that since this beautiful woman knew both Rias' father and brother then it was obvious she knew Rias as well. The thought of the woman, who was the most beautiful woman, they have ever seen being Rias' sister excited all the boys.

"Um, can you tell me which student you are here for?" the teacher asked nervously. He, too, was affected by her unearthly beauty. In all the years he had been the homeroom teacher of this class, this was the first time he had seen her.

"Why would you ask something like that sensei?" a girl asked, "She could only be Rias' Onee-sama."

"Yeah, Rias-sama is the only person who could possibly have a beautiful Onee-sama like that!"

All the students with the except of three certain ones all exclaimed at the same time. The class began shouting with excitement. Grayfia scanned the classroom until her eyes landed on Naruto's figure and she gave him a wink and flashed a seductive smile. It was so quick that only the supernatural beings inside the class caught it. Her face, briskly, returned to her stoic expression. She cleared her throat to capture everyone's attention.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but," she looked at Naruto and smiled, "I am here for Uzumaki, Naruto."

"WHAT?" Everyone in the class turned their heads to Naruto who was looking at Grayfia eyes widened.

"Whoa, woa" Naruto placed his hand on her shoulder when Grayfia turned her heels out of the class, "stop right there Grayfia." Class had ended much to his relief, and she was the first person he wanted to talk to.

"I need to return to the mansion Naruto-sama," she whispered quietly when she turned around. The students were still staring at her, "I can't let Ikaros handle everything by herself, plus this is not my day off."

"From this point on Grayfia you have the day off," Naruto said sternly. He knew if he didn't give her a direct order and sounded serious about it, she wouldn't listen to him, and do what she thought was best for him.

"Okay Naruto-sam . . . Naruto-kun," she corrected herself and nodded her head with a smile.

"Thank you Grayfia. You don't know how happy I am that you're here," Naruto smiled warmly and noticed the students gathering at the classroom door to peek a look at the silver haired beauty.

"It fine Naruto-kun. You don't have to thank me," Grayfia shook her head and smiled.

"Well it is cool that everyone thinks you are my older sister," Naruto chuckled.

"In truth I am your secret girlfriend," she purred. It was lucky that her back was facing everyone, so no one could see her face right now. She smiled in a way Naruto would call seductive, "So Naruto-kun do you want you Onee-sama to take care of you tonight?" she teased making Naruto's eyes widened. He shook his head to cleanse his mind of any dirty thoughts, "Fufu you are so cute."

"Anyways, let's go with everyone," Naruto said gesturing his hand to where Akeno, Rias and her family were standing. They were smiling warmly with the except of Rias who glared jealously, "We shouldn't keep them waiting now."

"Alright" Grayfia nodded her head and stepped out of the way for Naruto, "However, I will give you a reward for being such a good student later, Naruto-sama," she said in a sultry voice sending a shiver traversing his spine. Pretending, not to have heard, Naruto went over to stand with the group, and talked with them amiably.

After talking about nearly everything, Naruto and everyone decided to go to Sona's classroom because they had all felt a familiar signature at the location. Grayfia, briskly, scowled when she realized the source. Along the way they met Kiba, Xenovia, Asia, Issei and his parents. The brunette decided to introduce his family. The kind man that he is, Lord Gremory talked with the parents of his daughter's servant.

"Rias," Grayfia whispered to the crimson haired girl that walked next to her, "you should hug Naruto's arm now, right now."

"Eh?" Rias sounded surprise the strange request of Grayfia's.

"I would do it myself, but it would arouse suspicion. You are the only girl here I support in the relationship with Naruto-kun." Grayfia explained, briefly, "you will understand soon enough."

Refusing to hesitate any longer, the crimson haired heiress quickly ran up to Naruto's arm, and hugged it lovingly and tightly into her bosom. Naruto simply looked at her questioningly for a second before shrugging his shoulders. They walked down the hallway, Naruto promptly ignored the jealous glares stabbed into his back by jealous students.

"Serafall," Grayfia muttered when she saw a flash of pink among the group of students in front of them.

A flock of students gathered in front of them blocking nearly all of the corridor. Naruto could see a few members belonging to the Student Council trying their best to calm everyone down and part the way, but it looks like they weren't having any luck at all. Everyone cheered in excitement as they took pictures with their cell phones. The corridor was filled with bright flashes. Some had professional cameras. It was obvious they were photographing something.

Or better yet. Someone.

"Hey! Hey! You whose doing a photography shoot in the middle of a public path!" Saji, forcefully bulldozed and shouted as loudly as he could. A group of female members on the Student Council followed Saji, "Hey. Hey! Disperse, disperse! Today is the day for displaying classes to the public. Don't make a ruckus at this kind of place!"

Naruto chuckled softly when the crowd parted away to reveal the magical cosplay girl who was currently the strongest woman in the Underworld, Serafall Leviathan.

She was doing her famous pose in front of everyone while flashing them her brightest and best smile. She flashed everyone with her white panties whenever she swayed her hips side to side. Sometimes Naruto had wondered if she made 'Magical Girl Levia-tan' just for children when most of the time her fans were adult devils.

