
Chapter 10

Naruto was walking towards the Occult Research Club's clubroom while he was deep in thought, his mind was still reeling about his conversation with Gabriel. He was sure that something big is going to happen soon within this town, he could just feel it.

Naruto thought about the Holy Sword Project, and still couldn't believe what had happened to Kiba and his friends, his comrades. Gabriel had told him that it was just a self-acted from a priest and his small group, in hopes of finding the wielders of the legendary sword. Heaven knew nothing about this until the church reported them about the incident years ago, they had sent a group of priest and Angel to the designated location where they found nothing but dead bodies of Kiba's friends. The one that supervised the project had promptly disappeared and still wasn't found.

After he spoke with Gabriel and said his goodbye's to her, he returned to the kitchen only to find that Rias had disappeared to Hyoudou Residence because Issei had contacted her about two exorcists from the church that came to their house, and apparently one of them was Issei's childhood friend. Rias didn't came back until they had finished dinner and told him everything she knew about that two from the description that Issei told her. Asia also stated that they were carrying something really long with them and both were being wrapped inside of white cloths, and it brought an unpleasant feeling to her, Issei didn't see that sword so he couldn't feel anything from them so he just dismissed it as their personal things.

But Naruto knew better, it wasn't just any ordinary holy items, it was a Holy Sword, not only that, it was definitely one of the top three Holy Swords. Because he knew that only those three swords can bring such an unpleasant feelings towards Devils, But Excalibur had been destroyed in the Great War, so the sword they carried must be Durandal the Ame no Murakomo no Tsuguri.

Something's wrong was going around here, despite the fact that he couldn't feel Gabriel's emotions, Naruto knew that she was worried about something, the way she spoke and the nervousness in her voice and her eyes. Naruto knew that she was hiding something. It made Naruto wondered what could happen that made Gabriel that worried, and considering her being the most carefree Angel it was a bit alarming.

This morning, Rias had received a request from the two exorcists from last night, they wanted to meet with the devil who owns this territory, so Rias would be the one to meet them, along with everyone on the Occult Research Club, her peerage also including Naruto. The meeting is going to start any minute from now.

Naruto who was currently standing in front of the clubroom, suddenly heard two familiar voice inside, he was sure that it definitely belonged to the two exorcist. Naruto concentrated and felt their magical signatures and sighed he was very familiar with those two after all.

What was those two doing here anyway?' Naruto wondered to himself, he knew that both of them were strong in their own right, especially that emotionless girl, but wasn't it a bit too soon to send them on the mission like… whatever the church had assigned them too? He had met them once before when Dulio led the two of them to Heaven for a visit so that he could see the candidates with the most potential to join Micheal's Brave Saint, the Ace. Their loyalty towards God was very strong to the point that you could mistake it as obsession, especially the girl with chestnut colored hair. She would call for him every five minutes, which brought him massive after massive headaches. Naruto guessed it was just a payback made by Dulio for making him training non-stop.

But still, if those two were here then trouble will be too, since he knew that wherever those two goes, they always attracts troubles.

Sighing Naruto knocked on the door a few time before opening it, just like he thought, Rias's peerage was standing behind her, she was currently sitting on a couch while Akeno was making tea's and cookies for the guests. Opposite from them was the two exorcists, the last time he met them, they were still a tad bit younger and less developed, but it looked like they had come a long way since then, in more ways than one.

The first one was a young woman with chin-length blue hair with a green fringe on the right side and she had brown eyes, she was wearing a Church battle suit, which consists of a black, skin-tight, short sleeved unitard with pauldrons, matching fingerless gloves that extend to her biceps, and thigh-high boots, all of which are adorned with straps. This is the attire was usually worn under a white hooded cloak with gold and blue accents. She also wears a crucifix around her neck. The second guest was also a young woman with long, light brown hair with violet eyes. Her hair was tied into twin side ponytails, each held with a blue scrunchy. She also worn the standard Church battle attire, same as the blue hair girl but with some difference here and there.

They were none other than Xenovia and Irina Shidou. Both of them had grown up so much over two years that he almost didn't recognize them, if it weren't for their signatures, he couldn't help but admire them both seeing that they had grown more beautiful than the last time he seen them.

The devils inside the room took notice of him before turning back to the guests, while Rias gave him a slight nod. While both of the girls turned their head around to see the one who just entered the room and their eyes turned wide and mouth dropped to the ground in shock.

"W-W-Wha…" Irina pointed her shaking finger at Naruto, she was in so much shock that she almost jumped out of the couch.

"Why hello there, Xenovia-chan, Irina-chan… missed me already?" he chuckled, making the members of the Occult Research Club's eyes turned wide in surprise, they didn't know that Naruto knew these exorcist.

But before anyone could react, Xenovia had pulled her Excalibur out of her clothes while Irina brought out some kind of cloth and changed it to a long katana and attacked Naruto. He sighed lazily, after all, the last time they met, he left them both lying flat on the ground when he revealed to them that he was a devil. Both girls tried to attack him, but he retaliates seeing that those dangerous holy-artifacts can hurt him pretty bad, while Duilo was only laughing at him, he bastard even busted a guy when Naruto screamed to the lazy angel for help, he didn't want to hurt these girls much, and he knows that only duly was the only one that could calm them down, and all he did was laugh at him which annoyed him to no end.

Naruto looked at the sword they was holding and realized it wasn't Durandal nor Ame no Tsuguri no Murakumo, but it still hold the purifying attributes of a holy sword. So far he only knew one sword that could release this much light-power… and it was Excalibur, the Archangels must created these swords by using the fragments of Excalibur, that's must be why Gabriel was so nervous when he asked her about the Excalibur. With their current skill and power, he could block them easily, but would get a nasty wound if he used his hand.

