
Chapter 13

"Please forgive me!"

Yasaka, the leader of the Youkai Faction, bowed deeply with her forehead touching the ground. Naruto was desperately trying to defuse the situation, but sadly things only got worse and worse with each passing minute.

To say Rias and the others were angry was an understatement, the understatement of the year as a matter of fact. Naruto tried to explain that he, in fact, had no relations to Yasaka and that Kunou was in no way his child. His only salvation was Ikaros, the only one who believed him. Grayfia had gone to contact Sirzechs, it wasn't everyday that the leader of a power faction nonchalantly walks into a mansion full of devils.

Rias had tried to blast him with her power of destruction and nearly destroyed the living room in the process of trying to kill him or to make him suffer. After he placated his childhood friend, he ordered Ikaros to play with the child. The girl had never seen an Angel and was happy to play with Ikaros, but of course, she preferred her 'father' more than anything. She clung to Naruto until her mother told her to go play with Ikaros so her 'parents' could have some alone time.

When Grayfia returned, she handed Naruto a mission request from Sirzechs, and it turned out that the mission entitled that he would have to pose as Kunou's father. This job might be pretty easy in a way, but Naruto must fulfill it for the sake of Devil and Youkai relationship, because after all, the woman before him, Yasaka, was the leader of the Youkai Faction.

Learning of Naruto's mission, the girls knew he was telling the truth and calmed down before apologizing for attacking him, especially Rias who tried to evaporate him.

"Yasaka-san, please stand up," Naruto smiled nervously to the older woman before him "There no need to bow like that."

"But I have troubled you with this misunderstanding. Naruto-san, please forgive me," Looking up, she peered into Naruto's eyes expectantly.

"Don't worry about that. Now, please sit up and tell us everything okay?" he smiled and helped Yasaka to her feet. They returned to the VIP room located on the sixth floor. Naruto never knew he would use this room so soon.

"Here's your tea Yasaka-sama, Naruto-sama," Grayfia put the tray down on the table and poured the tea into two cups. Rias and the others were sitting in the chairs behind Naruto, the crimson heiress had decided to call all the members of her peerage here so they could observe the proceedings so they could help Naruto on his mission to the best of their ability.

"Thank you Grayfia-san," Yasaka smiled gratefully and took a cup from Grayfia which the silver haired maid nodded her head with a smile before going to stand next to Naruto, eagerly awaiting his next order, "I'm really surprised that you're here Grayfia-san, I thought you were going to stay as the head maid of Lucifer-sama?"

"I'm Naruto-sama's personal maid now Yasaka-sama," a small smile graced Grayfia's beautiful face.

"I see," the blonde Kyuubi nodded her head in understanding and turned her head to Naruto, "So Naruto-san, I guess you already know your part of your mission?"

"Yes Yasaka-san," Naruto nodded his head and sipped the tea, "but, why me Yasaka-san? I mean you could choose someone who has experience as a father like some an older Youkai or Devil. But I? I'm just a young devil and am still inexperienced. I'm not even a High-class devil you know."

"I know that Naruto-san," Yasaka put the cup on the table, "However, as some of you already know… Kunou and I are the only Kyuubis of the Youkai race. I know that some of you wonder why. It's because it is very rare that a Kitsune Youkai could achieve nine tails like me and my daughter, who inherited my power."

Everyone nodded their head. Kiba was explaining a few things about the Youkai Faction to Issei and the church duo.

"Kunou's father was a normal human and he had abandoned us a long time ago when he found out I was a Youkai, and I have never met him since then but," Yasaka's voice held a deep sadness when she began to tell the story, "Kunou always wished to know her father and always wanted him to appear for her birthday. That was always her wish since the day she could remember her birthday. I had desperately tried to find someone who could act as her father. But after everything I tried, my daughter still saw through the act and knew it wasn't her father or the person I found just want power and money out of this."

Yasaka slowly took the cup and drank the tea as silence permeated the room. Maybe Yasaka was the leader of the Youkai Faction, but she was still a mother who wanted the best for her daughter.

"I just wanted her to be happy on her birthday, but I always made her cry after the party has finished. I'm really a failure as a mother to her child…" Yasaka wiped a tear from the corner of her golden eye before continuing, "Long ago, I had hoped that I wouldn't have to tell Kunou that her father abandoned us until a few weeks ago I decided to tell her the truth about him. And then, before I could go to my daughter's room, I saw…"

"Naruto-sama in his Kyuubi form?" Ravel gasped and everyone eyes widened. She and everyone still remembered what happened at the engagement party, how Naruto's energy materialized into a Kyuubi form with black lines marring the body.

"Yes, I saw Naruto-san's form and thought that you might be one of the members of our Kitsune clan that had gained nine tails like me," Yasaka nodded her head, "However, when I did some research about it, I couldn't find anything related to Naruto Uzumaki, and your fox form was very unique, it is very different than mine," She paused a little, "but that was when an idea popped into my head. Who could better be a father to Kunou than someone who has a Kyuubi form like us? I was hesitant as first because I didn't want to use anyone especially someone like you for my own selfishness. But when Kunou saw you, she had asked me…" she trailed off.

"If I'm her father or not?" Naruto sighed. He felt bad for the woman in front of him who cared deeply for her daughter's happiness, even going as far as abandoning her duty as leader to come all the way from Kyoto to here. And just to find someone who could act as Kunou's father so that the child could have a happy birthday, "But, what is your plan for after her birthday?"

"I had told her that her father is very busy and has to go on business trip," Yasaka lowered her head "S-She might hate me when she finds out, but I hope I could prolong the time until she's fully matured and can take care of herself, so please…" Yasaka stood up and got on her knees in front of them, Naruto's and everyone eyes widened in shock, "Please help me Naruto-san! Kunou already thinks you're her father so you can just take her here and there, and act like her father until the end of her birthday. I will offer you anything you want: money, power or even myself. Just please be her father… just for two days!" She lowered herself down until she was bowing deeply.

A pair of gentle hands touched her shoulder gently and helped her back up to her feet. Yasaka looked up and saw that Naruto was smiling at her

"I will help you Yasaka-san," Naruto grinned, "I don't need anything at all. You're one of the best mothers I have ever seen in my life. I promise you that I will try my best to be Kunou's father. If you need anything after this just ask me." Naruto smiled brightly, making Yasaka's cheeks turn a shade of pink before quickly fading away.