'Be careful alright. Very scant males can control themselves in front of her her. While Gabriel is the most beautiful woman in Heaven; she is innocent and extremely air headed. Her beauty is what one could call a natural, innocent beauty. Serafall, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. She is the Queen of Succubi with a seductive which is shameless and lewd. She can make you jizz your pants by just looking at her. Better keep the childish Sera-chan in your mind Naruto-kun.'

Suddenly, Naruto thought of Azazel's words of wisdom. To think that the incredibly cute girl who was jumping around with her sexy pose is the most beautiful female in the Underworld, and was extremely sexy based on what Azazel told him. That would explain how her childish body had big breasts like that. It was hard to imagine how big they would be if she chose to return to her adult form.

"You too. Please don't wear that kind of costume. Wait, could you be a parent perhaps? Even if that is the case, you know there is a dress code according to the school's edicts. This is too troublesome."

It looks like Saji didn't know who she was. The boy would freak out if he knew that this was Maou Leviathan.

"Eh, but this is my uniform " she squealed sounding a little sad.

"What's this? Saji, I always tell you to settle things concisely-." The strict Sona said while walking to their location from the opposite end of the corridor. As soon as she saw Serafall, she stopped talking..

"Sona-chan! Found you! " After finding Sona, Serafall happily clung to Sona like glue which the glasses wearing president didn't seem too pleased about.

"Aah, it's you, Serafall. So you came here as well."

Sirzechs was the first one to greet the magical girl. Said magical girl promptly released Sona and waved happily to her follow Maou. But when her eyes landed on Naruto, she immediately squealed with much excitement in her voice.

"NARUTO-CHAN!" she launched herself at him. Rias, seeing this understood why Grayfia had told her to hug Naruto's arm, because he would never purposely avoid Serafall like this. He would catch her fist and then talk to her afterwards. Firmly, Rias pulled Naruto out of the way making the magical girl fall face first onto the ground.

"Woo-hoo!" the students exclaimed in excitement and a few in worriment when they saw your panties showing. Just like the first time Naruto met her, Serafall landed face first onto the ground with her butting sticking up into the air. Her skirt rode up her butt and showcased her panties and strangle beautiful legs, at least for a child.

And just like the first time, she shot up like a rocket without a single scratch on her body. She hadn't appeared to be affected by the fall at all.

"Naruto-chan, I'm so glad to see you here", she walked up to Naruto and tried to hug him, but a hand, suddenly being placed on her forehead, stopped her. No matter how hard and childishly Serafall pushed against the offending hand it didn't budge an inch. Aside from the Maou and faction leader, there was only one person who could do this, "Grayfia-chan?"

"Yes, it's me Grayfia Lucifuge," Grayfia said with a smirk on her face. She grabbed Serafall's head with her hand, "I hadn't expected to see you here, Serafall-sama."

Serafall smiled brightly, but in truth she was extremely angry. The talk with Grayfia in her changing room came back to her, and it still creeped her out how scary Grayfia could be. That sadistic woman always hid her true nature behind the mask of a stern and stoic woman. However, she knew better than anyone.

As fast as lightning, Serafall wrestle herself out of Grayfia's grip and ran up to Naruto. Standing with her hands behind her back, she peered up at him with a bright smile.

"Hello, Sera-chan," Naruto greeted with a bright grin.

"Ne, ne Naruto-chan," she smile and pretended to hug him, but she could feel the slight icy aura behind her which promised hours and hours of being bound to the bed, "Sona-chan has been really, really mean to me. She didn't tell me today would be Class Visits. I had to rush here right in the middle of a fan interview just to see her, and because of the hurt I nearly attacked Heaven."

"Hehe, I see" Naruto chuckled. He could understand why Sona didn't want her sister to be here. But she wanted to attack Heaven just because of that. Wasn't that a little bit too extreme?

"Mou~ why don't you hug me with your arms and comfort me?" she pouted cutely making Naruto sweat drop at her childish antics.

"Serafall-sama, it's been a long time." Rias greeted sounding as normal as possible. It was clear as day that the Maou held some sort of feelings for Naruto, and it really annoyed her.

"Ara, Rias-chan. Long time~ Have you been doing well?" Serafall asked cutely.

"Y-Yes. Thanks to you?" she nodded her head while smiling nervously and pulled Issei's shoulder so the boy could stand in front of the Maou, "Issei, greet her." As Rias suggested, he lowered his head to greet the magical girl.

"N-Nice to meet you, I am Hyoudou Issei. I am Rias Gremory-sama's servant pawn. I'll be under your care."

"Nice to meet you. I am the Maou, Serafall Leviathan. Call me Levi-tan " she said while spinning and holding her hand out in the peace sign. He turned her head to Naruto, "Hey, Naruto-chan. Is this the rumored Dragon-kun?"

"Yeah, he is the person in which the Welsh Dragon resides, Hyoudou, Issei." Naruto patted the boy's head as the perverted boy gulped nervously.

"Ara ara, Uncle Gremory." Serafall finally noticed the head of Gremory Clan who was standing behind them with an amused smile on his face.

"Yes, Serafall-dono. This is another novel uniform. I somewhat think as a Maou how it is but…"

"Ara, uncle Don't you know? This is the fashion in this country, you know?

"Heh, is that so. It seems this was my ignorance."

"Hahaha, Tou-ue, don't believe it."