Summoning his tri-prongs kunai in both hands, Naruto used it to block the incoming blade of Excalibur. Nothing really happened the moment Irina's sword met the blade of his kunai, Naruto held his left hand firmly like the force of the attack was nothing to him, but when Xenovia's sword me his kunai, his eyes widened because his kunai began to crack… it seems that her strike had so much force, that the kunai was going to shattered easily like this and he was sure that as strong as he might be, there is still a fact that the holy sword could seriously hurt him, so with no other choice left, he channel his magical energy into the blade, creating a thin blue light that covered the prongs, which immediately strengthen the metal stopping the power behind the blue haired girl's sword. However Naruto didn't expect his magical power to be purified by that Excalibur, he couldn't help but continued to release his magical energy more, Rias would definitely kill him if he let that blade touch his skin.

Seeing the two suddenly attacked Naruto, Rias and her peerage instantly went into their respective battle stance, they were ready to attach, and by the looks of it Kiba wish nothing but to destroy them, but Naruto's clone appeared in front of them and held out his hand to prevent them from doing anything rash.

"What are you doing here?" Xenovia gritted her teeth while still trying to push the blade further into Naruto's kunai, she had seen it cracked a little under the power of Excalibur Destruction, but that blue light had somehow made the kunai's metal strengthen. Xenovia could feel her sword was destroying his power, but that energy was still coming out non-stop. The last time she and Irina saw this blond, he had let them whimpering on the ground, while he didn't break anything aside their prides, it took them a day to completely recover. The first thing they wanted to do when they received these Excalibur was find the blond and make him suffer the same fate like what he did to them two years ago, it could be worse if possible. But mission was mission they would have to do this for the Church first and need to be still alive to find him later.

"This won't be like last time Naruto-senpai, we will defeat you" Irina swung her sword again, but Naruto crouched down to avoid the swing and caught her hand.

"And it's nice to see you too" he grinned and disappeared in a flash of yellow, only to reappeared behind them. Naruto threw the kunai to the ground and caught their neck in his hand, pushed them hard into the wall, the impact knocked the wind out of them thus they dropped their respective swords to the ground while their body created a spider-web crater on the wall "Will you two calm down now?"

"Release us now…!"Xenovia tried to struggle, but he was too strong.

"Not if you say please~" he stated teasingly, Xenovia was a strong swordswoman, but she was nothing like Kiba in battle. Xenovia was a bit arrogant, stubborn, and rarely using her head and attempting to overwhelm her opponents with pure power and strength instead of subtlety or skill. Her master, after all, was Griselda Quarta, Gabriel's Queen who the later had happily introduced the kind woman to Naruto. Griselda was the only one that could make Xenovia scared just by her appearance after all.

"Okay, okay… please Naruto-senpai!" despite her comrade action, Irina had a bit more sense to know that even if the both of them combined their strength they still wouldn't be able to do anything to the blond that was holding their neck, so if they wanted to get out of this situation, the only option was doing like what he said.

The moment those words left her mouth, Naruto instantly released the both of them, making the two girls from the church fell to the ground, but quickly gathered their courage and picked up their swords, but did not try to attack Naruto again, they would let him be atleast for now.

"Wow, you two look a bit older than I remembered!" Naruto chuckled while Xenovia's eyebrows twitched violently "and it's look like you have cut your hair Xenovia-chan, it suit you well!"

"Enough talk, we out of here Irina!" Xenovia scolded and tried to leave, but found herself stuck and she could not open the door at all.

"Nah nah, you won't leave until you two tell us what happened, by the look of it, I think the meeting will start now!" he said smiling at them both "Or you two wants to fight to find the way out of this room?" Naruto cracked his knuckles, making both of them took a step back fearfully, Xenovia looked like she wanted to argue, she knew that she had to finish this meeting quickly so she could continue her mission.

"Before we start, care to explain why you two know each other?" Rias asked, she felt a very unpleasant feeling bubbling inside her chest. The crimson haired heiress just found out that Naruto knew these girls that came from the church, and that didn't please her at all. Even though they tried to kill him the first time they saw him, this was the evident for the fact that he had met a lot of girls over two years of his stay in heaven.

And what if he had met Gabriel, the most beautiful woman in heaven, the one that Serafall Leviathan considered a rival, what if she becomes attracted to him, she already have Grayfia as a rival she doesn't want an angel to add to that. Little did she know that how right and wrong she was.

"Well, they used to come to Heaven once before!" he looked at the two girls who was sitting opposite of him, they were currently sipping the teas Akeno made for them "And attacked me when they found out that I was a devil with those crazy holy-artifact!" Naruto chuckled at the memories.

"I couldn't blame them at all!" Rias said, smiling and a little relieve that Naruto didn't regard them in any special way.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Naruto glared at his childhood friend, who just smiled while shaking her head. He looked at her for a moment before turning back towards the duo "So, can you tell us why you are here?"

"Get straight to the point, I like that!" Xenovia said calmly before nodding her head at her friend ""Recently the Holy-swords Excaliburs that were kept by the Catholic Church Headquarter Vatican, Protestant Church, and Eastern Orthodox Church were stolen."

"Excalibur itself doesn't exist." Rias said firmly, Naruto looked at the sword that was being wrapped in white cloth again and the cloth that Irina was holding "I'm sorry. One of my servants recently became a devil, so can we continue this conversation while explaining about Excalibur?"

Irina nodded at Rias's request and looked at Issei, the most confused person that was standing inside the clubroom at the moment.

"Ise-kun. The sword Excalibur was one the legendary holy sword, but it was destroyed during the war a long time ago."

"Those sword, it had a part of the originial Excalibur, isn't it?" Naruto suddenly ask making Rias's peerage's eyes turned wide.

"Yes, now it looks like this." Xenovia brought the sword out again, but this time with no intention of attacking Naruto "This is Excalibur" everyone suddenly shivered, especially the new born devil like Issei and Asia, they still couldn't forget the feeling they gotten a few minutes ago when they attack Naruto with those sword "The sword Excalibur was shattered into pieces during the war a long time ago. The fragments were collected and turned into a new form by alchemy. It was made into 7 swords. This is one of them.".

"The Excalibur I hold is "Excalibur Destruction". It's one of the 7 holy-swords that were created. The Catholic Church is in control of it."