"Thank you Naruto-san," she nodded her head with a smile, the young man in front of her was really different than the rest of the men she had asked for help. All they wanted was money and power, or even her body in return. They didn't care about how Kunou felt when they were her father and it was one of the many reasons her daughter was perpetually sad.

But with Naruto, then maybe her daughter could have a happy birthday after all.

"Otou-sama!" Kunou cried out happily and launched herself at Naruto's body.

Everyone, including Rias, had decided be part of this plan; they didn't know how everything would turn out at the end, but even a pervert like Issei had felt sorry for the blonde woman. Yasaka had told Naruto everything he need to know from Kunou's favorite food to her favorite toys. The leader of Youkai Faction even told Naruto everything about her to prevent suspicion form her daughter. Kunou was be a young and immature girl, but she could be very smart at the same time.

"Hello there Kunou-chan, I hope you have been a good girl for Ikaros-nee?" He patted her head and turned his eyes to Ikaros who was sitting with a ball in her hand.

"Yes, Kunou has been a very good girl. Ikaros-nee played a lot of games with me!" Kunou said making Yasaka and the girls, even Kiba coo at the girl's cuteness, "She is the best Angel ever!" Naruto chuckled, maybe acting as her father wouldn't be so bad at all. The girl suddenly pulled his hand to sit down next to Ikaros along with her mother, "Let's play together Otou-sama, Okaa-sama!"

Naruto just smiled nervously at the others and followed the fox girl. He felt kind of glad that Ikaros was here with him, or else he would be too nervous to do anything. Despite following Yasaka's idea, they, the other girls, couldn't help but feel jealous at the sight in front of them.

Naruto let Kunou sit on his lap much to the annoyance of Ravel and Koneko. He began to play with the smaller blonde just like a normal father would with their child. The others, especially Yasaka, widened their eyes in surprise at the scene in front of them. They couldn't believe that Naruto, naturally, could act like as if he was Kunou's father from the beginning. The blonde haired child's face held so much happiness that Yasaka hadn't seen before, and the girls couldn't help but admit that the three of them look just like a happy family together.

"You know with that golden hair and the Kyuubi form," Xenovia muttered to Asia as she looked at the scene in front of her, "Naruto could be related to Kunou-sama from the beginning."

"Yes, they look so happy with each other," Asia smiled brightly.

"Ara, Buchou… you look thoughtful," Akeno looked at her king and saw that she was staring at Naruto with a blush on her face. Not only that she seemed to space out, "I bet that you're thinking of how good a father Naruto is!"

"Akeno! It's not like that!" she tried to defend herself, but she couldn't help but agree with her queen about that. Naruto definitely made a good father.

"Naruto-sama…" Ravel blushed furiously at hearing the words from Akeno. She too, couldn't help but agree that Naruto was a good father. She would inform her mother of this interesting fact later on. Her mother would be happy that Naruto, not only was her daughter's fiancé, but was a powerful devil with unique personality, and he was also a really good and caring father.

"Now, Kunou-chan, let me introduce you to my friends," Naruto, wrapping his hands around Kunou's waist, lifted her off his lap with ease. He stood up and walked up to where Rias and the others were standing. He felt really bad that he was helping her mother in tricking Kunou like this. Especially a little girl who was just eight or ten years old.

"Say ah, Kunou-chan," Naruto smiled and fed Kunou, with chopsticks, a piece of grilled meat.

"Ahh~!" Kunou opened her mouth widely and ate the food Naruto fed her.

"Here you go too, honey~" Yasaka said with a small blush on her cheeks. Lunch time had arrived after three hours of playing a lot of games and even video games with each other. Grayfia went to the storage room and brought out an extra large table so there was enough space for everyone including Rias' peerage. Kunou and Yasaka had taken both seats at Naruto's sides much to Rias' annoyance. But the girl just shook it off and sat next to the blond hair girl, who looked at Rias as her big sister now.

"You know Akeno. Do you think she's getting into this a bit too much?" Rias whispered to her black haired queen, "I don't know why, but I feel that Naruto acting as Kunou-chan's father was just a part of her reason to come here."

"Me too, Buchou" Akeno nodded her head. Yasaka had decided that she and Naruto should act as a proper couple in love with each other, and the scene in front of them was really annoying them, especially Rias.

Naruto chuckled nervously as he ate the food Yasaka fed him.

'Be careful Naruto, she is planning something else!' Kurama said inside Naruto's mind, because of the link between them, Kurama could access Naruto's sense and a part of Naruto's power and ability of empathy was one of them.

'I know Kurama,' Naruto nodded his head, 'she might be a good actress, but she couldn't betray her emotions.'

It was all fake and Naruto knew it; he could feel her emotions clearly inside of the VIP room. She felt sad, yet at the same time her emotions were totally different from a sad mother telling him about her mistake in tricking her daughter. There was also something else Naruto couldn't describe about Yasaka, and he knew he had to be careful around her. Maybe he should tell Grayfia about this.

But there was an emotion coming from Yasaka that prevented him from telling his maid... it was fear.

'Don't tell her. While I know that maid could keep a calm disposition, but if she know that the Kyuubi,' Kurama paused a little, apparently he couldn't stand watching another Kyuubi other than himself running outside. The orange Kyuubi wanted nothing more than challenge the golden Kyuubi in a fight to decide who is the strongest Nine-Tailed fox, but sadly he couldn't leave Naruto's body, 'was using you, we don't know what could happen if she choose to attack that female. And if the Grayfia is as strong as the rumors say, the fight would level this country if they went all out. You understand how protective that maid is of you, don't you Naruto?'

'I know Kurama. It looks like only time will tell," Naruto thought inside of his head and fed Kunou another spoon full of vegetables which the blonde girl tried to push it away. He turned his head to Ravel and saw that she was staring at him. Her eyes were telling him that she knew what he was thinking.

It looks like their bond had gotten stronger lately. Ravel had begun to show signs of understanding Naruto's desires before he could tell her. The tears had begun to show its affect, and he didn't want to think what would happen after he drank it.

Ravel sent him a meaningful look before turning away before she ate another piece of food. She too like everyone else didn't like the closeness between Naruto and Yasaka. Yasaka was getting into it a little bit too much. She remembered from some old book she had read when she was younger that Kitsunes were professionals at jokes and illusions, especially acting like everything was real. She didn't know if Yasaka followed the old Kitsune way or not, but she felt that there something more to the blond Kyuubi's visit.