It was clear that neither of them knew about fashion. Lord Gremory, he could understand but Serafall looked like she was acting childish. Now when he thought about about his conversation with Azazel, all of Serafall's action seemed to be forced like she was trying to be childish and playful. Also it was nearly impossible for a two hundred year old woman to now know anything about fashion. Naruto surmised it was just a lame excuse she made for wearing those magical girl costumes of her.

Too focused was Serafall in talking that she didn't noticed Sona slyly sneaking away without anyone noticing. After that, Serafall disappeared trying her best to find her errant sister. Before she left she said her goodbyes to everyone especially Naruto.

"Rias, I want to see you after school. We need to discuss a few things about your other Bishop." Sirzechs placed a hand on his sister's shoulders making the girl's eyes widen. This caught Naruto's attention, he always wanted to know to the other Bishop of Rias. As it seemed, Naruto would find out soon enough.

The Class Visits ended soon without anything significant happening. Naruto got bored and wanted to find something to do. Unknown to him, a silver haired maid was planning a great night for him inside her head.

"Huh, everyone all went out on contracts?" Naruto asked a little surprised, "At the same time?"

"Yes, master," Ikaros nodded while watering her watermelon garden, "Grayfia-chan suddenly stood in front of everyone and handed them summing requests. A lot of requests. Rias is at Lucifer's castle so she won't be retuning until midnight. She said she wanted to spend a few hours with her family. Ravel-sama is doing the same thing after meeting her mother," Ikaros informed him in monotone, "As for everyone else I have calculated every possible situation and they, too, won't be returning until midnight."

"Grayfia?" Naruto wondered aloud confused. The maid was planning something. He just knew it remembering the tone she had used to talk to him after the end of class. He hoped she wasn't planning something bad.

"Or naughty," Kurama smirked.

"Shut up Kurama" Naruto muttered. Turning to Ikaros "I will go inside first."

"Okay master," Ikaros nodded and turned her attention back to the watermelon garden. It would be good if she let them eat those watermelons that she grew in hot weather like this. But when Issei decided to ask for a few to bring home the result was less than savory for the boy. He was blasted through the house.

Sighing, he opened the door and stepped through. He expected to see Grayfia, standing and smiling, to greet him, but he remembered he had given her the day off. However, regardless he knew that Grayfia would always be the first one who greeted him when he returned.


Suddenly, Grayfia materialized from the air in front of him. She grabbed his collar and roughly threw him to the ground behind her.

"Ouch, what the hell Grayfia?!" he shouted when he landed on his ass.

Taking a step forward, Grayfia locked the door. She knew putting any magic on the door wouldn't stop Ikaros from coming in but it's better to be prepared.

Warning: Lemon start now

Grayfia twisted her head and flashed Naruto her most seductive smile. Naruto gulped and his face reddened when he saw the state of her clothing. The zipper of her shirt had been pulled down under her navel a bit. Without a bra, the sensual state of her top revealed a succulent amount of her large boobs and the valley between them.

The words died within his throat when Grayfia crawled to him on all fours. Naruto's eyes caught the bounce of her breasts swaying side to side. When she was less than an inch away, she placed a hand on his cheek and pushed him back. Unfortunately, the back of his head impacted the floor. As the throbbing pain subsided and he cleared his eyesight, Naruto felt a pair of soft lips lightly brush his before they let their inhibitions run free.

It wasn't the first time they had kissed and Naruto wasn't as shy when it came to kissing Grayfia anymore. It had become natural to them as natural as breathing air. Grayfia opened her mouth and Naruto took the invitation with gusto. Her and his tongue danced a fiery tango. He lapped her saliva hungrily and wrapped his hand around her hips bringing her body closer to his. Her breasts were pressed firmly against him.

Grayfia's hand began to roam his body until it landed on the zipper of his pants. Wide eyed, Naruto knew what her intention was but he was too slow to do anything when he hands slipped inside his boxer and wrapped her slender fingers around his cock.

Naruto broke the kiss by turning his head to the side. Grayfia didn't seem to be too pleased by this and squeezed his cock tightly in her hand.

"Grayfia, we… shouldn't do this," Naruto groaned.

"Why not?" she kissed his neck lightly, "I have waited so long for an opportunity like this. The girls won't return until midnight. It is just you and me." She licked her lips while stroking his cock, "We don't have to worry about Ikaros."


"You feel guilty?" Grayfia asked "Is it about your fiances, Ravel-sama, or something else?" Naruto's eyes widened. By the sound of it, Grayfia knew about 'it'.

"Well, I…"

"I know Naruto-sama, just by the affection you show her I knew from the beginning," She whispered, "Don't worry Naruto-sama, I am not mad or anything, but please remember this. You can have as many fiancés or girlfriends or wives as you want. However," she pulled her hand and began to remove his belt, "as your personal maid I will always be by your side."


"You are the first person who has made me feel this way, and I'm not going to let this opportunity run away like this," she gave him a smile which could only be described as 'I'm horny', "Now, I will only give you two options. The first option involves you running away with your tails between your legs. Then I will find you, tie you to the bed and fuck or rape you so hard that you will beg for mercy," Naruto sweat dropped. It was clear as day that he in no way, otherwise, would chose that option, "The second option is to join me. Bend me over and fuck me as much as you want. We get to spend a hot and passionate night together . . . we have plenty of time to spare after all," An evil smirk graced her face making Naruto gulp.

