
Chapter 3: Hiroshi - A cursed existence

My time after getting into contact with Kaguya has been better than the times I had before. Having someone to talk to makes huge changes on a person's mind. I experienced it first hand.

We talked about almost anything that came to our mind. Some topics, sometimes were heavier than I liked them to be. Some inevitable conflicts about our ideas happened.

She wanted to cultivate the Divine Tree again and create more Chakra fruits. That was the initial plan for her after all.

It was indeed a good plan. Use Infinite Tsukuyomi on half the population of current time, let the other half to breed for 1000 years then use it again. That means, Chakra fruits again and again on each cycle of 1000 years.

Even just two Chakra fruit would've been enough for her to be able to handle any possible Otsutski that would've came after her. Hell, even one would've been enough.

As for the theory of "obsession towards her dispersed Chakra", it's utterly nonsense.

The fact that there are more people with Chakra dispersed into them meant better quality of Chakra fruit even at half the population.

Shibai had to kill thousands of planets to reach his 'Godhood', Kaguya could do the same with farming her exp from only one planet.

Not to mention the dispersed Otsutski genes. That means possibility constant supply of necessary sacrifices. Kāma seal is capable of changing genetic structure of the body into Otsutski, so all it would take is a Kāma seal on a few people with Otsutski heritage to have a fertilizer ready.

Ofcourse, she wanted the world to be peaceful too, but it wouldn't survive longer if she doesn't become stronger. She can leave the world, but then what?

She'd be hunted and killed eventually and this planet wouldn't even have slightest guarantee that no other Otsutski will come here again. They may not be as lenient to let them survive.

So it was a symbiotic relationship for survival between the planet and Kaguya.

When I heard of her plan, I thought that either that was the actual behind the scenes in OG or maybe I'm in an AU. Not that it matters though.

Why was she telling me this?

I don't really know, but I can only guess it was because of the confidence she gained after knowing that I'm not a human anymore or maybe because of the fact that she knew about the massacre. She knew I had lost all the apparent attachments to this world.

But despite that, she could tell I still had some attachments left to this world. She knew I wanted a peaceful life just as much as she wanted.

I had told her about my life. Everything that I went through from the first day of being able to remember to my cocoonization.

My mother was someone from the descendants of the village that Ashura helped to save from the illness caused by God Tree sapling. Yeah. That's where my pendant came from.

Somehow, my mother's family ended up immigrating in an isolated village that had never come in contact with someone with Ninshū when she was about 6.

These villagers didn't even have any idea that something like chakra existed. My grandparents died there after my mother turned 10.

Later, my mother got married to my 'father'. Everything was going great between them, until a few days after I was conceived.

Now that I think about it, I feel like I'm some cursed existence. Why does it always have to be me the troubles are around? I'm fine with that, but why is it always only me who fares better that trouble at the cost of others?

One day when my 'father' was coming back from woods after finishing his hunt, unknown that the moron had brought back a beast unknowingly.

The beast soon saw that his guard was down, it leapt for it's prey in my 'father's' shape. That's when my mother used the Chakra to kill the beast. Everyone other than the beast was safe.

But that's when everything started going downhill. My 'father'.... This is getting awkward... Let's just call him 'the moron' from now on. The moron had grown up listening to the stories of demons residing in the forests, witches, ghosts and whatever nonsense people came up with. His instant conclusion was "A witch has tricked me into marrying her!!"

What followed was them seperating with him revealing it to everyone in the village. People are allowed to be stupid sometimes, but I think we all would agree he had abused that right here to its limit.

The village chief knew my grandfather and was a good friend of his. He knew that there were some secrets his friend was keeping from him, but he was fine with it.

But now that the moron had gone and done it, he had no other option than to let my mother leave. He did the next best thing. He gave her enough food and a map and a sword which proved its usefulness by breaking down after going through countless battles she had. He asked her to leave for Fouran. That was the closest and also the strongest kingdom of the current era.