Naruto sighed, tomorrow would be Kunou's birthday. Yasaka had decided that they should celebrate her birthday here, and her people at Kyoto had already organized a huge party for their princess. They would return home late tomorrow night, and everything will be revealed after that.

Or sooner than any of them expected.

Naruto stood outside on his rooftop, leaning his arms on the balcony and looking out at the town in the middle of the night. After putting Kunou to sleep, he couldn't find himself wanting to do the same thing at all so he decided to go to the rooftop to get some fresh air. Who knew that taking care of a child would be this stressful. After all, he had given his best and was glad that Kunou enjoyed his attention.

Yasaka had decided to stay on the bed with Kunou and slept with her like they always did. Everyone in Rias' peerage had stayed in the empty rooms he had, this is the first time Uzumaki Mansion had this many residents and had rung out with laughter. Naruto chuckled at memory. The look on Issei's face when he 'accidentally' put him and Asia in a different rooms.


Naruto turned his head behind him and saw that Rias was standing at the door looking at him with a surprised expression on her face. Naruto's face reddened a little at seeing her clothes which were simply string panties and unbuttoned T-shirt.

"Couldn't sleep Rias-chan?" Naruto asked while he devoured the sight in front of him.

"It's actually pretty hard to sleep without you beside me," Rias walked up to the balcony and leaned her arm on it. She said it casually like it was an obvious thing made Naruto turn his head so fast they his neck nearly cracked only for Rias to take a deep breath. The wind slowly blew through her crimson tresses adding a magical quality to the scene, "I'm sorry for attacking you this morning Naruto-kun."

"You've already apologized once Rias, " Naruto words pulled him out of his thought. He stared into her beautiful blue-green eyes and smiled, "Plus, you don't have to worry or even say sorry. It's not everyday that your childhood friend gets stuck in a misunderstanding about his 'child'."

Rias giggled at his words and brought her face closer to his. She asked with a gentle smile, "Say Naruto-kun, what are you planning to do after becoming a high-class devil? You know when you become a high-class devil you wouldn't have to worry about Devil jobs anymore. And with your current status in the devil world, plus your acting part in 'Magical Girl Levia-tan', I say you wouldn't have to worry about money for about a hundred years. So what are your plans for the future?"

Rias brought up a good point, if she hadn't remind him then Naruto wouldn't know what to do after his promotion to a High-Class devil. Sure, he still had his dream of confessing his feelings to his lovely childhood friend, and after his date with Rias that dream only grew stronger. But what would he do after confessing his feelings to her? He just couldn't just take an heiress to one of the most powerful Clans to a date without troubling her? Plus he also had a lot of issues with the higher-ups. Those guys would never let him have a minute of free time let alone let him date someone of Rias' prestige.

"I really don't know Rias-chan" he confessed truthfully, "You know before you came into my life all I wanted was to stay alive. It was a constant struggle just to stay alive and not die from starvation or illness. After I met you and we became best friends, everything changed for me especially after living at the Gremory castle. I didn't have to worry constantly about my life and I had a family which cared for me, friends who would never leave my side, especially, a certain beautiful and lovely girl I know who just so happens to be my childhood friend who brought happiness to my life and made it more interesting," He chuckled but kept his eyes focused on the town so he didn't see the furious blush on Rias' face, "But you know what Rias-chan, the life I had before I met you, the life I was living after the loss of my family was fake. . . it was all fake."

Rias' eyes widened at Naruto's speech. The image of a younger Naruto, holding a black katana pointed at her throat suddenly appeared in her mind. Her face lost its color when she saw the look in his eyes, those same eyes he had the day she accidentally bumped into him.

"I didn't want to worry anyone especially you Rias-chan with some stupid memory of mine" Naruto gritted his teeth, "However, sooner or later you guys will found out everything about me. Even I don't remember half of my previous life . . . When I woke up in Lucifer's castle, I had inconsistent gaps in my memories, and no matter how tried I tried or what methods I used, I couldn't remember. I couldn't remember how I lost my conscious and how I ended up in the castle," Rias bit her lower lips to stop the words from coming out. She didn't want to tell him the truth, he would hate himself for nearly killing her, one of his precious people.

"But last month, I remembered a part of my previous life," Naruto smiled warmly at the memories Kurama gave him, "I was ten years old and joined an academy that would teach me how to fight, how to protect myself. Sadly, I couldn't remember my parents, but that day when I joined the Academy, I was nothing but a trouble maker, pulling pranks. I acted idiotically so that people would notice me. Why do I do such things for attention? I don't know. But that day I met a person who cared for me. An older brother would support me. His name was Iruka Umino, my first sensei."


"I sometime envy you Rias-chan," he turned his head to her, "You're a free spirit. You can do whatever you wanted and have anything you want. Hell when you ran into me, I envied he roller skates, and wanted to steal them for myself," Naruto chuckled as Rias hit the back of his head. She knew something about him, he just knew it. He felt her emotions when he told her about the part when he woke up at Lucifer's castle years ago. But decided to push it aside and wanted to lighten the mood instead, "It's a beautiful night isn't it?" Naruto asked with his eyes set on her.

"It sure is," Rias nodded her head with a smile. Both of them just stared at each other for a moment before closing the gap between them. The only thing they wanted to do was to feel the others' lips just like when they were in the cabin.

But then a girlish scream immediately broke the tender moment. Naruto swiveled his head to the house and saw a bright light appear on the third floor before an explosion shook the mansion uncontrollably. Concentrating, Naruto sensed that everyone was alright but he also felt four strange signatures . . .

"KUNOU!" His eyes snapped opened and he took Rias' hand. Both of them disappeared in a flash of yellow.

Naruto reappeared inside Kunou's and Yasaka's room to see that the room was on fire. He could feel the energy coming from the flame and saw that it was the Kyuubi's flame, Yasaka's powerful magic. Quickly shielding Rias from the flames, they stepped through the large hole in the wall leading outside.

"KUNOU!" They heard Yasaka screamed in horror as a column of fire appeared.