"Choose Naruto-sama… the hunter or the hunted?" She brought the hand that had stroked Naruto's member to her mouth and licked it with the most seductive smile he had ever seen. Even Akeno, the most sadistic girl he knew, couldn't smile so creepily yet so sexily like that. He had to wonder, was the Grayfia who was stern and stoic the real 'Grayfia'?

"Do I get to have a word in this matter," he asked nervously. Maybe going the next step with her wouldn't be so bad, "You planned this from the beginning haven't you?"

"So that is your answer then," she smiled and pulled the down the zipper of her dress on the left side of her dress slowly. Turning around, she bent her upper body and pulled down her skirt. Naruto's eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he saw the black, lacy thong thong that barely covered anything and her nice sexy round ass, "Stand up master, I have some fun planned for you," She said in a sultry tone. Naruto immediately stood up with a speed that could make a certain youthful green spandex wearing youths youthfully shout with jealousy.

Grayfia pulled the rest of her shirt's zipper down, but didn't discard the piece of clothing. Turning around, she wrapped her arm around Naruto's neck and kissed him deeply; their tongues wrapped around each other. Swirling his tongue with the older woman in his arms, his hands slowly dropped from her wait down to her ass cheeks. He grabbed them and sunk his fingers deep into the erotic flesh.

Naruto felt the light moans vibrating from her throat, and soon felt his pants being removed and dropped to the ground leaving the blond in only his boxer. Grayfia slipped her hands into his boxer once again and grabbed his cock before gently caressing them gently using her soft fingers. Grayfia ended the kiss, suddenly, with a satisfied smirk on her face. A thin trail of saliva connected their lips.

"You will have your fun soon master," she purred grabbing his cock with one hand, "but first you need to take a shower so your body will be clean and healthy."

"Right," Turning around, he found himself unable to move due to the grip Grayfia had around his dick, "uh, Grayfia, don' tell me . . ."

"Ara, you think that I will stand here and wait?" she winked at him while her fingers massaged his length.

"Uh, Grayfia, can you…?" he gestured to her hand with his head. He found the position he was in uncomfortable to say the least. While he had to admit it felt good with her hand around his cock he was starting to get embarrassed.

Instead of listening to his wish, Grayfia smirked and walked to the nearest bathroom pulling Naruto along with her by his not so little soldier. She heard Naruto cry in surprise and he quickly followed her. While she said that he could do whatever he wanted to her, Grayfia believed that a little domination wouldn't hurt, and as gentleman and horny boy he was she knew that he wouldn't try to run away.

Just as Naruto stepped into the bathroom, Grayfia began to unclothe herself first before fixating her attention on the blond. She released her grip on Naruto on Naruto's dick making the body sigh in relief and disappointment. She unbuttoned his school uniform and tossed it outside the bathroom. Grayfia lay her hand on his toned chest. It never stopped amazing her how a seventeen year old boy could have such a delicious body.

Kneeling on the floor, Grayfia, at the sight of the bulge, hungrily licked her lips. Grayfia caressed it for a few moments before pulling down his boxer in one rough, fluid movement. His dick sprung free un front of her eyes. She smiled and wrapped her finger around the base, and gave the head of his cock a long, sensual kiss.

Naruto groaned at the pleasurable feeling. Being a virgin meant he would cum really soon, but Grayfia really knew how to tease him. Grayfia stood up and snapped her fingers. The maid's headband appeared on top of her head while the fabric cuffs she usually wore appeared around her wrist.

"Now Naruto-sama, let your maid take care of you," Out of nowhere, she created a chair made of ice and gently lied Naruto on the chair. The sudden coldness made him shiver.

The beginning of his cleansing was pretty normal. Grayfia lather shampoo on her hand and washed Naruto's hair. She gently ran her hands through his spiky locks, and even hummed a soft tune. But that was as normal as it got. After Grayfia rinsed his hair washing away the shampoo things started to become really heated.

Holding soap in her hands, the silver haired maid ran the bar all over her body, especially on her large breasts. She put the soap away when she saw her entire body covered in soap giving her smooth skin an erotic shine. Grayfia pressed her tits against Naruto's firm, broad back and began to rub up and down. Her hardened nipples rushed abrasively against his back with every movement.

"Feels good master?"

"Yeah," that was all Naruto could say. He was enjoying the way her breasts and nipples moved erotically.

"Fufu, I'm glad" she giggled slyly and stood up grabbing the soap with her. Moving until she was in front of him, Grayfia sat down on one of his legs.

Naruto wrapped his arm around her waist bringing the woman closer to his body, her back facing him. Her firm rear glided on his muscles. Grayfia moaned when her pussy brushed lightly against his skin.

They shared another kiss together. Naruto brought up his free hand and groped her left tit. The slipperiness from the soap just made it easier for Naruto; although, even without it he was pretty confident in his skill. They both ended the kiss at the same time. Grayfia leaned her back against his chest while rubbing the soap on his legs making sure not to miss one single spot. Turning around after she finished, the silver haired maid rubbed her chest and toned stomach against Naruto's chest all the while her hand caressed his strong arm.