None of them knew I was on my way to her womb.

Tha sounds weird. But it is what it is.

I was born to a mother who was forced to live in a forest filled with beasts because of being a "witch". They would be dead if not for my mother's kindness.

She would be dead if not for her being strong enough to play football with every single beast in there at. Although the ball would be replaced by their body. I think I got my talent from her.

Anyways. She chose to leave. But after traveling through the forest for more than a month, she realised she had missed her periods. She used chakra to sense it and her suspicions turned out to be true. She was pregnant. Pregnant with the child of the biggest moron she encountered in her life. Ofcourse she hated that man, but it was her who was carrying the baby. It was hers. Just as much as it was his.

She chose to give birth to me. She had to settle down the forest in the outskirts of the closest city. In regards to Ninshū, it was a city that had similar conditions like the village she left behind.

She used to change her appearance using chakra fluctuations on her face to change shape of her face just enough to not be recognisable before she entered and left the city for supplies in exchange for some herbs she collected in the forest.

I spent my life training, living, growing up in that forest filled with beasts. I was nurtured into being a beast.

I became strong. Very strong. By the age of 7, I could be compared to a Lieutenant in simple CQC and swordsmanship. That would be similar to being Jonin level.

I am saying that because of the intensity of the chakra these people have is very potent. So, even if they are weak in versatility, they are very strong in chakra intensity. It is intense enough to more than just make up for versatility. I got to know that after I went to Fouran.

Anyways, my days were lonely and I loved them that way. I had my mother taking care of me, I could do whatever I wanted and I could also fulfill the dream of having flashy superpowers and act all cringey chunibyo.

But let me tell you something, slashing the sword while shouting "Death Graze" may seem chunibyo to you when you imagine it, but it certainly wouldn't if you could see what followed after. All the training dummies set in the radius of 200 meters got cut down in half with no exceptions.

That's what made it even more fun. Atleast there was no sudden realisation of your own delusions after trying something cringey.

Well.... whatever... long story short, I was enjoying my life.

At the cost of constantly fighting beasts for hunt. Our family of two could live luxuriously in the city, but then we'd be exiled again if we're lucky.

Mother knew that a kid needs to have a childhood much calmer than this. She chose to immigrate to the other side of the forest. To Fouran.

So, we immigrated after battling through some strong, some weak beasts. After months of traveling we finally reached our destination .

This is where I grew up, fell in love, got married, had kids. Life was going good. But then I ended up saving an ingrate of a King of Fouran. Dōmō-gao.

He saw the strength I had when I dealt with the beast raid. He wanted me as his personal body guard. It was actually a good position. With authority just below a prince but sometimes it even undermined a prince's authority.

Which I foolishly refused without showing any etiquette. Such acts are considered as signs of a rebellious person. It would've been ignored if not for me showing such strength at the age of barely 20.

I was already a threat in his eyes. So he decided to remove my whole family. He didn't want any threat living right under his nose.

He ordered some very strong people of his to kill my whole family with me. He probably had no idea that my mother could be someone even I feared at that age. Even though I was capable to hunt down hundreds of beasts living in the forests by myself.

But what we both lacked was experience of the cunning of humans. Me knowing about how sinister a human could be still wasn't enough for me to guess what I'd be getting in return for my kindness.


The next few months were very quiet.

I spent my days doing my daily work, hunting, training, selling herbs and meat.

It was one of those rare days when all of us were going out to roam the city.

We spent that whole day enjoying, eating out, buying some new clothes.

At night we came back to our home.

I was sitting there, looking at my daughter trying to keep her brother's mouth shut by grabbing his lips with her tiny hands since she wanted to be the one who tells father the whole story that I told them a few days ago.

I could see my mother and Sara smiling from the sidelines, seeing their antics.

"My daughter is such a genius! You remembered the story so perfectly?!" I showed a 'surprised' and 'excited' expression that was as exaggerated as it could be.