Looking up, Naruto saw a Harpy holding the sleeping Kunou within her claws while three of her compatriots along with a lot of monsters were fighting Yasaka. They must be strong to be able to hold even ground with Yasaka, leader of the Youkai faction, especially the Kappa. Naruto had never seen a Kappa with such mastery over the element of water. Something wasn't right here. Their power kept increasing for no reason.

"Stay here and support me Rias-chan!" Naruto put Rias to the ground who nodded her head quickly and called on her power. Naruto joined the battle with his Kunai ready.

"It's useless Yasaka-sama, your power is nothing against us now!" the green Oni snarled with a smirk on his face, "Your death will bring destruction to your faction in Kyoto, and our master would be happy to have his throne rightfully returned to his ownership."

"Give me back my daughter!" Yasaka cried and began to transform into her Kyuubi form. Those Youkai in front of her have had their powers boosted.

Her opponents saw her transformation and immediately attacked her. They knew Yasaka could easily deal with them if she transformed. Although, she would likely level this town and take back her daughter before they could deliver the child to their master

But Yasaka's transformation suddenly stopped when Naruto appeared in a flash of yellow between her and the Youkai. As soon as he appeared, Naruto created a Rasengan and thrust at the Oni. He shouted in pain and was thrown away in a powerful whirlwind. His comrades shook themselves out of their dazed state and attacked Naruto, but a black orb with a crimson aura hit one of them dead on, erasing half of one's face.

Rias was standing with her hand thrust out. Her eyes widened when the ground around her began to shake violently. A puff of smoke appeared beside her and she saw a clone of Naruto wrap a hand around her waist before jumping out of the way as massive jaws broke through the earth.

A massive monster began to crawl out of the ground as it roared. Rias covered her ears at the ear shattering sound. She felt like her head was going to explode at the sound. Monsters began to crawl out of the giant hole to attack Naruto and Yasaka. While they weren't much of a threat; they were going to out number the two if Naruto and Yasaka didn't use their more destructive powers

A blur suddenly passed by the monster trying to sneak behind Naruto as it slashed at the monster. The blur stopped behind Naruto back to back. It was Kiba, duel wielding two swords.

"So, what's the situation senpai?" Kiba asked

"Three leaders, two are dead and one is currently battle Yasaka-san. There are a lot of monsters, a massive one to make their point," Naruto sent two monsters flying with a powerful kick.

"So what's the plan senpai?"

"Take them all out and rescue Kunou," Naruto didn't need to turn around to know that Kiba understood his orders and began cleaving through the monsters with his sword. He smiled as a massive barrier materialized. Grayfia was trying her best to hide the battle from human sight.

Powerful lightning began to strike the ground. Looking up, Naruto saw Akeno hovering above the ground with her wings out. A golden magic circle floating above her head shot out lightning in intervals. Rias with the help of his clones took out monsters before they could reach the queen.

Issei had his own share of fighting. Naruto had to admit that the brunette was holding his own pretty well while he simultaneously protected Asia. He even managed to harm the massive beast with a boosted Dragon Shot. Koneko, using her super strength, sent any monster in her path flying. Alongside her, Xenovia with Durandal in hand cleaved through the monsters violently without any rhyme or technique.

Floating in the sky, Ikaros shot down monsters, one by one, using the strange light her wings emitted. Any monster foolish enough to get close was mercilessly ripped apart by an unseen force without acknowledgment.

Ravel, with her flaming wings out, protected Grayfia from any monsters as the maid concentrated on stabilizing the barrier.

"KONEKO!" Naruto yelled, earning the attention of the white haired girl. He pointed his hand to the biggest beast and then pointed his finger to the sky while running at the beast.

Koneko nodded her head in understanding and ran at the beast. The small white haired girl run passed the beast's legs without trouble and met Naruto underneath the beast. Synchronizing their movements, Naruto and Koneko jumped and slugged the beast with powerful punches propelling it into the sky at unimaginable speeds as it roared in pain. Naruto used some of his energy to add some altitude.

A clone appeared beside him and nodded his head. Naruto held out his hand while the clone channeled his energy and created a normal Rasengan in the original's hand. Koneko sent another monster flying before she turned her head around in shock. She saw white blades being to form around Naruto's Rasengan as it began to expand.

The bright white-bluish light and the strange, bell screeching like sound earned everyone's attention. Turning their heads, they saw Naruto holding a massive Rasengan above his head, the whirling blades reminded them of a shuriken.

"Futon: Rasenshuriken" Naruto muttered. He hefted the Rasengan and hurled it at the sky.

A second passed as the powerful shuriken whirled through the clouds. And then they heard it, a large explosion. A massive shockwave rippled through the air, it cracked and nearly broke Grayfia's barrier. Their mouths dropped in shock as an enormous orb appeared in the sky while spinning slowly. The clouds swirled around it making it look like a storm. After a minute, the orb disappeared and the massive beast slowly fell to the ground, blood covering its body.

All the monsters had been killed with the help of Naruto, Rias and her peerage. All of them quickly gathered behind Yasaka who was finishing off the last leader. Its body was being vaporized into nothingness by the golden flames. A murderous expression was plastered on her face as she stared down the Harpy holding her child captive.

"Give her back to me!" Yasaka muttered dangerously.

"Or what?" The harpy smirked "Yasaka-sama, I couldn't believe that someone like you would go so low as to going to these filthy devils for protection. You have broken the oath between you and your master. Your child would pay for that. Our master will use her at the ritual!" she laughed loudly while Yasaka was gritted her teeth in anger.

"Master…" Ikaros whispered behind him, "I could take out that Harpy and bring Kunou back with Artemis. I have her locked in with my radar, shall I?"

"Don't Ikaros, we can't risk hurting Kunou just stay still" Naruto muttered back and Ikaros nodded her head, her eyes changed back to normal.

"What do you want with her?" Rias called out, she was glaring at the harpy with so much hatred in her eyes. She was really fond of the little fox girl, and seeing these Youkai taking her away like this, she wanted nothing more than blast them into nothingness.

"Oh, Rias Gremory and her troublesome peerage. I didn't know that you would get such interesting guardians Yasaka-sama," the Harpy smirked and turned her head to Naruto "Ah~ Naruto Uzumaki, the most dangerous threat to my master's alliance… master's alliance told me that if I see you here, then I should tell you this" she smiled before continuing, "Remember your mission Uzumaki, someday you will finish it!" she roared out in laughter before a portal appeared beside her, she quickly flew into it before any of them could react.