Naruto stared deeply into Grayfia's eyes, All he saw from them were love and lust. Sometimes he wondered what he did in his past life to deserve such a wonderful woman like this. Their lips touched each other once again. Grayfia opened her mouth to the invasion of Naruto's tongue. Their tongues lashed furiously while neither of them cared about the need for air. They just sat there and enjoyed the others attention.

Grayfia turned on the shower head above them making the water pour down on their bodies. Naruto smiled at her before putting his hands under her ass and lifting her up so Grayfia could stand on her feet. Her large tits jiggled deliciously with each breath she took. The silver haired woman wrapped an arm behind his head pulling him closer to her. Not wasting a moment, Naruto immediately captured the sensitive bud between his teeth making Grayfia moan softly. The blond gently sucked her nipple and used her tongue to tease her while his free hand greedily kneaded her last tit.

Grayfia's moans began to get louder and louder. He bit the nipple pulling the nub back slightly before leasing it with the natural elasticity of human flesh. Naruto switched over to her other nipple and repeated the process.

Seeing how roughly Grayfia was panting, Naruto kissed her neck making Grayfia groan in disappointment at the lack of stimulus. The blond smirked at the hands wrapped behind his neck trying to pull him down to her bosom so he could continue his sucking, but Naruto decided to resist her wish as a form of payback for all the teasing these past few days.

"Ara, you sure are getting excited aren't you?" Naruto smirked.

Grayfia didn't answer. Instead, she grabbed his cock and pumped roughly.

"You shouldn't mess with someone who is more experienced Master," she said sternly without slowing down. Naruto felt her strokes increasing pace steadily; he groaned in pleasure at the feeling, unable to move an inch of his muscle.

"Grayfia… I'm cum… argh!" she grabbed the base of his cock tightly with a stern looking face preventing him from cumming as he wanted to. Naruto's body twitched uncontrollably as he was unable to release, "Grayfia!"

"Ara, is master angry at me?" she asked. When she felt the furious throbbing of his cock subside she released her hold and stroked his dick gently.

"Hey, anyone would be angry if you do that when they are so close to release," he furiously glared at her.

"I guess I will have to rectify my previous action then. I want to feel your cum inside of me," Grayfia said in a very 'Serafallish' way, but her tone changed at the end as he grabbed his balls, "However, knowing your crazy stamina and with these . . . I guess I won't have to wait to taste your cum then."

The ice chair suddenly rose as Grayfia got off of Naruto's legs. She crawled between his legs wrapping her hand around the base. Naruto groaned softly. She gave him a long sensual lick along the length of his hard tool.

"Your reward starts now master," she smirked reminding him of what she said during school, "let onee-sama take care of you."

Gently, Grayfia kissed the side of his cock and trailed her lips up and down his length. Her other hand played with his balls. From the base Grayfia, with the use of her tongue, began licking Naruto's length. When she got to the head, she suddenly engulfed it with her mouth; she licked the underside of his dick a few times to bring him more pleasure. Based on the moans she was rewarded with, Grayfia was certain she was doing a good job.

Naruto groaned and leaned his back against the wall behind him. His hand found Grayfia's hair and began to run his fingers through the silky feeling of her long silver hair. The headband got in the way at first but Naruto decided against removing the article.

Grayfia gave the head a few more licks before pulling back and giving it a kiss. Grayfia could feel Naruto hand, on her head, forcing her head back gently. She smiled. He didn't have to wait long. The silver haired maid quickly took a good part of his dick into her mouth. She deep throated his cock while using her tongue to tightly wrap around his girth. There was still more left, but she didn't want to take all of it because she knew what would happen next.

"Grayfia, I'm cum…argh, not again!" Naruto shouted in frustration at Grayfia. Once again she had stopped his release. The feeling he was experiencing was incredible. Her throat hugged his cock like a constrictor and the wetness of her mouth and tongue were mind blowing, and she didn't gay while she smirked at his frustration.

Pulling back, Grayfia's suction was like the most powerful vacuum; she still had that tight grip around the base of his cock. His hard tool was throbbing like crazy and pre-cum had began to leak out. Grayfia quickly licked the fluid to clean the pre-cum from her mouth already loving the taste.

"You…you…" In tandem with each throb of his dick, Naruto's angry grew and grew.

"Bitch? Slut? Whore?" Grayfia smirked, "Deal with it then master!" She wrapped her other hand around his base and felt the crazy throbbing of his cock. She tightened the grip around the base and began jerking him off crazily. Naruto's body shook uncontrollably, "Payback is a bitch huh, Master?" She slowed down her strokes before engulfing his dick once again in her wet orifice. She began bobbing her head up and down quickly while making sure that her mouth and tongue were tightly secured around his cock.

"G-G-G..ray-fi,!" Naruto tried to pry Grayfia off of his cock so he could experience sweet relief. She wasn't pleasuring him with a blowjob, she was torturing him with one.

Grayfia ignored his pleas and sucked even harder. After five minutes she saw that Naruto's face had been reduced to a wreckage of pleasure. His eyes were half lidded and drool was running down the side of his mouth. Bobbing her head a few more times, Grayfia pulled back leaving only the throbbing head of his dick in her mouth and released her hold on his cock. With so much frustration built up, she was sure he would supply her with a veritable torrent of his thick batter before calming down.