"Ahhh so that's why that sword manage to shatter the blade of my kunai easily!" Naruto nodded his head, not only they had separated Excalibur, they also made each of the seven Excalibur held a power of the original.

"Mine is "Excalibur Mimic". I can change its shape into anything I want so it's easy to carry around. Just like this, each "Excalibur" has its unique ability. This one is in the possession of the Protestant Church." The cloth that Irina was holding began to move as if it was alive, and the shape of the katana that the chestnut haired girl used to attack Naruto transformed. The blond chucked when she said it with so much pride in her voice, this sword definitely held the power that could take any shape the welder wanted.

"Irina… There's no reason to tell these devils the ability of Excalibur, is there?" Xenovia looked at her friend.

"Ara Xenovia. Even if they are devils we still have to form a trustworthy relationship with them in this situation. Also, even if my sword's ability is revealed, I won't fall behind all the devils here…. Uh, well, except for Naruto-senpai!" She chuckled nervously, it was the truth, even if she mastered all the power of Excalibur, she really doubt that she hold a candle against him. Griselda had told them that Naruto's power was above Dulio at his fullest, the current strongest exorcist.

Naruto shook his head and glanced at Kiba. He was glaring at the Excaliburs that the two women held, in fact he was looking in it with so much hatred that surprised Naruto greatly. Yet he knew that he couldn't blame the Knight at all, Naruto would be exactly like him if he was in the same shoe as Kiba, who holds a grudge against Excalibur. Kiba probably never thought that he would encounter the Excaliburs here, and now it was right here in front of him the boy must have been going crazy.

He would need to control this situation before a battle could break out

"…So what does the stolen Excaliburs have to do with this country located in the east of the World?" Rias continued to talk with the same attitude. She knew she needed to be strong and wasn't backing down even if the person in front of her was an Excalibur user. It was different than the last time, Naruto was right beside her, and she wanted him to know that she had grown up and became stronger than before, she wants him to see that she could held her ground in a situation like this.

"The Catholic Church was in possession of two Excaliburs including mine. The Protestant Church also had two. Also in the Eastern Orthodox Church there were two as well. The last one went missing in the previous war between God, devils, and fallen-angels. One Excalibur was stolen from each Church. The ones that stole them escaped to Japan, and brought them to this town."

Talking about Japan, Naruto always wondered of all the places in the world why is it had to be Japan who always gets in trouble that includes super naturals, it was as if it had a magnet that attracts trouble here.

"It's looks like my territory is full of incidents. So who stole the Excaliburs?" Rias asked with a frown

"The ones that stole them were the Grigori."

Naruto's and everyone's eyes widened in surprise at the answer. Looks like Naruto needed to talk with Azazel about this when he got home, if the Grigori was responsible for this, then it could be self-acted like Raynare and her crew. But Naruto had made sure that the carefree boss of Grigori controlled his Fallen Angels better this time, and Azazel himself couldn't be the one that stole the sword. Baraqiel or Shemazai wouldn't either. So there only one person he could think off behind this accident.

"The holy-swords were taken by the fallen-angel organization? It's not a matter of mistake. But certainly it would be the fallen-angels when it comes to stealing them. For the devils working at the top, holy-swords does not give them much interest."

"We know the main culprit who stole the Excaliburs, one of the leaders of Grigori, Kokabiel."

Bingo, Naruto thought to himself, that crazy Fallen Angel was definitely behind all this.

It's looked like a huge battle was coming if someone like him was here. Naruto just hoped that there wouldn't be deep meaning behind all this. The blond looked at Akeno, the daughter of Barakiel was gripping the tray in her hands tightly, when it came to Fallen Angels, she was always like this. Naruto better find someway to clear the grudge between her and her father, or else her hatred toward Fallen Angels could clouded her better judgment which might tempt her to do something drastic which could hurt herself afterwards.

"Kokabiel… One of the leaders of the fallen-angels that survived the previous wars since ancient times… I never expected to hear the name of the one that appears in the Bible." Rias also smirked at the name.

"We sent priests and exorcists, to this town secretly but they kept getting killed." Xenovia said with a sad face, but instantly returned to her normal calm and emotionless one "Our request… No. Our order is to not to have any devils intrude in the battle between us and the fallen-angels for the Excalibur. In other words, we came here to tell you not to interfere with this incident."

Rias's eyes changed after hearing the way Xenovia talked.

"Such manner behind that speech of you Xenovia-san. Is it restraint? Are you thinking that we might collaborate with those fallen-angels? Perhaps that we might team up with them to do something about Excalibur?"

"The headquarters think that it might not be impossible."

Rias was quite angry, an enemy comes all the way to her territory then told her not to be involved and not to butt in. They also said whatever they wanted to by saying that they would not forgive them if they formed an alliance with the fallen-angels. Rias's pride as a high-class devil wouldn't allow her to keep quiet about it.

"The higher-ups don't trust devils and fallen-angels. We were ordered as [If the holy-swords are taken away from God's side then the devils would also be happy right? The fallen-angels would also profit from it. For those reasons alone, it won't be weird for them to form an alliance.] That's why we are giving you a warning. If you form an alliance with the fallen-angel Kokabiel then we will eliminate you all. Even if you're the little sister of Maou, by our boss." Xenovia then looked at Naruto "They also said that we might meet a special case when we got here, and I am very surprise to say it was you Naruto Uzumaki, but I will tell you this… do not interfere or else we will go all out against you!" Xenovia said it seriously without caring about Rias's, Akeno and Koneko's glare. But Naruto just sat still while looking at both of them with his unusual emotionless face.

"…If you know that I am the sister of a Maou, then it means that you have lots of connections with the higher-ups in the Church. Then I will say it. We will not form an alliance with the fallen-angels. Never, in the name of the Gremory house. I will not do something that would tarnish the name of our Maou!" It had become a contentious situation for both sides. But Xenovia just laughed at her.

"Fu. Hearing that is good enough. I had to warn you just in case that Kokabiel is hiding himself in this town along with the three Excaliburs. If something were to happen I would be the one to be hated by the bunch in the Church headquarters. Well, we won't ask for cooperation. If you were to form an alliance with God's side temporally, then it would affect the balance of the three factions. Especially if it's the little sister of a Maou."