I lift her up and sat her down on my left lap. Using my right hand I brought My son closer to me and gave them both a hug. I didn't know why I had that strong urge to do that, but I ignored my suspicions and did that anyway.

"Daaad! I am not a kid anymore!" Came a muffled grumble from my daughter.

Which got all three of us adults laugh. When I looked at my wife, Sara, she mouthed the words, "I love you" while looking straight into my eyes.

'And that's when I fell for her all over again.' I thought to myself.

And that's also when I knew, I am a cursed existence.

I saw that beautiful face of hers turn into that spoke horrors of seeing hell.

It took me a while to respond to suddenly feeling heavy weight on my chest.

My kids had hole through their heads.

It all shattered. The whole world for me crumbled right on my chest.

"No, no, this isn't happening! This is all a dream!" I was losing my sanity by the seconds.

"I assure that all that you're seeing right now is absolutely truth. That's the pain all rebels must feel before dying." I heard a smug voice coming from the side.

Before I could react, mother had already kicked him out the house and started beating the living shit out of them.

His subordinates, some went after her to assist him. While the rest were making sure me and Sara don't run away.

I realised that I was being tightly hugged by Sara. My shock seemed to have silenced even her hysterical cries.

It all clicked for me. I realised what led to this. I was furious but also hurt. I never thought that my naivety would ask my kids for its repayment. I got Sara's grab loosen and stood up.

"I'm sorry, Sara. I'm sorry for everything." I said trying to keep myself from sobbing in between.

I let all my Chakra loose. The subordinates of that guy tensed after feeling the intensity of my Chakra. In next few minutes all of them died except one who was barely surviving.

"Whose order was it?" I asked while looking straight into his eyes with rage clearly apparent in my eyes.

"I..... do...don't.... know." Was all he could answer before I snapped his neck.

I went out to check whether my mother was doing fine and also hoping that she had left some way for me to know if my suspicions are correct.

What greeted my sight was her severely injured body. She was sitting there taking her last breath.

Why? Why did it come to this?

"They had some back up lying in ambush in case something goes wrong. They used poison." She said.

"But I had enough time to kill everyone of them. The one with sword on his shoulder should be on his last breathes. Try to ask who sent them."

"I am sorry leaving you like this. Instead of being there when you need me the most, I'm becoming one more burden on your heart. This is the best I could do for you before I leave. I love you, Hiroshi, my son."

"Please forgive mother for being selfish and leaving with my grandkids. Atleast they won't be lonely."

These were her last words. (They still echo in my mind. Word by word. Even after more than 500 years.)

I wished I could deny it all as a nightmare. That I'll wake up from it soon. That soon has yet to come. (Even after more than 500 years.)

After getting the information I wanted, I granted him his hard earned death.

I picked my mother up. Took her inside and laid her down.

"Hiroshi, what happened to mother?!" Sara was already dealing with the shock from death of our kids.

Now that she saw mother lying there and me weeping, she realised what has happened.

"Hiroshi, please tell me this is all just a nightmare! It can't be real! It can't.... be.... real!" She fainted after saying that.

I panicked after seeing that. 'Not her too. I can't lose her too.' That's what was going through my head.

"Sara? Sara?" I called her name while checking her body using Chakra.

She seemed to have fainted because of too much shock.

I took out my mother's and kids' teeth and kept them inside a small case.

Buried their bodies right below the house. Removed all the signs of their grave.

Next, I picked up all the dead bodies, put them in the house after bringing Sara out of there. Then burnt their bodies to ashes along with the house.

I took all the money in there. Also took all the money on the dead bodies.

I didn't know where I was going to go after here, but one thing was sure. Dōmō-gao is going to pay for this. He's going to pay dearly.


I know it was a little dark chapter. But I did say there will be, beforehand. Honestly, I don't like chapters like this. I am much more interested in fluff. But it couldn't be helped here.

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