"ARGHHHH!" he yelled before exploding in her mouth.

Grayfia immediately regretted her foresight as the first shot nearly filled her mouth. Grayfia desperately gulped load after load of cum shooting out from his cock. Her eyes stop open when she was unable to gulp down the fifth load and all the cum afterwards made her cheeks bulge. She suddenly felt Naruto grip fists full of her silver hair before slamming his cock all the way down her throat nearly making Grayfia choke. The Naruto pulled back until the head was in her mouth before slamming his length back in. Tears began to run down Grayfia's cheeks but Naruto didn't care anymore. He was keeping his pace throat fucking his maid while cumming.

Riding out his release, Naruto pulled out when he stood up and took her hand. Wrapping her hand around his cock, he guided it as the hand stroked his hard cock spraying thick ropes of cum on her face, breasts and even Grayfia's stomach. The woman unconsciously stuck her tongue out to catch as much sperm as possible. It only increased Naruto's urges when he saw his cum merge with her saliva as it dripped form the ip of her tongue down the toe valley between her breasts.

Giving a final jerk, Naruto finished by unleashing one final load. He released her hand which slipped off his length and fell lifelessly to her side.

"Damn, that felt incredible!" Naruto smirked and sat down on the chair softly panting. His dick had softened a little.

Grayfia consciousness had returned as Naruto spoke. She looked down at her body and gasped at the amount of sperm he had unloaded. His incredible regeneration must have something to do with this, but nonetheless it pleased her that she wouldn't have to use her old methods to have her loosen her partners inner inhibitions.

"Woah, that is hot!" Naruto smile excitedly when he saw Grayfia cleaning herself by licking the sperm off her body. Her hands wiped the cum on her face and pooled it into her hand before she erotically lapped it. She gulped load after load of sperm down her throat. It was so thick that she only wanted more. Grayfia groaned in disappointment when she cleaned the last bit of semen on her breasts. She felt her stomach was a little too full after the banquet.

She looked up when she saw Naruto's shadow towering over her, a fox smirk on his face.

"As you said, payback is a bitch!" he folded his arms across his chest, and he slammed his hardened cock down her throat again before disappearing in a flash of yellow.

They reappeared on Naruto's bed in his room; they fell on the bed with Grayfia underneath him. Her eyes widen in shock at the position she was in, and braved her self when she felt Naruto place himself in front of her with his knees planted on each side of her head. His eyes had turned red with slits while his whiskers darkened, His grew spiked and became more feral.

"Brave yourself bitch!" Naruto growled and slammed his cock down her throat while still in the same position. Naruto moaned marveling at the tightness of her throat. He twisted and turned his body and bend down. Her glistening pussy in front of him as he continued to roughly slam his cock down her throat without a care in the world.

If Grayfia could scream she would have when Naruto attacked her pussy with his mouth. His tongue penetrated her folds as deeply as he could while his canines brushed against her clitoris. Naruto sucked on her folds while ravishing her with his tongue. He pulled his mouth back and bit her sensitive clitoris gently with his hardened teeth immediately bringing Grayfia to an orgasm as she came all over his face.

Naruto licked her laps at the honey like taste of juices and gulped it all down. He gave a final lick before removing his cock from her mouth.

"So, Grayfia tell me who is in charge here?" he chuckled as he sat down near her head with his cock in front of her face. She sighed and cleared her mind of the mind blowing release, and twisted her body so she lie on her breasts and stomach. She took his member and bobbed on it a few times before saying, "You, master!" she said in defeat.

"Good" he disappeared in a flash of yellow and appeared behind her. Grayfia turned her head back and saw Naruto's hands on her ass. Spreading the cheeks, he jammed his cock in between, "Shit! Nice ass you have here Grayfia." He gave her a nice, hard slap on the ass having the maid's eyes widen at the mix of pain and pleasure, "You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that." He took his cock and guided to the lips of her snatch.

"Please be gentle," she begged halfheartedly as Naruto wrapped his arm around her slim waist. She was really, really horny at the moment and wanted nothing more than have him remold her folds with his cock.

"No way in hell!" that was the only warning she received before he slammed his length into her, all in one go. Naruto groaned at the sudden wetness and tightness. Both lovers moaned ecstatically at the pleasure each was feeling.

Naruto pulled out until only his tip remained before slamming himself right back in. Seriously, her pussy was the tightest and hottest thing he had ever felt. It drove him crazy. Each time he pulled back her cunt tried to suck him back. It was equitably hard inserting as it was pulling out.

Soon Naruto found a nice comfortable pace. With every thrust Naruto scraped her sensitive G-spot time and time again. In a matter of minutes, climaxed as she was being fucked senseless by Naruto. Naruto claimed her lips in another wild kiss. Grayfia returned the kiss is her lips were the only muscles she had control of right now.

Breaking the kiss, Naruto grabbed her wrist and pulled her up; he wrapped his arms under her elbows and brought her bod closer to his. Naruto never stopped his pace as he continually thrusted his cock into her pussy. He released her elbow. Before she fell on the bed, his hands shot out and groped her tits squeezing them as roughly as possible.