"And please don't forget that I had stayed on Heaven for two years Xenovia-chan and made friend with a lot of them!" Naruto suddenly said with a serious tone "This might be not my problem to begin with, but my friend's problem was my problem, if the Seraph wanted to, I could take all those Excaliburs back to them, but no promise about Kokabiel!"

Xenovia and Irina stood silent with their eyes turned wide in shock. Naruto was strong, really strong, and if he could defeat the strongest exorcist without going all out against him, then that mean he could defeat Kokabiel for them. But an order was an order, they couldn't let any devil interfere in this matter, they had heard from Griselda that of all the being that is living, Naruto Uzumaki was the one that hold the connection between the leaders of three faction. He was a member of Sirzechs Lucifer's peerage, and good friend with the leader of the Archangel Micheal and his sister Gabriel. He also had gone fishing with the Governor General of Grigori some time before. Such important person like him shouldn't exist to begin with. Naruto could be the key to the peace between Three Faction and could bring a new Era to the world, so the one that wanted another Great War probably wanted his head.

Seeing the high tension in the room, Rias decided to be the one that broke the silence between both side, she looked at Xenovia and asked carefully.

"Where is the person the Orthodox Church dispatched?"

"They have that person put on hold for this case. They are planning to protect the last Excalibur if Irina and I fail." Xenovia answered Rias's question

"So it's just the two of you? You are going to retrieve the Excaliburs from the leader of the fallen-angel with just the two of you? How reckless. You will still go even if you knew that you could die during this mission?" Naruto asked slowly, by the looked on their faces and their emotions, he knew the answer for his question.

"Yes." Irina said it with a straight face.

"I have the same view as Irina, but if it's possible I don't want to die." Xenovia nodded her head

"…You came here to Japan prepared to die? The belief in your teaching is extreme like always." Rias chuckled at the two girls, she didn't know what they had been taught, but it always brought amazement to her each time she met a exorcist from the church.

"Don't talk ill of our beliefs, Rias Gremory. Right, Xenovia?"

"Right. Also the Church decided that it would be better to eliminate all of the Excaliburs rather than letting them get used by the fallen-angels. Our minimum objective is to get the Excaliburs away from the fallen-angels. To accomplish that, it's okay for us to die. The only way to fight against the Excalibur are Excalibur."

"Is it possible with only the two of you?"

"Well, we won't die in vain."

Naruto sighed longingly at the fearlessness in their voice, it was good to be courageous like that, but it was stupidity if they are willing to throw away their lives that easy.

"You seem confident. Do you have a secret weapon?" Rias asked, these girls were ticking her off more and more with each speech.

"Maybe. I will leave it to your imagination."

After that, the two of them just stared at each other and the conversation stopped. Irina and Xenovia looked at each other and stood up.

"Then we will take our leave now. Let's go Irina."

"So you won't drink your tea? I can prepare a snack for you." Rias smiled at them

"I don't need it." Xenovia declined.

"I'm sorry. See you."

Irina also apologized with her hand. They didn't accept Rias offer, as when the two of them tried to leave they both suddenly stop and looked in the same direction as Asia.

"When I saw you in Hyoudou Issei's house I thought that maybe it was you. Are you the "Witch" Asia Argento? I never expected to meet you in a place like this." Naruto's eyes suddenly turned cold at the toned they were using to talk with Asia and the way she had called the former nun a 'witch'. Naruto just got to know Asia recently and really like the innocent girl.

Asia's body shook after she was called "Witch". Irina seemed like she noticed as well and stared at Asia.

"Are you the rumored "witch"? The former holy-maiden? You are said to have the power that can also heal devils and fallen angels, right? I heard that you were sent somewhere in japan after getting exiled, but I never thought you became a devil."


Asia didn't know how to react to Irina and Xenovia.

"It's okay. I won't tell the higher ups what I saw here, so rest assured. People who were around the "Holy-maiden Asia" will also get shocked as well."


Asia made a perplexed expression at Irina's words.

"But to become a devil. The one who was called a "Holy-maiden". You fell to the lowest place you could. Do you still believe in our God?"

"Xenovia. There's no way that she, who became a devil, still believes in God."

Shidou Irina said it with an amazed face.

"No, I can smell the "belief" from her. It might be an abstract way of saying it. But I'm sensitive to these things. There are people who betray the teachings and still have guilt within them because they couldn't forget the teachings. I can feel something similar coming from her." Xenovia said it with sharp eyes and Irina stared at Asia even more with interest than before.

"Is that true? Asia-san, you still believe in God even if you have turned into a devil?"

"…I just can't put it aside. I believed in it for my whole life…" Asia replied to that question with a sad expression. Naruto nodded his head, Asia was more than he gave credit for.

Hearing that, Xenovia took her sword out from the cloth and pointed it at Asia.

"Is that so. Then you should be cut down by us this instant. If it's now, I can cut you in the name of God. Even if you have sin, our God will forgive you."

Xenovia approached Asia. Issei stood in front of Asia to protect her but before he could do anything, Naruto appeared in front of them and gripped the tip of Excalibur Destruction in his hand tightly, his palm began to smoke and blood dripped down to the ground much to everyone shock and Xenovia's amazement.

"She could believe in anyone if she wanted to!" Naruto said coldly, his eyes flicked between blue to crimson blood with slitted pupils "If you dare to touch her, I will break every singles bones in your body and send you back to the church you're working for before you two could fulfill your suicide mission, got it?" Naruto said it clearly to Xenovia with so much killing intent that made the blue haired girls nearly fell to the ground and faint right there. Irina paled controllably and pulled her friend back. Naruto released his gripped on her Excalibur, where his palm instantly healed back to normal even though it still really hurt with nearly a haft of his energy being sucked out of the wound, but it was nothing he couldn't handle.

"Let's go Xenovia!" Irina said quickly "we done here!" she and Xenovia tried to leave.

