
Chapter 6: Preperation for war

< 16//7/33 >


While the three main characters were chatting happily with their new team leader, the mood inside the Hokages office looked grim.

The Second Hokage, Tobirama, had scheduled an important council with all the clan heads and elders present.

[Tobiramas P.O.V.]

This is giving me a headache already...

For the last couple weeks we had received reports from our spies in Iwa that they were preparing for something. They had been sending more and more shinobi to the lands of rain.

They had clear intentions of starting a war again.

It seems like you were right brother. It took barely 3 years for peace to be broken once again. But don't worry I'll make sure to protect our village! I did promise you afterall, besides we still have our little monster trio.

"This is crazy! In less than 10 hours the whole world has gone to shit!" The voice of a desperate village elder could be heard.

"First they declare war on both us and the Land of Lightning and now the Land of Water declared an alliance with them?!"

"That's not all, we received a report a few minutes ago, the Land of Wind is preparing to enter the war as well. They made their intentions clear, they want more fertile land to cultivate." said the head of intelligence. He was a tall and lean man, nearing his 70's. His old age made visible through his greying hair.

Tobirama asked in his stoic voice:"What about the Land of Lightning? Kumogakure is in a similar situation to us, surrounded by warhungry countries, are they still refusing to make an alliance?"

The room fell silent. I knew none of the people in the room were fond of an alliance with the kumo-nin, but we had no choice. If Kumo joins Kiri and Iwa in a war against us than even if we somehow manage to defend, countless of our people will die.

"They accepted. However they want to make the alliance in person and requested for the Lord Hokage to meet them at the Land of Hot Water." reported a member of the recently created Anbu at the side.

"Impossible! Having the Lord Hokage leave the village in time of war is absurd! This is Kumo we are talking about! This is clearly a trap!" The Hyuga head exclaimed.

*sigh* I'm getting too old for this, maybe I should think about a successor? Maybe Hiruzen? He's too kind for these times of war. Danzo? I'm not sure he can be trusted with power.

"I will go. And before any of you protest. I won't go alone. I'll take Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo Shimura, Koharu Utatane, Homura Mitokado, Torifu Akimichi and Kagami Uchiha with me.

Send a message to the Raikage we'll meet there in 2 weeks."

"But Lord Hok-"

"No buts! The decision is made. You're dismissed, we'll continue the council in the evening."

The grunts and sighes started getting more and more silent until I was left alone in my office.

Looking through the giant window in my office I was able to oversee the whole village. I could see the lively streets full of people either buying and selling, the children running around and playing in the newly made parks unaware odf the coming war. Than my eyes fell on a group of people. Eichi, Mikoto and Ryo. I had assigned them Kagami as the team leader of Team 0.

Team 0, Konohas secret weapon, a monster trio lead by none other than Kagami, the most promising shinobi in the village right now. Maybe he would be a good choice as my successor?

*sigh* What am I thinking? An Uchiha can't become Hokage they are to easily swayed by emotion rather than logic.

Looking back at my three pupils I felt a sense of warmth in their smiles. Maybe I should have tried to fall in love like Hashirama told me.



"Heyyy Kagami-sensei! What kind of mission is this?! We trained for years, studied at the academy and what to they make us do? Cleaning up a damn wharehouse?!" Eichi couldn't believe it. He had thought that Tobirama would surely let them go on at least C-rank missions!

Each of the three was strong enough to defeat a lower ranked jounin so this whole situation was absurd!

"Now now, you have to build up credibility! Without a good track record we won't be able to accept any higher ranked mission." Kagami was well aware of their feelings. As a rather high ranking jounin he was immediatly informed about the war. The borders weren't safe anymore. He didn't want to risk the lives of his protegees and so he decided to take on a few low ranking missions.

He knew this was just pushing the problem away. It was impossible for them to avoid the incoming war. They were talented, even more so than he was. But he knew that talented people tend to die the fastest in wars. Show a little bit of promise and the enemies won't let you leave the battleground anymore, afraid of what you could become.

< 1 week later >

The news of the start of a new war had spread across the world. On the floor of a bedroom inside the senju quarters sat three boys with grim looks on their faces.

[Ryo P.O.V.]

"Are... are you sure you heard him correctly?" asked Eichi with a trembling voice.

I simply nodded at his question. Something bad is about to happen I know it.


While I was going to the training hall to do my daily morning exercices, I came across Tobirama-sensei. He was speaking with a troubled elder. At the time I didn't think much of it but then I heard the old man saying :"Lord Hokage please reconsider! The Raikage has surely prepared a trap, they don't want an alliance they want your death!"

I froze at that statement. I knew that something important was about to happen I just couldn't remember. I need to ask Mikoto, he'll surely know.


"We have to stop him! No. We can't. He's right we need the alliance with Kumo but they'll soon start a civil war. Aaaah god damn! I don't know what to do!"

Eichis reaction didn't bode well with me. Mikoto and I had never seen him this agitated.

"The plot before canon is very chaotic and the events are all over the place. There was never an exact timeline of how and when the events unfolded but if what you said is true, and I do believe you, then that means that Tobirama-sensei will die once goes to talk to the Raikage." Mikoto tried to explain how they missed the approaching of Tobiramas death.

That's right! This was the bad premonition I was having! The Raikage truly wanted an alliance with Konoha but when he and Tobirama-sensei met, the Silver and Gold Brothers betrayed him and as a result Tobirama-sensei died.

"We can't let it happen this time, we won't let it happen! If Tobirama-sensei dies Hiruzen will take over as Hokage and we all know how much he sucked. Letting Danzo do what he wanted, abandoning Uzushiogakure and eradicating the Uchiha clan are just a few of his many mistakes..."

We need a plan, I'm sure Eichi will come up with something, right? He always does! Yes! Everything will work out somehow!

[A/N: Quick question to any that made it this far into the story. What do you think about the pacing so far? Is it too fast or too slow?

It's kinda difficult having three main characters and trying to give them equal amounts of focus but yeah I'll probably split them up during fights, kind of like how one piece does it.

I've been trying to do that with the slice of life parts as well by telling the story in their respective pov's ]

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