Under them in the kitchen, Ikaros was cooking a meal for her master while wondering what were the strange sounds coming from her master's bedroom. But her sensors informed her that Master wasn't in any trouble or danger so she ignored it and refocused on preparing food.

"Wait..wait.. ah so deep~… wait master… slow down… wait…AH~!" Grayfia, futilely, tried to speak but Naruto didn't let her get a single word in as he kept pounded away into her tight hole. Now she knew what most girls called being 'fucked senseless' meant.

Soon enough Naruto hit his limit after pounding Grayfia for who knew how long. With one final thrust which knocked the air out of her lungs, he came deeply inside of her. Grayfia was left speechless; her tongue lulled out of her mouth dripping drool as Naruto shot his hot sperm into her eager womb.

Naruto let go off Grayfia's body and fell, softly, on top of her with his still hard as steel cock inside her cunt. Naruto kissed her neck making the woman shiver in pleasure.

The blond pulled out letting the sexy maid recover even if just for a moment before he turned her body around and repositioned her head until it was lying on his lap.

"Suck!" Naruto he commanded with dominance and placed the head of his erect cock on her lips. Grayfia obeyed and opened her mouth; she had orgasmed multiple times yet Naruto had on came with a dominant tone and brought his dick closer to her mouth. Grayfia obeyed and opened her mouth wide, she had cum so many times yet Naruto just cum once. She began blowing him cleaning his cum mixed with her juices off his cock.

"That was the best experience in my life Grayfia," he gave her another slap in the ass and squeezed her tit with his free hand. The silver haired man locked eyes with her blond lover as she sucked and licked his cock thoroughly.

He pulled his cock out of her mouth, and grinned evilly, "Ready for another round Grayfia?" He placed the bulbous head of his cock above her pussy.

"Master… wait, AH~!" she didn't have time to prepare herself as Naruto thrust inside her powerfully. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, but Naruto quickly captured it with his mouth. He didn't kiss her, he just sucked the tip of her tongue as he fucked her relentlessly.

Grayfia moaned with each thrust and sometimes screamed when she hit a hard orgasm on his cock. Naruto never stopped his fucking. She felt sorry for the virgin girls who loved Naruto. She was an experienced woman, and he had already done this to her. Next time, she would have to think twice before asking him to have sex with her. It was lucky that she was a pureblooded devil, so it was really hard for her to get pregnant or she would be carrying his child.

Naruto repeatedly thrust in and out of her abused pussy. He rammed himself inside of her unable to escape the incredible feeling of her pussy. He grabbed her tits with both hands, letting the fingers sink deeply into the orbs of flesh, as he sucked her nipples, that or he pumped his hips as the woman lie on the bed. Naruto, quickly, kissed her when he felt Grayfia wrap her legs around his waist, locking him inside. Their tongues battled with Naruto eager to explore the moist cavern.

"I'm cumming!" Naruto roared to the heavens. Filling up her eagerly awaiting womb before quickly pulling out and inserting his cock in her mouth again. Grayfia unconsciously swallowed every last drop. A satisfied smirk played on Naruto's face, "Want to go again Grayfia?" Naruto asked when he pulled out with a pop. His cock didn't look soft at all in the slightest.

She cursed his crazy stamina and his regenerative powers of his under her breath before standing up form the bed. Her feet felt like jelly with each step she took, and if not for the hard battles and tough training she went through she would have been unable to make her way to the wall. Grayfia planted her hands on he wall and stuck out her ass. She shook it sensually for Naruto to watch the jiggling.

"My pussy is too sore now master," she said with a sultry tone; it was a miracle that she still had the strength to take another fucking, "but I have another hole waiting for you"

"This is one of the best days of my life!" Naruto smirked, shot up to his feet and walked over to her. Standing behind her with his hand raised, Grayfia braved herself when his hand shot down and gave a nice, hard slap on her ass cheek. He repeated the slap on the other. His cum and her juices mixed with each other slowly dripped to the floor along her legs, that or it just fell directly to it.

"Here we go!" he planted his hands on her hips and thrust forward into her ass. His eyes widened in shock at the tightness, "So tight," He muttered letting his dick rest inside of her to get used to how tight she was. It was really tight. Her asshole was even tighter than her pussy. It was like her asshole was trying to milk his cock with each passing second.

"Hah, no more … please no more~" Grayfia panted tiredly and felt her knees twitching and jerking. She was already regretting letting Naruto fuck her in the ass. The feeling was too much for her to handle, and she was definitely going to pass out later if she already hadn't during the rough session.,

"Sorry Grayfia. But too late now!" he kissed her back softly, "But prepare yourself, because I'm going to fuck you good and hard!" He groped her breasts and used them as a hold to roughly pound into her. His hips began to blur as he fucker her into oblivion.

"Too much… ah~, too much" she muttered and shook her head rapidly to clear her lust filled mind and vision. While she admitted that the previous times she had sex was subpar when compared to what Naruto was doing to her, Grayfia never thought she would be fucked like this. It was hard to believe that Naruto was a virgin, he didn't look like one, hours earlier as he fucked her skillfully, that or his animalistic instincts had taken over. She had heard that a Kyuubi's sex drive was one of the highest just behind Nekomata and Succubi or should she say Serafall's.