"Wait…!" Kiba muttered quietly and created numerous demonic swords to block their path "I won't let you leave here like that" Kiba said with a murderous glare, but not at Irina or Xenovia, it was directly at those Excalibur they were holding.

"Who are you?" Xenovia asked with a slight glare, even though she was still being affected by Naruto's killing intent, but facing a devil like this, it wasn't too much a problem for her.

"I'm your senpai!" Kiba created a demonic sword in his hand "Though I apparently was a failure."

Naruto was standing inside the shower while letting the water flow freely down his face to his body.

The blond had hoped that he could enjoyed the high-school life freely without worrying about anything, but he guessed he was dead wrong and troubles always found some-way to make his life difficult.

Kiba had challenged Xenovia and Irina, and they had accepted it. Issei had joined after the Knight because he couldn't let the one that badmouthed Asia get away like that. So the two servants of Rias Gremory had fought the two Excalibur welder of the Church. At first, Kiba held his ground against Xenovia pretty much and fought her without troubles, but the hatred toward Excalibur made the blond Knight clouded his movement and had been easily defeated by Xenovia after that. Issei, the first time in his life Naruto had seen that pervert boy in real action and it looks likes perverted and lecherous thought make him stronger, as he tried to use Dress Break to remove Irina's clothes, he had tried, but Irina also tried to run away and the pervert had ran after her. Irina had jumped away at the last second and Issei would have removed Koneko's and Asia's clothes if not for Naruto replaced them with the wooden logs, saving both of them from the same fate the girls of his peerage have to suffer during Rias's Rating Game against Riser. The white haired Rook had punished him by punching him to the sky before Naruto could do anything to the pervert boy for using dirty trick. Dress Break might be really useful against females, but Naruto couldn't stand there watching Issei used something like that on the girls.

Well, better talk to him about his training, he couldn't use that kind of power each time he faced against the girls.

He was so deep in thought, that he didn't notice the door of the bathroom opened and a naked figure stepped inside the bathroom and touched his shoulder lightly.

Naruto jumped in surprise at the sudden contact and turned around with his kunai in his hand, but before it could reach its destination, a thin ice covered the tri-prongs kunai and broke it into pieces. The piece fell to the ground and let the water washed it away.

Naruto's eyes turned wide in shock at the person standing right in front of him, he was so shock that he dropped the handle to the ground and took a few steps back until his back had touched the cold wall of the room.

Grayfia Lucifuge, the strongest Queen of the Underworld was standing there in front of him, as naked as the day she was born. Her haired had been pulled into a small bun on top of her head, but still let her bangs that framed her beautiful face and the longer bangs at each side of her head fell out freely. Gone was the emotionless expression in her eyes, it was replaced by the warm and gentleness he had never seen before.

"G-G-G-G…" He shuttered while trying to hide his erection when he looked at her incredible attractive, sexy body.

"Shh-!" Grayfia stepped forward and placed a finger on his lip, her bare breasts was touching his chest at the closeness between them. The water came from the shower above them that was flowing down their body make her skin and form incredible erotic "the other would hear us Naruto-sama, you wouldn't want them to hear us, would you?" she asked teasingly, Naruto was totally floored when he saw this new side of Grayfia, he thought the only time she would be like this was on her day off, which he never seen before.

Part of him wanted the others to save him now, but a part of him knew, from experience that it would be a mess and chaos would break out inside of his mansion if the other girls found out. Rias because of her overprotective nature towards Naruto, Akeno would joined them for her fun and teased them a lot, Ravel would act like an oujou-sama and will berate him about his modesty and asked how could he do that when they have been engaged to each other. The three of them will probably attack Grayfia after that, which the strongest queen wouldn't hold back and could definitely beat them easily.

Every other option, the most possibe one was letting her stay in this bathroom and hoped that he wouldn't embarrassed himself in front of her. The worst could happen, which include losing control of his body and urge and make her froze him into an iceberg for the rest of his life.

"G-Grayfia-nee," he ask the only question he got at the moment "what are you doing here?"

"Let's me wash your back for you, Naruto-sama!" she smiled, looking deep into his azure eyes, she didn't want to make him uncomfortable, it wasn't always she had this kind of opportunities to have some alone time with him.

Naruto looked at Grayfia and didn't have anything against that idea, plus he knew that she wouldn't change her mind if he said no, or doing something unlike the way he is and that was giving her an order that would make her left this room immediately.

So, for the next few minutes Naruto just turned his body around and let Grayfia washed his back for him, he actually enjoyed the way her soft and gentle hands caress his back.

Meanwhile, Grayfia was enjoying every bit of it, how her hands roamed around his toned back, she was glad that she was making him felt good just by washing his back. She knew that she was the first one to see Naruto naked like this and actually touched him, not like the methods the other girls had used to gain his attention. Grayfia couldn't help but drink in the sight of Naruto's body, the hardness of his muscle, she was quite surprise when she found no scar on his body despite the hard training he spent with her fellow members in Sirzechs's peerage, and who knew how much training and fight he gotten himself into during his stay in Heaven. She guessed his healing power had help him a lot about wounds and injures, he have a healing factor as strong as the Phenex Clan after all.

But her eyes turned wide when she saw it, a fist size scar at the middle of his back, just slightly above his heart. She nearly gasped out in shock and stopped her hands for a second before continuing her job. She wondered what could happen that make him have a scar like this and by the look of it, something as a size of a fist have pierced through his chest and gone all the way through his back, just above his heart.

She filed that info for later, Grayfia decided to break the silence between them.

"I have heard about the meeting and everything, do you want me to report this to Sirzechs-sama?" She knew that she was a servant of Sirzechs Lucifer, but he had personally assigned her to be Naruto's personal maid, which mean she have to follow Naruto's orders and asked first before she decide to do any important matters such as this.

"No Grayfia-nee, as far as this situation have gone, Kokabiel and who know how many 'friends' he have, he didn't do anything to our devils yet, nothing is serious… for now at least." Naruto said "so I guessed we should take care of this matter by ourselves before anything bad happened to the church side and Fallen Angels side. A sudden act could be the start of another war and I am sure Sirzechs-nii wouldn't want that." he knew that Grayfia clearly understood this so he just needed to tell shortly like that, just like what he had said to Rias before they got home.