"NO, KUNOU!" Yasaka screamed and tried to reach for her daughter with tears in her eyes, but Grayfia suddenly appeared behind her and held her in a firm grip.

Naruto just stared at the spot where the harpy just disappeared with his eyes wide, he just stared blankly at the spot without a hint of emotion in his eyes.


Naruto's hand suddenly shot out by on its own, memories began flood his mind. Even though it was just a flash of images flashing through his mind, his body suddenly acted on its own. The hand holding the tri-pronged kunai suddenly shot up and pointed itself at Rias.


Everything happened so fast that he himself didn't know what just happened. The images in his mind suddenly disappeared like they were never there.

"R-R-Rias-chan!" He muttered and peered down at his bloody hand. His other hand had shot up and stopped the blade before it could pierce Rias's throat. Everyone was looking at him in confusion and surprise even Yasaka had stopped struggling in favor.

"KILL HER! She response for the lost of your family"

"KILL HER! It was the reason you live"

"KILL HER! And revenge for your lost"

"KILL HER! It's the mission of your life"


That voice began to chant loudly inside his mind making Naruto yell out in pain. The unimaginable pain threatened to split his head wide open. The wound in his hand healed instantly as the kunai dropped to the ground with a clunk. Naruto fell to the ground clutching his head with both of his hands; his eyes were closed tightly as he tried to ward off the pain.

"NARUTO!" Rias cried out with tears in her eyes. She quickly made her way to his side and tried to help him. She didn't know what to do, all she knew was that she needed to ease the pain.

When she laid a hand on his shoulder, Naruto's head suddenly snapped up, Sharingan ablaze. Rias was immediately tackled to the ground as a pair of strong hands wrapped themselves around her throat. She choked as Naruto tightly squeezed her throat, slowly constricting the life out of her; she realized if not for everyone trying to their best to pull Naruto off of her he would have surely broken her neck. A tear slowly fell down the corner of her eye when she realized that the one she loved was killing her.

But then everything suddenly stopped.

"R-Rias-chan!" Naruto muttered, his eyes returned back to their normal bright azure color. He looked at his hands, strangling Rias, in shock.

"Na-ru-to-kun…" she tried to speak but when she saw the horrified expression in his eyes, she knew it was too late now

Naruto suddenly disappeared in a flash of yellow, leaving Rias lying flat on the ground staring blankly at the sky with tears in her eyes.

"Please tell me everything Yasaka-sama, I will try my best to help you," Grayfia urged gently while holding the blond hair woman's hand.

They decided to return to Uzumaki Mansion, and everyone wanted Yasaka to tell them the real reason why she came here. No one could forget what just happened mere moments ago, and the blood lust in the air when Naruto trying to strangle his childhood friend, the one he cherished the most, to death. Using her radar, Ikaros pinpointed Naruto's location, he was in his room. Placing seal upon seal, Naruto locked himself inside his room. With so many seals Grayfia couldn't drag him out without destroying the house. And by the look of it, Naruto most likely wanted someone to kill him.

Rias was currently sitting with her back to the door of Naruto's room. She was trying her best to keep the tears from falling but failed terribly. Rias tried to call for Naruto, but no matter what she tried he wouldn't answer even if she used their special bracelet.

She stayed like this for two hours. Akeno, Ravel, Koneko and everyone had tried to call for Naruto but they couldn't do anything better than her.

Rias suddenly felt a pressure pressing from the other side of the door, and realized it was Naruto leaning on the door.

"Na…ruto-kun," she inquired lowly, "are you there?"

There were no response, but Rias knew that Naruto was on the other side of the wall because of the warm, heat radiating from the bracelet.

"Naruto-kun" she wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled sadly, "It's alright, I'm not hurt or anything you know."

"How?" Rias heard a low whisper, but with her enhanced hearing she could hear it clearly m, "How can you not angry with me, after how I nearly killed you Rias?"

"I …"

But before she could finish her speech, the door suddenly opened and the next thing she knew, she was being pushed against the wall. Her eyes widened but then soften when she saw the tears flowing down his eyes, and the arms holding her weren't forceful at all. It was just as gentle as the way he always held her when they slept together in the same bed since they were young.

"You should hate me Rias!" Naruto yelled, "Don't you get it, there was a voice in my head that was telling me to kill you. No matter how hard I tried, my body just acted on it own. Like it was natural for me to kill you, it was like I was born to do so. You should hate me, look at me with disgust and attack me the next time you see me," Naruto lowered his head to her shoulder, "So why?!"

"It's okay Naruto-kun" She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tightly,"It is okay, everything is going to be fine. It is all in the past now!"

Rias slowly fell to the ground while holding Naruto to her body. She never thought that today would be the day she saw him so weak like this. Naruto, who was always there for her whenever she needed him, the one who would be strong for everyone, comfort them when they felt sad. Naruto, who had broke her engagement just so she could find her own happiness and didn't care in the slightest about what happened to him afterwords.

Rias just sat there, holding Naruto close to her, letting him cried on her shoulder.

"Everyone, get ready!" Grayfia stepped out of the room with a stoic look on her face. Everyone sans Naruto and Rias was waiting outside of the room in a heavy, somber mood, "We will help Yasaka-sama rescue her daughter"

"Alright!" Issei punched his palm but suddenly remembered their missing members, "Grayfia-san, what about Naruto-senpai and Buchou?"

Ravel sniffled when she heard that. Asia immediately pinched Issei's hip making him yelp in pain. Everyone gave a long sigh.

"We will rescue her. I will go with you!"

A strong and familiar voice called out making everyone turn their head to the stairs. They saw Rias walking down the steps with Naruto close behind her. The blond was immediately tacked by three crying girls at the same time. Kiba got up from the chair and smiled in relief. Asia mimicked the blond knight's actions while Issei shouted in delight at the return on their senpais.

"I'm sorry everyone for worrying you all so much," he gently soothed and patted Ravel's shoulder.

The girls calmed down and let go of him, Rias decided to tell them that they should keep what happened after the Harpy's escape a secret and even Yasaka agreed to hold their secret. Naruto already had the higher-ups breathing down his neck like hungry vultures so he didn't need to give them another reason to scrutinize him.

"So, Grayfia what did I miss?" Naruto looked at the leader of Youkai Faction who was sitting on the chair with a worried expression on her face.