"You're so tight Grayfia" Naruto groaned. He was slowly reaching his limit, but wanted to savor every last moment. Grayfia looked like she was about to pass out so he didn't want to push her too far. As much as he wanted to, he still loved her and cared for her well being.

"So... deep..." The maid muttered quietly.

Removing his hands from her tits, he placed them on the back of her knees. Wide eyed, Grayfia tried to stop him, but found herself unable to when all that came out of her mouth were her pants, moans, her drool and of course her tongue.

Without much as breaking a sweat, Naruto lifted Grayfia with his hands and rammed his rod into her ass forcefully. Unable to hold the position for too long, Naruto took a few steps forward and pushed her against the wall fucking her hard. Her breasts, smashed up against the wall, were spread out to the side due to the forcefulness. Her face was a mask of pleasure and tiredness as she support her body. Her juices spilled everywhere, even the wall wasn't spared from her cum. Her eyes soon rolled into the back of her head, yet somehow she still remained conscious.

Naruto's cock twitched. He knew he was about to cum so roaring to the heavens he emptied his deposited his load inside her ass. IT was incredible Naruto could unload so much cum insider her body. The poor woman in his arms lie lifelessly. Her eyes rolled back and her tongue lolled out of her mouth in a ahegao or 'fucked stupid' expression. Drool was running down from the corner of her opened mouth. The headband on her head fell into the puddle of mixed cum underneath her.

It wasn't long before Naruto stopped cumming inside of her ass. He pulled out of her and his cum began spilling out before her asshole shut stemming the flow until it eventually came to a complete stop. Naruto chuckled. He didn't know if she was doing it on purpose or not. The blond picked her up in the classic bridal style and lay her gently on the bed before taking a spot next to her.

"I can't believe that you are still this hard," she said while panting and wrapped her slender hand around his still erect, hardened cock, "As your maid I can't let this . . ." But she was silenced by a finger being placed on her lips.

"Don't worry, it's nothing I can't handle Grayfia," he said smiling warmly making Grayfia's already red face flush even more red. "You should rest now. Don't push yourself too much okay."

Nodding her head with a smile, Grayfia fixated her gaze on the celling. Naruto decided to clean the mess they had created before the girls got back. His eyes widened when he realized they had spent the last three hours having sex; they had missed their meal thirty minutes ago.

Still wide eyed, Naruto noticed Grayfia's hand was still on his cock.

"Grayfia?" he asked with a forced smile when he saw her devious one.

"Like I said, I can't leave you like this," she muttered stroking his hard tool.

"You never know when to give up do you?" Naruto asked folding his arms across his chest.

"There is still one place left for you master," she said using her free hand to play with her big tits.

"Right, this is the last time okay?" she nodded her head. Here he always wondered why the maid was so stubborn when it came to his well being. Naruto sighed. Straddling her stomach, he pushed his manhood between her soft pillow, and pushed her breasts together.

The blond began to rock his hips slowly, but Grayfia was having non of that.

"Stop messing around master," she said trying to bite his cock in mock fun. Luckily for Naruto, he pulled back before she sunk her teeth into his 'soldier's' head, "Where did all your enthusiasm go to" She asked and pressed her breasts tighter making Naruto moan in pleasure at the softness of her tits.

"You asked for it!" Naruto smirked evilly before pulling back and thrusting into her tits. her tits Naruto smirked evilly before pulled back and rammed as fast as he could between her tits. Not one to be idle, Grayfia sucked and licked on the head of his dick as he fucked her tits.

Naruto kept at it for some time. He would change position so that he thrusted down her tits form above before finding a comfortable position. Naruto, towering above the woman, thrusts into her mouth from the 'sixty-nine' position. WIth her tongue, Grayfia licked the underside of his cock sensually. Some times she would fondle his balls with her skillful tongue. After thirty minutes, Naruto decided he should end this by pulling out of the valley between her breasts and jammed his dick in her mouth. His balls slapped against her nose. Her mouth would undoubtedly be the best place for him to dump his sperm.

"You are the one who never knows when to give up master," Grayfia said when Naruto took his cock out of her mouth. However, she caught his hard rod and jerked it a few times to milk out more cum which she eagerly swallowed, "Still hard? I was right when I said you need a harem. One woman could never hope to fully satisfy you."

"Shut up," Naruto muttered and silenced her by stuffing her throat with his cock. An idea popped into his head as he recalled Akeno's words from the pool, "Oh yeah! Maybe I can get my clones to join me in the fun. How does that sound Grayfia?"

Her face paled immediately but not because of the lack of oxygen. That thought of a gang bang terrified her greatly yet aroused her at the same time.

"Well Grayfia," Naruto smiled placing a hand on her stomach lightly as he thrusted into her mouth, "I hoped that you don't need to eat dinner with all my cum in your belly." He smirked ferally before unloading another bucket of cum into her esophagus. This time, Naruto didn't try to hold back. He pulled out and bathed her face and tits in his thick, creamy milk.

Getting off the bed, he muttered, "I should clean this place," as he viewed the mess in front of him. Turning his head around to Grayfia, he saw the woman lying on the bed with her tongue, out, licking the sperm on her face. He would have to clean her body too. Undoubtedly, Grayfia forced the sex in the.

In the end, Grayfia is the one that laid flatly on her bed and had to sleep to forget the sore between her legs.

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