"Very well, Naruto-sama!" Grayfia nodded her head, she took the shower in her hand and washed the soap and cleanse his back "there, everything done now Naruto-sama!"

"Thank you Grayfia-nee!" Naruto smiled, he couldn't help but wondered how many man Grayfia had given this wonderful feeling to, but decided to wash that question out of his head She is a woman that probably ten times older than him, she could do whatever she wanted to. "um, Nee-san, could you turn around, I don't want to…"

"Ara, don't worry Naruto-sama" Grayfia smiled, using a hand to hide her giggle "Actually, I'm hoping that you could return the favor, Naruto-sama~!" the way she used his name made Naruto nearly snapped.

"Uh, well, I don't think…"

"So, you don't want touching them?" She teased, folding her arms under her breast and made it look even bigger. Naruto gulped nervously, why did he have to live in a mansion full of girls like this, he expected Akeno to do something like this, but not her since Grayfia's personality was much more matured than the other, she wouldn't get into this kind of thing, but he guessed he was dead wrong.

Making up his mind, Naruto's eyes darkened a bir.

"Alright, woman, turned around and let's get this over with!" Naruto pointed his hand to his self-proclaimed personal maid.

Grayfia laughed and turned around, showing Naruto her smooth back. He had never done this before, so Naruto guessed he could just do exactly what Grayfia did for him.

Naruto gently traced his hands on Grayfia's shoulder blade and made it way to her hip, a light moan escaped Grayfia's lips, before the door of the bathroom suddenly opened again, but this time a little forcefully. The strongest Queen cursed out in her head when she forgot to put some sealing magic into the door so the three of them couldn't enter without her knowing. Being the one who was facing the door, Grayfia stood firm and folded her arms under her breast, the usual stoic expression returned to her face and her eyes, even though it didn't showed any emotion, it could only described at the eyes of a predator.

There, standing outside the bathroom was Rias, Akeno and Ravel, who was looking at the two older she-devils with a nervous expression on her face. Rias was looking at Grayfia with an annoyed look, her crimson aura covered her body while Akeno was still smiling, but the look in her eyes, the only thing that could outmatch her right now was Grayfia's glare.

"What do you three think you're doing? We…" Grayfia turned around and saw Naruto wasn't there anymore. She smiled slightly when she felt his magical signature just below her, right at the indoor bath of the first basement, he must used that technique of him and teleport there to prevent any misunderstanding between these three jealous girls, especially Rias from going crazy and fight her just like how they fought each other, which the result probably settled. "I mean, I'm taking a bath, want to join?" Tomorrow was her day-off, and tomorrow she would make the first real move on Naruto. No one would prevent her from doing that, not even Rias, or one of the leaders of Fallen Angel who was running around this town.

Rias's eye widened in surprise when she saw only Grayfia was standing inside of the bathroom. She had seen Grayfia walked into the bathroom when Naruto was still in there. But the moment she opened the door, she had though her childhood friend hid himself behind his personal maid, buy after a few seconds to get away from her wrath, but to her surprise she only seen Grayfia there and no Naruto.

"Oh, I'm sorry Grayfia, hehe, it's just a misunderstanding, that all" She laughed nervously when she saw the water was freezing in front of her and a creepy silver aura was slowly covering Grayfia's attractive body. The crimson haired heiress of the Gremory Clan quickly pulled Akeno and Ravel and herself away from the strongest queen as far as possible before Grayfia could make them bath in their own blood.

"Ah, Rias-chan, everyone" Naruto smiled when he saw Rias, who was holding Akeno's and Ravel's wrist ran past him and stopped instantly when she heard his voice "what happen that make you three run like that?" Naruto asked confusedly, but still kept the smile on his face. When the door opened, Naruto had teleported himself into the indoor bath at the first basement, where he had put a few clothes there if he wanted a bath after training. All around this mansion, Naruto had left the marks so that he could teleport in whichever room he wanted to, and couldn't help but admitted how clever he was, his favorite and signature technique had saved him this time.

"Nothing, nothing!" Rias laughed nervously and turned to the other "Right guys?"

"Ara, ara… it's nothing you should worry about Naruto-sama" Akeno nodded her head.

"That's right, let's go to the kitchen Naruto-sama, we have prepared your favorite meals for you!" Ravel said and pulled Naruto to the kitchen, Rias and Akeno quickly followed behind them, what the group didn't saw was Grayfia was standing behind them with her back leaning against the wall while folding her arms across her chess, a satisfy smirk on her face, tomorrow and if nothing happened, she would show the other what a a full matured woman could do and Naruto would be hers and hers alone.

"Well, if something happened, called me immediately, okay?" Naruto said to Rias, it was weekend and he had to go to the Underworld and keep his promise to his peerage after all. Breaking a promise would be the last thing he ever want to do.

"Okay, be careful with them would you!" Rias nodded her head, she was tad bit sad that Naruto would have to go to the Underworld and visit his peerage, especially when they had begun to develop feelings for him. He wont return until midnight so she wouldn't be able to spend much time with him till tomorrow morning.

"Good luck to your trip Naruto-sama!" Akeno bowed her head low and smiled to him "you too Ravel-sama!" since Ravel is a part of his peerage and his manager, she would have to come along with him too. Naruto didn't mind someone who is a natural born assistant like Ravel following him.

"Thank you Akeno-san!" Ravel smile to Rias' Queen.

"Huh? Have anyone seen Grayfia-nee, I didn't see her this morning?" Naruto looked around his mansion while trying to locate Grayfia's signature and found out she was hiding her magical energy or have gone to another realm which probably Underworld. Today was her day off, so he guessed she just returned to the Underworld and currently enjoying her day there. Sirzechs said Grayfia was a member of a dating side on the Underworld Internet and she usually dated a lot of guy when she had free time or not in her duty, but all of them always wet themselves just by looking at her, or too scared to find out that his date was the famous strongest queen of Underworld. It was actually shocking that someone like Grayfia Lucifuge would be a member of that website, and actually a super popular one despite the fact she never used her real name and pictures.