"Apparently, Yasaka-sama didn't come here only for Kunou-sama's birthday," Grayfia began to explain as everyone leaned in. They really wanted to hear the true reason for Yasaka's visit, "Two month ago, her faction at Kyoto had been attacked by a group of rogue Youkai and stray Onmyouji. Their powers were something that she had never seen before and soon found out that they were after Kunou-sama. They need the blood of a Kyuubi to unseal a great beast that had been sealed away for thousands of years under Kyoto, and because Yasaka-sama was too strong for them, they couldn't capture her so instead they targeted the weaker, Kunou-sama."

"For two months, I tried my best to protect Kunou. However, I soon found out that alone by myself, I wasn't strong enough to protect my child," Yasaka said, "but in just one month, I had killed a total of twenty eight traitors who were followers of this furtive group. I don't know who the leader is but he has successfully twisted the minds of my Youkai into betraying me. So I couldn't trust anyone else other than Kunou and myself. I sought help from the other factions, from someone I could trust, but Devils were the only ones who opened their arms to my child and me."

"So," Grayfia continued for her, "that is the reason why she was here. Yasaka had seen the fight between you and Riser-sama and chose you to be their guardian," Grayfia nodded at Naruto, "Your Kyuubi form, your power and especially your loyalty made Yasaka-sama think that you would be the perfect one to protect Kunou. By using the reason of coming here to organize a happy birthday to her child with her 'father', she had successfully tricked the remaining traitors in her faction."

"I'm so sorry for tricking you Naruto-san" Yasaka sighed sadly "I-I don't know what to do at the moment anymore, my daughter is everything to me. I…"

A finger placed on Yasaka's lips halted her speech. Lifting her eyes up, she saw Naruto as he lowered himself down to her eye level. He was smiling gently at her.

"You don't have to worry Yasaka-san," Naruto nodded his head to her, "All you cared about was Kunou's safety. You had chosen a hard choice for Kunou's sake. I, along with all my friends here," he motioned to the group with a sweep of his arms, "will help you rescue Kunou and make sure that no one will ever harm her again."

Yasaka stared into Naruto's eyes for a moment marveling at the conviction behind them. The worriment and sadness disappeared from her eyes. Felling the warmth in his words, she couldn't help but nod her head at him even though she knew the chance they had of saving Kunou was slim.

"Let's go everyone, we will go to Kyoto as soon as possible!" Naruto stood up and turned to all his friend. They quickly went and changed into more comfortable clothes inside of their perspective rooms, they were ready for battle.

Ravel walked up to Naruto and peered at him with her large, dark blue eyes.

"Are you really okay Naruto-sama?" Ravel inquired her voice brimmed with unbridled concern.

"Of co…" he wanted to say it, but the look on Ravel's face told him, he couldn't lie to her at all

"Don't lie to me Naruto-sama," she muttered quietly to him, "I know how you feel right now, but I can't help but feel that you have given up on something haven't you Naruto-sama?"

Naruto didn't answer her question, he just stared blankly at his hands, the hands that had tried to kill his childhood friend.

A magic circle appeared at the middle of Kyoto. Naruto quickly stepped out of the magic seal for teleportation with Grayfia and quickly found a hiding spot.

"It looks like they have put all the humans in this city to sleep," Naruto muttered as scanned the city from his perch with his Sharingan. He spotted energy signatures coming from every direction, "Whoever is behind this is very well prepared," Turning his eyes to the largest building where Yasaka told him was the headquarters of her faction, Naruto picked up a large amount of magical energy being radiated, "It must be the Youkai."

"Naruto-sama, the seal," Grayfia put her hand to the ground and widened her eyes, "we have to get out of here now," she spoke in a hasty tone. They leapt out of the way as spears and arrows rained down on the spot where they stood mere seconds ago.

Looking up, Naruto spotted an army of Tengu all with: bows, spears and a motley of weaponry. There were a lot of them, easily over two hundred.

"Hoho, to think they only sent two people as the rescue team. Yasaka-sama is truly pathetic. You will have to do better than that to hide from us!" The leader of the group roared out in laughter. But before he could open his eyes to see what happened, ice spears shot out from the ground and pierced his head instantly killing the bird man. Truly, he was dead before he hit the ground.

"Who said we're trying to hide?" Grayfia asked with her usual stoic face. As she steadily unleashed her magic, the ground around her began to break and crack, "The only one who is pathetic here," all around Kyoto, the ground began to quaver under the might of the Strongest Queen. The Tengu have their mouths open in shock; a silver aura covered Grayfia's body, "is you!"

Silently, Naruto sprinted through the city's network of streets and alleyways. He could feel the uncontrollable shaking of the earth. Naruto knew Grayfia was insanely strong and she was easily a Maou Class devil, but this power output was unimaginable. Everything around him began to freeze over. He breathed out and saw his frosty breath.

Snow began to fall from the sky despite it being the beginning of summer.

Naruto's eyes widened in amazement when an enormous spire of ice loudly ruptured the ground. He could fell every Youkai in the vicinity rushing towards Grayfia's location. Her reputation as the strongest queen wasn't just for show.

Phase one of the plan complete. Commencing the second phase, Naruto pulled out and stabbed a kunai into the ground. Naruto channeled his magic into the bracelet to alert Rias then instantly in a flash of yellow, the real rescue team made their appearance.

"Damn, why is everything is so cold?" Issei asked. He was shivering not from fear but from the low temperature.

"It's Grayfia," said Naruto answering the boy's question. The first part of the plan had Grayfia acting as a distraction and keeping the Youkai occupied. Naruto knew that there was a barrier erected around Kyoto to detect any form of transportation magic. They fooled the enemy by sending Naruto and Grayfia as the vanguards, tricking the enemy into believing that they were the rescue team. Then with the Hiraishin, Naruto snuck everyone into Kyoto undetected.

"All right everyone stick to the plan," Naruto reminded the team as his clones dispersed into the night, "Don't forget to be careful okay."

Everyone nodded their heads before splitting into five distinct groups. Naruto, Yasaka, Ravel and Kiba headed straight to the center of Kyoto for the main mission. Xenovia, Ikaros, Akeno and Koneko's objective was to hold off as many Youkai as possible while protecting Asia, the most important healer on their team. Rias and Issei along with Asia would support Naruto, who led the strongest group. They would be confronting the leader and saving Kunou.

