
Chapter 1: Where did it all begin?

Land had red hue. Maybe due to sunset?The land in the question however, had not even a single blade of grass. Which really took away from the beauty the site could've had. But the time wasn't something that would've allowed to notice or even care about something like that.

It was the time of war. Something that would never cease to exist so long as the creation and existence is a concept.

Peace was never in the options, it was a state. A state of rest from war. The more intense a war is, the longer time period will the following up peace get.

This was the first full-scale war of this kind that I had ever seen. The enemy was of about 30,000 in numbers. Although that number means nothing when things like Ninjutsu and all the overall things are taken into account. But here's the thing that makes it different than any other wars I've witnessed or took part in, it was a war between 50,000 soldiers attacking 1 person. Me. I'm named Hiroshi Kazama by the way.

So as I was saying, numbers don't mean anything, but it really means a lot when you're the only one these all are attacking. This ain't a war anymore. This is just mass bullying.

Not gonna lie, this reaction was expected one though. A country wouldn't just sit back and do nothing when some idiot runs into their King's court while killing their guards along the way and kills the king by decapitating his head right in front of them.

But seriously, how stubborn would you need to be for being able to ignore the pile of corpses around me that could be counted well within the number of about 20,000 and keep on pushing? Did I tell you about red hue? Anyways...

Why don't they love their life?

Then again, I'm not someone who deserves to ask that.

When someone says they want to live, it's not because they love or attached to living itself. They love what they have found or hope to find in their life. I had something like that. Yeah..... Had.

Long story short as you may have already guessed it, the d*ckhed whose head is still hanging as my trophy on my belt was the reason I lost my family.

My wife, my mother, my son and my daughter. The little world of mine made up of just us five suddenly got shrinked to just me alone. All because I wouldn't agree on becoming a weapon to the kingdom when I was relatively weaker. Maybe I should've sacrificed a little bit of my freedom for their sake?

But it's too late now. I may be responsible a little and I'll carry that burden in my heart till I die.

I'll keep on living, remembering those smacks of my mother when I almost cut my hand off because I wanted to try a new move, the smile of my wife when she saw me returning from my chores outside, the sparrs that I had with my 12 year old son, the laughter of my 7 year old daughter when sitting on my shoulders.

Something so warm. Tranquil. Isn't it? Not for me though. It hurts. It will keep hurting. But I'll keep on living. The day it stops hurting will be the day I'll give up on this life.

I guess the rest guised as stalemate is over. Gonna start helping nature take it's course now.

"Gu-gao, you moron, do realize that 50,000 is all the number of soldiers you have right? Once they are gone, Fouran is done for!" I shouted at a particular dumb face that looked like a donkey had intercourse with his nostrils.

Although I'm all for being against body shaming, provocations in war are exceptions for that rule.

"It's Hana-gao, you maniac! And do you think I care? 50,000 is all we have? No wonder a fool like you refused the opportunity to be the right-hand to the king!" The idiot spoke.

"Sheesh! Atleast Gu-gao sounds more masculine. And besides, I'm being an headrest to your king, I think I offered more to him than he demanded." I said while shaking the head attached on my belt, which was now very pale from losing all the blood from all the shaking it had while I was killing those guys before.

"You bastard!!!"

"What are you morons looking at? Don't you have a least bit dignity? Someone is showing such disrespect to your liege's body and you're not even moving an inch?! Is all your manliness worth in your bed with your wives only?" Hana-gao shouted to the soldiers.

Damn! That was really a provacative thing to say to get the soldiers rolling. No wonder he's called The General Hana-gao.

It would've really worked wonders if they hadn't seen the horror of death dance that happened just 20 minutes ago.

"None of them want to die in vain. Nor do they want to be irrational enough to do that for a Liege that is already dead. So how about you people let me go and I won't kill you, I hate killing after all." I said.

Although I knew that my blood clad appearance wasn't very compatible with what I was saying, but I can swear on my life that I was telling the truth.

"You think I will let you leave after you killed my father and treated his body like that? I am not a d*ckless like these male imposters here!" He won't relent trying to rile them up.

"Just say that you want to remove a possible problem that you might have after your coronation. No wonder despite knowing your mother's character, I was sure you're this bastard's bastard."

If I don't have soldiers to compete about who can be more creative with provocations, I'll provoke him to compete. Immature? I know, it's a mental defense mechanism. Killing and risking your life like this is stressful, if you didn't know.

"You-" Hana-gao was about to speak where I cut him off.... Figure of speech.

"You know what, it's enough rest time for me, let's begin the death count, shall we?" I had just finished speaking when my body started moving faster than any of them could even perceive. For them, I just disappeared.

The next time appeared was when I had my hand passed through the chest of a soldier. That's when the blood bath started.

It's not like I'm invincible here, there are many in these 30,000 that I need to be wary of The General being one of them.

There are about 5000 of these people in total who are capable enough to be imaginative with Chakra. These all have their own personalized Jutsus that are difficult to deal with and they are also extremely compatible with them. Plus their imaginative mind gives them an advantage in visualising the next attack and find creative ways to make their hit successful.

Not that there weren't any in the previous batch, but none of them could even touch me. These guys are different though. They are much stronger. As for the others, they are just some cannon fodders, relying on what's provided to them. Their compatibility and creativity with their Jutsu is utterly trash.

As time went by the numbers kept decreasing until there were 37 of them left. It took about 4 days of constant fighting to reach here.