"Hm, I guessed she returned to her house, I think…" Rias said unsurely, Grayfia had disappeared this morning and no one could find her.

"Oh well, let's go Ravel!" Naruto shook his head and brought out his hand for Ravel, he was going to teleport straight to Gremory Castle using Hirashin (that's what Kurama told him). The only daughter of Phenex Clan gratefully took his hand and both of them disappeared in a flash of yellow.

Naruto reappeared in the middle of the massive living room of Gremory Clan and was quickly tackled to the ground by the energetic green hair twins, the others quickly rushed to him, seeing their master finally came to them, just like what he promised.

"NARUTO-SAMA… YOU CAME!" Lle and Nel shouted out happily while pressing their petite body to him, their small arms squeezing his neck tightly.

"Lle-chan, Nel-chan, please release me!" Naruto smiled nervously and stood up. The two chainsaw girls quickly released him and let the others greet him. The bomb queen stepped up in front of him with a smile on her face.

"Naruto-sama, Ravel-sama it's good to see you again!" Yubelluna bowed her head low at Naruto and Ravel, the other quickly followed.

"Hey there Yubelluna-chan, everyone…" Naruto grinned brightly at them "I hoped all of you was doing well!"

"Of course Naruto-sama," Karlamine said "we do the normal devil job just like everyone while training our best just like how you told us!"

"But I gotta say," Yubelluna smiled seductively and scooped closer to Naruto, which made a tick mark to appear on Ravels forehead "It's pretty lonely without our master around us, Na~ru~to-sama~"

Naruto gulped, in term of seduction, Yubelluna was just like Akeno, but he was sure that Yubelluna was actually trying to seduce him, not some teasing like Akeno.

And to his delight, his rescue came when the door of the living room being suddenly opened. Naruto grinned brightly and turned his head to the person that was stepping inside, thinking that it would be Lord Gremory or Venelana, he was hoping that he could talk to them about his mansion. But the sound of unfamiliar high-heels made his eyes turned wide.

His jaw dropped when he saw the one that was walking towards him with a confident expression on her face. His peerage's eyes widened in shock and their mouth dropped wide open, some of them even blushed furiously seeing the living legend in front of them, the main female character of the most popular love story in the history of Devil, even if it didn't turned out well in the end.

Naruto looked at the woman and almost didn't recognize her.

The woman had bright silver haired that flowed down her back like a waterfall. She didn't wear any makeup, but her face was breathtakingly beautiful. The usual French maid outfit was gone and had been replaced by the clothes that look like they made from an extremely fine silk she was wearing a black shirt with yellow trims at each side. The shirt hugged her body perfectly while parting aside at the lower part, exposing her midriff, making her extremely sexy yet elegant at the same time. Around her neck and shoulder was a long, light green scarf made from light material, which reached all the way down to her hip. The way her jeans hugged her hip, showing her sexy and mile long legs nearly make Naruto drool, he certainly would if he didn't have any self-control at all that is.

Grayfia Lucifuge, the strongest Queen of the Underworld, former Sirzechs Lucifer's personal maid, currently Uzumaki Mansion and Naruto Uzumaki's personal maid was walking straight at him, her appearance looking exactly like every bits of her title, a Queen.

"G-G-Gray-Grayfia-nee…" Naruto shuttered, the second time in just two day, he found it hard to speak her name when she was near. The maid he had known since 6 years ago was gone and were replaced by the real Grayfia Lucifuge, a fully grown woman that could only be described as one of the most beautiful woman he ever seen.

"I-It's Grayfia-sama" he heard Siris muttered behind him "I never saw her like this before!"

"She, she is so beautiful" Marion mumbled quietly.

"Naruto Uzumaki-kun…" Grayfia stopped in front of him and said, there was the lack of '-sama' in his name, and Naruto found it oddly empty after a week of being called like that, but this was Grayfia's day off, and she was out of duty as a maid for the moment, she could call him whatever she wanted to.

"Y-Yes?" Naruto smiled nervously.

"Please have a date with me!"


How did everything turned out like this.?'

Naruto asked himself while waiting beside Grayfia at the gate of the Gremory Castle with a nervous expression on his face.

He could felt a lot of magical signatures behind them, and knew that his peerage was stalking them. He had to admit, they hid their self pretty good, it's just that he could sense magical energy better than most devils, so it wasn't that hard to know they were stalking him. The bottle that contained Ravel's tears that is in his pocket which he always carried with him was releasing an extreme heat, it was like Ravel herself was really angry right now. He had to put it away into his pocket dimension before it could burn a hole through his clothes.

Everyone on the street was looking at him and Grayfia with wide eyes. They had heard about Naruto Uzumaki, the pawn of Sirzechs Lucifer who crashed the engagement party between two high-class Clans to save his childhood friend, who is the famous Crimson hair princess of Gremory Clan, Rias Gremory. His action had created another romantic story that became quite popular lately, a relationship between servant and princess, and Naruto had become well know among the Devil society, especially to the young female devils.

And Grayfia, she was just that popular and her beauty alone was outstanding, let's just leave it at that.

"It's here!" Grayfia smiled and pulled Naruto's hand with her to the high-class Limo that just arrived at the gate of the Gremory Castle. Naruto's mind was working non-stop on how would he make this day perfect for her. This was the first date in his life, and Naruto was completely oblivious of how should he take a girl on a date. He could improvise if he was dating a young, teenager girl like Rias or Akeno. However, Grayfia was a full grown and matured woman. He couldn't take her to an ice-cream shop or shopping together just like a normal teenager couple did. The elegant Limo in front of him proved that this date wouldn't be a normal date at all.

They stepped inside the limo and the driver immediately drove away. 'She had been prepared for this', Naruto thought inside his head when he saw the look on Grayfia's face, not only that, she had experience, something he didn't have at all.