Just as Naruto predicted and planned, the enemy didn't knew about the Devil infiltration into Kyoto. With ease, Naruto knocked out a unexpectant Youkai before he could alert his accomplices. Everyone made their way to a large area where Naruto had located Kunou's energy signature.

Naruto's eyes hardened and he gripped his kunai tightly, blood poured down the handle..

Kunou was chained to above the ground with a deep slash on both of wrists. Blood was dripping slowly to the ground beneath her where a massive magic circle was glowing. Kunou was still alive, he could felt her heartbeat but it was just barely. If they didn't bring her to Asia soon, it would be too late.

"You're too late now Yasaka!"

The man that was standing on the ground with a bloody blade in his hand turned around to face them. Yasaka gasped out in shock and covered her mouth with both of her hands.


"Yes, Yasaka, it looks like you still remember me," he brought the blade to his mouth and licked the blood on it with a sadistic smile, "After all, we spent hot, passionate night with each other,"

Yasaka cried out and shot her hand forward, unleashing the largest golden inferno anyone ever had seen in their life toward the man. But he just lazily brushed it off with his hand like it was nothing.

Just then, Naruto saw the resemblance in that man's handsome face and Kunou.

"You're Kunou's father are you?" Naruto asked, his voice dripping with venom.

"That's right!" He laughed like a maniac and the ground beneath him began to shake. Soon enough a horde of monsters climbed out of the ground followed by four massive wolves, each the size of a large building. Howling, the pack charged like stampeding rhinos, "But I think that we can talk while fighting so shall we?"

Yasaka roared out in anger and completely transformed into her Kyuubi form complete with golden fur. Even if they cut off her energy supply from Kyoto, she would still have enough power to destroy all of them. A wolf jumped to attack her but Yasaka had jumped out of the way and tore into the beast's flesh with her massive maw.

Once the battle started, on the ground, everyone was fighting with all their might. Ikaros stood protectively in front of Asia as the two of them slowly crept past the fighting to Kunou. Giving his best, Issei fought with his fists and Dragon Shot. The pawn even managed to get a few dress breaks off of some female Onmyouji given the situation. Kiba, with his skill, assisted Ikaros and Asia in their endeavor to help Kunou. With his balance breaker, Sword of Betrayal, in hand Kiba cleaved through Youkai after Youkai like a hot knife through butter without a hint of slowing down. Rias shot orb after orb filled with the power of destruction into the groups of Youkai closing in on her instantly erasing their existence from the world.

Naruto clashed with Tetsuo, the man was having trouble holding the angry Uzumaki back despite Tetsuo had been given more power by that man.

"You call yourself her father!" Naruto yelled and punched the man in his face.

"What's wrong with that huh?" Tetsuo snarled and slashed at Naruto with his bloody blade only for Naruto to block it with his tri-pronged kunai, "It was that bitch's fault I was hunted down by Youkai," he turned his eyes slightly to the golden fox that was burning a wolf with her golden flame, "The lover of Kyuubi this or the father of the princess that. All the Youkai just wanted my head for that bitch's power!"

"She cared for you. Just look at how shocked she was when she saw you," Naruto shouted, "She could have protected you, and Kunou would have grown up with a father. Do you know how much the child loved you?"

"It's not like I wanted to have a child to begin with" He exclaimed, "All I cared about was her body and to have sex with her because I thought that she was a normal human. That little fox was just a mistake!"

"Yarou, you sicken me," Naruto spat heatedly and kicked the man in the face. It was strange that no matter how hard he hit Tetsuo the man didn't seem show any signs or form of injury, "You're already dead?" Naruto realized.

"That's right, I no longer feel any pain and am completely immune to Fox Fire!" he smirked, "I already died six years ago, and now I will resurrect the great Youkai God and fuse with it. You are too late now!" He roared in excitement as Naruto slashed his kunai across his chest.

"I can't believe Yasaka fell in love with trash like you," Naruto disappeared in flash and reappeared above Tetsuo Rasengan in his hand; he thrust it down at the dead man's head.

True to his word, Tetsuo did not shout nor did he feel any pain at all. Landing on the ground, Naruto slugged Tetsuo in the face releasing his energy when the fist came into contact with the man and sent him spiraling away. Naruto quickly ran to Kunou and cut the chains with his kunai.

"O-tou-sa-ma," he heard Kunou mutter lowly.

"It's alright Kunou-chan, it's alright," Naruto said and quickly brought her to Asia. The nun quickly called for her power to heal the girl. Kunou was going to be fine now.

Looking at Yasaka, Naruto saw that Yasaka was having a tough time dealing with the remaining wolves. Two lie on the ground dead while the other two fought furiously. A wolf clamped its jaws tightly into Yasaka's flesh making her roar in pain. Yasaka had been distracted when she saw Naruto successfully save her daughter, but that crucial second was all her enemy needed to take advantage of.

The final wolf, with his claws out, aimed them at Yasaka's head until a yellow blur slammed into his side knocking the wolf to the ground.

Naruto landed on Yasaka's head, his body covered in golden energy. Naruto quickly ran across her body to the wolf that was biting into her back. A hand shot out from his shoulder and created a Rasengan in his real hand. With it he smashed it into the beast's jaws making it release its hold.

"Naruto-san?" Yasaka said in surprise at his form, she had seen it on the recorder but never it never ceased to amaze her, that form.

"Kunou-chan is safe now," He smiled to her and ran to stand on her head.

"I'm glad," before Yasaka could sigh in relief, the magic circle underneath them suddenly glowed brightly, "The seal Naruto-san, stop the seal before it can fully activate."

"Got it" Naruto jumped down just before the weakened wolfs attacked Yasaka again.

Suddenly, before he could landed on the ground, a foot kicked him right in the face. Acting quickly, Naruto reappeared beside Rias before the foot could connect with his face, and saw that Tetsuo was back only with half of his face missing.

"Hahaha, it's too late now, The GOD will return, and I will kill all of you!" He roared out in laughter when a large crack could be heard underneath them. The seal began to crack as a large hand rose out of the seal.