Ofcourse there were breaks at night because nights are too dark to fight for ordinary soldiers. They had to stop and recuperate. Unfortunately for me, I had to keep my guard up even at nights. Having several minor injuries and one a little more than just a minor injury on my left shoulder was cherry on the cake. I was getting sloppier in my moves. I'm hungry, but can't eat. I'm sleepy, but can't sleep. It hurts like hell, but I can't wince. No rest for the wicked.

Oh right! The head of the d*ckhead fell off somewhere I don't even know. Not that it matters.

'Times like these make me realise how broken Healing Factor is.' I thought while trying to keep myself from bleeding by using chakra on the injured shoulder.

"F*cking monster!" I heard Hana-gao mutter under his breath. Yeah, I think I am a monster in their eyes.

Now that I think about it, I've been fighting for almost a week constantly and killed an army of about 50,000 by myself. I never thought I'd reach this level without having any cheat other than higher talent and information from my past life. I won't be humble, but I think I'm comparable to Madara of this era.

Considering I am in a time period that's just about 300 years from the death of Ashura and Indra, I should be stronger than him, shouldn't I? Anyways, I don't need to compare my self to a kid now, do I? Hehe

[A/N: Smug bastard]

"I did tell you, you're gonna lose these 30,000. Didn't I?" I said in a faint voice since my throat was dry from not having enough water. Although I can use chakra to stimulate water attribute to moist it, but I can't have such luxury here.

"Shut up!!!" Hana-gao was extremely pissed off at that. He is not going to talk anymore, I guess. Then I should get a little more serious too.

"I agree." I said and started moving the sword that I snatched from a soldier after the one I snatched before broke.

Hana-gao was the first to clash. He did have solid strength, skills and was well rested. Not that he's my equal or anything, but my condition isn't the best right now, otherwise I could take him down within 10 seconds.

"Even monsters like you get tired huh?" He said with an ugly grin on his face.

"True, but your mother thinks otherwise though. I know that personally." I replied with as indifferent tone in my voice as there could be.

"Stop mentioning my mother!!!" He's angrier than he should be, because he knows best his mother is definitely the kind for my provocations being truth. (Sidenote: I never even touched his mother)

The others from his group also started cooperating in attacking me. It was stressful but I was coping..... Barely.... But I was.

Things started to go south after the first hit landed on my wounded shoulder. My chakra got disturbed, wound started bleeding again which I stopped again but that momentary lapse in my attention caused me to have three more severe injuries on my chest, right arm and my leg.

I knew I had to drain even the slightest bit of me if I wanna survive this. And so I did.

At this moment only 16 of them were left. I couldn't use precision based jutsus since that would mean one wrong aim in the move and I'm dead. I had to go for AOE but it's not strong enough to get these bastards all at once. I need a targetted AOE.

Although I read a theory about this, but let's see if this works.

I started to put a little extra chakra on the sword that I had. This time I shattered all their swords while losing mine in the process.

Next was 1v16 CQC. Baki would say it's 1v4 since that's the highest number of people that could attack me at once. But not these ones. These are actually people who can make it 1v16 because of the coordination skills they have.

I imbued chakra on my fists enough to cause them to come out of my body and form a layer on my skin.

Each time I punched I left a palm full worth of chakra on their body.

Once the set up was complete, I started making seals for Earth Spikes Jutsu, a controlled AOE offense Jutsu. As name suggest, use earth attributed chakra to make long spikes come out of ground which impales anything in its range.

These are elites ofcourse they knew about what I am gonna use. They chose to get away from me and that's when my plan succeeded.

My chakra on their body formed a string that was connected to the ground. It pulled them by the chest, facing it towards the ground where the spikes came out from.

All of them died. No exceptions. It may seem that it was easy, but it was not. The fact that I had to manipulate the whole situation of the battle to get them into doing what I wanted them to do and also focusing on controlling chakra with little to no connection other than purely spiritual aspect of it was exhausting.

You think I'm weak or pathetic? Fine, think what you want to think. Just know that I'm doing all this right after a battle that continued for a week without me getting any rest or food.

"It's finally over!" I released a sigh of relief and sat down.

It was at this moment that I knew, I'm f*cked.

I've lost too much blood, I won't die because of that but I'm at my weakest now. The pain from the wounds are going up as the endorphin is fading away.

The concerning thing is, once I sat down, I couldn't move anymore. I was tired. So much tired that each of my muscles were hurting. I didn't even know that some of these muscles even existed in my own body.

"You're..... com.. ing..... with.... me..." I heard faint voice of Hana-gao before I heard an explosion coming from my side.

The bastard used chakra explosive at this moment? Couldn't be use it on me sneakily during battle?! What's the meaning of this sucker-punch?!

I instinctively used chakra to make a barrier around my body to protect me and that's where I lost the last bit of my battle reserved chakra. And that meant I felt the brunt of the later part of the explosion.

"I guess my determination to keep on living while suffering from their memories are all worthless now. Mom, Sara, Hikari, Hana. I guess it's time for us to finally meet."

Thinking of my demise, only thing I felt right now was nervousness. There was no fear.

Just when I was about to faint from exhaustion I heard the sweetest melody there could ever be... after my daughter's song. Although I wanted to die, but if I am given an option, I'd choose to live.

[ Condition: Reach the pinnacle of your existence ]

[ Status: Completed ]

[ Conditions for awakening Evolutionary System has been met ]

"No rest for the wicked then. You're late system." I said.

"Where did this all even begin again?"


Do you guys wanna read about what happened in his life that had him reach the strongest point? Or should I have him get involved in plot right away?

Next chapter