Suddenly, the door to the passenger seat and the driver's seat closed. When Naruto began to wonder what happened, Grayfia suddenly climbed onto his lap and sat there, her arms link with each other behind his neck.

"Naruto-kun." She breathed slowly and closed the distance between their face.

Naruto's eyes opened wide in shock when he felt Grayfia's lips press unto him.

'Wait, wait Grayfia-nee…' Naruto yelled out inside his head, but his mouth didn't obey him anymore, it's just stay there enjoying the incredible feeling of Grayfia's lips. The Bijuu was roaring in laughter, and Naruto quickly closed the link between his mind and them, he need some alone time now 'isn't it a bit too fast, the kiss was suppose to be at the end of the date, isn't it?'

Grayfia suddenly deepened the kiss between them, she let her tongue made its way into Naruto's mouth, exploring every bit of the place she would enjoy every-day in the future. Grayfia smirked when she felt he was kissing her back and their tongue battle each other for the domination. But Grayfia was the one who was losing the game and this time, Naruto was the one who exposed her, and she loved every moment of it. After finishing with Sirzechs, all the man she had dated always wet themselves the moment they found out who she was but all in all, she was very thankful that she had been dating before, it gave her the experience she needed for Naruto. There's no doubt about it, she had fallen for him too deeply now and there is no turning back.

Grayfia's eyes suddenly opened when she felt Naruto grab her hips and pulled her closer to him, but she closed her eyes when she found herself enjoyed the feeling of Naruto's hand against her bare skin. Using the opened part of her shirt, Naruto's hands were roaming around her lower back while Grayfia ran her fingers through Naruto's messy golden hair, loving the feeling of softness through her fingers.

The couple stayed like that for ten minutes, neither of them wanted to part away from each other. But in the end, the need of oxygen made them separate, their lips parted away from each other, a thin trail of saliva connected their lips together.


"Shh~, call me Grayfia, I'm not your big sister or maid anymore Naruto-kun" She put her finger onto Naruto's lips and smiled seductively at him "are you still going to call me 'nee-san' after we shared that kiss?"

Naruto looked at Grayfia, his trademark grin appearing on his face

"Hell no Grayfia," Naruto said confidently "say, can we do it again, I really like it!" immediately Grayfia's lips crashed into him, this time, neither of them held back.

High on the Heaven of another dimension, a certain pervert white haired sennin couldn't help but smirk and think about his greatest student and how proud he is at him right now.


The limo stopped at the most expensive restaurant of the Underworld which is located in the Capital of Underworld Lilith. The driver stepped out of the car and walked to the door of the passenger seat, he ignored the gulping sound that came from inside it and patiently wait for the couple to stop and opened the door.

Naruto and Grayfia stepped outside of the limo while trying to adjust their clothes. No they didn't do it, it just kissing each other and ruined their clothes in the process of sucking the life out of each other.

"Let's go Naruto-kun!" Grayfia linked her arm with Naruto, giving him the best smile she got, her face still red from lacking air and the feeling inside her chest was too much to handle.

"Sure thing, my lady!" The blond grinned and lead Grayfia into the restaurant.

Even though both of them traveled to the most expensive, high-class places and by the same status and riding a limo, Naruto quickly found out that Grayfia was acting just like any normal teenager girls when they were on the date with their boyfriend just like the movie he had watch with Rias during their childhood. She enjoyed feeding him during their lunch at the restaurant, even going as far as feeding him using her mouth. But Naruto found it amusing when she led him to the movie-theater and bought two tickets for a horror movie. The place was filled with couples and each time the characters was killed, the girls screamed out and hugged their boyfriends tightly, except for Grayfia just sat there with her head on Naruto's shoulder that's is.

He was feeling bad for two reason, the first reason was that he wasn't the one that led her, but if there was still next time, then he promised to himself that he would be the one in charge of everything. The second one was his peerage, he was suppose to spend the day with them, but it's looked like they would have to suck it up for him this time.

The date lasted until 7 o'clock in the evening, so Naruto would still have one or two hours for his peerage, Naruto was sitting with Grayfia inside the white limo, while they were on their way back to the Gremory Castle.

"Thank you Naruto-kun, for the wonderful date!" He smiled when Grayfia turned her head to him and gave him a warm smile.

"Me too, Grayfia" Naruto nodded his head.

"So… tomorrow I would like to return to my duty." Grayfia said. She pulled the white maid headband out of her pocket "I can't let Uzumaki Mansion without me!"

"You know Grayfia, you should act like this more often" Naruto grinned "You could forget about that job for awhile, and enjoy your normal days just like everyone you know!"

The silver haired maid blushed and nodded her head with a smile on her face.

"Next time Grayfia, if you are still interested in a date, I would be happy to accompany you again"

Grayfia looked at Naruto for a moment and then a faint blushed appeared on her face. If he really wanted to go on a date with her again, she would need ask his permission for more than a day off per month. Grayfia realized that Naruto was looking at her, then a light seductive smirk appeared on her face.

"Fu… you want to enjoy me again?" Grayfia smiled slyly and put a finger on her lips and climbed on all four onto the seat, giving Naruto the most seductive pose he had ever seen, even Akeno couldn't pose like this "I'm all your, Naruto-sama!"

Naruto gulped nervously, Grayfia was making her way at him on all fours. Her face was inching away from him.

Suddenly, when their lips were about to touch, the bracelet on his wrist shone brightly. Naruto's eyes snapped wide opened, something had happened, based on the brightness the bracelet was releasing Rias was calling him with everything she got, meaning she was in danger. Grayfia also recognized the light too, and her eyes turned wide when she remembered how the bracelet worked.


"I have to go now, call Sirzechs-nii, asked him what happened?" Naruto said quickly, earning a serious nodded from the silver haired queen. After that Naruto had disappeared in a familiar flash of yellow, Grayfia ordered the driver to stop so she could prepare a transportation magic circle. Based on everything that happened lately, it could only mean that Kokabiel had done something to Rias and her peerage, she just hope that Naruto and the others would be okay.

Next chapter