"If I'm not mistaken then this god he is talking about was a Youkai that had been sealed by the first Kyuubi… Yasaka-sama's mother." Ravel landed to the ground beside him with a few cuts which quickly closed up due to her incredible healing factor, "That thing was no god, its destroyed everything from the beginning and Kyuubi-sama was too weak to kill it so the only option she had saw to seal the creature away," Naruto nodded his head, if that thing could be sealed then it can be killed. The only question was how much damage it was going to tank before its ultimate demise..

Just looking at the size of the arm, it was hard to imagine the rest of it.

Tetsuo muttered a few spells and disappeared into the magic seal before Ikaros could shoot him down. The large arm tensed up for a few second before continuing to rise from the ground.

"Everyone stay back, Yasaka and I will handle this," Naruto ordered and created a massive Rasengan in each of his hands. He quickly jumped to the air before increasing the size of the Rasengans even further. Palms, made of energy, shot out from his palms and slammed the Rasengans on the wolves killing them instantly..

Naruto landed on Yasaka's head and looked down, everyone had finally gotten out of the incoming battlefield.

"I hate to say this but if you don't transform I don't think us two will be enough to take that thing down," Yasaka said, "even with the help of Kyoto, my mother could only seal it away. Now that Tetsuo has fused with it, I don't think Fox Fire will help us."

"Don't worry Yasaka-san, if things get out of hand I will transform!" Naruto grinned, ready for battle. The Youkai in front of him assumed a humanoid shape with a massive horn jutting out from its head. Its body was covered in scales and bones, and it easily towered over Yasaka. However, the Youkai's eyes were Tetsuo's and he was grinning widely.

Roaring with a powerful voice, Yasaka lunged at the beast with her claws. Due to the enormity of the beast, it couldn't move very fast, but Yasaka, herself, could handle her size with greet speed and her movements were extremely elegant. The monster's massive hand crashing down, but Yasaka quickly jumped out of the way and released a powerful blast of Fox Fire. The beast roared in pain or rather discomfort, the fire didn't seem to affect its body at all.

The beast let out an enormous roar before attacking Yasaka with both of it hands. Naruto leapt over the hand that tried to swipe him off Yasaka's head. While in the air, Naruto created a Rasengan the size of the Youkai or Tetsuo's head.

"YASAKA-SAN, GET AWAY!" He shouted out to the Kyuubi. In a second's moment, Yasaka jumped out of the way as fast as she could. Naruto brought the Rasengan, crashing down, to the humanoid beast's elbow.

Tetsuo roared out in pain and took a step back when the massive Rasengan left his elbow completely useless. Naruto landed on a building and shot forward with incredible speed, his body become a blur as he create a Rasenshuriken in his hand.

"I'm not done yet!" He cried and slammed the Rasenshuriken into its body creating a massive orb of wind blades engulfing half of the beast's body, and tearing through the bones at the front side of the beast.

He jumped onto Yasaka shoulder just before she let out a powerful roar, bringing a wall of Fox fire to life and engulfed the beast into a tornado of golden flame. The beast roared out in pain, but all of that power Naruto and Yasaka threw at his body wasn't enough to completely take out him.

With a small effort, Tetsuo got back to his feet and used his hands to attack Yasaka again. But before he could touch the golden Kyuubi, ice began to form around his hand freezing it completely before a massive light beam pierced through the air and destroyed his arm. Naruto turned his head back and saw Grayfia and Ikaros standing on top of a building with the silver haired maid holding her hand out and Ikaros with a massive canon in her hand. Naruto paled at the size of that canon, to think that the Angel… no Ajuka had created something like that for the pink hair Angeloid was truly unimaginable.

However, Naruto knew that he should end this fight before the battle could completely destroyed Kyoto. Nearly five hundred meters had been destroyed just by his Rasengan.

Jumping to the ground, he called for his power. Kurama, the Kyuubi inside of him, grinned when he knew what his partner wanted to do. Both of them let out a powerful roar. The air around Naruto's body began to materialize into the form of a giant golden fox with black lines marring its body.

Yasaka nearly dropped her guard at the sight of the Kyuubi. Everyone who was watching the fight stared at Naruto in awe as he completely transformed into his Kyuubi form.

"Let's go, Kurama!" Naruto smirked

"You got it Naruto!" Kurama smirked inside Naruto's mind and the golden Kyuubi attack Tetsuo. The enormous Youkai tried to catch Naruto, but he was way too fast for Tetsuo to handle.

Naruto jumped onto Tetsuo's body and let loose a powerful roar before sinking his fangs into Tetsuo's shoulder. Before Tetsuo could react to it, the fox, with its limbs on his body, jumped strongly back. A thunderous force sent him barreling. Both Kyuubi appeared behind the flying body of Tetsu and wrapped their tails around him, together they slammed the massive body down to the ground before twirling their body and sent him smashed into building after building.

Naruto's land on the ground and brought his hand forward. The energy fox opened its jaws widely as black white and blue energy began to gather around its mouth. A dark orb soon appeared in front of Kurama's mouth making everyone eyes widen in shock at the seer amount of power inside of the orb.

"Go to hell!" Naruto muttered as the Bijuudama got bigger and bigger before being shot from Kurama's mouth. This Bijuudama, without a doubt, would kill Tetsuo instantly.

The enormous beast lifted his head up only to see a dark orb heading straight to him. He yelled out in pain as the orb came into contact with his body. Naruto guided the orb to the sky, because he didn't want to accidentally destroy Kyoto or kill any humans. The explosion above them was so great that they thought it was a nuclear explosion only ten times greater than that.

After the fight was over, Yasaka had decided to let everyone rest up at her house while she had things to do for herself. The Youkai who followed Yasaka thanked everyone, especially Naruto who had appeared in the form of Kyuubi and had helped their mistress defeat a Youkai god. Naruto just chuckled nervously; he decided that they should rest for the moment, all of them already had a hard night.

Naruto stepped out of the building and located Yasaka's signature. He followed her and saw that saw she was kneeling on the ground holding onto the body of Tetsuo, that somehow still remained the same after the beast had been destroyed.

"Goodbye… my love," Naruto heard her say before kissing his forehead. Tetsuo was engulfed in a golden flame before disappearing completely.

Yasaka stood up from the ground and saw Naruto with his back leaning against a destroyed building. She let out a sigh of relief before brushing her golden hair behind her ear.

Yasaka let out a warm smile before saying.

"Let's return to Kunou now Naruto-san, everything is finally over!"

Next chapter